function myoutput=pm3_core(myinputs,fpar,nvar,whoiam, ThisMatlab) % PARALLEL CONTEXT % Core functionality for pm3.m function, which can be parallelized. % INPUTS % See the comment in random_walk_metropolis_hastings_core.m funtion. % OUTPUTS % o myoutput [struc] % % % ALGORITHM % Portion of McMCDiagnostics.m function. % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS. % None. % Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . if nargin<4, whoiam=0; end % Reshape 'myinputs' for local computation. % In order to avoid confusion in the name space, the instruction struct2local(myinputs) is replaced by: tit1=myinputs.tit1; nn=myinputs.nn; n2=myinputs.n2; Distrib=myinputs.Distrib; varlist=myinputs.varlist; MaxNumberOfPlotsPerFigure=myinputs.MaxNumberOfPlotsPerFigure; name3=myinputs.name3; tit3=myinputs.tit3; Mean=myinputs.Mean; if whoiam Parallel=myinputs.Parallel; end global options_ M_ oo_ if whoiam waitbarString = ['Parallel plots pm3 ...']; if Parallel(ThisMatlab).Local, waitbarTitle=['Local ']; else waitbarTitle=[Parallel(ThisMatlab).ComputerName]; end fMessageStatus(0,whoiam,waitbarString, waitbarTitle, Parallel(ThisMatlab)); end figunumber = 0; subplotnum = 0; hh = figure('Name',[tit1 ' ' int2str(figunumber+1)]); RemoteFlag = 0; if whoiam, if Parallel(ThisMatlab).Local ==0 RemoteFlag=1; end end OutputFileName = {}; for i=fpar:nvar if max(abs(Mean(:,i))) > 10^(-6) subplotnum = subplotnum+1; set(0,'CurrentFigure',hh); subplot(nn,nn,subplotnum); plot([1 n2],[0 0],'-r','linewidth',0.5); hold on for k = 1:9 plot(1:n2,squeeze(Distrib(k,:,i)),'-g','linewidth',0.5); end plot(1:n2,Mean(:,i),'-k','linewidth',1); xlim([1 n2]); hold off; name = deblank(varlist(i,:)); title(name,'Interpreter','none') end if whoiam, if Parallel(ThisMatlab).Local==0 DirectoryName = CheckPath('Output'); end end if subplotnum == MaxNumberOfPlotsPerFigure | i == nvar eval(['print -depsc2 ' M_.dname '/Output/' M_.fname '_' name3 '_' deblank(tit3(i,:)) '.eps' ]); if ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') eval(['print -dpdf ' M_.dname '/Output/' M_.fname '_' name3 '_' deblank(tit3(i,:))]); saveas(hh,[M_.dname '/Output/' M_.fname '_' name3 '_' deblank(tit3(i,:)) '.fig']); end if RemoteFlag==1, OutputFileName = [OutputFileName; {[M_.dname, filesep, 'Output',filesep], [M_.fname '_' name3 '_' deblank(tit3(i,:)) '.*']}]; end if options_.nograph, close(hh), end subplotnum = 0; figunumber = figunumber+1; if (i ~= nvar) hh = figure('Name',[name3 ' ' int2str(figunumber+1)]); end end if whoiam, waitbarString = [ 'Variable ' int2str(i) '/' int2str(nvar) ' done.']; fMessageStatus((i-fpar+1)/(nvar-fpar+1),whoiam,waitbarString, waitbarTitle, Parallel(ThisMatlab)); end end myoutput.OutputFileName=OutputFileName;