function check_matlab_path(change_path_flag) % Copyright (C) 2015 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . if ~nargin || isempty(change_path_flag) change_path_flag = true; end % Get path to dynare/matlab folder. DYNARE_PATH = strrep(which('dynare'),'dynare.m',''); if isempty(DYNARE_PATH) % Nothing to do here (this case should not happen) disp('dynare.m is not in the Matlab''s path.') return else % Removes trailing slash. DYNARE_PATH = DYNARE_PATH(1:end-1); end % Get matlab path MATLAB_PATH = path(); % Position of DYNARE_PATH in MATLAB_PATH idDYNARE = strfind(MATLAB_PATH,DYNARE_PATH); if isempty(idDYNARE) disp('dynare.m is not in the Matlab''s path.') return else if isequal(length(idDYNARE),1) if isequal(idDYNARE, 1) % Dynare is on top of matlab's path! Nothing to do here... return else str0 = sprintf('Dynare is not on top of matlab''s path!'); % Check that this will not create a problem MATLAB_PATH_ = path2cell(MATLAB_PATH); DYNARE_ROUTINES = getallroutinenames(DYNARE_PATH, getalldirectories(DYNARE_PATH)); MATLAB_ROUTINES = {}; for i=1:position(idDYNARE, MATLAB_PATH) TMP_MATLAB_ROUTINES = getallroutinenames(MATLAB_PATH_{i}); MATLAB_ROUTINES = { MATLAB_ROUTINES{:} TMP_MATLAB_ROUTINES{:} }; end COMMON_ROUTINES = intersect(MATLAB_ROUTINES, DYNARE_ROUTINES); if ~isempty(COMMON_ROUTINES) warning off backtrace skipline() if length(COMMON_ROUTINES)==1 warning(sprintf('%s This can cause problems because the Dynare version of %s will be overriden.', str0, COMMON_ROUTINES{1})); else str1 = repmat('%s, ', 1, length(COMMON_ROUTINES)-1); str2 = 'and %s '; str3 = sprintf(['%s This can cause problems because the Dynare versions of ' str1, str2, 'will be overriden.'], str0, COMMON_ROUTINES{:}); warning(str3); end if change_path_flag skipline() msg = sprintf('I put %s on top of your matlab''s path. Note that this is a', DYNARE_PATH); msg = sprintf(' %s a temporary change (ie will not affect future matlab''s session).', msg); msg = sprintf(' %s If the ordering was intentional, ie if you really want to override the routines distributed with Dynare,', msg); msg = sprintf(' %s you can change this behaviour using option nopathchange (see the reference manual).', msg); warning(msg); skipline() rmpath(DYNARE_PATH) addpath(DYNARE_PATH) end warning on backtrace end end else % Check that the user did not put all the subfolders in the path. % => If DYNARE_PATH/qz is in the path while mjdgges dll is available % it most likely means that user wrongly put all subfolders in the % matlab's path! mexpath = add_path_to_mex_files([DYNARE_PATH filesep], false); MATLAB_PATH = path2cell(MATLAB_PATH); for i=1:length(mexpath) if exist([mexpath{i} filesep 'mjdgges.' mexext],'file') && ismember([DYNARE_PATH filesep 'qz'],MATLAB_PATH) msg = sprintf(['You put all the dynare/matlab subfolders in matlab''s path! Only ' ... 'the dynare/matlab folder (without subfolders)\nshould be in the ' ... 'path, Dynare will automatically add any required subfolders in the ' ... 'path.']); error(msg) end end end end function q = path2cell(p) % Converts the output of path() to a cell s = strfind(p,pathsep); n = length(s)+1; q = cell(n,1); q(1) = {p(1:s(1)-1)}; q(n) = {p(s(end)+1:end)}; for i=2:n-1 q(i) = {p(s(i-1)+1:s(i)-1)}; end function flist = getallroutinenames(p, excludedsubfolders) if nargin<2 excludedsubfolders = {}; end dd = dir(p); flist = {}; for f=1:length(dd) if ~(isequal(dd(f).name,'.') || isequal(dd(f).name,'..')) if dd(f).isdir if ~ismember(dd(f).name, excludedsubfolders) r = getallroutinenames([ p filesep dd(f).name]); flist = { flist{:} r{:} }; end else % Filter out files without m extension. if isequal(dd(f).name(end-1:end),'.m') flist{length(flist)+1} = [dd(f).name]; end end end end function dlist = getalldirectories(p) dd = dir(p); dlist = {}; for f = 1:length(dd) if ~(isequal(dd(f).name,'.') || isequal(dd(f).name,'..')) if dd(f).isdir dlist{length(dlist)+1} = [dd(f).name]; end end end function n = position(i, currentpath) n = length(strfind(currentpath(1:i), pathsep));