function fn_foregraph(yfore,yacte,keyindx,rnum,cnum,q_m,ylab,forelabel,conlab) % % Graph annual (or calendar year) forecasts vs actual (all data from "msstart.m") % % yfore: actual and forecast annual growth data with dates. % yacte: actual annual growth data with dates. % keyindx: index for the variables to be graphed % rnum: number of rows in subplot % cnum: number of columns in subplot % q_m: if 4 or 12, quarterly or monthly data % ylab: string array for the length(keyindx)-by-1 variables % forelabel: title label for as of time of forecast % conlab: label for what conditions imposed; e.g., conlab = 'All bar MS shocks inspl' %------------- % No output argument for this graph file % See fn_seriesgraph.m, fn_forerrgraph.m. % % Tao Zha, March 2000 vyrs = yfore(:,1); hornum = cell(length(vyrs),1); % horizontal year (number) count=0; for k=vyrs' count=count+1; jnk=num2str(k); hornum{count}=jnk(3:4); % e.g., with '1990', we have '90' end count=0; for i = keyindx count = count+1; subplot(rnum,cnum,count) plot(yacte(:,1)+yacte(:,2)/q_m,yacte(:,2+i),yfore(:,1)+yfore(:,2)/q_m,yfore(:,2+i),'--') if (yfore(1,2)==0) % only for annual growth rates (not for, say, monthly annualized rates) set(gca,'XLim',[vyrs(1) vyrs(end)]) set(gca,'XTick',vyrs) set(gca,'XTickLabel',char(hornum)) end if i==keyindx(1) title(forelabel) elseif i>=length(keyindx) %i>=length(keyindx)-1 xlabel(conlab) end % grid ylabel(char(ylab(i))) end