function [nam, texnam] = get_the_name(k, TeX, M_, estim_params_, varobs) % [nam, texnam] = get_the_name(k, TeX, M_, estim_params_, varobs) % Returns name of estimated parameter number k, following the internal ordering of % the estimated parameters. % Inputs: % - k [integer] parameter number. % - TeX [bool] if false, texnam is not returned (empty matrix) % - M_ [structure] model % - estim_params_ [structure] describing the estimated parameters % - varobs [cell] name of observed variables % % Outputs % - nam [char] internal name of the variable % - texnam [char] TeX name of the same variable (if defined in the mod file) % % This function is called by: % get_prior_info, mcmc_diagnostics, mode_check, PlotPosteriorDistributions, plot_priors % % This function calls: % None. % % Copyright © 2004-2023 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . texnam = []; nvx = estim_params_.nvx; nvn = estim_params_.nvn; ncx = estim_params_.ncx; ncn = estim_params_.ncn; if k <= nvx vname = M_.exo_names{estim_params_.var_exo(k,1)}; nam = sprintf('SE_%s', vname); if TeX tname = M_.exo_names_tex{estim_params_.var_exo(k,1)}; texnam = sprintf('$ \\sigma_{%s} $', tname); end elseif k <= (nvx+nvn) vname = varobs{estim_params_.nvn_observable_correspondence(k-estim_params_.nvx,1)}; nam = sprintf('SE_EOBS_%s', vname); if TeX tname = M_.endo_names_tex{estim_params_.var_endo(k-estim_params_.nvx,1)}; texnam = sprintf('$ \\sigma^{ME}_{%s} $', tname); end elseif k <= (nvx+nvn+ncx) jj = k - (nvx+nvn); k1 = estim_params_.corrx(jj,1); k2 = estim_params_.corrx(jj,2); vname = sprintf('%s_%s', M_.exo_names{k1}, M_.exo_names{k2}); nam = sprintf('CC_%s', vname); if TeX tname = sprintf('%s,%s', M_.exo_names_tex{k1}, M_.exo_names_tex{k2}); texnam = sprintf('$ \\rho_{%s} $', tname); end elseif k <= (nvx+nvn+ncx+ncn) jj = k - (nvx+nvn+ncx); k1 = estim_params_.corrn(jj,1); k2 = estim_params_.corrn(jj,2); vname = sprintf('%s_%s', M_.endo_names{k1}, M_.endo_names{k2}); nam = sprintf('CC_EOBS_%s', vname); if TeX tname = sprintf('%s,%s', M_.endo_names_tex{k1}, M_.endo_names_tex{k2}); texnam = sprintf('$ \\rho^{ME}_{%s} $', tname); end else jj = k - (nvx+nvn+ncx+ncn); jj1 = estim_params_.param_vals(jj,1); nam = M_.param_names{jj1}; if TeX texnam = sprintf('$ %s $', M_.param_names_tex{jj1}); end end