doc: rework reporting portion of slides

Houtan Bastani 2014-05-28 19:01:33 +02:00
parent dafc1b9c1f
commit ff268520cd
1 changed files with 70 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -691,9 +691,10 @@ the time range of \verb+vs+ will be the union of \verb+ts.dates+ and
\frametitle{Reporting Class Hierarchy} \frametitle{Reporting Class Hierarchy}
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\myitem Class names on the top half of the box, constructor names on the bottom \myitem Class names on the top half of the box, constructor names on the bottom
\myitem Arrows represent what the new object can be added to \myitem Arrows represent what the new object can be added to; objects in ellipses are treated a bit differently (explained below)
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
\begin{center} \begin{center}
\begin{tikzpicture}[ \begin{tikzpicture}[
node distance = .45cm, node distance = .45cm,
auto, auto,
@ -714,15 +715,15 @@ the time range of \verb+vs+ will be the union of \verb+ts.dates+ and
\textbf{Section} \textbf{Section}
\nodepart{second}\texttt{addSection(...);} \nodepart{second}\texttt{addSection(...);}
}; };
\node (Paragraph) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, right=of Section] \node (Paragraph) [abstract, ellipse split, rectangle split parts=2, right=of Section]
{ {
\textbf{Paragraph} \textbf{Paragraph}
\nodepart{second}\texttt{addParagraph(...);} \nodepart{lower}\texttt{addParagraph(...);}
}; };
\node (Vspace) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, left=of Section] \node (Vspace) [abstract, ellipse split, rectangle split parts=2, left=of Section]
{ {
\textbf{Vspace} \textbf{Vspace}
\nodepart{second}\texttt{addVspace(...);} \nodepart{lower}\texttt{addVspace(...);}
}; };
\node (Spacer) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, opacity=0, below=of Section] \node (Spacer) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, opacity=0, below=of Section]
{ {
@ -750,56 +751,97 @@ the time range of \verb+vs+ will be the union of \verb+ts.dates+ and
\draw [line] (Vspace) to node { } (Section); \draw [line] (Vspace) to node { } (Section);
\draw [line] (Section) to node { } (Page); \draw [line] (Section) to node { } (Page);
\draw [line] (Page) to node { } (Report); \draw [line] (Page) to node { } (Report);
\end{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture}}
\end{center} \end{center}
\end{frame} \end{frame}
\subsection{Syntax} \subsection{Syntax}
\begin{frame}[fragile,t] \begin{frame}[fragile,t]
\frametitle{Reporting Syntax (1/2)} \frametitle{Reporting Syntax (1/3)}
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\myitem \texttt{report(\ldots)}: Create a report \myitem \texttt{report(\ldots)}: Create a report
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{compiler}, \texttt{showDate}, \texttt{fileName}, \texttt{margin}, \texttt{marginUnit}, \texttt{orientation}, \texttt{paper}, \texttt{title} \myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{compiler}, \texttt{showDate}, \texttt{fileName}, \texttt{margin}, \texttt{marginUnit}, \ldots
>> rep = report(`title', `Dynare Summer School 2014', ...
`fileName', `myDynareReport.tex');
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
\myitem \texttt{addPage(\ldots)}: Add a page to the \texttt{Report} \myitem \texttt{addPage(\ldots)}: Add a page to the \texttt{Report}
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{footnote}, \texttt{orientation}, \texttt{paper}, \texttt{title}, \texttt{titleFormat} \myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{footnote}, \texttt{orientation}, \texttt{paper}, \texttt{title}, \texttt{titleFormat}
>> rep = rep.addPage(`title', \{`Page Title', `Page Subtitle'\}, ...
`titleFormat', \{`\textbackslash{}large\textbackslash{}bfseries', `\textbackslash{}large'\});
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
\myitem \texttt{addSection(\ldots)}: Add a section to the current \texttt{Page} \myitem \texttt{addSection(\ldots)}: Add a section to the current \texttt{Page}
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\myitem You can think of a section as a matrix. As graphs and/or tables are added section, it fills up from left to right. Once you have added \texttt{cols} objects, a new row is started. \myitem You can think of a section as a matrix. As graphs and/or tables are added to a section, it fills up from left to right. Once you have added \texttt{cols} objects, a new row is started.
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{cols}, \texttt{height} \myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{cols}, \texttt{height}
\end{itemize} \begin{alltt}
\myitem \texttt{addVspace(\ldots)}: Add a vertical space to the current \texttt{Section}. >> rep = rep.addSection(`cols', 3);
\begin{itemize} \end{alltt}
\myitem If the row has been completely filled in, this adds space between this row and the next row. If not, this adds space at the end of the \texttt{Section} and closes it
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{hline}, \texttt{number}
\myitem \texttt{addParagraph(\ldots)}: Add text to the current \texttt{Section}
\myitem To add anything other than \texttt{Paragraphs} to a \texttt{Section}, you must add a new \texttt{Section} to the page
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{balancedCols}, \texttt{cols}, \texttt{heading}, \texttt{index}, \texttt{text},
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
\end{frame} \end{frame}
\begin{frame}[fragile,t] \begin{frame}[fragile,t]
\frametitle{Reporting Syntax (2/2)} \frametitle{Reporting Syntax (2/3)}
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\myitem \texttt{addGraph(\ldots)}: Add a graph to the current \texttt{Section} \myitem \texttt{addVspace(\ldots)}: Add a vertical space to the current \texttt{Section}.
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{data}, \texttt{graphDirName}, \texttt{graphName}, \texttt{graphSize}, \texttt{height}, \texttt{showGrid}, \texttt{showLegend}, \texttt{showLegendBox}, \texttt{legendLocation}, \texttt{legendOrientation}, \texttt{legendFontSize}, \texttt{miscTikzAxisOptions}, \texttt{miscTikzPictureOptions}, \texttt{seriesToUse}, \texttt{shade}, \texttt{shadeColor}, \texttt{shadeOpacity}, \texttt{title}, \texttt{titleFormat}, \texttt{width}, \texttt{xlabel}, \texttt{ylabel}, \texttt{xAxisTight}, \texttt{xrange}, \texttt{xTicks}, \texttt{xTickLabels}, \texttt{xTickLabelAnchor}, \texttt{xTickLabelRotation}, \texttt{yAxisTight}, \texttt{yrange}, \texttt{showZeroLine} \myitem If the row has been completely filled in, this adds space between this row and the next row. If not, this adds space at the end of the \texttt{Section} and closes it; in other words, in this situation if you want to add more graphs, you'd have to create a new \texttt{Section} first.
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{hline}, \texttt{number}
>> rep = rep.addVspace(`hline', 2, `number', 3);
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
\myitem \texttt{addTable(\ldots)}: Add a table to the current \texttt{Section} \myitem \texttt{addParagraph(\ldots)}: Add text to the current \texttt{Section}
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{data}, \texttt{showHlines}, \texttt{precision}, \texttt{range}, \texttt{seriesToUse}, \texttt{tableDirName}, \texttt{tableName}, \texttt{title}, \texttt{titleFormat}, \texttt{vlineAfter}, \texttt{vlineAfterEndOfPeriod}, \texttt{showVlines} \myitem To add anything other than a paragraph (or multiple paragraphs) to a \texttt{Section}, you must add a new \texttt{Section} to the page
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{balancedCols}, \texttt{cols}, \texttt{heading}, \texttt{index}, \texttt{text}
>> rep = rep.addParagraph(`text', `Lorem ipsum\textbackslash{}ldots\textbackslash{}newline');
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
\myitem \texttt{addSeries(\ldots)}: Add a series to the current \texttt{Graph} or \texttt{Table} \end{itemize}
\frametitle{Reporting Syntax (3/3)}
\myitem \texttt{addGraph(\ldots)}: Add a graph to the current \texttt{Section}
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{data}, \texttt{graphHline}, \texttt{graphLegendName}, \texttt{graphLineColor}, \texttt{graphLineStyle}, \texttt{graphLineWidth}, \texttt{graphMarker}, \texttt{graphMarkerEdgeColor}, \texttt{graphMarkerFaceColor}, \texttt{graphMarkerSize}, \texttt{graphMiscTikzAddPlotOptions}, \texttt{graphShowInLegend}, \texttt{graphVline}, \texttt{tableDataRhs}, \texttt{tableRowColor}, \texttt{tableRowIndent}, \texttt{tableShowMarkers}, \texttt{tableAlignRight}, \texttt{tableMarkerLimit}, \texttt{tableNegColor}, \texttt{tablePosColor}, \texttt{tableSubSectionHeader}, \texttt{zeroTol} \myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{data}, \texttt{graphDirName}, \texttt{graphName}, \texttt{graphSize}, \texttt{height}, \ldots
>> rep = rep.addGraph(`title', `Headline Inflation (y/y)', ...
`xrange', prange, ...
`shade', srange, ...
`showZeroline', true);
\myitem \texttt{addTable(\ldots)}: Add a table to the current \texttt{Section}
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{data}, \texttt{showHlines}, \texttt{precision}, \texttt{range}, \texttt{seriesToUse}, \ldots
>> rep = rep.addTable(`title', \{`Real GDP Growth',`subtitle 1'\}, ...
`range', larange, ...
`vlineAfter', dates(`2011y'));
\myitem \texttt{addSeries(\ldots)}: Add a series to the current \texttt{Graph} or \texttt{Table}
\myitem \textbf{Options}: \texttt{data}, \texttt{graphHline}, \texttt{graphLegendName}, \texttt{graphLineColor}, \ldots
>> rep = rep.addSeries(`data', db\_q.LRPOIL\_WORLD, ...
`graphLineColor', `blue', ...
`graphLineWidth', 1.5, ...
`graphMarker', `triangle*');
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
\end{frame} \end{frame}
@ -875,8 +917,8 @@ the time range of \verb+vs+ will be the union of \verb+ts.dates+ and
\begin{verbatim} \begin{verbatim}
report = report.addVspace(`number', 2); report = report.addVspace(`number', 2);
report = report.addSection(`cols', 1); report = report.addSection(`cols', 1);
report = report.addTable(`range', dates(`2022q1'):dates(`2024q1'),... report = report.addTable(`range', 2022q1:2024q1, `precision', 5);
`precision', 5);
@# for var in endovars @# for var in endovars
report = report.addSeries(`data', shock@{shock}.@{var}); report = report.addSeries(`data', shock@{shock}.@{var});
@# endfor @# endfor