var Efficiency, efficiency; varexo EfficiencyInnovation; parameters rho, effstar, sigma; /* ** Calibration */ rho = 0.950; effstar = 1.000; sigma = 0.0001; external_function(name=mean_preserving_spread,nargs=2); model(use_dll); // Eq. n°1: efficiency = rho*efficiency(-1) + sigma*EfficiencyInnovation; // Eq. n°2: Efficiency = effstar*exp(efficiency-mean_preserving_spread(rho,sigma)); end; shocks; var EfficiencyInnovation = 1; end; steady_state_model; efficiency=0; Efficiency=effstar; end; steady; options_.ep.stochastic.order = 0; ts = extended_path([], 100, [], options_, M_, oo_); options_.ep.stochastic.order = 1; sts = extended_path([], 100, [], options_, M_, oo_); // The model is backward, we do not care about future uncertainty, extended path and stochastic extended path // should return the same results. if max(max(abs(>pi*options_.dynatol.x disp('Stochastic Extended Path:: Something is wrong here (potential bug in extended_path.m)!!!') end