Unix new line format

Marco Ratto 2010-02-12 17:35:53 +01:00
parent bc4c342e6a
commit e1b64eae1d
1 changed files with 81 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -1,63 +1,81 @@
function myoutput=pm3_core(myinputs,fpar,B,whoiam, ThisMatlab) function myoutput=pm3_core(myinputs,fpar,nvar,whoiam, ThisMatlab)
if nargin<4, if nargin<4,
whoiam=0; whoiam=0;
end end
struct2local(myinputs); struct2local(myinputs);
global options_ M_ oo_ global options_ M_ oo_
figunumber = 0; if whoiam
subplotnum = 0; waitbarString = ['Parallel plots pm3 ...'];
hh = figure('Name',[tit1 ' ' int2str(figunumber+1)]); if Parallel(ThisMatlab).Local,
RemoteFlag = 0; waitbarTitle=['Local '];
if whoiam, else
if Parallel(ThisMatlab).Local ==0 waitbarTitle=[Parallel(ThisMatlab).PcName];
RemoteFlag=1; end
end fMessageStatus(0,whoiam,waitbarString, waitbarTitle, Parallel(ThisMatlab), MasterName, DyMo);
end end
OutputFileName = {};
for i=1:nvar figunumber = 0;
NAMES = []; subplotnum = 0;
if max(abs(Mean(:,i))) > 10^(-6) hh = figure('Name',[tit1 ' ' int2str(figunumber+1)]);
subplotnum = subplotnum+1; RemoteFlag = 0;
set(0,'CurrentFigure',hh) if whoiam,
subplot(nn,nn,subplotnum); if Parallel(ThisMatlab).Local ==0
plot([1 n2],[0 0],'-r','linewidth',0.5); RemoteFlag=1;
hold on end
for k = 1:9 end
end OutputFileName = {};
xlim([1 n2]); for i=fpar:nvar
hold off NAMES = [];
name = deblank(varlist(i,:)); if max(abs(Mean(:,i))) > 10^(-6)
NAMES = strvcat(NAMES,name); subplotnum = subplotnum+1;
title(name,'Interpreter','none') set(0,'CurrentFigure',hh)
end subplot(nn,nn,subplotnum);
if subplotnum == MaxNumberOfPlotsPerFigure | i == nvar plot([1 n2],[0 0],'-r','linewidth',0.5);
eval(['print -depsc2 ' M_.dname '/Output/' M_.fname '_' name3 '_' deblank(tit3(i,:)) '.eps' ]); hold on
if ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') for k = 1:9
eval(['print -dpdf ' M_.dname '/Output/' M_.fname '_' name3 '_' deblank(tit3(i,:))]); plot(1:n2,squeeze(Distrib(k,:,i)),'-g','linewidth',0.5)
saveas(hh,[M_.dname '/Output/' M_.fname '_' name3 '_' deblank(tit3(i,:)) '.fig']); end
end plot(1:n2,Mean(:,i),'-k','linewidth',1)
if RemoteFlag==1, xlim([1 n2]);
OutputFileName = [OutputFileName; {[M_.dname, filesep, 'Output',filesep], [M_.fname '_' name3 '_' deblank(tit3(i,:)) '.*']}]; hold off
end name = deblank(varlist(i,:));
if options_.nograph, close(hh), end NAMES = strvcat(NAMES,name);
subplotnum = 0; title(name,'Interpreter','none')
figunumber = figunumber+1; end
if (i ~= nvar) if subplotnum == MaxNumberOfPlotsPerFigure | i == nvar
hh = figure('Name',[name3 ' ' int2str(figunumber+1)]); eval(['print -depsc2 ' M_.dname '/Output/' M_.fname '_' name3 '_' deblank(tit3(i,:)) '.eps' ]);
end if ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION')
end eval(['print -dpdf ' M_.dname '/Output/' M_.fname '_' name3 '_' deblank(tit3(i,:))]);
saveas(hh,[M_.dname '/Output/' M_.fname '_' name3 '_' deblank(tit3(i,:)) '.fig']);
end end
if RemoteFlag==1,
OutputFileName = [OutputFileName; {[M_.dname, filesep, 'Output',filesep], [M_.fname '_' name3 '_' deblank(tit3(i,:)) '.*']}];
myoutput.OutputFileName=OutputFileName; end
if options_.nograph, close(hh), end
subplotnum = 0;
figunumber = figunumber+1;
if (i ~= nvar)
hh = figure('Name',[name3 ' ' int2str(figunumber+1)]);
if whoiam,
waitbarString = [ 'Variable ' int2str(i) '/' int2str(nvar) ' done.'];
fMessageStatus((i-fpar+1)/(nvar-fpar+1),whoiam,waitbarString, waitbarTitle, Parallel(ThisMatlab), MasterName, DyMo)