k_order_simul+local_state_space_iteration_fortran MEX: fix gfortran warnings

Sébastien Villemot 2021-09-24 16:18:10 +02:00
parent 1eee9c53b7
commit e722e908e5
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 21 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs) bind(c, name='mexFunction')
type(pol), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: fdr, udr
integer :: order, nstatic, npred, nboth, nfwrd, exo_nbr, endo_nbr, nys, nvar, nper
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: shocks, sim
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable :: ysteady, ystart, ysteady_pred, ystart_pred, dyu
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable :: ysteady_pred, ystart_pred, dyu
real(real64), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: ysteady, ystart
type(pascal_triangle) :: p
type(uf_matching), dimension(:), allocatable :: matching
type(horner), dimension(:), allocatable :: h
integer :: i, t, d, m, n
character(kind=c_char, len=10) :: fieldname
@ -112,8 +112,7 @@ subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs) bind(c, name='mexFunction')
if (endo_nbr /= int(mxGetM(ystart_mx))) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("ystart should have nstat+npred+nboth+nforw rows")
end if
ystart = mxGetPr(ystart_mx)
ystart => mxGetPr(ystart_mx)
if (exo_nbr /= int(mxGetM(shocks_mx))) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("shocks should have nexog rows")
@ -125,8 +124,7 @@ subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs) bind(c, name='mexFunction')
if (.not. (int(mxGetM(ysteady_mx)) == endo_nbr)) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("ysteady should have nstat+npred+nboth+nforw rows")
end if
ysteady = mxGetPr(ysteady_mx)
ysteady => mxGetPr(ysteady_mx)
allocate(h(0:order), fdr(0:order), udr(0:order))
do i = 0, order
@ -146,13 +144,15 @@ subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs) bind(c, name='mexFunction')
if (order > 1) then
! Compute the useful binomial coefficients from Pascal's triangle
p = pascal_triangle(nvar+order-1)
type(uf_matching), dimension(2:order) :: matching
! Pinpointing the corresponding offsets between folded and unfolded tensors
do d=2,order
call fill_folded_indices(matching(d)%folded, nvar, d, p)
udr(d)%g = fdr(d)%g(:,matching(d)%folded)
end do
end block
end if
allocate(dyu(nvar), ystart_pred(nys), ysteady_pred(nys), sim(endo_nbr,nper))

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@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs) bind(c, name='mexFunction')
type(c_ptr) :: M_mx, options_mx, dr_mx, yhat_mx, epsilon_mx, udr_mx, tmp
type(pol), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: udr
integer :: order, nstatic, npred, nboth, nfwrd, exo_nbr, endo_nbr, nparticles, nys, nvar, nrestricted
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable :: order_var, ys, ys_reordered, restrict_var_list, dyu
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable :: ys_reordered, dyu
real(real64), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: order_var, ys, restrict_var_list
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: yhat, e, ynext, ynext_all
type(horner), dimension(:), allocatable :: h
integer :: i, j, m, n
@ -90,17 +91,16 @@ subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs) bind(c, name='mexFunction')
if (.not. (mxIsDouble(order_var_mx) .and. int(mxGetNumberOfElements(order_var_mx)) == endo_nbr)) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Field dr.order_var should be a double precision vector with endo_nbr elements")
end if
order_var = mxGetPr(order_var_mx)
order_var => mxGetPr(order_var_mx)
end associate
associate (ys_mx => mxGetField(dr_mx, 1_mwIndex, "ys"))
if (.not. (mxIsDouble(ys_mx) .and. int(mxGetNumberOfElements(ys_mx)) == endo_nbr)) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Field dr.ys should be a double precision vector with endo_nbr elements")
end if
allocate(ys(endo_nbr), ys_reordered(endo_nbr))
ys = mxGetPr(ys_mx)
ys => mxGetPr(ys_mx)
! Construct the reordered steady state
do i=1, endo_nbr
ys_reordered(i) = ys(int(order_var(i)))
end do
@ -111,8 +111,7 @@ subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs) bind(c, name='mexFunction')
call mexErrMsgTxt("Field dr.restrict_var_list should be a double precision vector")
end if
nrestricted = size(mxGetPr(restrict_var_list_mx))
restrict_var_list = mxGetPr(restrict_var_list_mx)
restrict_var_list => mxGetPr(restrict_var_list_mx)
end associate
nparticles = int(mxGetN(yhat_mx));