function [fOutVar,nBlockPerCPU, totCPU] = masterParallel(Parallel,fBlock,nBlock,NamFileInput,fname,fInputVar,fGlobalVar) % Top-level function called on the master computer when parallelizing a task. % % The number of parallelized threads will be equal to (nBlock-fBlock+1). % % INPUTS % Parallel [struct vector] copy of options_.parallel % fBlock [int] index number of the first thread % (between 1 and nBlock) % nBlock [int] index number of the last thread % NamFileInput [cell array] containins the list of input files to be % copied in the working directory of remote slaves % 2 columns, as many lines as there are files % - first column contains directory paths % - second column contains filenames % fname [string] name of the function to be parallelized, and % which will be run on the slaves % fInputVar [struct] structure containing local variables to be used % by fName on the slaves % fGlobalVar [struct] structure containing global variables to be used % by fName on the slaves % % OUTPUT % fOutVar [struct vector] result of the parallel computation, one % struct per thread % nBlockPerCPU [int vector] for each CPU used, indicates the number of % threads run on that CPU % totCPU [int] total number of CPU used (can be lower than % the number of CPU declared in "Parallel", if % the number of required threads is lower) % Copyright (C) 2009 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . totCPU=0; % Determine my hostname and my working directory DyMo=pwd; fInputVar.DyMo=DyMo; if isunix, [tempo, MasterName]=system(['ifconfig | grep ''inet addr:''| grep -v '''' | cut -d: -f2 | awk ''{ print $1}''']); else [tempo, MasterName]=system('hostname'); end MasterName=deblank(MasterName); fInputVar.MasterName = MasterName; % Save input data for use by the slaves if exist('fGlobalVar'), save([fname,'_input.mat'],'fInputVar','fGlobalVar') else save([fname,'_input.mat'],'fInputVar') end save([fname,'_input.mat'],'Parallel','-append') % Determine the total number of available CPUs, and the number of threads to run on each CPU for j=1:length(Parallel), nCPU(j)=length(Parallel(j).NumCPU); totCPU=totCPU+nCPU(j); end nCPU=cumsum(nCPU); offset0 = fBlock-1; if (nBlock-offset0)>totCPU, diff = mod((nBlock-offset0),totCPU); nBlockPerCPU(1:diff) = ceil((nBlock-offset0)/totCPU); nBlockPerCPU(diff+1:totCPU) = floor((nBlock-offset0)/totCPU); else nBlockPerCPU(1:nBlock-offset0)=1; totCPU = nBlock-offset0; end % Clean up remnants of previous runs mydelete(['comp_status_',fname,'*.mat']) mydelete(['P_',fname,'*End.txt']); % Create a shell script containing the commands to launch the required tasks on the slaves fid = fopen('ConcurrentCommand1.bat','w+'); for j=1:totCPU, indPC=min(find(nCPU>=j)); if indPC>1 nCPU0 = nCPU(indPC-1); else nCPU0=0; end offset = sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j-1))+offset0; fid1=fopen(['P_',fname,'_',int2str(j),'End.txt'],'w+'); fclose(fid1); if Parallel(indPC).Local == 1, % run on the local machine if isunix, if exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') command1=['octave --eval fParallel\(',int2str(offset+1),',',int2str(sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j))),',',int2str(j),',',int2str(indPC),',\''',fname,'\''\) &']; else command1=['matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -minimize -r fParallel\(',int2str(offset+1),',',int2str(sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j))),',',int2str(j),',',int2str(indPC),',\''',fname,'\''\) &']; end else if exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') command1=['start /B psexec -W ',DyMo, ' -a ',int2str(Parallel(indPC).NumCPU(j-nCPU0)),' -low octave --eval fParallel(',int2str(offset+1),',',int2str(sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j))),',',int2str(j),',',int2str(indPC),',''',fname,''')']; else command1=['start /B psexec -W ',DyMo, ' -a ',int2str(Parallel(indPC).NumCPU(j-nCPU0)),' -low matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -minimize -r fParallel(',int2str(offset+1),',',int2str(sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j))),',',int2str(j),',',int2str(indPC),',''',fname,''')']; end end else if isunix, [tempo, RemoteName]=system(['ssh ',Parallel(indPC).user,'@',Parallel(indPC).PcName,' "ifconfig | grep \''inet addr:\''| grep -v \''\'' | cut -d: -f2 | awk \''{ print $1}\''"']); RemoteName=RemoteName(1:end-1); RemoteFolder = Parallel(indPC).RemoteFolder; else RemoteName = Parallel(indPC).PcName; RemoteFolder = [Parallel(indPC).RemoteDrive,':\',Parallel(indPC).RemoteFolder]; end remoteFlag=1; if strcmpi(RemoteName,MasterName), if ~copyfile(['P_',fname,'_',int2str(j),'End.txt'],RemoteFolder), remoteFlag=0; end end if remoteFlag, if j==nCPU0+1, if isunix, system(['ssh ',Parallel(indPC).user,'@',Parallel(indPC).PcName,' rm -fr ',Parallel(indPC).RemoteFolder,'/*']); else mydelete('*.*',['\\',Parallel(indPC).PcName,'\',Parallel(indPC).RemoteDrive,'$\',Parallel(indPC).RemoteFolder,'\']); adir=dir(['\\',Parallel(indPC).PcName,'\',Parallel(indPC).RemoteDrive,'$\',Parallel(indPC).RemoteFolder,'\']); for jdir=3:length(adir) STATUS = rmdir(['\\',Parallel(indPC).PcName,'\',Parallel(indPC).RemoteDrive,'$\',Parallel(indPC).RemoteFolder,'\',adir(jdir).name],'s'); if STATUS == 0, disp(['Warning!: Directory ',adir(jdir).name,' could not be removed from ',Parallel(indPC).PcName,'.']) end end end if isunix, system(['scp ',fname,'_input.mat ',Parallel(indPC).user,'@',Parallel(indPC).PcName,':',Parallel(indPC).RemoteFolder]); for jfil=1:size(NamFileInput,1) if ~isempty(NamFileInput{jfil,1}) system(['ssh ',Parallel(indPC).user,'@',Parallel(indPC).PcName,' mkdir -p ',Parallel(indPC).RemoteFolder,'/',NamFileInput{jfil,1}]) end system(['scp ',NamFileInput{jfil,1},NamFileInput{jfil,2},' ',Parallel(indPC).user,'@',Parallel(indPC).PcName,':',Parallel(indPC).RemoteFolder,'/',NamFileInput{jfil,1}]); end else copyfile([fname,'_input.mat'], ['\\',Parallel(indPC).PcName,'\',Parallel(indPC).RemoteDrive,'$\',Parallel(indPC).RemoteFolder]); for jfil=1:size(NamFileInput,1) copyfile([NamFileInput{jfil,1},NamFileInput{jfil,2}],['\\',Parallel(indPC).PcName,'\',Parallel(indPC).RemoteDrive,'$\',Parallel(indPC).RemoteFolder,'\',NamFileInput{jfil,1}]) end end end end if isunix, if exist('OCTAVE_VERSION'), command1=['ssh ',Parallel(indPC).user,'@',Parallel(indPC).PcName,' "cd ',Parallel(indPC).RemoteFolder, '; octave --eval fParallel\(',int2str(offset+1),',',int2str(sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j))),',',int2str(j),',',int2str(indPC),',\''',fname,'\''\);" &']; else command1=['ssh ',Parallel(indPC).user,'@',Parallel(indPC).PcName,' "cd ',Parallel(indPC).RemoteFolder, '; matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -minimize -r fParallel\(',int2str(offset+1),',',int2str(sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j))),',',int2str(j),',',int2str(indPC),',\''',fname,'\''\);" &']; end else if ~strcmp(Parallel(indPC).PcName,MasterName), % run on a remote machine if exist('OCTAVE_VERSION'), command1=['start /B psexec \\',Parallel(indPC).PcName,' -e -u ',Parallel(indPC).user,' -p ',Parallel(indPC).passwd,' -W ',Parallel(indPC).RemoteDrive,':\',Parallel(indPC).RemoteFolder,'\ -a ',int2str(Parallel(indPC).NumCPU(j-nCPU0)), ... ' -low octave --eval fParallel(',int2str(offset+1),',',int2str(sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j))),',',int2str(j),',',int2str(indPC),',''',fname,''')']; else command1=['start /B psexec \\',Parallel(indPC).PcName,' -e -u ',Parallel(indPC).user,' -p ',Parallel(indPC).passwd,' -W ',Parallel(indPC).RemoteDrive,':\',Parallel(indPC).RemoteFolder,'\ -a ',int2str(Parallel(indPC).NumCPU(j-nCPU0)), ... ' -low matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -minimize -r fParallel(',int2str(offset+1),',',int2str(sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j))),',',int2str(j),',',int2str(indPC),',''',fname,''')']; end else % run on the local machine via the network if exist('OCTAVE_VERSION'), command1=['start /B psexec \\',Parallel(indPC).PcName,' -e -W ',Parallel(indPC).RemoteDrive,':\',Parallel(indPC).RemoteFolder,'\ -a ',int2str(Parallel(indPC).NumCPU(j-nCPU0)), ... ' -low octave --eval fParallel(',int2str(offset+1),',',int2str(sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j))),',',int2str(j),',',int2str(indPC),',''',fname,''')']; else command1=['start /B psexec \\',Parallel(indPC).PcName,' -e -W ',Parallel(indPC).RemoteDrive,':\',Parallel(indPC).RemoteFolder,'\ -a ',int2str(Parallel(indPC).NumCPU(j-nCPU0)), ... ' -low matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -minimize -r fParallel(',int2str(offset+1),',',int2str(sum(nBlockPerCPU(1:j))),',',int2str(j),',',int2str(indPC),',''',fname,''')']; end end end end fprintf(fid,'%s\n',command1); end fclose(fid); % Run the slaves if isunix, system('sh ConcurrentCommand1.bat &'); pause(1) else system('ConcurrentCommand1.bat'); end % Wait for the slaves to finish their job, and display some progress information meanwhile t0=cputime; t00=cputime; hh=NaN(1,nBlock); if exist('OCTAVE_VERSION'), diary off; else hfigstatus = figure('name',['Parallel ',fname],... 'MenuBar', 'none', ... 'NumberTitle','off'); vspace = 0.1; ncol = ceil(totCPU/10); hspace = 0.9/ncol; for j=1:totCPU, jrow = mod(j-1,10)+1; jcol = ceil(j/10); hstatus(j) = axes('position',[0.05/ncol+(jcol-1)/ncol 0.92-vspace*(jrow-1) 0.9/ncol 0.03], ... 'box','on','xtick',[],'ytick',[],'xlim',[0 1],'ylim',[0 1]); end cumBlockPerCPU = cumsum(nBlockPerCPU); end pcerdone = NaN(1,totCPU); while (1) waitbarString = ''; statusString = ''; pause(1) stax = dir(['comp_status_',fname,'*.mat']); for j=1:length(stax), try load(stax(j).name) pcerdone(j) = prtfrc; if exist('OCTAVE_VERSION'), statusString = [statusString, waitbarString, ', %3.f%% done! ']; else status_String{j} = waitbarString; status_Title{j} = waitbarTitle; idCPU(j) = njob; end if prtfrc==1, delete(stax(j).name), end catch end end if exist('OCTAVE_VERSION'), printf([statusString,'\r'], 100 .* pcerdone); else figure(hfigstatus), for j=1:length(stax), axes(hstatus(idCPU(j))), hpat = findobj(hstatus(idCPU(j)),'Type','patch'); if ~isempty(hpat), set(hpat,'XData',[0 0 pcerdone(j) pcerdone(j)]) else patch([0 0 pcerdone(j) pcerdone(j)],[0 1 1 0],'r','EdgeColor','r') end title([status_Title{j},' - ',status_String{j}]); end end if isempty(dir(['P_',fname,'_*End.txt'])) mydelete(['comp_status_',fname,'*.mat']) if ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION'), close(hfigstatus), else printf('\n'); diary on; end break end end % Create return value for j=1:totCPU, load([fname,'_output_',int2str(j),'.mat'],'fOutputVar'); delete([fname,'_output_',int2str(j),'.mat']); fOutVar(j)=fOutputVar; end % Cleanup delete([fname,'_input.mat']) delete ConcurrentCommand1.bat