Complete re-writing to make the function modular (the input being either J or H or Hess etc.).

Marco Ratto 2011-05-02 11:12:39 +02:00
parent a512436295
commit c51066d76d
1 changed files with 64 additions and 132 deletions

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@ -1,35 +1,22 @@
function [McoH, McoJ, McoGP, PcoH, PcoJ, PcoGP, condH, condJ, condGP, eH, eJ, eGP, ind01, ind02, indnoH, indnoJ, ixnoH, ixnoJ] = identification_checks(H, JJ, gp)
% function [McoH, McoJ, McoGP, PcoH, PcoJ, PcoGP, condH, condJ, condGP, eH,
% eJ, eGP, ind01, ind02, indnoH, indnoJ, ixnoH, ixnoJ] = identification_checks(H, JJ, gp)
function [condJ, ind0, indnoJ, ixnoJ, McoJ, PcoJ, jweak, jweak_pair] = identification_checks(JJ, hess_flag)
% function [condJ, ind0, indnoJ, ixnoJ, McoJ, PcoJ, jweak, jweak_pair] = identification_checks(JJ, hess_flag)
% checks for identification
% o H [matrix] [(entries in st.sp. model solutio) x nparams]
% derivatives of model solution w.r.t. parameters and shocks
% o JJ [matrix] [moments x nparams]
% derivatives of moments w.r.t. parameters and shocks
% o gp [matrix] [jacobian_entries x nparams]
% derivatives of jacobian (i.e. LRE model) w.r.t. parameters and shocks
% o JJ [matrix] [output x nparams] IF hess_flag==0
% derivatives of output w.r.t. parameters and shocks
% o JJ [matrix] [nparams x nparams] IF hess_flag==1
% information matrix
% o McoH [array] multicollinearity coefficients in the model solution
% o McoJ [array] multicollinearity coefficients in the moments
% o McoGP [array] multicollinearity coefficients in the LRE model
% o PcoH [matrix] pairwise correlations in the model solution
% o PcoJ [matrix] pairwise correlations in the moments
% o PcoGP [matrix] pairwise correlations in the LRE model
% o condH condition number of H
% o condJ condition number of JJ
% o condGP condition number of gp
% o eH eigevectors of H
% o eJ eigevectors of JJ
% o eGP eigevectors of gp
% o ind01 [array] binary indicator for non-zero columns of H
% o ind02 [array] binary indicator for non-zero columns of JJ
% o indnoH [matrix] index of non-identified params in H
% o indnoJ [matrix] index of non-identified params in JJ
% o ixnoH number of rows in ind01
% o ixnoJ number of rows in ind02
% o cond condition number of JJ
% o ind0 [array] binary indicator for non-zero columns of H
% o indnoJ [matrix] index of non-identified params
% o ixnoJ number of rows in indnoJ
% o Mco [array] multicollinearity coefficients
% o Pco [matrix] pairwise correlations
% o jweak [binary array] gives 1 if the parameter has Mco=1(with tolerance 1.e-10)
% o jweak_pair [binary matrix] gives 1 if a couple parameters has Pco=1(with tolerance 1.e-10)
% None
@ -54,145 +41,90 @@ function [McoH, McoJ, McoGP, PcoH, PcoJ, PcoGP, condH, condJ, condGP, eH, eJ, eG
% My suggestion is to have the following steps for identification check in
% dynare:
% 1. check rank of H, JJ, gp at theta
npar = size(H,2);
npar0 = size(gp,2); % shocks do not enter jacobian
indnoH = zeros(1,npar);
% 1. check rank of JJ at theta
npar = size(JJ,2);
indnoJ = zeros(1,npar);
indnoLRE = zeros(1,npar0);
% H matrix
ind1 = find(vnorm(H)>=eps); % take non-zero columns
H1 = H(:,ind1);
[eu,e2,e1] = svd( H1, 0 );
eH = zeros(npar,npar);
% eH(ind1,:) = e1;
eH(ind1,length(find(vnorm(H)<eps))+1:end) = e1; % non-zero eigenvectors
condH = cond(H1);
rankH = rank(H);
rankHH = rank(H'*H);
ind2 = find(vnorm(JJ)>=eps); % take non-zero columns
JJ1 = JJ(:,ind2);
ind1 = find(vnorm(JJ)>=eps); % take non-zero columns
JJ1 = JJ(:,ind1);
[eu,ee2,ee1] = svd( JJ1, 0 );
eJ = zeros(npar,npar);
eJ(ind2,length(find(vnorm(JJ)<eps))+1:end) = ee1; % non-zero eigenvectors
condJ = cond(JJ1);
rankJJ = rank(JJ'*JJ);
condJ= cond(JJ1);
rankJ = rank(JJ);
ind3 = find(vnorm(gp)>=eps); % take non-zero columns
gp1 = gp(:,ind3);
covgp = gp1'*gp1;
sdgp = sqrt(diag(covgp));
sdgp = sdgp*sdgp';
[eu,ex2,ex1] = svd(gp1, 0 );
eGP = zeros(npar0,npar0);
eGP(ind3,length(find(vnorm(gp)<eps))+1:end) = ex1; % non-zero eigenvectors
% condJ = cond(JJ1'*JJ1);
condGP = cond(gp1);
ind01 = zeros(npar,1);
ind02 = zeros(npar,1);
ind01(ind1) = 1;
ind02(ind2) = 1;
% find near linear dependence problems:
McoH = NaN(npar,1);
McoJ = NaN(npar,1);
McoGP = NaN(npar0,1);
for ii = 1:size(H1,2);
McoH(ind1(ii),:) = [cosn([H1(:,ii),H1(:,find([1:1:size(H1,2)]~=ii))])];
for ii = 1:size(JJ1,2);
McoJ(ind2(ii),:) = [cosn([JJ1(:,ii),JJ1(:,find([1:1:size(JJ1,2)]~=ii))])];
for ii = 1:size(gp1,2);
McoGP(ind3(ii),:) = [cosn([gp1(:,ii),gp1(:,find([1:1:size(gp1,2)]~=ii))])];
rankJJ = rankJ;
if hess_flag==0,
rankJJ = rank(JJ'*JJ);
ind0 = zeros(1,npar);
ind0(ind1) = 1;
ixno = 0;
if rankH<npar || rankHH<npar || min(1-McoH)<1.e-10
% - find out which parameters are involved,
% using the vnorm and the svd of H computed before;
% disp('Some parameters are NOT identified in the model: H rank deficient')
% disp(' ')
if length(ind1)<npar,
% parameters with zero column in H
ixno = ixno + 1;
indnoH(ixno,:) = (~ismember([1:npar],ind1));
if hess_flag==0,
% find near linear dependence problems:
McoJ = NaN(npar,1);
for ii = 1:size(JJ1,2);
McoJ(ind1(ii),:) = cosn([JJ1(:,ii),JJ1(:,find([1:1:size(JJ1,2)]~=ii))]);
e0 = [rankHH+1:length(ind1)];
for j=1:length(e0),
% linearely dependent parameters in H
ixno = ixno + 1;
indnoH(ixno,ind1) = (abs(e1(:,e0(j))) > 1.e-3 )';
else % rank(H)==length(theta), go to 2
% 2. check rank of J
% disp('All parameters are identified at theta in the model (rank of H)')
% disp(' ')
deltaJ = sqrt(diag(JJ));
tildaJ = JJ./((deltaJ)*(deltaJ'));
% PcoJ=inv(tildaJ);
PcoJ = PcoJ./((sd)*(sd'));
ixno = 0;
ixnoJ = 0;
if rankJ<npar || rankJJ<npar || min(1-McoJ)<1.e-10
% - find out which parameters are involved
% disp('Some parameters are NOT identified by the moments included in J')
% disp(' ')
if length(ind2)<npar,
if length(ind1)<npar,
% parameters with zero column in JJ
ixno = ixno + 1;
indnoJ(ixno,:) = (~ismember([1:npar],ind2));
ixnoJ = ixnoJ + 1;
indnoJ(ixnoJ,:) = (~ismember([1:npar],ind1));
ee0 = [rankJJ+1:length(ind2)];
ee0 = [rankJJ+1:length(ind1)];
for j=1:length(ee0),
% linearely dependent parameters in JJ
ixno = ixno + 1;
indnoJ(ixno,ind2) = (abs(ee1(:,ee0(j))) > 1.e-3)';
ixnoJ = ixnoJ + 1;
indnoJ(ixnoJ,ind1) = (abs(ee1(:,ee0(j))) > 1.e-3)';
else %rank(J)==length(theta) =>
% disp('All parameters are identified at theta by the moments included in J')
% here there is no exact linear dependence, but there are several
% near-dependencies, mostly due to strong pairwise colliniearities, which can
% be checked using
PcoH = NaN(npar,npar);
if hess_flag==0,
PcoJ = NaN(npar,npar);
PcoGP = NaN(npar0,npar0);
for ii = 1:size(H1,2);
PcoH(ind1(ii),ind1(ii)) = 1;
for jj = ii+1:size(H1,2);
PcoH(ind1(ii),ind1(jj)) = [cosn([H1(:,ii),H1(:,jj)])];
PcoH(ind1(jj),ind1(ii)) = PcoH(ind1(ii),ind1(jj));
for ii = 1:size(JJ1,2);
PcoJ(ind2(ii),ind2(ii)) = 1;
PcoJ(ind1(ii),ind1(ii)) = 1;
for jj = ii+1:size(JJ1,2);
PcoJ(ind2(ii),ind2(jj)) = [cosn([JJ1(:,ii),JJ1(:,jj)])];
PcoJ(ind2(jj),ind2(ii)) = PcoJ(ind2(ii),ind2(jj));
PcoJ(ind1(ii),ind1(jj)) = cosn([JJ1(:,ii),JJ1(:,jj)]);
PcoJ(ind1(jj),ind1(ii)) = PcoJ(ind1(ii),ind1(jj));
for ii = 1:size(gp1,2);
PcoGP(ind3(ii),ind3(ii)) = 1;
for jj = ii+1:size(gp1,2);
PcoGP(ind3(ii),ind3(jj)) = [cosn([gp1(:,ii),gp1(:,jj)])];
PcoGP(ind3(jj),ind3(ii)) = PcoGP(ind3(ii),ind3(jj));
for j=1:npar,
if McoJ(j)>(1-1.e-10),
[ipair, jpair] = find(PcoJ(j,j+1:end)>(1-1.e-10));
for jx=1:length(jpair),
jweak_pair(j, jpair(jx)+j)=1;
jweak_pair(jpair(jx)+j, j)=1;