debug = false; if ~debug source_dir = getenv('source_root'); addpath([source_dir filesep 'matlab']); end dynare_config; testFailed = 0; if ~debug skipline() disp('*** TESTING: contribs.m ***'); end % % TEST % t0 = clock; try dataset = dseries('simulateddata.m'); dcontrib --model sandbox.mod --tags zpac eq:x1 --database dataset --output results --range 2023Q1:2073Q1 if max(abs(sum(, 2)-dataset.z(dates('2023Q1'):dates('2073Q1')).data))>1e-5 error('Computation of dynamic contributions failed.') end catch testFailed = testFailed+1; end t1 = clock; if ~debug fprintf('\n*** Elapsed time (in seconds): %.1f\n\n', etime(t1, t0)); quit(testFailed > 0) end % % END OF TEST %