% Test solve_algo=0 (fsolve), and its companion “fsolve_options” option var c k; varexo x; parameters alph gam delt bet aa; alph=0.5; gam=0.5; delt=0.02; bet=0.05; aa=0.5; model; c + k - aa*x*k(-1)^alph - (1-delt)*k(-1); c^(-gam) - (1+bet)^(-1)*(aa*alph*x(+1)*k^(alph-1) + 1 - delt)*c(+1)^(-gam); end; initval; x = 1; k = 1; c = 0.1; end; if isoctave steady(solve_algo=0, fsolve_options = ('AutoScaling', 'on')); elseif user_has_matlab_license('optimization_toolbox') %% NB: The Display option is accepted but not honoured under Octave (as of version 7) steady(solve_algo=0, fsolve_options = ('Display', 'iter')); end