function [x,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT,JACOB] = lmmcp(FUN,x,lb,ub,options,varargin) % LMMCP solves a mixed complementarity problem. % % LMMCP uses a semismooth least squares formulation. The method applies a % Levenberg-Marquardt/Gauss-Newton algorithm to a least-squares formulation. % % X = LMMCP(FUN,X0) tries to solve the system of nonlinear equations F(X)=0 and % starts at the vector X0. FUN accepts a vector X and return a vector F of equation % values F evaluated at X and, as second output if required, a matrix J, the % Jacobian evaluated at X. % % X = LMMCP(FUN,X0,LB,UB) solves the mixed complementarity problem of the form: % LB =X => F(X)>0, % LB<=X<=UB => F(X)=0, % X =UB => F(X)<0. % % X = LMMCP(FUN,X0,LB,UB,OPTIONS) solves the MCP problem using the options % defined in the structure OPTIONS. Main fields are % Display : control the display of iterations, 'none' (default), % 'iter-detailed' or 'final-detailed' % Switch from phase I to phase II % preprocess : activate preprocessor for phase I (default = 1) % presteps : number of iterations in phase I (default = 20) % Termination parameters % MaxIter : Maximum number of iterations (default = 500) % tmin : safeguard stepsize (default = 1E-12) % TolFun : Termination tolerance on the function value, a positive % scalar (default = sqrt(eps)) % Stepsize parameters % m : number of previous function values to use in the nonmonotone % line search rule (default = 10) % kwatch : maximum number of steps (default = 20 and should not be % smaller than m) % watchdog : activate the watchdog strategy (default = 1) % Ther are other minor parameters. Please see the code for their default values % and interpretation. % % [X,FVAL] = LMMCP(FUN,X0,...) returns the value of the equations FUN at X. % % [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG] = LMMCP(FUN,X0,...) returns EXITFLAG that describes the exit % conditions. Possible values are % 1 : LMMCP converged to a root % 0 : Too many iterations % -1 : % % [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT] = LMMCP(FUN,X0,...) returns the structure OUTPUT that % contains the number of iterations (OUTPUT.iterations), the value of the merit % function (OUTPUT.Psix), and the norm of the derivative of the merit function % (OUTPUT.normDPsix). % % [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT,JACOB] = LMMCP(FUN,X0,...) returns JACOB the Jacobian % of FUN evaluated at X. % % More details of the main program may be found in the following paper: % % Christian Kanzow and Stefania Petra: On a semismooth least squares formulation of % complementarity problems with gap reduction. Optimization Methods and Software % 19, 2004, pp. 507-525. % % In addition, the current implementation uses a preprocessor which is the % projected Levenberg-Marquardt step from the following preprint: % % Christian Kanzow and Stefania Petra: Projected filter trust region methods for a % semismooth least squares formulation of mixed complementarity % problems. Optimization Methods and Software % 22, 2007, pp. 713-735. % % A user's guide is also available: % % Christian Kanzow and Stefania Petra (2005). % LMMCP --- A Levenberg-Marquardt-type MATLAB Solver for Mixed Complementarity Problems. % University of Wuerzburg. % % % This is a modification by Christophe Gouel of the original files, which can be % downloaded from: % % % Written by Christian Kanzow and Stefania Petra % Institute of Applied Mathematics and Statistics % University of Wuerzburg % Am Hubland % 97074 Wuerzburg % GERMANY % % e-mail: % % % Christian Kanzow sent a private message to Dynare Team on July 8, 2014, % confirming the free software status of lmmcp and granting unlimited % permission to use, copy, modifiy or redistribute the file. % Copyright (C) 2005 Christian Kanzow and Stefania Petra % Copyright (C) 2013 Christophe Gouel % Copyright (C) 2014 Dynare Team % % Unlimited permission is granted to everyone to use, copy, modify or % distribute this software. %% Initialization defaultopt = struct(... 'beta', 0.55,... 'Big', 1e10,... 'delta', 5,... 'deltamin', 1,... 'Display', 'none',... 'epsilon1', 1e-6,... 'eta', 0.95,... 'kwatch', 20,... 'lambda1', 0.1,... 'm', 10,... 'MaxIter', 500,... 'null', 1e-10,... 'preprocess', 1,... 'presteps', 20,... 'sigma', 1e-4,... 'sigma1', 0.5,... 'sigma2', 2,... 'tmin', 1e-12,... 'TolFun', sqrt(eps),... 'watchdog', 1); if nargin < 4 ub = inf(size(x)); if nargin < 3 lb = -inf(size(x)); end end if nargin < 5 || isempty(options) || ~isstruct(options) options = defaultopt; else warning('off','catstruct:DuplicatesFound') options = catstruct(defaultopt,options); end warning('off','MATLAB:rankDeficientMatrix') switch options.Display case {'off','none'} verbosity = 0; case {'iter','iter-detailed'} verbosity = 2; case {'final','final-detailed'} verbosity = 1; otherwise verbosity = 0; end % parameter settings eps1 = options.epsilon1; eps2 = 0.5*options.TolFun^2; null = options.null; Big = options.Big; % maximal number of iterations kmax = options.MaxIter; % choice of lambda lambda1 = options.lambda1; lambda2 = 1-lambda1; % steplength parameters beta = options.beta; sigma = options.sigma; tmin = options.tmin; % parameters watchdog and nonmonotone line search; redefined later m = options.m; kwatch = options.kwatch; watchdog = options.watchdog; % 1=watchdog strategy active, otherwise not % parameters for preprocessor preprocess = options.preprocess; % 1=preprocessor used, otherwise not presteps = options.presteps; % maximum number of preprocessing steps % trust-region parameters for preprocessor delta =; deltamin = options.deltamin; sigma1 = options.sigma1; sigma2 = options.sigma2; eta = options.eta; % initializations k = 0; k_main = 0; % compute a feasible starting point by projection x = max(lb,min(x,ub)); n = length(x); OUTPUT.Dim = n; % definition of index sets I_l, I_u and I_lu Indexset = zeros(n,1); I_l = lb>-Big & ub>Big; I_u = lb<-Big & ub-Big & ub 1 fprintf(' k Psi(x) || DPsi(x) || stepsize\n'); disp('====================================================================') disp('********************* Output at starting point *********************') fprintf('%4.0f %24.5e %24.5e\n',k,Psix,normDPsix); end %% Preprocessor using local method if preprocess==1 if verbosity > 1 disp('************************** Preprocessor ****************************') end normpLM=1; while (k < presteps) && (Psix > eps2) && (normpLM>null) k = k+1; % choice of Levenberg-Marquardt parameter, note that we do not use % the condition estimator for large-scale problems, although this % may cause numerical problems in some examples i = false; mu = 0; if n<100 i = true; mu = 1e-16; if condest(DPhix'*DPhix)>1e25 mu = 1e-6/(k+1); end end if i pLM = [DPhix; sqrt(mu)*speye(n)]\[-Phix; zeros(n,1)]; else pLM = -DPhix\Phix; end normpLM = norm(pLM); % compute the projected Levenberg-Marquard step onto box Xk lbnew = max(min(lb-x,0),-delta); ubnew = min(max(ub-x,0),delta); d = max(lbnew,min(pLM,ubnew)); xnew = x+d; % function evaluations etc. [Fxnew,DFxnew] = feval(FUN,xnew,varargin{:}); Phixnew = Phi(xnew,Fxnew,lb,ub,lambda1,lambda2,n,Indexset); Psixnew = 0.5*(Phixnew'*Phixnew); normPhixnew = norm(Phixnew); % update of delta if normPhixnew<=eta*normPhix delta = max(deltamin,sigma2*delta); elseif normPhixnew>5*eta*normPhix delta = max(deltamin,sigma1*delta); end % update x = xnew; Fx = Fxnew; DFx = DFxnew; Phix = Phixnew; Psix = Psixnew; normPhix = normPhixnew; DPhix = DPhi(x,Fx,DFx,lb,ub,lambda1,lambda2,n,Indexset); DPsix = DPhix'*Phix; normDPsix = norm(DPsix,inf); % output at each iteration t=1; if verbosity > 1 fprintf('%4.0f %24.5e %24.5e %11.7g\n',k,Psix,normDPsix,t); end end end % terminate program or redefine current iterate as original initial point if preprocess==1 && Psix 0 fprintf('Psix = %1.4e\nnormDPsix = %1.4e\n',Psix,normDPsix); disp('Approximate solution found.') end EXITFLAG = 1; FVAL = Fx; OUTPUT.iterations = k; OUTPUT.Psix = Psix; OUTPUT.normDPsix = normDPsix; JACOB = DFx; return elseif preprocess==1 && Psix>=eps2 x=x0; Phix=Phix0; Psix=Psix0; DPhix=DPhix0; DPsix=DPsix0; if verbosity > 1 disp('******************** Restart with initial point ********************') fprintf('%4.0f %24.5e %24.5e\n',k_main,Psix0,normDPsix0); end end %% Main algorithm if verbosity > 1 disp('************************** Main program ****************************') end while (k < kmax) && (Psix > eps2) % choice of Levenberg-Marquardt parameter, note that we do not use % the condition estimator for large-scale problems, although this % may cause numerical problems in some examples i = false; if n<100 i = true; mu = 1e-16; if condest(DPhix'*DPhix)>1e25 mu = 1e-1/(k+1); end end % compute a Levenberg-Marquard direction if i d = [DPhix; sqrt(mu)*speye(n)]\[-Phix; zeros(n,1)]; else d = -DPhix\Phix; end % computation of steplength t using the nonmonotone Armijo-rule % starting with the 6-th iteration % computation of steplength t using the monotone Armijo-rule if % d is a 'good' descent direction or k<=5 t = 1; xnew = x+d; Fxnew = feval(FUN,xnew,varargin{:}); Phixnew = Phi(xnew,Fxnew,lb,ub,lambda1,lambda2,n,Indexset); Psixnew = 0.5*(Phixnew'*Phixnew); const = sigma*DPsix'*d; while (Psixnew > MaxPsi + const*t) && (t > tmin) t = t*beta; xnew = x+t*d; Fxnew = feval(FUN,xnew,varargin{:}); Phixnew = Phi(xnew,Fxnew,lb,ub,lambda1,lambda2,n,Indexset); Psixnew = 0.5*(Phixnew'*Phixnew); end % updatings x = xnew; Fx = Fxnew; Phix = Phixnew; Psix = Psixnew; [~,DFx] = feval(FUN,x,varargin{:}); DPhix = DPhi(x,Fx,DFx,lb,ub,lambda1,lambda2,n,Indexset); DPsix = DPhix'*Phix; normDPsix = norm(DPsix); k = k+1; k_main = k_main+1; if k_main<=5 aux(mod(k_main,m)+1) = Psix; MaxPsi = Psix; else aux(mod(k_main,m)+1) = Psix; MaxPsi = max(aux); end % updatings for the watchdog strategy if watchdog ==1 if Psixkwatch x=xbest; Phix=Phibest; Psix=Psibest; DPhix=DPhibest; DPsix=DPsibest; normDPsix=normDPsibest; MaxPsi=Psix; end end if verbosity > 1 % output at each iteration fprintf('%4.0f %24.5e %24.5e %11.7g\n',k,Psix,normDPsix,t); end end %% Final output if Psix<=eps2 EXITFLAG = 1; if verbosity > 0, disp('Approximate solution found.'); end elseif k>=kmax EXITFLAG = 0; if verbosity > 0, disp('Maximum iteration number reached.'); end elseif normDPsix<=eps1 EXITFLAG = -1; % Provisoire if verbosity > 0, disp('Approximate stationary point found.'); end else EXITFLAG = -1; % Provisoire if verbosity > 0, disp('No solution found.'); end end FVAL = Fx; OUTPUT.iterations = k; OUTPUT.Psix = Psix; OUTPUT.normDPsix = normDPsix; JACOB = DFx; %% Subfunctions function y = Phi(x,Fx,lb,ub,lambda1,lambda2,n,Indexset) %% PHI y = zeros(2*n,1); phi_u = sqrt((ub-x).^2+Fx.^2)-ub+x+Fx; LZ = false(n,1); % logical zero I0 = Indexset==0; y(I0) = -lambda1*Fx(I0); y([LZ; I0]) = -lambda2*Fx(I0); I1 = Indexset==1; y(I1) = lambda1*(-x(I1)+lb(I1)-Fx(I1)+sqrt((x(I1)-lb(I1)).^2+Fx(I1).^2)); y([LZ; I1]) = lambda2*max(0,x(I1)-lb(I1)).*max(0,Fx(I1)); I2 = Indexset==2; y(I2) = -lambda1*phi_u(I2); y([LZ; I2]) = lambda2*max(0,ub(I2)-x(I2)).*max(0,-Fx(I2)); I3 = Indexset==3; y(I3) = lambda1*(sqrt((x(I3)-lb(I3)).^2+phi_u(I3).^2)-x(I3)+lb(I3)-phi_u(I3)); y([LZ; I3]) = lambda2*(max(0,x(I3)-lb(I3)).*max(0,Fx(I3))+max(0,ub(I3)-x(I3)).*max(0,-Fx(I3))); function H = DPhi(x,Fx,DFx,lb,ub,lambda1,lambda2,n,Indexset) %% DPHI evaluates an element of the C-subdifferential of operator Phi null = 1e-8; beta_l = zeros(n,1); beta_u = zeros(n,1); alpha_l = zeros(n,1); alpha_u = zeros(n,1); z = zeros(n,1); H2 = sparse(n,n); I = abs(x-lb)<=null & abs(Fx)<=null; beta_l(I) = 1; z(I) = 1; I = abs(ub-x)<=null & abs(Fx)<=null; beta_u(I) = 1; z(I) = 1; I = x-lb>=-null & Fx>=-null; alpha_l(I) = 1; I = ub-x>=-null & Fx<=null; alpha_u(I) = 1; Da = zeros(n,1); Db = zeros(n,1); I = 1:n; I0 = Indexset==0; Da(I0) = 0; Db(I0) = -1; H2(I0,:) = -DFx(I0,:); I1 = Indexset==1; denom1 = zeros(n,1); denom2 = zeros(n,1); if any(I1) denom1(I1) = max(null,sqrt((x(I1)-lb(I1)).^2+Fx(I1).^2)); denom2(I1) = max(null,sqrt(z(I1).^2+(DFx(I1,:)*z).^2)); end I1b = Indexset==1 & beta_l==0; Da(I1b) = (x(I1b)-lb(I1b))./denom1(I1b)-1; Db(I1b) = Fx(I1b)./denom1(I1b)-1; I1b = Indexset==1 & beta_l~=0; if any(I1b) Da(I1b) = z(I1b)./denom2(I1b)-1; Db(I1b) = (DFx(I1b,:)*z)./denom2(I1b)-1; end I1a = I(Indexset==1 & alpha_l==1); if any(I1a) H2(I1a,:) = bsxfun(@times,x(I1a)-lb(I1a),DFx(I1a,:))+... sparse(1:length(I1a),I1a,Fx(I1a),length(I1a),n,length(I1a)); end I2 = Indexset==2; denom1 = zeros(n,1); denom2 = zeros(n,1); if any(I2) denom1(I2) = max(null,sqrt((ub(I2)-x(I2)).^2+Fx(I2).^2)); denom2(I2) = max(null,sqrt(z(I2).^2+(DFx(I2,:)*z).^2)); end I2b = Indexset==2 & beta_u==0; Da(I2b) = (ub(I2b)-x(I2b))./denom1(I2b)-1; Db(I2b) = -Fx(I2b)./denom1(I2b)-1; I2b = Indexset==2 & beta_u~=0; if any(I2b) Da(I2b) = -z(I2b)./denom2(I2b)-1; Db(I2b) = -(DFx(I2b,:)*z)./denom2(I2b)-1; end I2a = I(Indexset==2 & alpha_u==1); if any(I2a) H2(I2a,:) = bsxfun(@times,x(I2a)-ub(I2a),DFx(I2a,:))+... sparse(1:length(I2a),I2a,Fx(I2a),length(I2a),n,length(I2a)); end I3 = Indexset==3; phi = zeros(n,1); ai = zeros(n,1); bi = zeros(n,1); ci = zeros(n,1); di = zeros(n,1); denom1 = zeros(n,1); denom2 = zeros(n,1); denom3 = zeros(n,1); denom4 = zeros(n,1); if any(I3) phi(I3) = -ub(I3)+x(I3)+Fx(I3)+sqrt((ub(I3)-x(I3)).^2+Fx(I3).^2); denom1(I3) = max(null,sqrt((x(I3)-lb(I3)).^2+phi(I3).^2)); denom2(I3) = max(null,sqrt(z(I3).^2+(DFx(I3,:)*z).^2)); denom3(I3) = max(null,sqrt((ub(I3)-x(I3)).^2+Fx(I3).^2)); denom4(I3) = max(null,sqrt(z(I3).^2)); end I3bu = Indexset==3 & beta_u==0; ci(I3bu) = (x(I3bu)-ub(I3bu))./denom3(I3bu)+1; di(I3bu) = Fx(I3bu)./denom3(I3bu)+1; I3bu = Indexset==3 & beta_u~=0; if any(I3bu) ci(I3bu) = 1+z(I3bu)./denom2(I3bu); di(I3bu) = 1+(DFx(I3bu,:)*z)./denom2(I3bu); end I3bl = Indexset==3 & beta_l==0; ai(I3bl) = (x(I3bl)-lb(I3bl))./denom1(I3bl)-1; bi(I3bl) = phi(I3bl)./denom1(I3bl)-1; I3bl = Indexset==3 & beta_l~=0; if any(I3bl) ai(I3bl) = z(I3bl)./denom4(I3bl)-1; bi(I3bl) = (ci(I3bl).*z(I3bl)+(di(I3bl,ones(1,n)).*DFx(I3bl,:))*z)./denom4(I3bl)-1; end Da(I3) = ai(I3)+bi(I3).*ci(I3); Db(I3) = bi(I3).*di(I3); I3a = I(Indexset==3 & alpha_l==1 & alpha_u==1); if any(I3a) H2(I3a,:) = bsxfun(@times,-lb(I3a)-ub(I3a)+2*x(I3a),DFx(I3a,:))+... 2*sparse(1:length(I3a),I3a,Fx(I3a),length(I3a),n,length(I3a)); end I3a = I(Indexset==3 & alpha_l==1 & alpha_u~=1); if any(I3a) H2(I3a,:) = bsxfun(@times,x(I3a)-lb(I3a),DFx(I3a,:))+... sparse(1:length(I3a),I3a,Fx(I3a),length(I3a),n,length(I3a)); end I3a = I(Indexset==3 & alpha_l~=1 & alpha_u==1); if any(I3a) H2(I3a,:) = bsxfun(@times,x(I3a)-ub(I3a),DFx(I3a,:))+... sparse(1:length(I3a),I3a,Fx(I3a),length(I3a),n,length(I3a)); end H1 = bsxfun(@times,Db,DFx); H1 = spdiags(diag(H1)+Da,0,H1); H = [lambda1*H1; lambda2*H2];