reporting: change vlines to showVlines

Houtan Bastani 2013-05-14 12:10:39 +02:00
parent fc83427185
commit e437480d26
3 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ disp(' ');
disp(' ');
disp([name '.vlines = ']);
disp([name '.showVlines = ']);
disp(' ');
disp(' ');
disp([name '.precision = ']);

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ o.footnote = '';
o.config = '';
o.hlines = false;
o.vlines = false;
o.showVlines = false;
o.vlineAfter = ''; = '';
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ assert(ischar(o.title), '@table.table: title must be a string');
assert(ischar(o.footnote), '@table.table: footnote must be a string');
assert(ischar(o.config), '@table.table: config file must be a string');
assert(islogical(o.hlines), '@table.table: hlines must be true or false');
assert(islogical(o.vlines), '@table.table: vlines must be true or false');
assert(islogical(o.showVlines), '@table.table: showVlines must be true or false');
assert(isint(o.precision), '@table.table: precision must be an int');
assert(isempty(o.range) || (isa(o.range, 'dynDates') && o.range.ndat >= 2), ...
['@table.table: range is specified as a dynDates range, e.g. ' ...
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ assert(isempty(o.seriesToUse) || iscellstr(o.seriesToUse), ...
'@table.table: seriesToUse must be a cell array of string(s)');
assert(isempty(o.vlineAfter) || isa(o.vlineAfter, 'dynDate'), ...
'@table.table: vlineAfter must be a dynDate');
if o.vlines
if o.showVlines
o.vlineAfter = '';
valid_title_sizes = {'Huge', 'huge', 'LARGE', 'Large', 'large', 'normalsize', ...

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ fprintf(fid, '\\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{4pt}\n');
fprintf(fid, '\\begin{tabular}{@{}l');
for i=1:ndates
if o.vlines
if o.showVlines
fprintf(fid, '|');
fprintf(fid, 'r');