function [LIK,lik] = gaussian_mixture_filter(ReducedForm,Y,start,DynareOptions) % Evaluates the likelihood of a non-linear model approximating the state % variables distributions with gaussian mixtures. Gaussian Mixture allows reproducing % a wide variety of generalized distributions (when multimodal for instance). % Each gaussian distribution is obtained whether % - with a Smolyak quadrature à la Kronrod & Paterson (Heiss & Winschel 2010, Winschel & Kratzig 2010). % - with a radial-spherical cubature % - with scaled unscented sigma-points % A Sparse grid Kalman Filter is implemented on each component of the mixture, % which confers it a weight about current information. % Information on the current observables is then embodied in the proposal % distribution in which we draw particles, which allows % - reaching a greater precision relatively to a standard particle filter, % - reducing the number of particles needed, % - still being faster. % % % INPUTS % reduced_form_model [structure] Matlab's structure describing the reduced form model. % reduced_form_model.measurement.H [double] (pp x pp) variance matrix of measurement errors. % reduced_form_model.state.Q [double] (qq x qq) variance matrix of state errors. % reduced_form_model.state.dr [structure] output of resol.m. % Y [double] pp*smpl matrix of (detrended) data, where pp is the maximum number of observed variables. % start [integer] scalar, likelihood evaluation starts at 'start'. % % OUTPUTS % LIK [double] scalar, likelihood % lik [double] vector, density of observations in each period. % % REFERENCES % % Van der Meerwe & Wan, Gaussian Mixture Sigma-Point Particle Filters for Sequential % Probabilistic Inference in Dynamic State-Space Models. % Heiss & Winschel, 2010, Journal of Applied Economics. % Winschel & Kratzig, 2010, Econometrica. % % NOTES % The vector "lik" is used to evaluate the jacobian of the likelihood. % Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . persistent init_flag mf0 mf1 Gprime Gsecond persistent nodes weights weights_c I J G number_of_particles persistent sample_size number_of_state_variables number_of_observed_variables number_of_structural_innovations % Set default if isempty(start) start = 1; end % Set persistent variables. if isempty(init_flag) mf0 = ReducedForm.mf0; mf1 = ReducedForm.mf1; sample_size = size(Y,2); number_of_state_variables = length(mf0); number_of_observed_variables = length(mf1); number_of_structural_innovations = length(ReducedForm.Q); G = DynareOptions.particle.mixture_state_variables; % number of GM components in state I = DynareOptions.particle.mixture_structural_shocks ; % number of GM components in structural noise J = DynareOptions.particle.mixture_measurement_shocks ; % number of GM components in observation noise Gprime = G*I ; Gsecond = G*I*J ; number_of_particles = DynareOptions.particle.number_of_particles; init_flag = 1; end SampleWeights = ones(Gsecond,1)/Gsecond ; % compute gaussian quadrature nodes and weights on states and shocks if isempty(nodes) if DynareOptions.particle.distribution_approximation.cubature [nodes,weights] = spherical_radial_sigma_points(number_of_state_variables); weights_c = weights; elseif DynareOptions.particle.distribution_approximation.unscented [nodes,weights,weights_c] = unscented_sigma_points(number_of_state_variables,DynareOptions); else if ~DynareOptions.particle.distribution_approximation.montecarlo error('Estimation: This approximation for the proposal is not implemented or unknown!') end end end if DynareOptions.particle.distribution_approximation.montecarlo set_dynare_seed('default'); SampleWeights = 1/number_of_particles ; end % Get covariance matrices Q = ReducedForm.Q; H = ReducedForm.H; if isempty(H) H = 0; H_lower_triangular_cholesky = 0; else H_lower_triangular_cholesky = reduced_rank_cholesky(H)'; end Q_lower_triangular_cholesky = reduced_rank_cholesky(Q)'; % Initialize all matrices StateWeights = ones(1,G)/G ; StateMu = ReducedForm.StateVectorMean*ones(1,G) ; StateSqrtP = zeros(number_of_state_variables,number_of_state_variables,G) ; for g=1:G StateSqrtP(:,:,g) = reduced_rank_cholesky(ReducedForm.StateVectorVariance)' ; end StructuralShocksWeights = ones(1,I)/I ; StructuralShocksMu = zeros(number_of_structural_innovations,I) ; StructuralShocksSqrtP = zeros(number_of_structural_innovations,number_of_structural_innovations,I) ; for i=1:I StructuralShocksSqrtP(:,:,i) = Q_lower_triangular_cholesky ; end ObservationShocksWeights = ones(1,J)/J ; ObservationShocksMu = zeros(number_of_observed_variables,J) ; ObservationShocksSqrtP = zeros(number_of_observed_variables,number_of_observed_variables,J) ; for j=1:J ObservationShocksSqrtP(:,:,j) = H_lower_triangular_cholesky ; end StateWeightsPrior = zeros(1,Gprime) ; StateMuPrior = zeros(number_of_state_variables,Gprime) ; StateSqrtPPrior = zeros(number_of_state_variables,number_of_state_variables,Gprime) ; StateWeightsPost = zeros(1,Gsecond) ; StateMuPost = zeros(number_of_state_variables,Gsecond) ; StateSqrtPPost = zeros(number_of_state_variables,number_of_state_variables,Gsecond) ; %estimate = zeros(sample_size,number_of_state_variables,3) ; const_lik = (2*pi)^(.5*number_of_observed_variables) ; ks = 0 ; lik = NaN(sample_size,1); LIK = NaN; for t=1:sample_size % Build the proposal joint quadratures of Gaussian on states, structural % shocks and observation shocks based on each combination of mixtures for i=1:I for j=1:J for g=1:G ; a = g + (j-1)*G ; b = a + (i-1)*Gprime ; [StateMuPrior(:,a),StateSqrtPPrior(:,:,a),StateWeightsPrior(1,a),... StateMuPost(:,b),StateSqrtPPost(:,:,b),StateWeightsPost(1,b)] =... gaussian_mixture_filter_bank(ReducedForm,Y(:,t),StateMu(:,g),StateSqrtP(:,:,g),StateWeights(1,g),... StructuralShocksMu(:,i),StructuralShocksSqrtP(:,:,i),StructuralShocksWeights(1,i),... ObservationShocksMu(:,j),ObservationShocksSqrtP(:,:,j),ObservationShocksWeights(1,j),... H,H_lower_triangular_cholesky,const_lik,DynareOptions) ; end end end % Normalize weights StateWeightsPrior = StateWeightsPrior/sum(StateWeightsPrior,2) ; StateWeightsPost = StateWeightsPost/sum(StateWeightsPost,2) ; if DynareOptions.particle.distribution_approximation.cubature || DynareOptions.particle.distribution_approximation.unscented for i=1:Gsecond StateParticles = bsxfun(@plus,StateMuPost(:,i),StateSqrtPPost(:,:,i)*nodes') ; IncrementalWeights = gaussian_mixture_densities(Y(:,t),StateMuPrior,StateSqrtPPrior,StateWeightsPrior,... StateMuPost,StateSqrtPPost,StateWeightsPost,... StateParticles,H,const_lik,weights,weights_c,ReducedForm,DynareOptions) ; SampleWeights(i) = sum(StateWeightsPost(i)*weights.*IncrementalWeights) ; end SumSampleWeights = sum(SampleWeights) ; lik(t) = log(SumSampleWeights) ; SampleWeights = SampleWeights./SumSampleWeights ; [ras,SortedRandomIndx] = sort(rand(1,Gsecond)); SortedRandomIndx = SortedRandomIndx(1:G); indx = index_resample(0,SampleWeights,DynareOptions) ; indx = indx(SortedRandomIndx) ; StateMu = StateMuPost(:,indx); StateSqrtP = StateSqrtPPost(:,:,indx); StateWeights = ones(1,G)/G ; else % Sample particle in the proposal distribution, ie the posterior state GM StateParticles = importance_sampling(StateMuPost,StateSqrtPPost,StateWeightsPost',number_of_particles) ; % Compute prior, proposal and likelihood of particles IncrementalWeights = gaussian_mixture_densities(Y(:,t),StateMuPrior,StateSqrtPPrior,StateWeightsPrior,... StateMuPost,StateSqrtPPost,StateWeightsPost,... StateParticles,H,const_lik,1/number_of_particles,... 1/number_of_particles,ReducedForm,DynareOptions) ; % calculate importance weights of particles SampleWeights = SampleWeights.*IncrementalWeights ; SumSampleWeights = sum(SampleWeights,1) ; SampleWeights = SampleWeights./SumSampleWeights ; lik(t) = log(SumSampleWeights) ; % First possible state point estimates %estimate(t,:,1) = SampleWeights*StateParticles' ; % Resampling if needed of required Neff = 1/sum(bsxfun(@power,SampleWeights,2)) ; if (DynareOptions.particle.resampling.status.generic && Neff<.5*sample_size) || DynareOptions.particle.resampling.status.systematic ks = ks + 1 ; StateParticles = resample(StateParticles',SampleWeights,DynareOptions)' ; StateVectorMean = mean(StateParticles,2) ; StateVectorVarianceSquareRoot = reduced_rank_cholesky( (StateParticles*StateParticles')/number_of_particles - StateVectorMean*(StateVectorMean') )'; SampleWeights = 1/number_of_particles ; elseif DynareOptions.particle.resampling.status.none StateVectorMean = StateParticles*sampleWeights ; temp = sqrt(SampleWeights').*StateParticles ; StateVectorVarianceSquareRoot = reduced_rank_cholesky( temp*temp' - StateVectorMean*(StateVectorMean') )'; end % Use the information from particles to update the gaussian mixture on state variables [StateMu,StateSqrtP,StateWeights] = fit_gaussian_mixture(StateParticles,StateMu,StateSqrtP,StateWeights,0.001,10,1) ; %estimate(t,:,3) = StateWeights*StateMu' ; end end LIK = -sum(lik(start:end)) ;