function [ide_hess, ide_moments, ide_model, ide_lre, derivatives_info, info, options_ident] = identification_analysis(params,indx,indexo,options_ident,dataset_,dataset_info, prior_exist,name_tex,init,tittxt,bounds) % function [ide_hess, ide_moments, ide_model, ide_lre, derivatives_info, info] = identification_analysis(params,indx,indexo,options_ident,data_info, prior_exist,name_tex,init,analyis_type) % given the parameter vector params, wraps all identification analyses % % INPUTS % o params [array] parameter values for identification checks % o indx [array] index of estimated parameters % o indexo [array] index of estimated shocks % o options_ident [structure] identification options % o dataset_ [structure] the dataset after required transformation % o dataset_info [structure] Various informations about the dataset (descriptive statistics and missing observations) info for Kalman Filter % o prior_exist [integer] % =1 when prior exists and indentification is checked only for estimated params and shocks % =0 when prior is not defined and indentification is checked for all params and shocks % o name_tex [char] list of tex names % o init [integer] flag for initialization of persistent vars % o tittxt [string] string indicating the title text for % graphs and figures % % OUTPUTS % o ide_hess [structure] identification results using Asymptotic Hessian % o ide_moments [structure] identification results using theoretical moments % o ide_model [structure] identification results using reduced form solution % o ide_lre [structure] identification results using LRE model % o derivatives_info [structure] info about analytic derivs % o info output from dynare resolve % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % None % Copyright (C) 2008-2018 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global oo_ M_ options_ bayestopt_ estim_params_ persistent indH indJJ indLRE nparam=length(params); np=length(indx); offset=nparam-np; if ~isempty(estim_params_) M_ = set_all_parameters(params,estim_params_,M_); end nlags =; useautocorr = options_ident.useautocorr; advanced = options_ident.advanced; replic = options_ident.replic; periods = options_ident.periods; max_dim_cova_group = options_ident.max_dim_cova_group; normalize_jacobians = options_ident.normalize_jacobians; kron_flag = options_ident.analytic_derivation_mode; [I,J]=find(M_.lead_lag_incidence'); ide_hess = struct(); ide_moments = struct(); ide_model = struct(); ide_lre = struct(); derivatives_info = struct(); [A,B,ys,info,M_,options_,oo_] = dynare_resolve(M_,options_,oo_); if info(1)==0 oo0=oo_; tau=[oo_.dr.ys(oo_.dr.order_var); vec(A); dyn_vech(B*M_.Sigma_e*B')]; yy0=oo_.dr.ys(I); [residual, g1 ] = feval([M_.fname,'.dynamic'],yy0, ... repmat(oo_.exo_steady_state',[M_.maximum_exo_lag+M_.maximum_exo_lead+1]), M_.params, ... oo_.dr.ys, 1); vg1 = [oo_.dr.ys(oo_.dr.order_var); vec(g1)]; [JJ, H, gam, gp, dA, dOm, dYss] = getJJ(A, B, estim_params_, M_,oo0,options_,kron_flag,indx,indexo,bayestopt_.mf2,nlags,useautocorr); derivatives_info.DT=dA; derivatives_info.DOm=dOm; derivatives_info.DYss=dYss; if init indJJ = (find(max(abs(JJ'),[],1)>1.e-8)); if isempty(indJJ) && any(any(isnan(JJ))) error('There are NaN in the JJ matrix. Please check whether your model has units roots and you forgot to set diffuse_filter=1.' ) elseif any(any(isnan(gam))) error('There are NaN''s in the theoretical moments: make sure that for non-stationary models stationary transformations of non-stationary observables are used for checking identification. [TIP: use first differences].') end while length(indJJ)1.e-8)); end if length(indJJ)1.e-8)); indLRE = (find(max(abs(gp'),[],1)>1.e-8)); end TAU(:,1)=tau(indH); LRE(:,1)=vg1(indLRE); GAM(:,1)=gam(indJJ); siJ = (JJ(indJJ,:)); siH = (H(indH,:)); siLRE = (gp(indLRE,:)); ide_strength_J=NaN(1,nparam); ide_strength_J_prior=NaN(1,nparam); if init normaliz = NaN(1,nparam); if prior_exist if ~isempty(estim_params_.var_exo) normaliz1 = estim_params_.var_exo(:,7)'; % normalize with prior standard deviation else normaliz1=[]; end if ~isempty(estim_params_.corrx) normaliz1 = [normaliz1 estim_params_.corrx(:,8)']; % normalize with prior standard deviation end if ~isempty(estim_params_.param_vals) normaliz1 = [normaliz1 estim_params_.param_vals(:,7)']; % normalize with prior standard deviation end % normaliz = max([normaliz; normaliz1]); normaliz1(isinf(normaliz1)) = 1; else normaliz1 = NaN(1,nparam); end try options_.irf = 0; options_.noprint = 1; options_.order = 1; options_.SpectralDensity.trigger = 0; options_.periods = periods+100; if options_.kalman_algo > 2 options_.kalman_algo = 1; end analytic_derivation = options_.analytic_derivation; options_.analytic_derivation = -2; info = stoch_simul(options_.varobs); dataset_ = dseries(oo_.endo_simul(options_.varobs_id,100+1:end)',dates('1Q1'), options_.varobs); derivatives_info.no_DLIK=1; bounds = prior_bounds(bayestopt_, options_.prior_trunc); %reset bounds as lb and ub must only be operational during mode-finding [fval,info,cost_flag,DLIK,AHess,ys,trend_coeff,M_,options_,bayestopt_,oo_] = dsge_likelihood(params',dataset_,dataset_info,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,bounds,oo_,derivatives_info); % fval = DsgeLikelihood(xparam1,data_info,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,oo_); options_.analytic_derivation = analytic_derivation; AHess=-AHess; if min(eig(AHess))<-1.e-10 error('identification_analysis: Analytic Hessian is not positive semi-definite!') end % chol(AHess); ide_hess.AHess= AHess; deltaM = sqrt(diag(AHess)); iflag=any((deltaM.*deltaM)==0); tildaM = AHess./((deltaM)*(deltaM')); if iflag || rank(AHess)>rank(tildaM) [ide_hess.cond, ide_hess.ind0, ide_hess.indno, ide_hess.ino, ide_hess.Mco, ide_hess.Pco] = identification_checks(AHess, 1); else [ide_hess.cond, ide_hess.ind0, ide_hess.indno, ide_hess.ino, ide_hess.Mco, ide_hess.Pco] = identification_checks(tildaM, 1); end indok = find(max(ide_hess.indno,[],1)==0); cparam(indok,indok) = inv(AHess(indok,indok)); normaliz(indok) = sqrt(diag(cparam(indok,indok)))'; cmm = NaN(size(siJ,1),size(siJ,1)); ind1=find(ide_hess.ind0); cmm = siJ(:,ind1)*((AHess(ind1,ind1))\siJ(:,ind1)'); temp1=((AHess(ind1,ind1))\siH(:,ind1)'); diag_chh=sum(siH(:,ind1)'.*temp1)'; % chh = siH(:,ind1)*((AHess(ind1,ind1))\siH(:,ind1)'); ind1=ind1(ind1>offset); clre = siLRE(:,ind1-offset)*((AHess(ind1,ind1))\siLRE(:,ind1-offset)'); rhoM=sqrt(1./diag(inv(tildaM(indok,indok)))); % deltaM = deltaM.*abs(params'); flag_score=1; catch % replic = max([replic, nparam*(nparam+1)/2*10]); replic = max([replic, length(indJJ)*3]); cmm = simulated_moment_uncertainty(indJJ, periods, replic,options_,M_,oo_); % [V,D,W]=eig(cmm); sd=sqrt(diag(cmm)); cc=cmm./(sd*sd'); if isoctave || matlab_ver_less_than('8.3') [V,D]=eig(cc); %fix for older Matlab versions that do not support computing left eigenvalues, see [W,junk] = eig(cc.'); W = conj(W); else [V,D,W]=eig(cc); end id=find(diag(D)>1.e-8); siTMP=siJ./repmat(sd,[1 nparam]); MIM=(siTMP'*V(:,id))*(D(id,id)\(W(:,id)'*siTMP)); clear siTMP; % MIM=siJ(:,indok)'*(cmm\siJ(:,indok)); % look for independent moments! % % % sd=sqrt(diag(cmm)); % % % cc=cmm./(sd*sd'); % % % ix=[]; % % % for jc=1:length(cmm), % % % jcheck=find(abs(cc(:,jc))>(1-1.e-6)); % % % ix=[ix; jcheck(jcheck>jc)]; % % % end % % % iy=find(~ismember([1:length(cmm)],ix)); % % % indJJ=indJJ(iy); % % % GAM=GAM(iy); % % % cmm=cmm(iy,iy); % % % siJ = (JJ(indJJ,:)); % % % MIM=siJ'*(cmm\siJ); ide_hess.AHess= MIM; deltaM = sqrt(diag(MIM)); iflag=any((deltaM.*deltaM)==0); tildaM = MIM./((deltaM)*(deltaM')); if iflag || rank(MIM)>rank(tildaM) [ide_hess.cond, ide_hess.ind0, ide_hess.indno, ide_hess.ino, ide_hess.Mco, ide_hess.Pco] = identification_checks(MIM, 1); else [ide_hess.cond, ide_hess.ind0, ide_hess.indno, ide_hess.ino, ide_hess.Mco, ide_hess.Pco] = identification_checks(tildaM, 1); end indok = find(max(ide_hess.indno,[],1)==0); % rhoM=sqrt(1-1./diag(inv(tildaM))); % rhoM=(1-1./diag(inv(tildaM))); ind1=find(ide_hess.ind0); temp1=((MIM(ind1,ind1))\siH(:,ind1)'); diag_chh=sum(siH(:,ind1)'.*temp1)'; % chh = siH(:,ind1)*((MIM(ind1,ind1))\siH(:,ind1)'); ind1=ind1(ind1>offset); clre = siLRE(:,ind1-offset)*((MIM(ind1,ind1))\siLRE(:,ind1-offset)'); if ~isempty(indok) rhoM(indok)=sqrt(1./diag(inv(tildaM(indok,indok)))); normaliz(indok) = (sqrt(diag(inv(tildaM(indok,indok))))./deltaM(indok))'; %sqrt(diag(inv(MIM(indok,indok))))'; end % deltaM = deltaM.*abs(params') flag_score=0; end ide_strength_J(indok) = (1./(normaliz(indok)'./abs(params(indok)'))); ide_strength_J_prior(indok) = (1./(normaliz(indok)'./normaliz1(indok)')); ide_strength_J(params==0)=1./normaliz(params==0)'; deltaM_prior = deltaM.*abs(normaliz1'); deltaM = deltaM.*abs(params'); deltaM(params==0)=deltaM_prior(params==0); quant = siJ./repmat(sqrt(diag(cmm)),1,nparam); if size(quant,1)==1 siJnorm = abs(quant).*normaliz1; else siJnorm = vnorm(quant).*normaliz1; end % siJnorm = vnorm(siJ(inok,:)).*normaliz; quant=[]; % inok = find((abs(TAU)<1.e-8)); % isok = find((abs(TAU)>=1.e-8)); % quant(isok,:) = siH(isok,:)./repmat(TAU(isok,1),1,nparam); % quant(inok,:) = siH(inok,:)./repmat(mean(abs(TAU)),length(inok),nparam); % quant = siH./repmat(sqrt(diag(chh)),1,nparam); iy = find(diag_chh); indH=indH(iy); siH=siH(iy,:); if ~isempty(iy) quant = siH./repmat(sqrt(diag_chh(iy)),1,nparam); if size(quant,1)==1 siHnorm = abs(quant).*normaliz1; else siHnorm = vnorm(quant).*normaliz1; end else siHnorm = []; end % siHnorm = vnorm(siH./repmat(TAU,1,nparam)).*normaliz; quant=[]; % inok = find((abs(LRE)<1.e-8)); % isok = find((abs(LRE)>=1.e-8)); % quant(isok,:) = siLRE(isok,:)./repmat(LRE(isok,1),1,np); % quant(inok,:) = siLRE(inok,:)./repmat(mean(abs(LRE)),length(inok),np); diag_clre = diag(clre); iy = find(diag_clre); indLRE=indLRE(iy); siLRE=siLRE(iy,:); if ~isempty(iy) quant = siLRE./repmat(sqrt(diag_clre(iy)),1,np); if size(quant,1)==1 siLREnorm = abs(quant).*normaliz1(offset+1:end); else siLREnorm = vnorm(quant).*normaliz1(offset+1:end); end else siLREnorm=[]; end % siLREnorm = vnorm(siLRE./repmat(LRE,1,nparam-offset)).*normaliz(offset+1:end); ide_hess.ide_strength_J=ide_strength_J; ide_hess.ide_strength_J_prior=ide_strength_J_prior; ide_hess.deltaM=deltaM; ide_hess.deltaM_prior=deltaM_prior; ide_moments.siJnorm=siJnorm; ide_model.siHnorm=siHnorm; ide_lre.siLREnorm=siLREnorm; ide_hess.flag_score=flag_score; end if normalize_jacobians normH = max(abs(siH)')'; normH = normH(:,ones(nparam,1)); normJ = max(abs(siJ)')'; normJ = normJ(:,ones(nparam,1)); normLRE = max(abs(siLRE)')'; normLRE = normLRE(:,ones(size(gp,2),1)); else normH = 1; normJ = 1; normLRE = 1; end ide_moments.indJJ=indJJ; ide_model.indH=indH; ide_lre.indLRE=indLRE; ide_moments.siJ=siJ; ide_model.siH=siH; ide_lre.siLRE=siLRE; ide_moments.GAM=GAM; ide_model.TAU=TAU; ide_lre.LRE=LRE; % [ide_checks.idemodel_Mco, ide_checks.idemoments_Mco, ide_checks.idelre_Mco, ... % ide_checks.idemodel_Pco, ide_checks.idemoments_Pco, ide_checks.idelre_Pco, ... % ide_checks.idemodel_cond, ide_checks.idemoments_cond, ide_checks.idelre_cond, ... % ide_checks.idemodel_ee, ide_checks.idemoments_ee, ide_checks.idelre_ee, ... % ide_checks.idemodel_ind, ide_checks.idemoments_ind, ... % ide_checks.idemodel_indno, ide_checks.idemoments_indno, ... % ide_checks.idemodel_ino, ide_checks.idemoments_ino] = ... % identification_checks(H(indH,:)./normH(:,ones(nparam,1)),JJ(indJJ,:)./normJ(:,ones(nparam,1)), gp(indLRE,:)./normLRE(:,ones(size(gp,2),1))); [ide_moments.cond, ide_moments.ind0, ide_moments.indno, ide_moments.ino, ide_moments.Mco, ide_moments.Pco, ide_moments.jweak, ide_moments.jweak_pair] = ... identification_checks(JJ(indJJ,:)./normJ, 0); [ide_model.cond, ide_model.ind0, ide_model.indno, ide_model.ino, ide_model.Mco, ide_model.Pco, ide_model.jweak, ide_model.jweak_pair] = ... identification_checks(H(indH,:)./normH, 0); [ide_lre.cond, ide_lre.ind0, ide_lre.indno, ide_lre.ino, ide_lre.Mco, ide_lre.Pco, ide_lre.jweak, ide_lre.jweak_pair] = ... identification_checks(gp(indLRE,:)./normLRE, 0); normJ=1; [U, S, V]=svd(JJ(indJJ,:)./normJ,0); S=diag(S); S=[S;zeros(size(JJ,2)-length(indJJ),1)]; if nparam>8 ide_moments.S = S([1:4, end-3:end]); ide_moments.V = V(:,[1:4, end-3:end]); else ide_moments.S = S; ide_moments.V = V; end indok = find(max(ide_moments.indno,[],1)==0); if advanced [, ide_moments.cosnJ] = ident_bruteforce(JJ(indJJ,:)./normJ,max_dim_cova_group,options_.TeX,name_tex,tittxt); end end