function make_chart(titlelist,legendlist,figlabel,ylabels,data_series) % function make_chart(titlelist,legendlist,figlabel,ylabels,zdata) % Original authors: Luca Guerrieri and Matteo Iacoviello % Original file downloaded from: % % Adapted for Dynare by Dynare Team. % % This code is in the public domain and may be used freely. % However the authors would appreciate acknowledgement of the source by % citation of any of the following papers: % % Luca Guerrieri and Matteo Iacoviello (2015): "OccBin: A toolkit for solving % dynamic models with occasionally binding constraints easily" % Journal of Monetary Economics 70, 22-38 titlelist = char(strrep(cellstr(titlelist),'_','.')); ndsets=size(data_series,3); % default, changed below as applicable nperiods = size(data_series,1); xvalues = (1:nperiods)'; nvars = size(titlelist,1); [nbplt,nr,nc,lr,lc,nstar] = pltorg(nvars); style_cell={'k','r','b','g','c','y'}; for fig = 1:nbplt figure('Name',[figlabel, ', Figure ' int2str(fig)]); for plt = 1:nstar h1=NaN(ndsets); if fig==nbplt && ~lr==0 subplot(lr,lc,plt); else subplot(nr,nc,plt); end for data_set_iter=1:ndsets h1(data_set_iter)=plot(xvalues,data_series(:,(fig-1)*nstar+plt,data_set_iter),style_cell{1+mod(data_set_iter-1,length(style_cell))},'linewidth',2); hold on end grid on max_y = max(max(data_series(:,(fig-1)*nstar+plt,:))); min_y = min(min(data_series(:,(fig-1)*nstar+plt,:))); y_bottom = min_y - .01*abs(min_y); y_top = max_y + 0.01*abs(max_y); if y_bottom==y_top y_top=y_bottom+1; end axis([1 nperiods y_bottom y_top]) if plt==1 if numel(strvcat(legendlist(1,:))) h=legend(legendlist,'Location','Northwest','Fontsize',8); end end title(titlelist(plt,:),'Fontsize',11); ylabel(ylabels(plt,:)) if nvars==(fig-1)*nstar+plt break end end end