function plot_contributions(equationname, ds1, ds0) %function plot_contributions(equationname, ds1, ds0) % Plots the contribution to the lhs variable of the rhs variables in an equation. % % INPUTS % - equationname [string] Name of an equation. % - ds1 [string, dseries] Object containing all the variables (exogenous and endogenous) % appearing in the equation, or the name of the dseries object. % - ds0 [string, dseries] Object containing the baseline for all the variables (exogenous % and endogenous) appearing in the equation, or the name of the % dseries object. % % OUTPUTS % none % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % The user must have attached names to the equations using equation % tags. Each equation in the model block must be preceeded with a % tag (see the reference manual). For instance, we should have % something as: % % [name='Phillips curve'] % pi = beta*pi(1) + slope*y + lam; % Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global M_ jsonfile = [M_.fname filesep() 'model' filesep() 'json' filesep() 'modfile-original.json']; if exist(jsonfile, 'file') ~= 2 error('Could not find %s! Please use the json option (See the Dynare invocation section in the reference manual).', jsonfile); end % Check the number of input arguments. if nargin>3 error('plot_contributions:: Exactly three arguments are required!') end % Check the type of the first argument if ~ischar(equationname) error('First argument must be a string.') end % Check that the equation name is actually the name of an equation in the model. if ~ismember(equationname, M_.equations_tags(strmatch('name', M_.equations_tags(:,2)),3)) error('There is no equation named as %s!', equationname); end % Check second argument if ischar(ds1) if ismember(ds1, evalin('caller','who')) ds = evalin('caller', ds1); if isdseries(ds) ds1 = copy(ds); clear ds; else error('plot_contributions:: %s is not a dseries object!', ds1) end else error('plot_contributions:: %s is unknown!', ds1) end else if ~isdseries(ds1) error('plot_contributions:: Second input argument must be a dseries object!') end end % Check third argument if ischar(ds0) if ismember(ds0, evalin('caller','who')) ds = evalin('caller', ds0); if isdseries(ds) ds0 = copy(ds); clear ds; else error('plot_contributions:: %s is not a dseries object!', ds0) end else error('plot_contributions:: %s is unknown!', ds0) end else if ~isdseries(ds0) error('plot_contributions:: Third input argument must be a dseries object!') end end % Get equation. [~, jsonmodel] = get_ast(equationname); lhs = jsonmodel{1}.lhs; rhs = jsonmodel{1}.rhs; % Get variable and parameter names in the equation. rhs_ = strsplit(rhs,{'+','-','*','/','^','log(','diff(','adl(','exp(','(',')'}); rhs_(cellfun(@(x) all(isstrprop(x, 'digit')+isstrprop(x, 'punct')), rhs_)) = []; % Remove numbers pnames = M_.param_names; vnames = setdiff(rhs_, pnames); pnames = setdiff(rhs_, vnames); regexprnoleads = cell2mat(strcat('(', vnames, {'\(\d+\))|'})); if ~isempty(regexp(rhs, regexprnoleads(1:end-1), 'match')) error(['plot_contributions: you cannot have leads in equation on line ' lineno ': ' lhs ' = ' rhs]); end % Get values for the parameters if ~isempty(pnames) % In case all the parameters are hard coded idp = strmatch(pnames{1}, M_.param_names, 'exact'); str = sprintf('%s = M_.params(%d);', pnames{1}, idp); for i=2:length(pnames) idp = strmatch(pnames{i}, M_.param_names, 'exact'); str = sprintf('%s %s = M_.params(%d);', str, pnames{i}, idp); end eval(str) end % Replace variables with ds.variablename for i = 1:length(vnames) if ismember(vnames{i}, && ismember(vnames{i}, % Match all words with vnames{i} [b, e] = regexp(rhs, sprintf('\\w*%s\\w*', vnames{i})); % Filter out non exact matches (words longer than vnames{i}) rid = find(~(e-b>=length(vnames{i}))); if ~isempty(rid) b = b(rid); e = e(rid); end % Substitute vnames{i} exact matches by ds.vnames{i} for j=length(rid):-1:1 if b(j)>1 && e(j)=0) = nan; ccpos = cc(:,1:length(vnames)); ccpos(ccpos<0) = nan; H = bar(1:ds.nobs, ccneg, 'stacked'); B = bar(1:ds.nobs, ccpos, 'stacked'); line_ = plot(1:ds.nobs, contribution(:,1), '-r', 'linewidth', 2); hold off lhs = strrep(lhs, '_', '\_'); title(sprintf('Decomposition of %s', lhs)) vnames = strrep(vnames,'_','\_'); legend([H, line_], [vnames, lhs], 'location', 'northwest');