Merge pull request #539 from JohannesPfeifer/stab_map_bivariate

Continue harmonizing figure titles in GSA
Sébastien Villemot 2013-12-03 06:50:51 -08:00
commit d9c3073fd9
3 changed files with 25 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -281,10 +281,12 @@ if options_gsa.redform && ~isempty(options_gsa.namendo),% ...
% check existence of the SS_ANOVA toolbox
if isempty(options_gsa.threshold_redform) && ...
~(exist('gsa_sdp','file')==6 || exist('gsa_sdp','file')==2),
disp('Download Mapping routines at:')
disp(' ' )
error('Mapping routines missing!')
fprintf('\nThe "SS-ANOVA-R: MATLAB Toolbox for the estimation of Smoothing Spline ANOVA models with Recursive algorithms" is missing.\n')
fprintf('To obtain it, go to:\n\n')
fprintf(' \n\n')
fprintf('and follow the instructions there.\n')
fprintf('After obtaining the files, you need to unpack them and set a Matlab Path to those files.\n')
error('SS-ANOVA-R Toolbox missing!')

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@ -468,23 +468,23 @@ if pprior
aunstablename=[aname, '_unst']; aunstabletitle='Prior StabMap: Parameter driving explosiveness of solution';
awronguniname=[aname, '_wrong']; awrongunititle='Prior StabMap: Parameter driving inability to find solution';
% bivariate
auname='prior_unacceptable'; autitle='Prior Unacceptable';
aunstname='prior_unstable'; aunsttitle='Prior Unstable';
auname='prior_unacceptable'; autitle='Prior non-existence of unique stable solution (Unacceptable)';
aunstname='prior_unstable'; aunsttitle='Prior explosiveness of solution';
aindname='prior_indeterm'; aindtitle='Prior Indeterminacy';
awrongname='prior_wrong'; awrongtitle='Prior No Solution Found';
asname='prior_stable'; astitle='Prior Stable';
awrongname='prior_wrong'; awrongtitle='Prior inability to find solution';
asname='prior_stable'; astitle='Prior unique Stable Saddle-Path';
% univariate
aname='mc_stab'; atitle='Posterior StabMap: Parameter driving non-existence of unique stable solution (Unacceptable)';
aindetname=[aname, '_indet']; aindettitle='Posterior StabMap: Parameter driving indeterminacy';
aunstablename=[aname, '_unst']; aunstabletitle='Posterior StabMap: Parameter driving explosiveness of solution';
awronguniname=[aname, '_wrong']; awrongunititle='Posterior StabMap: Parameter driving inability to find solution';
aname='mc_stab'; atitle='MC (around posterior mode) StabMap: Parameter driving non-existence of unique stable solution (Unacceptable)';
aindetname=[aname, '_indet']; aindettitle='MC (around posterior mode) StabMap: Parameter driving indeterminacy';
aunstablename=[aname, '_unst']; aunstabletitle='MC (around posterior mode) StabMap: Parameter driving explosiveness of solution';
awronguniname=[aname, '_wrong']; awrongunititle='MC (around posterior mode) StabMap: Parameter driving inability to find solution';
% bivariate
auname='mc_unacceptable'; autitle='Posterior Unacceptable';
aunstname='mc_unstable'; aunsttitle='Posterior Unstable';
aindname='mc_indeterm'; aindtitle='Posterior Indeterminacy';
awrongname='mc_wrong'; awrongtitle='Posterior No Solution Found';
asname='mc_stable'; astitle='Posterior Stable';
auname='mc_unacceptable'; autitle='MC (around posterior mode) non-existence of unique stable solution (Unacceptable)';
aunstname='mc_unstable'; aunsttitle='MC (around posterior mode) explosiveness of solution';
aindname='mc_indeterm'; aindtitle='MC (around posterior mode) Indeterminacy';
awrongname='mc_wrong'; awrongtitle='MC (around posterior mode) inability to find solution';
asname='mc_stable'; astitle='MC (around posterior mode) Unique Stable Saddle-Path';

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@ -86,10 +86,14 @@ for j=1:npar,
fprintf(1,'%20s: corrcoef = %7.3f\n',tmp_name,c0(i2(jx),j));
if ~options_.nograph,
if strcmp(fnam(1:2),'mc')
type='MC (around posterior mode) StabMap: ';
elseif strcmp(fnam(1:5),'prior')
type='Prior StabMap: ';
if mod(j2,12)==1,
hh=dyn_figure(options_,'name',['Correlations in the ',figtitle,' sample ', num2str(ifig)]);
hh=dyn_figure(options_,'name',[type,'Correlations in the ',figtitle,' sample ', num2str(ifig)]);
% bar(c0(i2,j)),