function scaleout = fn_imcgraph(imf,nvar,imstp,xlab,ylab,indxGimfml,xTick) % scaleout = fn_imcgraph(imf,nvar,imstp,xlab,ylab,indxGimfml,xTick) % imcgraph: impulse, c (column: shock 1 to N), graph the ML point impulse response % % imf: imstp-by-nvar^2 matrix of impulse responses, column (responses to 1st shock, responses to 2nd shock % etc), row (impusle steps), % nvar: number of variables % imstp: number of steps of impulse responses % xlab,ylab: labels % indxGimfml: 1, graph; 0, no graph % xTick: optional. Eg: [12 24 36]. %--------------- % scaleout: column 1 represents maximums; column 2 minimums. Rows: nvar variables. % % NOTE: I added "indxGimfml" so this function may not be compatible with programs % older than 03/06/99, TZ % % See imrgraph, fn_imcerrgraph, fn_imc2errgraph, imrerrgraph, fn_gyrfore in RVARcode if nargin < 7, xTick = []; end t = 1:imstp; temp1=zeros(nvar,1); temp2=zeros(nvar,1); maxval=zeros(nvar,1); minval=zeros(nvar,1); for i = 1:nvar for j = 1:nvar temp1(j)=max(imf(:,(j-1)*nvar+i)); temp2(j)=min(imf(:,(j-1)*nvar+i)); end maxval(i)=max(temp1); minval(i)=min(temp2); end scaleout = [maxval(:) minval(:)]; %-------------- % Column j: Shock 1 to N; Row i: Responses to %------------- if indxGimfml %figure rowlabel = 1; for i = 1:nvar % Responses of columnlabel = 1; if minval(i)<0 if maxval(i)<=0 yt=[minval(i) 0]; else yt=[minval(i) 0 maxval(i)]; end else % (minval(i) >=0) if maxval(i) > 0 yt=[0 maxval(i)]; else % (identically zero responses) yt=[-1 0 1]; end end scale=[1 imstp minval(i) maxval(i)]; for j = 1:nvar % To shocks k1=(i-1)*nvar+j; k2=(j-1)*nvar+i; subplot(nvar,nvar,k1) plot(t,imf(:,k2),t,zeros(length(imf(:,k2)),1),'r:'); set(gca,'XTick',xTick) set(gca,'YTick',yt) grid axis(scale); % put limits on both axes. % % if maxval(i)>minval(i) % set(gca,'YLim',[minval(i) maxval(i)]) % end if isempty(xTick) %1 % No numbers on both axes set(gca,'XTickLabel',' '); set(gca,'YTickLabel',' '); else % Put numbers on both axes if i1 set(gca,'YTickLabel',' '); end end if rowlabel == 1 %title(['x' num2str(j)]) %title(eval(['x' num2str(j)])) title(char(xlab(j))) end if columnlabel == 1 %ylabel(['x' num2str(i)]) %ylabel(eval(['x' num2str(i)])) ylabel(char(ylab(i))) end columnlabel = 0; end rowlabel = 0; end end