Merge Enterprise/block_trust_region into enterprise.

Stéphane Adjemian (Charybdis) 2020-09-24 16:05:55 +02:00
commit e690c5de5a
Signed by: stepan
GPG Key ID: 295C1FE89E17EB3C
8 changed files with 270 additions and 570 deletions

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@ -232,13 +232,13 @@ elseif options.solve_algo==9
[x, errorflag] = trust_region(f, x, 1:nn, 1:nn, jacobian_flag, options.gstep, ...
tolf, tolx, ...
maxit, options.debug, arguments{:});
elseif ismember(options.solve_algo, [2, 12, 4, 14])
elseif ismember(options.solve_algo, [2, 12, 4])
if ismember(options.solve_algo, [2, 12])
solver = @solve1;
solver = @trust_region;
specializedunivariateblocks = ismember(options.solve_algo, [12, 14]);
specializedunivariateblocks = options.solve_algo == 12;
if ~jacobian_flag
fjac = zeros(nn,nn) ;
dh = max(abs(x), options.gstep(1)*ones(nn,1))*eps^(1/3);
@ -251,19 +251,19 @@ elseif ismember(options.solve_algo, [2, 12, 4, 14])
[j1,j2,r,s] = dmperm(fjac);
JAC = abs(fjac(j1,j2))>0;
if options.debug
disp(['DYNARE_SOLVE (solve_algo=2|4|12|14): number of blocks = ' num2str(length(r))]);
disp(['DYNARE_SOLVE (solve_algo=2|4|12): number of blocks = ' num2str(length(r)-1)]);
l = 0;
fre = false;
for i=length(r)-1:-1:1
blocklength = r(i+1)-r(i);
if options.debug
dprintf('DYNARE_SOLVE (solve_algo=2|4|12|14): solving block %u of size %u.', i, blocklength);
dprintf('DYNARE_SOLVE (solve_algo=2|4|12): solving block %u of size %u.', i, blocklength);
j = r(i):r(i+1)-1;
if specializedunivariateblocks
if options.debug
dprintf('DYNARE_SOLVE (solve_algo=2|4|12|14): solving block %u by evaluating RHS.', i);
dprintf('DYNARE_SOLVE (solve_algo=2|4|12): solving block %u by evaluating RHS.', i);
if isequal(blocklength, 1)
if i<length(r)-1
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ elseif ismember(options.solve_algo, [2, 12, 4, 14])
if options.debug
dprintf('DYNARE_SOLVE (solve_algo=2|4|12|14): solving block %u with trust_region routine.', i);
dprintf('DYNARE_SOLVE (solve_algo=2|4|12): solving block %u with trust_region routine.', i);
[x, errorflag] = solver(f, x, j1(j), j2(j), jacobian_flag, ...
@ -356,6 +356,19 @@ elseif options.solve_algo == 11
errorflag = true;
elseif ismember(options.solve_algo, [13, 14])
if ~jacobian_flag
error('DYNARE_SOLVE: option solve_algo=13|14 needs computed Jacobian')
auxstruct = struct();
if options.solve_algo == 14
auxstruct.lhs = lhs;
auxstruct.endo_names = endo_names;
auxstruct.isloggedlhs = isloggedlhs;
auxstruct.isauxdiffloggedrhs = isauxdiffloggedrhs;
[x, errorflag] = block_trust_region(f, x, tolf, options.solve_tolx, maxit, options.debug, auxstruct, arguments{:});
[fvec, fjac] = feval(f, x, arguments{:});
error('DYNARE_SOLVE: option solve_algo must be one of [0,1,2,3,4,9,10,11,12,14]')
error('DYNARE_SOLVE: option solve_algo must be one of [0,1,2,3,4,9,10,11,12,13,14]')

View File

@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ function [steady_state,params,info] = steady_(M_,options_,oo_)
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with Dynare. If not, see <>.
if options_.solve_algo < 0 || options_.solve_algo > 12
error('STEADY: solve_algo must be between 0 and 12')
if options_.solve_algo < 0 || options_.solve_algo > 14
error('STEADY: solve_algo must be between 0 and 14')
if ~options_.bytecode && ~options_.block && options_.solve_algo > 4 && ...

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ nodist_block_trust_region_SOURCES = \
BUILT_SOURCES = $(nodist_block_trust_region_SOURCES)
CLEANFILES = $(nodist_block_trust_region_SOURCES)
dulmage_mendelsohn.o: matlab_mex.mod
dulmage_mendelsohn.mod: dulmage_mendelsohn.o
matlab_fcn_closure.mod: matlab_fcn_closure.o

View File

@ -1,16 +1,7 @@
! Implementation of the Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition
! Closely follows the description of Pothen and Fan (1990), “Computing the
! Block Triangular Form of a Sparse Matrix”, ACM Transactions on Mathematical
! Software, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 303324
! In addition, also computes the directed acyclic graph (DAG) formed by the
! fine blocks, in order to optimize the parallel resolution of a linear system.
! The last (i.e. lower-right) block has no predecessor (since this is an
! *upper* block triangular form), and the other blocks may have predecessors if
! they use variables computed by blocks further on the right.
! Wrapper around MATLABs dmperm to compute the Dulmage-Mendelsohn
! decomposition
! Copyright © 2019 Dynare Team
! Copyright © 2020 Dynare Team
! This file is part of Dynare.
@ -29,559 +20,53 @@
module dulmage_mendelsohn
use iso_fortran_env
use matlab_mex
implicit none
public :: dm_block, dmperm, dm_blocks
! Represents a block in the fine DM decomposition
type :: dm_block
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: row_indices, col_indices
character :: coarse_type ! Place in the coarse decomposition, either 'H', 'S' or 'V'
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: predecessors, successors ! Predecessors and successors in the DAG formed by fine DM blocks
end type dm_block
type :: vertex
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: edges
integer :: id ! Index of row of column represented by this vertex
end type vertex
type :: matrix_graph
type(vertex), dimension(:), allocatable :: row_vertices, col_vertices
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: row_matching, col_matching ! Maximum matching
character, dimension(:), allocatable :: row_coarse, col_coarse ! Coarse decomposition
type(dm_block), dimension(:), allocatable :: fine_blocks ! Fine decomposition
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: row_fine_block, col_fine_block ! Maps rows/cols to their block index
procedure :: init => matrix_graph_init
procedure :: maximum_matching => matrix_graph_maximum_matching
procedure :: coarse_decomposition => matrix_graph_coarse_decomposition
procedure :: fine_decomposition => matrix_graph_fine_decomposition
procedure :: fine_blocks_dag => matrix_graph_fine_blocks_dag
end type matrix_graph
! Initialize a matrix_graph object, given a matrix
subroutine matrix_graph_init(this, mat)
class(matrix_graph), intent(inout) :: this
real(real64), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: mat
integer :: i, j
if (size(mat, 1) < size(mat, 2)) &
error stop "Matrix has less rows than columns; consider transposing it"
! Create row vertices
allocate(this%row_vertices(size(mat, 1)))
do i = 1, size(mat, 1)
this%row_vertices(i)%edges = pack([ (j, j=1,size(mat, 2)) ], mat(i, :) /= 0_real64)
this%row_vertices(i)%id = i
end do
! Create column vertices
allocate(this%col_vertices(size(mat, 2)))
do i = 1, size(mat, 2)
this%col_vertices(i)%edges = pack([ (j, j=1, size(mat, 1)) ], mat(:, i) /= 0_real64)
this%col_vertices(i)%id = i
end do
end subroutine matrix_graph_init
! Computes the maximum matching for this graph
subroutine matrix_graph_maximum_matching(this)
class(matrix_graph), intent(inout) :: this
logical, dimension(size(this%row_vertices)) :: row_visited
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: col_unmatched, col_unmatched_new
integer :: i, j
if (allocated(this%row_matching) .or. allocated(this%col_matching)) &
error stop "Maximum matching already computed"
this%row_matching = 0
this%col_matching = 0
! Compute cheap matching
do i = 1, size(this%col_vertices)
match_col: do j = 1, size(this%col_vertices(i)%edges)
associate (v => this%col_vertices(i)%edges(j))
if (this%row_matching(v) == 0) then
this%row_matching(v) = i
this%col_matching(i) = v
exit match_col
end if
end associate
end do match_col
if (this%col_matching(i) == 0) col_unmatched = [ col_unmatched, i ]
end do
! Augment matching
row_visited = .false.
do i = 1, size(col_unmatched)
call search_augmenting_path(col_unmatched(i))
end do
if (size(col_unmatched) == size(col_unmatched_new)) exit
call move_alloc(from=col_unmatched_new, to=col_unmatched)
end do
! Depth-first search for an augmenting path
! The algorithm is written iteratively (and not recursively), because
! otherwise the stack could overflow on large matrices
subroutine search_augmenting_path(col)
integer, intent(in) :: col
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: row_path, col_path ! Path visited so far
integer, dimension(size(this%col_vertices)) :: col_edge ! For each column, keeps the last visited edge index
integer :: i
col_edge = 0
col_path(1) = col
! Depth-first search, starting from last column in the path
associate (current_col => col_path(size(col_path)))
col_edge(current_col) = col_edge(current_col) + 1
if (col_edge(current_col) > size(this%col_vertices(current_col)%edges)) then
! We visited all edges from this column, need to backtrack
if (size(col_path) == 1) then
! The search failed
col_unmatched_new = [ col_unmatched_new, col ]
end if
col_path = col_path(:size(col_path)-1)
row_path = row_path(:size(row_path)-1)
associate (current_row => this%col_vertices(current_col)%edges(col_edge(current_col)))
if (.not. row_visited(current_row)) then
row_visited(current_row) = .true.
row_path = [ row_path, current_row ]
if (this%row_matching(current_row) == 0) then
! We found an augmenting path, update matching and return
do i = 1, size(col_path)
this%row_matching(row_path(i)) = col_path(i)
this%col_matching(col_path(i)) = row_path(i)
end do
end if
col_path = [ col_path, this%row_matching(current_row)]
end if
end associate
end if
end associate
end do
end subroutine search_augmenting_path
end subroutine matrix_graph_maximum_matching
! Computes the coarse decomposition
! The {row,col}_coarse arrays are filled with characters 'H', 'S' and 'V'
subroutine matrix_graph_coarse_decomposition(this)
class(matrix_graph), intent(inout) :: this
integer :: i
if (allocated(this%row_coarse) .or. allocated(this%col_coarse)) &
error stop "Coarse decomposition already computed"
if (.not. (allocated(this%row_matching) .and. allocated(this%col_matching))) &
error stop "Maximum matching not yet computed"
! Initialize partition
this%row_coarse = 'S'
this%col_coarse = 'S'
! Identify A_h
do i = 1, size(this%col_vertices)
if (this%col_matching(i) /= 0) cycle
this%col_coarse(i) = 'H'
call alternating_dfs_col(i)
end do
! Identify A_v
do i = 1, size(this%row_vertices)
if (this%row_matching(i) /= 0) cycle
this%row_coarse(i) = 'V'
call alternating_dfs_row(i)
end do
! Depth-first search along alternating path, starting from a column
! Written iteratively, to avoid stack overflow on large matrices
subroutine alternating_dfs_col(col)
integer, intent(in) :: col
integer, dimension(size(this%col_vertices)) :: col_edge
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: col_path ! path visited so far
col_edge = 0
col_path(1) = col
associate (current_col => col_path(size(col_path)))
col_edge(current_col) = col_edge(current_col) + 1
if (col_edge(current_col) > size(this%col_vertices(current_col)%edges)) then
! We visited all edges from this column, need to backtrack
if (size(col_path) == 1) return
col_path = col_path(:size(col_path)-1)
associate (current_row => this%col_vertices(current_col)%edges(col_edge(current_col)))
if (this%row_coarse(current_row) /= 'H') then
this%row_coarse(current_row) = 'H'
if (this%row_matching(current_row) /= 0) then
this%col_coarse(this%row_matching(current_row)) = 'H'
col_path = [ col_path, this%row_matching(current_row)]
end if
end if
end associate
end if
end associate
end do
end subroutine alternating_dfs_col
! Depth-first search along alternating path, starting from a row
! This is the perfect symmetric of alternating_dfs_col (swapping "col" and "row")
subroutine alternating_dfs_row(row)
integer, intent(in) :: row
integer, dimension(size(this%row_vertices)) :: row_edge
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: row_path ! path visited so far
row_edge = 0
row_path(1) = row
associate (current_row => row_path(size(row_path)))
row_edge(current_row) = row_edge(current_row) + 1
if (row_edge(current_row) > size(this%row_vertices(current_row)%edges)) then
! We visited all edges from this row, need to backtrack
if (size(row_path) == 1) return
row_path = row_path(:size(row_path)-1)
associate (current_col => this%row_vertices(current_row)%edges(row_edge(current_row)))
if (this%col_coarse(current_col) /= 'V') then
this%col_coarse(current_col) = 'V'
if (this%col_matching(current_col) /= 0) then
this%row_coarse(this%col_matching(current_col)) = 'V'
row_path = [ row_path, this%col_matching(current_col)]
end if
end if
end associate
end if
end associate
end do
end subroutine alternating_dfs_row
end subroutine matrix_graph_coarse_decomposition
! Computes the coarse decomposition
! Allocate and fills the this%row_fine_* and this%col_fine* arrays
subroutine matrix_graph_fine_decomposition(this)
class(matrix_graph), intent(inout) :: this
! Index of next block to be discovered
integer :: block_index
! Used in DFS (both in dfs_H_or_V and strongconnect)
integer, dimension(size(this%row_vertices)) :: row_edge
integer, dimension(size(this%col_vertices)) :: col_edge
! For dfs_H_or_V
logical, dimension(size(this%row_vertices)) :: row_visited
logical, dimension(size(this%col_vertices)) :: col_visited
! For strongconnect
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: col_stack
logical, dimension(size(this%col_vertices)) :: col_on_stack
integer, dimension(size(this%col_vertices)) :: col_index, col_lowlink
integer :: index
integer :: i
if (allocated(this%fine_blocks) &
.or. allocated(this%row_fine_block) .or. allocated(this%col_fine_block)) &
error stop "Fine decomposition already computed"
if (.not. (allocated(this%row_coarse) .and. allocated(this%col_coarse))) &
error stop "Coarse decomposition not yet computed"
block_index = 1
row_visited = .false.
col_visited = .false.
row_edge = 0
col_edge = 0
! Compute blocks in H
do i = 1, size(this%row_vertices)
if (this%row_coarse(i) == 'H' .and. .not. row_visited(i)) call dfs_H_or_V(i, .true., 'H')
end do
do i = 1, size(this%col_vertices)
if (this%col_coarse(i) == 'H' .and. .not. col_visited(i)) call dfs_H_or_V(i, .false., 'H')
end do
! Compute blocks in S (Tarjan algorithm on graph consisting only of column
! vertices, where rows have been merged with their matching columns)
col_on_stack = .false.
index = 0
col_index = -1
do i = 1, size(this%col_vertices)
if (this%col_coarse(i) == 'S' .and. col_index(i) == -1) call strongconnect(i)
end do
! Compute blocks in V
do i = 1, size(this%row_vertices)
if (this%row_coarse(i) == 'V' .and. .not. row_visited(i)) call dfs_H_or_V(i, .true., 'V')
end do
do i = 1, size(this%col_vertices)
if (this%col_coarse(i) == 'V' .and. .not. col_visited(i)) call dfs_H_or_V(i, .false., 'V')
end do
! Depth-first search for identifying one block inside the H or V sub-matrix
subroutine dfs_H_or_V(id, is_row, coarse_type)
integer, intent(in) :: id ! Start vertex ID
logical, intent(in) :: is_row ! Whether start vertex is a row
character, intent(in) :: coarse_type ! Either 'H' or 'V'
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: path
type(dm_block) :: new_block
path(1) = id
if (is_row) then
this%row_fine_block(id) = block_index
new_block%row_indices = [ id ]
row_visited(id) = .true.
this%col_fine_block(id) = block_index
new_block%col_indices = [ id ]
col_visited(id) = .true.
end if
associate (current_id => path(size(path)))
if ((mod(size(path), 2) == 0) .neqv. is_row) then ! Current vertex is a row
row_edge(current_id) = row_edge(current_id) + 1
if (row_edge(current_id) > size(this%row_vertices(current_id)%edges)) then
if (size(path) == 1) exit
path = path(:size(path)-1)
associate (next_id => this%row_vertices(current_id)%edges(row_edge(current_id)))
if (this%col_coarse(next_id) == coarse_type .and. .not. col_visited(next_id)) then
col_visited(next_id) = .true.
path = [ path, next_id ]
this%col_fine_block(next_id) = block_index
new_block%col_indices = [ new_block%col_indices, next_id ]
end if
end associate
end if
else ! Current vertex is a column
col_edge(current_id) = col_edge(current_id) + 1
if (col_edge(current_id) > size(this%col_vertices(current_id)%edges)) then
if (size(path) == 1) exit
path = path(:size(path)-1)
associate (next_id => this%col_vertices(current_id)%edges(col_edge(current_id)))
if (this%row_coarse(next_id) == coarse_type .and. .not. row_visited(next_id)) then
row_visited(next_id) = .true.
path = [ path, next_id ]
this%row_fine_block(next_id) = block_index
new_block%row_indices = [ new_block%row_indices, next_id ]
end if
end associate
end if
end if
end associate
end do
new_block%coarse_type = coarse_type
this%fine_blocks = [ this%fine_blocks, new_block ]
block_index = block_index + 1
end subroutine dfs_H_or_V
! Iterative version of the strongconnect routine from:
subroutine strongconnect(col)
integer, intent(in) :: col
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: col_path
col_index(col) = index
col_lowlink(col) = index
index = index + 1
col_stack = [ col_stack, col ]
col_on_stack(col) = .true.
col_path(1) = col
associate (current_col => col_path(size(col_path)))
col_edge(current_col) = col_edge(current_col) + 1
if (col_edge(current_col) > size(this%col_vertices(current_col)%edges)) then
! We visited all edges from this col
! If this is a root node, pop the stack and generate an SCC
if (col_lowlink(current_col) == col_index(current_col)) then
associate (current_idx => findloc_back(col_stack, current_col))
associate (cols => col_stack(current_idx:))
col_on_stack(cols) = .false.
associate (rows => this%col_matching(cols))
this%col_fine_block(cols) = block_index
this%row_fine_block(rows) = block_index
this%fine_blocks = [ this%fine_blocks, dm_block(rows, cols, 'S') ]
end associate
end associate
block_index = block_index + 1
col_stack = col_stack(:current_idx-1)
end associate
end if
if (size(col_path) == 1) return
associate (previous_col => col_path(size(col_path)-1))
col_lowlink(previous_col) = min(col_lowlink(previous_col), col_lowlink(current_col))
end associate
col_path = col_path(:size(col_path)-1)
associate (next_col => this%row_matching(this%col_vertices(current_col)%edges(col_edge(current_col))))
if (this%col_coarse(next_col) == 'S' .and. col_index(next_col) == -1) then
col_index(next_col) = index
col_lowlink(next_col) = index
index = index + 1
col_stack = [ col_stack, next_col ]
col_on_stack(next_col) = .true.
col_path = [ col_path, next_col ]
else if (col_on_stack(next_col)) then
col_lowlink(current_col) = min(col_lowlink(current_col), col_index(next_col))
end if
end associate
end if
end associate
end do
end subroutine strongconnect
! Equivalent of findloc(array, val, back = .true.) for rank-1 arrays
! findloc is in the F2008 standard, but only implemented since gfortran 9
function findloc_back(array, val)
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: array
integer, intent(in) :: val
integer :: findloc_back
do findloc_back = ubound(array,1),lbound(array,1),-1
if (array(findloc_back) == val) return
end do
error stop "Cant find element"
end function findloc_back
end subroutine matrix_graph_fine_decomposition
! Computes the DAG formed by fine blocks
subroutine matrix_graph_fine_blocks_dag(this)
class(matrix_graph), intent(inout) :: this
integer :: blck, i, j
logical, dimension(size(this%fine_blocks)) :: marked
! Compute predecessors in the DAG
do blck = 1,size(this%fine_blocks)
marked = .false.
associate (row_indices => this%fine_blocks(blck)%row_indices)
do i = 1,size(row_indices)
associate (row_vertex => this%row_vertices(row_indices(i)))
do j = 1,size(row_vertex%edges)
marked(this%col_fine_block(row_vertex%edges(j))) = .true.
end do
end associate
end do
end associate
marked(blck) = .false.
this%fine_blocks(blck)%predecessors = pack([ (i, i=1,size(this%fine_blocks)) ], marked)
end do
! Compute successors in the DAG
do blck = 1,size(this%fine_blocks)
marked = .false.
associate (col_indices => this%fine_blocks(blck)%col_indices)
do i = 1,size(col_indices)
associate (col_vertex => this%col_vertices(col_indices(i)))
do j = 1,size(col_vertex%edges)
marked(this%row_fine_block(col_vertex%edges(j))) = .true.
end do
end associate
end do
end associate
marked(blck) = .false.
this%fine_blocks(blck)%successors = pack([ (i, i=1,size(this%fine_blocks)) ], marked)
end do
end subroutine matrix_graph_fine_blocks_dag
! Compute the blocks from the fine decomposition, including the DAG they form
subroutine dm_blocks(mat, blocks)
real(real64), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: mat
type(dm_block), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: blocks
type(matrix_graph) :: mg
type(c_ptr), dimension(1) :: call_rhs
type(c_ptr), dimension(4) :: call_lhs
real(real64), dimension(:, :), pointer :: mat_mx
real(real64), dimension(:), pointer :: p, q, r, s
integer :: i, j
call mg%init(mat)
call mg%maximum_matching
call mg%coarse_decomposition
call mg%fine_decomposition
call mg%fine_blocks_dag
call_rhs(1) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(int(size(mat, 1), mwSize), int(size(mat, 2), mwSize), mxREAL)
mat_mx(1:size(mat,1), 1:size(mat,2)) => mxGetPr(call_rhs(1))
mat_mx = mat
call move_alloc(mg%fine_blocks, blocks)
if (mexCallMATLAB(4_c_int, call_lhs, 1_c_int, call_rhs, "dmperm") /= 0) &
call mexErrMsgTxt("Error calling dmperm")
call mxDestroyArray(call_rhs(1))
p => mxGetPr(call_lhs(1))
q => mxGetPr(call_lhs(2))
r => mxGetPr(call_lhs(3))
s => mxGetPr(call_lhs(4))
do i = 1, size(r)-1
do j = 1, int(r(i+1)-r(i))
blocks(i)%row_indices(j) = int(p(j+int(r(i))-1))
end do
do j = 1, int(s(i+1)-s(i))
blocks(i)%col_indices(j) = int(q(j+int(s(i))-1))
end do
end do
call mxDestroyArray(call_lhs(1))
call mxDestroyArray(call_lhs(2))
call mxDestroyArray(call_lhs(3))
call mxDestroyArray(call_lhs(4))
end subroutine dm_blocks
! Equivalent of dmperm function of MATLAB/Octave
subroutine dmperm(mat, row_order, col_order, row_blocks, col_blocks)
real(real64), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: mat
integer, dimension(size(mat, 1)), intent(out) :: row_order
integer, dimension(size(mat, 2)), intent(out) :: col_order
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: row_blocks, col_blocks
type(matrix_graph) :: mg
integer :: blck, i
call mg%init(mat)
call mg%maximum_matching
call mg%coarse_decomposition
call mg%fine_decomposition
row_blocks(1) = 1
col_blocks(1) = 1
do blck = 1,size(mg%fine_blocks)
associate (row_indices => mg%fine_blocks(blck)%row_indices)
do i = 1,size(row_indices)
row_order(row_blocks(blck)+i-1) = row_indices(i)
end do
row_blocks(blck+1) = row_blocks(blck)+i-1
end associate
associate (col_indices => mg%fine_blocks(blck)%col_indices)
do i = 1,size(col_indices)
col_order(col_blocks(blck)+i-1) = col_indices(i)
end do
col_blocks(blck+1) = col_blocks(blck)+i-1
end associate
end do
end subroutine dmperm
end module dulmage_mendelsohn

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
! be set in order to give the input values for the indices that are not passed
! to matlab_fcn.
! Copyright © 2019 Dynare Team
! Copyright © 2019-2020 Dynare Team
! This file is part of Dynare.
@ -80,12 +80,16 @@ contains
if (mexCallMATLAB(nlhs, call_lhs, int(size(call_rhs), c_int), call_rhs, "feval") /= 0) &
call mexErrMsgTxt("Error calling function to be solved")
call mxDestroyArray(call_rhs(2))
fvec_all => mxGetPr(call_lhs(1))
if (associated(f_indices)) then
fvec = fvec_all(f_indices)
fvec = fvec_all
end if
call mxDestroyArray(call_lhs(1))
if (present(fjac)) then
fjac_all(1:n_all,1:n_all) => mxGetPr(call_lhs(2))
if (associated(x_indices) .and. associated(f_indices)) then
@ -93,6 +97,7 @@ contains
fjac = fjac_all
end if
call mxDestroyArray(call_lhs(2))
end if
end subroutine matlab_fcn
end module matlab_fcn_closure

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
! Copyright © 2019 Dynare Team
! Copyright © 2019-2020 Dynare Team
! This file is part of Dynare.
@ -31,31 +31,104 @@ subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs) bind(c, name='mexFunction')
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: x
type(dm_block), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: blocks
integer :: info, i
real(real64), parameter :: tolf = 1e-6_real64
real(real64) :: tolf, tolx
integer :: maxiter
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable :: fvec
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: fjac
logical :: debug, specializedunivariateblocks
character(len=80) :: debug_msg
logical(mxLogical), dimension(:), pointer :: isloggedlhs => null(), &
isauxdiffloggedrhs => null()
type(c_ptr) :: endo_names, lhs
logical :: fre ! True if the last block has been solved (i.e. not evaluated), so that residuals must be updated
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: evaled_cols ! If fre=.false., lists the columns that have been evaluated so far without updating the residuals
if (nrhs < 2 .or. nlhs /= 2) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Must have at least 2 inputs and exactly 2 outputs")
if (nrhs < 4 .or. nlhs /= 2) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Must have at least 7 inputs and exactly 2 outputs")
end if
if (.not. ((mxIsChar(prhs(1)) .and. mxGetM(prhs(1)) == 1) .or. mxIsClass(prhs(1), "function_handle"))) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("First argument should be a string or a function handle")
call mexErrMsgTxt("First argument (function) should be a string or a function handle")
end if
if (.not. (mxIsDouble(prhs(2)) .and. (mxGetM(prhs(2)) == 1 .or. mxGetN(prhs(2)) == 1))) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Second argument should be a real vector")
call mexErrMsgTxt("Second argument (initial guess) should be a real vector")
end if
if (.not. (mxIsScalar(prhs(3)) .and. mxIsNumeric(prhs(3)))) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Third argument (tolf) should be a numeric scalar")
end if
if (.not. (mxIsScalar(prhs(4)) .and. mxIsNumeric(prhs(4)))) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Fourth argument (tolx) should be a numeric scalar")
end if
if (.not. (mxIsScalar(prhs(5)) .and. mxIsNumeric(prhs(5)))) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Fifth argument (maxiter) should be a numeric scalar")
end if
if (.not. (mxIsLogicalScalar(prhs(6)))) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Sixth argument (debug) should be a logical scalar")
end if
if (.not. (mxIsStruct(prhs(7)) .and. &
(mxGetNumberOfFields(prhs(7)) == 0 .or. mxGetNumberOfFields(prhs(7)) == 4))) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Seventh argument should be a struct with either 0 or 4 fields")
end if
specializedunivariateblocks = (mxGetNumberOfFields(prhs(7)) == 4)
func => prhs(1)
extra_args => prhs(3:nrhs)
tolf = mxGetScalar(prhs(3))
tolx = mxGetScalar(prhs(4))
maxiter = int(mxGetScalar(prhs(5)))
debug = mxGetScalar(prhs(6)) == 1._c_double
extra_args => prhs(8:nrhs) ! Extra arguments to func are in argument 8 and subsequent ones
associate (x_mat => mxGetPr(prhs(2)))
x = x_mat
end associate
if (specializedunivariateblocks) then
type(c_ptr) :: tmp
tmp = mxGetField(prhs(7), 1_mwIndex, "isloggedlhs")
if (.not. (c_associated(tmp) .and. mxIsLogical(tmp) .and. mxGetNumberOfElements(tmp) == size(x))) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Seventh argument must have a 'isloggedlhs' field of type logical, of same size as second argument")
end if
isloggedlhs => mxGetLogicals(tmp)
tmp = mxGetField(prhs(7), 1_mwIndex, "isauxdiffloggedrhs")
if (.not. (c_associated(tmp) .and. mxIsLogical(tmp) .and. mxGetNumberOfElements(tmp) == size(x))) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Seventh argument must have a 'isauxdiffloggedrhs' field of type &
&logical, of same size as second argument")
end if
isauxdiffloggedrhs => mxGetLogicals(tmp)
lhs = mxGetField(prhs(7), 1_mwIndex, "lhs")
if (.not. (c_associated(lhs) .and. mxIsCell(lhs) .and. mxGetNumberOfElements(lhs) == size(x))) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Seventh argument must have a 'lhs' field of type cell, of same size as second argument")
end if
endo_names = mxGetField(prhs(7), 1_mwIndex, "endo_names")
if (.not. (c_associated(endo_names) .and. mxIsCell(endo_names) .and. mxGetNumberOfElements(endo_names) == size(x))) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Seventh argument must have a 'endo_names' field of type cell, of same size as second argument")
end if
end block
fre = .false.
end if
allocate(fjac(size(x), size(x)))
@ -65,17 +138,90 @@ subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs) bind(c, name='mexFunction')
call matlab_fcn(x, fvec, fjac)
call dm_blocks(fjac, blocks)
if (debug) then
write (debug_msg, "('DYNARE_SOLVE (solve_algo=13|14): number of blocks = ', i0)") size(blocks)
call mexPrintf_trim_newline(debug_msg)
end if
! Solve the system, starting from bottom-rightmost block
x_all => x
do i = size(blocks),1,-1
if (debug) then
write (debug_msg, "('DYNARE_SOLVE (solve_algo=13|14): solving block ', i0, ' of size ', i0)") &
i, size(blocks(i)%col_indices)
call mexPrintf_trim_newline(debug_msg)
end if
if (specializedunivariateblocks .and. size(blocks(i)%col_indices) == 1) then
if (debug) then
write (debug_msg, "('DYNARE_SOLVE (solve_algo=13|14): solving block ', i0, ' by evaluating RHS')") i
call mexPrintf_trim_newline(debug_msg)
end if
associate (eq => blocks(i)%row_indices(1), var => blocks(i)%col_indices(1))
if (fre .or. any(abs(fjac(eq, evaled_cols)) > 0._real64)) then
! Reevaluation of the residuals is required because the current RHS depends on
! variables that potentially have been updated previously.
nullify(x_indices, f_indices, x_all)
call matlab_fcn(x, fvec)
deallocate(evaled_cols) ! This shouldnt be necessary, but it crashes otherwise with gfortran 8
fre = .false.
end if
evaled_cols = [ evaled_cols, var]
! An associate() construct for lhs_eq and endo_name_var makes the
! code crash (with double free) using gfortran 8. Hence use a block
character(kind=c_char, len=:), allocatable :: lhs_eq, endo_name_var
lhs_eq = mxArrayToString(mxGetCell(lhs, int(eq, mwIndex)))
endo_name_var = mxArrayToString(mxGetCell(endo_names, int(var, mwIndex)))
if (lhs_eq == endo_name_var .or. lhs_eq == "log(" // endo_name_var // ")") then
if (isloggedlhs(eq)) then
x(var) = exp(log(x(var)) - fvec(eq))
x(var) = x(var) - fvec(eq)
end if
if (debug) then
write (debug_msg, "('LHS variable is not determined by RHS expression (', i0, ')')") eq
call mexPrintf_trim_newline(debug_msg)
write (debug_msg, "(a, ' -> ', a)") lhs_eq, endo_name_var
call mexPrintf_trim_newline(debug_msg)
end if
if (lhs_eq(1:9) == "AUX_DIFF_" .or. lhs_eq(1:13) == "log(AUX_DIFF_") then
if (isauxdiffloggedrhs(eq)) then
x(var) = exp(log(x(var)) + fvec(eq))
x(var) = x(var) + fvec(eq)
end if
call mexErrMsgTxt("Algorithm solve_algo=14 cannot be used with this nonlinear problem")
end if
end if
end block
end associate
if (debug) then
write (debug_msg, "('DYNARE_SOLVE (solve_algo=13|14): solving block ', i0, ' with trust region routine')") i
call mexPrintf_trim_newline(debug_msg)
end if
end if
real(real64), dimension(size(blocks(i)%col_indices)) :: x_block
x_indices => blocks(i)%col_indices
f_indices => blocks(i)%row_indices
x_all => x
if (size(x_indices) /= size(f_indices)) then
call mexErrMsgTxt("Non-square block")
end if
x_block = x(x_indices)
call trust_region_solve(x_block, matlab_fcn, info, tolf = tolf)
call trust_region_solve(x_block, matlab_fcn, info, tolx, tolf, maxiter)
x(x_indices) = x_block
end block
fre = .true.
end do
! Verify that we have a solution
@ -88,7 +234,9 @@ subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs) bind(c, name='mexFunction')
nullify(x_indices, f_indices, x_all)
call matlab_fcn(x, fvec)
if (maxval(abs(fvec)) > tolf) then
call trust_region_solve(x, matlab_fcn, info, tolf = tolf)
if (debug) &
call mexPrintf_trim_newline("DYNARE_SOLVE (solve_algo=13|14): residuals still too large, solving for the whole model")
call trust_region_solve(x, matlab_fcn, info, tolx, tolf, maxiter)
info = 1
end if

View File

@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ MODFILES = \
steady_state/walsh1_ssm_block.mod \
steady_state/multi_leads.mod \
steady_state/example1_trust_region.mod \
steady_state/example1_block_trust_region.mod \
steady_state/Gali_2015_chapter_6_4.mod \
steady_state_operator/standard.mod \
steady_state_operator/use_dll.mod \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// Test block trust region nonlinear solver (solve_algo=13)
var y, c, k, a, h, b;
varexo e, u;
parameters beta, rho, alpha, delta, theta, psi, tau;
alpha = 0.36;
rho = 0.95;
tau = 0.025;
beta = 0.99;
delta = 0.025;
psi = 0;
theta = 2.95;
phi = 0.1;
k = beta*(((exp(b)*c)/(exp(b(+1))*c(+1)))
y = exp(a)*(k(-1)^alpha)*(h^(1-alpha));
k = exp(b)*(y-c)+(1-delta)*k(-1);
a = rho*a(-1)+tau*b(-1) + e;
b = tau*a(-1)+rho*b(-1) + u;
y = 1;
c = 0.8;
h = 0.3;
k = 10;
a = 0;
b = 0;
e = 0;
u = 0;
options_.debug = true;
var e; stderr 0.009;
var u; stderr 0.009;
var e, u = phi*0.009*0.009;