function H = bfgsi(H0,dg,dx) % H = bfgsi(H0,dg,dx) % dg is previous change in gradient; dx is previous change in x; % 6/8/93 version that updates inverse hessian instead of hessian % itself. % Copyright by Christopher Sims 1996. This material may be freely % reproduced and modified. dispIndx = 0; % 1: turn on all the diplays on the screen; 0: turn off (Added by T. Zha) if size(dg,2)>1 dg=dg'; end if size(dx,2)>1 dx=dx'; end Hdg = H0*dg; dgdx = dg'*dx; if (abs(dgdx) >1e-12) H = H0 + (1+(dg'*Hdg)/dgdx)*(dx*dx')/dgdx - (dx*Hdg'+Hdg*dx')/dgdx; else if dispIndx disp('bfgs update failed.') disp(['|dg| = ' num2str(sqrt(dg'*dg)) '|dx| = ' num2str(sqrt(dx'*dx))]); disp(['dg''*dx = ' num2str(dgdx)]) disp(['|H*dg| = ' num2str(Hdg'*Hdg)]) end H=H0; end save H.dat H