The 'rules' file can build packages dynare-matlab7.4 and dynare-matlab7.5, which contain DLLs for Matlab 7.4 and 7.5. By default, the 'rules' file assumes that you have installed these Matlab (R) versions in /usr/local/matlab74 and /usr/local/matlab75 respectively. If you installed them somewhere else, please correct the environment variables at the beginning of the 'rules' file. Note that if any of these two directories doesn't exist, the corresponding package will not be built. Also note that the 'rules' file plays with Matlab (R) license manager, launching it before building the MEX files, and killing it after. You must kill any license manager before building the package, otherwise it fill fail. Also note that if you have a single-user license, you must obviously build the package with the user account which has the right to use the license.