function imcforecast(constrained_paths, constrained_vars, options_cond_fcst) % Computes conditional forecasts. % % INPUTS % o constrained_paths [double] m*p array, where m is the number of constrained endogenous variables and p is the number of constrained periods. % o constrained_vars [char] m*x array holding the names of the controlled endogenous variables. % o options_cond_fcst [structure] containing the options. The fields are: % + replic [integer] scalar, number of monte carlo simulations. % + parameter_set [char] values of the estimated parameters: % "posterior_mode", % "posterior_mean", % "posterior_median", % "prior_mode" or % "prior mean". % [double] np*1 array, values of the estimated parameters. % + controlled_varexo [char] m*x array, list of controlled exogenous variables. % + conf_sig [double] scalar in [0,1], probability mass covered by the confidence bands. % % OUTPUTS % None. % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % This routine has to be called after an estimation statement or an estimated_params block. % % REMARKS % [1] Results are stored in a structure which is saved in a mat file called conditional_forecasts.mat. % [2] Use the function plot_icforecast to plot the results. % Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global options_ oo_ M_ bayestopt_ if isfield(options_cond_fcst,'parameter_set') || isempty(options_cond_fcst.parameter_set) options_cond_fcst.parameter_set = 'posterior_mode'; end if ischar(options_cond_fcst.parameter_set) switch options_cond_fcst.parameter_set case 'posterior_mode' xparam = get_posterior_parameters('mode'); case 'posterior_mean' xparam = get_posterior_parameters('mean'); case 'posterior_median' xparam = get_posterior_parameters('median'); case 'prior_mode' xparam = bayestopt_.p5(:); case 'prior_mean' xparam = bayestopt_.p1; otherwise disp('eval_likelihood:: If the input argument is a string, then it has to be equal to:') disp(' ''posterior_mode'', ') disp(' ''posterior_mean'', ') disp(' ''posterior_median'', ') disp(' ''prior_mode'' or') disp(' ''prior_mean''.') error('imcforecast:: Wrong argument type!') end else xparam = options_cond_fcst.parameter_set; if length(xparam)~=length(M_.params) error('imcforecast:: The dimension of the vector of parameters doesn''t match the number of estimated parameters!') end end if ~isfield(options_cond_fcst,'replic') || isempty(options_cond_fcst.replic) options_cond_fcst.replic = 5000; end if ~isfield(options_cond_fcst,'periods') || isempty(options_cond_fcst.periods) options_cond_fcst.periods = 40; end if ~isfield(options_cond_fcst,'conf_sig') || isempty(options_cond_fcst.conf_sig) options_cond_fcst.conf_sig = .8; end set_parameters(xparam); n_varobs = size(options_.varobs,1); rawdata = read_variables(options_.datafile,options_.varobs,[],options_.xls_sheet,options_.xls_range); options_ = set_default_option(options_,'nobs',size(rawdata,1)-options_.first_obs+1); gend = options_.nobs; rawdata = rawdata(options_.first_obs:options_.first_obs+gend-1,:); % Transform the data. if options_.loglinear if ~options_.logdata rawdata = log(rawdata); end end % Test if the data set is real. if ~isreal(rawdata) error('There are complex values in the data! Probably a wrong transformation') end % Detrend the data. options_.missing_data = any(any(isnan(rawdata))); if options_.prefilter == 1 if options_.missing_data bayestopt_.mean_varobs = zeros(n_varobs,1); for variable=1:n_varobs rdx = find(~isnan(rawdata(:,variable))); m = mean(rawdata(rdx,variable)); rawdata(rdx,variable) = rawdata(rdx,variable)-m; bayestopt_.mean_varobs(variable) = m; end else bayestopt_.mean_varobs = mean(rawdata,1)'; rawdata = rawdata-repmat(bayestopt_.mean_varobs',gend,1); end end data = transpose(rawdata); % Handle the missing observations. [data_index,number_of_observations,no_more_missing_observations] = describe_missing_data(data,gend,n_varobs); missing_value = ~(number_of_observations == gend*n_varobs); [atT,innov,measurement_error,filtered_state_vector,ys,trend_coeff] = DsgeSmoother(xparam,gend,data,data_index,number_of_observations); trend = repmat(ys,1,options_cond_fcst.periods+1); for i=1:M_.endo_nbr j = strmatch(deblank(M_.endo_names(i,:)),options_.varobs,'exact'); if ~isempty(j) trend(i,:) = trend(i,:)+trend_coeff(j)*(gend+(0:options_cond_fcst.periods)); end end trend = trend(oo_.dr.order_var,:); InitState(:,1) = atT(:,end); [T,R,ys,info] = dynare_resolve; sQ = sqrt(M_.Sigma_e); NumberOfStates = length(InitState); FORCS1 = zeros(NumberOfStates,options_cond_fcst.periods+1,options_cond_fcst.replic); for b=1:options_cond_fcst.replic FORCS1(:,1,b) = InitState; end EndoSize = M_.endo_nbr; ExoSize = M_.exo_nbr; n1 = size(constrained_vars,1); n2 = size(options_cond_fcst.controlled_varexo,1); if n1 ~= n2 error(['imcforecast:: The number of constrained variables doesn''t match the number of controlled shocks']) end idx = []; jdx = []; for i = 1:n1 idx = [idx ; oo_.dr.inv_order_var(strmatch(deblank(constrained_vars(i,:)),M_.endo_names,'exact'))]; jdx = [jdx ; strmatch(deblank(options_cond_fcst.controlled_varexo(i,:)),M_.exo_names,'exact')]; end mv = zeros(n1,NumberOfStates); mu = zeros(ExoSize,n2); for i=1:n1 mv(i,idx(i)) = 1; mu(jdx(i),i) = 1; end if (size(constrained_paths,2) == 1); constrained_paths = constrained_paths*ones(1,cL); else cL = size(constrained_paths,2); end randn('state',0); for b=1:options_cond_fcst.replic shocks = sQ*randn(ExoSize,options_cond_fcst.periods); shocks(jdx,:) = zeros(length(jdx),options_cond_fcst.periods); FORCS1(:,:,b) = mcforecast3(cL,options_cond_fcst.periods,constrained_paths,shocks,FORCS1(:,:,b),T,R,mv, mu)+trend; end mFORCS1 = mean(FORCS1,3); tt = (1-options_cond_fcst.conf_sig)/2; t1 = round(options_cond_fcst.replic*tt); t2 = round(options_cond_fcst.replic*(1-tt)); forecasts.controled_variables = constrained_vars; forecasts.instruments = options_cond_fcst.controlled_varexo; for i = 1:EndoSize eval(['forecasts.cond.mean.' deblank(M_.endo_names(oo_.dr.order_var(i),:)) ' = mFORCS1(i,:)'';']); tmp = sort(squeeze(FORCS1(i,:,:))'); eval(['' deblank(M_.endo_names(oo_.dr.order_var(i),:)) ... ' = [tmp(t1,:)'' ,tmp(t2,:)'' ]'';']); end clear FORCS1; FORCS2 = zeros(NumberOfStates,options_cond_fcst.periods+1,options_cond_fcst.replic); for b=1:options_cond_fcst.replic FORCS2(:,1,b) = InitState; end randn('state',0); for b=1:options_cond_fcst.replic shocks = sQ*randn(ExoSize,options_cond_fcst.periods); shocks(jdx,:) = zeros(length(jdx),options_cond_fcst.periods); FORCS2(:,:,b) = mcforecast3(0,options_cond_fcst.periods,constrained_paths,shocks,FORCS2(:,:,b),T,R,mv, mu)+trend; end mFORCS2 = mean(FORCS2,3); for i = 1:EndoSize eval(['forecasts.uncond.mean.' deblank(M_.endo_names(oo_.dr.order_var(i),:)) ' = mFORCS2(i,:)'';']); tmp = sort(squeeze(FORCS2(i,:,:))'); eval(['' deblank(M_.endo_names(oo_.dr.order_var(i),:)) ... ' = [tmp(t1,:)'' ,tmp(t2,:)'' ]'';']); end save('conditional_forecasts.mat','forecasts');