function bvar_irf(nlags,varagin) % builds IRFs for a bvar model % % INPUTS % nlags [integer] number of lags for the bvar % identification [string] identification scheme ('cholesky') % % OUTPUTS % none % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global options_ oo_ M_ options_ = set_default_option(options_, 'bvar_replic', 2000); [ny, nx, posterior, prior] = bvar_toolbox(nlags); S_inv_upper_chol = chol(inv(posterior.S)); % Option 'lower' of chol() not available in old versions of % Matlab, so using transpose XXi_lower_chol = chol(posterior.XXi)'; k = ny*nlags+nx; % Declaration of the companion matrix Companion_matrix = diag(ones(ny*(nlags-1),1),-ny); % Number of explosive VAR models sampled p = 0; % Initialize a four dimensional array. sampled_irfs = NaN(ny, ny, options_.irf, options_.bvar_replic); for draw=1:options_.bvar_replic % Get a covariance matrix from an inverted Wishart distribution. Sigma = rand_inverse_wishart(ny, posterior.df, S_inv_upper_chol); Sigma_upper_chol = chol(Sigma); Sigma_lower_chol = transpose(Sigma_upper_chol); % Get the Autoregressive matrices from a matrix variate distribution. Phi = rand_matrix_normal(k, ny, posterior.PhiHat, Sigma_lower_chol, XXi_lower_chol); % Form the companion matrix. Companion_matrix(1:ny,:) = transpose(Phi(1:ny*nlags,:)); % All the eigenvalues of the companion matrix have to be on or % inside the unit circle to rule out explosive time series. test = (abs(eig(Companion_matrix))); if any(test>1.0000000000001) p = p+1; end % Build the IRFs... lags_data = zeros(ny,ny*nlags) ; sampled_irfs(:,:,1,draw) = Sigma_lower_chol ; lags_data(:,1:ny) = Sigma_lower_chol ; for t=2:options_.irf sampled_irfs(:,:,t,draw) = lags_data(:,:)*Phi(1:ny*nlags,:) ; lags_data(:,ny+1:end) = lags_data(:,1:end-ny) ; lags_data(:,1:ny) = sampled_irfs(:,:,t,draw) ; end end if p > 0 disp(' ') disp(['Some of the VAR models sampled from the posterior distribution']) disp(['were found to be explosive (' int2str(p) ' samples).']) disp(' ') end posterior_mean_irfs = mean(sampled_irfs,4); posterior_variance_irfs = var(sampled_irfs, 1, 4); sorted_irfs = sort(sampled_irfs,4); sort_idx = round((0.5 + [-options_.conf_sig, options_.conf_sig, .0]/2) * options_.bvar_replic); posterior_down_conf_irfs = sorted_irfs(:,:,:,sort_idx(1)); posterior_up_conf_irfs = sorted_irfs(:,:,:,sort_idx(2)); posterior_median_irfs = sorted_irfs(:,:,:,sort_idx(3)); number_of_columns = fix(sqrt(ny)); number_of_rows = ceil(ny / number_of_columns) ; for shock=1:ny figure('Name',['Posterior BVAR Impulse Responses (shock in equation ' int2str(shock) ').']); for variable=1:ny subplot(number_of_rows,number_of_columns,variable); h1 = area(1:options_.irf,squeeze(posterior_up_conf_irfs(shock,variable,:))); set(h1,'BaseValue',min([min(posterior_up_conf_irfs(shock,variable,:)),min(posterior_down_conf_irfs(shock,variable,:))])) set(h1,'FaceColor',[.9 .9 .9]) hold on h2 = area(1:options_.irf,squeeze(posterior_down_conf_irfs(shock,variable,:))); set(h2,'BaseValue',min([min(posterior_up_conf_irfs(shock,variable,:)),min(posterior_down_conf_irfs(shock,variable,:))])) set(h2,'FaceColor',[1 1 1]) plot(1:options_.irf,squeeze(posterior_median_irfs(shock,variable,:)),'-k','linewidth',2) axis tight hold off end end