v4 parser:

* added a computing pass
* ModelTree:
  - separated checking pass, computing pass, and output writing
  - reorganized static and dynamic model file output code

git-svn-id: https://www.dynare.org/svn/dynare/dynare_v4@1121 ac1d8469-bf42-47a9-8791-bf33cf982152
sebastien 2006-12-15 17:31:31 +00:00
parent 73d3e17540
commit c445ce3a98
5 changed files with 293 additions and 327 deletions

View File

@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ main(int argc, char** argv)
// Run checking pass
// Do computations
string basename = argv[1];
basename.erase(basename.size() - 4, 4);

View File

@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ ModFile::addStatement(Statement *st)
for(vector<Statement *>::iterator it = statements.begin();
it != statements.end(); it++)
@ -40,7 +42,11 @@ ModFile::checkPass()
cerr << "Error: a mod file cannot contain both a simul command and one of {stoch_simul, estimation, olr, osr}" << endl;
// Set things to compute
if (mod_file_struct.simul_present)
model_tree.computeJacobian = true;
@ -49,6 +55,8 @@ ModFile::checkPass()
model_tree.computeJacobianExo = true;
model_tree.computeHessian = true;
@ -123,7 +131,12 @@ ModFile::writeOutputFiles(const string &basename, bool clear_all)
if (linear == 1)
mOutputFile << "options_.linear = 1;" << endl;
model_tree.writeOutput(mOutputFile, basename);
cout << "Processing outputs ..." << endl;
// Print statements
for(vector<Statement *>::iterator it = statements.begin();

View File

@ -46,250 +46,218 @@ ModelTree::ModelTree(SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg,
ModelTree::writeStaticMFile(const string &static_basename)
// Empty
string filename = static_basename + interfaces::function_file_extension();
void ModelTree::OpenMFiles(string iModelFileName1, string iModelFileName2)
if (iModelFileName1.size())
ofstream mStaticModelFile;
mStaticModelFile.open(filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary);
if (!mStaticModelFile.is_open())
iModelFileName1 += interfaces::function_file_extension();
if (!mStaticModelFile.is_open())
cout << "ModelTree::Open : Error : Can't open file " << iModelFileName1
<< " for writing\n";
//Writing comments and function definition command
mStaticModelFile << "function [residual, g1] = " << iModelFileName1 << "( y, x )\n";
mStaticModelFile << interfaces::comment()+"\n"+interfaces::comment();
mStaticModelFile << "Status : Computes static model for Dynare\n" << interfaces::comment() << "\n";
mStaticModelFile << interfaces::comment();
mStaticModelFile << "Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare\n";
mStaticModelFile << interfaces::comment();
mStaticModelFile << " from model file (.mod)\n\n";
if (iModelFileName2.size() && (computeJacobian||computeJacobianExo||computeHessian))
iModelFileName2 += interfaces::function_file_extension();
if (!mDynamicModelFile.is_open())
cout << "ModelTree::Open : Error : Can't open file " << iModelFileName2
<< " for writing\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "function [residual, g1, g2] = " << iModelFileName2 << "(y, x)\n";
mDynamicModelFile << interfaces::comment()+"\n"+interfaces::comment();
mDynamicModelFile << "Status : Computes dynamic model for Dynare\n" << interfaces::comment() << "\n";
mDynamicModelFile << interfaces::comment();
mDynamicModelFile << "Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare\n";
mDynamicModelFile << interfaces::comment();
mDynamicModelFile << " from model file (.mod)\n\n";
cout << "ModelTree::Open : Error : Missing file name\n";
cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl;
// Writing comments and function definition command
mStaticModelFile << "function [residual, g1] = " << static_basename << "( y, x )\n";
mStaticModelFile << interfaces::comment()+"\n"+interfaces::comment();
mStaticModelFile << "Status : Computes static model for Dynare\n" << interfaces::comment() << "\n";
mStaticModelFile << interfaces::comment();
mStaticModelFile << "Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare\n";
mStaticModelFile << interfaces::comment();
mStaticModelFile << " from model file (.mod)\n\n";
void ModelTree::OpenCFiles(string iModelFileName1, string iModelFileName2)
ModelTree::writeDynamicMFile(const string &dynamic_basename)
if (iModelFileName1.size())
string filename = dynamic_basename + interfaces::function_file_extension();
ofstream mDynamicModelFile;
mDynamicModelFile.open(filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary);
if (!mDynamicModelFile.is_open())
iModelFileName1 += ".c";
if (!mStaticModelFile.is_open())
cout << "ModelTree::Open : Error : Can't open file " << iModelFileName1
<< " for writing\n";
mStaticModelFile << "/*\n";
mStaticModelFile << " *" << iModelFileName1 << ".c : Computes static model for Dynare\n";
mStaticModelFile << " * Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare\n";
mStaticModelFile << " * from model file (.mod)\n\n";
mStaticModelFile << " */\n";
mStaticModelFile << "#include <math.h>\n";
mStaticModelFile << "#include \"mex.h\"\n";
// A flobal variable for model parameters
mStaticModelFile << "double *params;\n";
if (iModelFileName2.size() && (computeJacobian||computeJacobianExo||computeHessian))
iModelFileName2 += ".c";
if (!mDynamicModelFile.is_open())
cout << "ModelTree::Open : Error : Can't open file " << iModelFileName2
<< " for writing\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "/*\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " *" << iModelFileName2 << ".c : Computes dynamic model for Dynare\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " *\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " * Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " * from model file (.mod)\n\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "#include <math.h>\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "#include \"mex.h\"\n";
// A flobal variable for model parameters
mDynamicModelFile << "double *params;\n";
// A global variable for it_
mDynamicModelFile << "int it_;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "int nb_row_x;\n";
cout << "ModelTree::Open : Error : Missing file name\n";
cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "function [residual, g1, g2] = " << dynamic_basename << "(y, x)\n";
mDynamicModelFile << interfaces::comment()+"\n"+interfaces::comment();
mDynamicModelFile << "Status : Computes dynamic model for Dynare\n" << interfaces::comment() << "\n";
mDynamicModelFile << interfaces::comment();
mDynamicModelFile << "Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare\n";
mDynamicModelFile << interfaces::comment();
mDynamicModelFile << " from model file (.mod)\n\n";
void ModelTree::SaveMFiles()
ModelTree::writeStaticCFile(const string &static_basename)
if (mStaticModelFile.is_open())
string filename = static_basename + ".c";
ofstream mStaticModelFile;
mStaticModelFile.open(filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary);
if (!mStaticModelFile.is_open())
mStaticModelFile << StaticOutput.str();
if (mDynamicModelFile.is_open() && (computeJacobian||computeJacobianExo||computeHessian))
mDynamicModelFile << DynamicOutput.str();
cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl;
mStaticModelFile << "/*\n";
mStaticModelFile << " * " << filename << " : Computes static model for Dynare\n";
mStaticModelFile << " * Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare\n";
mStaticModelFile << " * from model file (.mod)\n\n";
mStaticModelFile << " */\n";
mStaticModelFile << "#include <math.h>\n";
mStaticModelFile << "#include \"mex.h\"\n";
// A flobal variable for model parameters
mStaticModelFile << "double *params;\n";
// Writing the function Static
// Writing the gateway routine
mStaticModelFile << "/* The gateway routine */\n";
mStaticModelFile << "void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])\n";
mStaticModelFile << "{\n";
mStaticModelFile << " double *y, *x;\n";
mStaticModelFile << " double *residual, *g1;\n";
mStaticModelFile << " mxArray *M_;\n";
mStaticModelFile << "\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix y. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " y = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);\n";
mStaticModelFile << "\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix x. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " x = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);\n";
mStaticModelFile << "\n";
mStaticModelFile << " residual = NULL;\n";
mStaticModelFile << " if (nlhs >= 1)\n";
mStaticModelFile << " {\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix residual. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << mod_param.eq_nbr << ",1, mxREAL);\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix residual. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " residual = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);\n";
mStaticModelFile << " }\n\n";
mStaticModelFile << " g1 = NULL;\n";
mStaticModelFile << " if (nlhs >= 2)\n";
mStaticModelFile << " {\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix g1. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << mod_param.eq_nbr << ", " << mod_param.endo_nbr << ", mxREAL);\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix g1. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " g1 = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);\n";
mStaticModelFile << " }\n\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Gets model parameters from global workspace of Matlab */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " M_ = mexGetVariable(\"global\",\"M_\");\n";
mStaticModelFile << " if (M_ == NULL ){\n";
mStaticModelFile << " mexPrintf(\"Global variable not found : \");\n";
mStaticModelFile << " mexErrMsgTxt(\"M_ \\n\");\n";
mStaticModelFile << " }\n";
mStaticModelFile << " params = mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(M_,\"params\")));\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Call the C Static. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " Static(y, x, residual, g1);\n";
mStaticModelFile << "}\n";
void ModelTree::SaveCFiles()
ModelTree::writeDynamicCFile(const string &dynamic_basename)
if (mStaticModelFile.is_open())
// Writing the function Static
mStaticModelFile << StaticOutput.str();
// Writing the gateway routine
mStaticModelFile << "/* The gateway routine */\n";
mStaticModelFile << "void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])\n";
mStaticModelFile << "{\n";
mStaticModelFile << " double *y, *x;\n";
mStaticModelFile << " double *residual, *g1;\n";
mStaticModelFile << " mxArray *M_;\n";
mStaticModelFile << "\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix y. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " y = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);\n";
mStaticModelFile << "\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix x. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " x = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);\n";
mStaticModelFile << "\n";
string filename = dynamic_basename + ".c";
mStaticModelFile << " residual = NULL;\n";
mStaticModelFile << " if (nlhs >= 1)\n";
mStaticModelFile << " {\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix residual. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << mod_param.eq_nbr << ",1, mxREAL);\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix residual. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " residual = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);\n";
mStaticModelFile << " }\n\n";
mStaticModelFile << " g1 = NULL;\n";
mStaticModelFile << " if (nlhs >= 2)\n";
mStaticModelFile << " {\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix g1. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << mod_param.eq_nbr << ", " << mod_param.endo_nbr << ", mxREAL);\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix g1. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " g1 = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);\n";
mStaticModelFile << " }\n\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Gets model parameters from global workspace of Matlab */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " M_ = mexGetVariable(\"global\",\"M_\");\n";
mStaticModelFile << " if (M_ == NULL ){\n";
mStaticModelFile << " mexPrintf(\"Global variable not found : \");\n";
mStaticModelFile << " mexErrMsgTxt(\"M_ \\n\");\n";
mStaticModelFile << " }\n";
mStaticModelFile << " params = mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(M_,\"params\")));\n";
mStaticModelFile << " /* Call the C Static. */\n";
mStaticModelFile << " Static(y, x, residual, g1);\n";
mStaticModelFile << "}\n";
if (mDynamicModelFile.is_open() && (computeJacobian||computeJacobianExo||computeHessian))
ofstream mDynamicModelFile;
mDynamicModelFile.open(filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary);
if (!mDynamicModelFile.is_open())
// Writing the function body
mDynamicModelFile << DynamicOutput.str();
// Writing the gateway routine
mDynamicModelFile << "/* The gateway routine */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "{\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " double *y, *x;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " double *residual, *g1, *g2;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " mxArray *M_;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix y. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " y = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix x. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " x = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Gets number of rows of matrix x. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " nb_row_x = mxGetM(prhs[1]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " residual = NULL;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " if (nlhs >= 1)\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " {\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix residual. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << mod_param.eq_nbr << ",1, mxREAL);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix residual. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " residual = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " }\n\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " g1 = NULL;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " if (nlhs >= 2)\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " {\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix g1. */\n";
if (computeJacobianExo)
mDynamicModelFile << " plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << mod_param.eq_nbr << ", " << variable_table.size() << ", mxREAL);\n";
else if (computeJacobian)
mDynamicModelFile << " plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << mod_param.eq_nbr << ", " << mod_param.var_endo_nbr << ", mxREAL);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix g1. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " g1 = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " }\n\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " g2 = NULL;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " if (nlhs >= 3)\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " {\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix g2. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << mod_param.eq_nbr << ", " << variable_table.size()*variable_table.size() << ", mxREAL);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix g1. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " g2 = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " }\n\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Gets model parameters from global workspace of Matlab */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " M_ = mexGetVariable(\"global\",\"M_\");\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " if (M_ == NULL )\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " {\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " mexPrintf(\"Global variable not found : \");\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " mexErrMsgTxt(\"M_ \\n\");\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " }\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " params = mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(M_,\"params\")));\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Gets it_ from global workspace of Matlab */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " it_ = (int) floor(mxGetScalar(mexGetVariable(\"global\", \"it_\")))-1;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Call the C subroutines. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " Dynamic(y, x, residual, g1, g2);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "}\n";
cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << filename << " for writing" << endl;
mDynamicModelFile << "/*\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " * " << filename << " : Computes dynamic model for Dynare\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " *\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " * Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " * from model file (.mod)\n\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "#include <math.h>\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "#include \"mex.h\"\n";
// A flobal variable for model parameters
mDynamicModelFile << "double *params;\n";
// A global variable for it_
mDynamicModelFile << "int it_;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "int nb_row_x;\n";
// Writing the function body
// Writing the gateway routine
mDynamicModelFile << "/* The gateway routine */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "{\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " double *y, *x;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " double *residual, *g1, *g2;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " mxArray *M_;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix y. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " y = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Create a pointer to the input matrix x. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " x = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Gets number of rows of matrix x. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " nb_row_x = mxGetM(prhs[1]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " residual = NULL;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " if (nlhs >= 1)\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " {\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix residual. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << mod_param.eq_nbr << ",1, mxREAL);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix residual. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " residual = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " }\n\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " g1 = NULL;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " if (nlhs >= 2)\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " {\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix g1. */\n";
if (computeJacobianExo)
mDynamicModelFile << " plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << mod_param.eq_nbr << ", " << variable_table.size() << ", mxREAL);\n";
else if (computeJacobian)
mDynamicModelFile << " plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << mod_param.eq_nbr << ", " << mod_param.var_endo_nbr << ", mxREAL);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix g1. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " g1 = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " }\n\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " g2 = NULL;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " if (nlhs >= 3)\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " {\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Set the output pointer to the output matrix g2. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(" << mod_param.eq_nbr << ", " << variable_table.size()*variable_table.size() << ", mxREAL);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Create a C pointer to a copy of the output matrix g1. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " g2 = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " }\n\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Gets model parameters from global workspace of Matlab */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " M_ = mexGetVariable(\"global\",\"M_\");\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " if (M_ == NULL )\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " {\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " mexPrintf(\"Global variable not found : \");\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " mexErrMsgTxt(\"M_ \\n\");\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " }\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " params = mxGetPr(mxGetFieldByNumber(M_, 0, mxGetFieldNumber(M_,\"params\")));\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Gets it_ from global workspace of Matlab */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " it_ = (int) floor(mxGetScalar(mexGetVariable(\"global\", \"it_\")))-1;\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " /* Call the C subroutines. */\n";
mDynamicModelFile << " Dynamic(y, x, residual, g1, g2);\n";
mDynamicModelFile << "}\n";
void ModelTree::derive(int iOrder)
@ -662,8 +630,8 @@ inline NodeID ModelTree::DeriveArgument(NodeID iArg, Type iType, int iVarID)
string ModelTree::setStaticModel(void)
ModelTree::writeStaticModel(ostream &StaticOutput)
TreeIterator tree_it;
int lEquationNBR = 0;
@ -803,11 +771,10 @@ string ModelTree::setStaticModel(void)
StaticOutput << "}\n\n";
current_order = d;
return StaticOutput.str();
string ModelTree::setDynamicModel(void)
ModelTree::writeDynamicModel(ostream &DynamicOutput)
TreeIterator tree_it;
int lEquationNBR = 0;
@ -1032,7 +999,6 @@ string ModelTree::setDynamicModel(void)
DynamicOutput << "}\n\n";
current_order = d;
return DynamicOutput.str();
@ -1155,7 +1121,7 @@ inline string ModelTree::getArgument(NodeID id, Type type, EquationType iEquatio
if (type == eParameter)
argument << param_name << lpar << (long int)id+offset << rpar;
argument << "params" << lpar << (long int)id+offset << rpar;
else if (type == eLocalParameter)
@ -1254,34 +1220,8 @@ inline string ModelTree::getArgument(NodeID id, Type type, EquationType iEquatio
ModelTree::ModelInitialization(ostream &output)
ModelTree::writeOutput(ostream &output) const
// Exit if there is no equation in model file*/
if (mod_param.eq_nbr == 0)
(* error) ("no equations found in model file");
cout << mod_param.eq_nbr << " equation(s) found \n";
// Sorting variable table
// Setting number of equations in ModelParameters class
// Here no derivative are computed
min_cost = 40 * operator_table.cost(token::PLUS, offset);
// Setting format of parentheses
if (offset == 1)
lpar = '(';
rpar = ')';
param_name = "params";
lpar = '[';
rpar = ']';
param_name = "params";
/* Writing initialisation for M_.lead_lag_incidence matrix
M_.lead_lag_incidence is a matrix with as many columns as there are
endogenous variables and as many rows as there are periods in the
@ -1290,13 +1230,7 @@ ModelTree::ModelInitialization(ostream &output)
The matrix elements are equal to zero if a variable isn't present in the
model at a given period.
// Initializing matrix to zero
output << "M_.lead_lag_incidence = [";
zeros(" <<
mod_param.max_lag+mod_param.max_lead+1 << ", " <<
mod_param.endo_nbr << ");\n";
// Loop on endogenous variables
for (int endoID = 0; endoID < mod_param.endo_nbr; endoID++)
@ -1308,16 +1242,10 @@ ModelTree::ModelInitialization(ostream &output)
string name = symbol_table.getNameByID(eEndogenous, endoID);
// and its variableID if exists with current period
int varID = variable_table.getID(name, lag);
//cout << name << " " << varID << " " << lag << " " << variable_table.getPrintIndex(varID)+1 << " " << variable_table.getSortID(varID)+1 << endl;
if (varID >=0)
output << " " << variable_table.getPrintIndex(varID) + 1;
if (varID >= 0)
output << " " << variable_table.getPrintIndex(varID) + 1;
output << " 0";
output << " 0";
output << ";";
@ -1352,9 +1280,7 @@ ModelTree::ModelInitialization(ostream &output)
output << "oo_.recur_steady_state = zeros(" << mod_param.recur_nbr << ", 1);\n";
if (mod_param.parameter_nbr)
output << "M_.params = zeros(" << mod_param.parameter_nbr << ", 1);\n";
output << "M_.params = zeros(" << mod_param.parameter_nbr << ", 1);\n";
inline int ModelTree::optimize(NodeID node)
@ -1389,27 +1315,59 @@ inline int ModelTree::optimize(NodeID node)
ModelTree::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename)
ModelTree::checkPass() const
// Exit if there is no equation in model file
if (mod_param.eq_nbr == 0)
cerr << "No equation found in model file" << endl;
cout << mod_param.eq_nbr << " equation(s) found \n";
// Sorting variable table
// Setting number of equations in ModelParameters class
// Here no derivative are computed
min_cost = 40 * operator_table.cost(token::PLUS, offset);
// Setting format of parentheses
if (offset == 1)
lpar = '(';
rpar = ')';
lpar = '[';
rpar = ']';
if (computeHessian)
cout << "Processing outputs ..." << endl;
if (offset == 0)
OpenCFiles(basename + "_static", basename + "_dynamic");
OpenMFiles(basename + "_static", basename + "_dynamic");
ModelTree::writeStaticFile(const string &basename)
if (offset)
writeStaticMFile(basename + "_static");
writeStaticCFile(basename + "_static");
ModelTree::writeDynamicFile(const string &basename)
if (offset)
writeDynamicMFile(basename + "_dynamic");
writeDynamicCFile(basename + "_dynamic");

View File

@ -40,10 +40,13 @@ public:
void addStatement(Statement *st);
//! Do some checking and fills mod_file_struct
void checkPass();
//! Execute computations
void computingPass();
//! Writes Matlab/Scilab output files
\param basename The base name used for writing output files. Should be the name of the mod file without its extension
\param clear_all Should a "clear all" instruction be written to output ?
\todo make this method const
void writeOutputFiles(const string &basename, bool clear_all);

View File

@ -30,15 +30,6 @@ class ModelTree : public DataTree
private :
/*! Stores ID of equations and their derivatives */
std::vector<std::vector<DerivativeIndex> > mDerivativeIndex;
/*! Output for static model */
std::ostringstream StaticOutput;
/*! Output for dynamic model */
std::ostringstream DynamicOutput;
/*! Output file stream for static model */
std::ofstream mStaticModelFile;
/*! Output file stream for dynamic model */
std::ofstream mDynamicModelFile;
A token is writen as a temporary expression
if its cost is greater than min_cost
@ -46,8 +37,6 @@ private :
int min_cost;
/*! left and right parentheses can be (,[ or ),] */
char lpar, rpar;
/*! Name of parameter variables ("params" for C output, and M_.params for Matlab) */
std::string param_name;
//! Reference to model parameters
ModelParameters &mod_param;
//! Reference to numerical constants table
@ -60,44 +49,44 @@ private :
/*! Gets expression of part of model tree */
inline std::string getExpression(NodeID StartID, EquationType iEquationType, int iEquationID = -1);
inline int optimize(NodeID id);
/*! Opens output M files (1st and 2nd derivatives) */
void OpenMFiles(std::string iModelFileName1, std::string iModelFileName2 = "");
/*! Opens output C files (1st and 2nd derivatives) */
void OpenCFiles(std::string iModelFileName1, std::string iModelFileName2 = "");
/*! Saves output string into output M files */
void SaveMFiles();
/*! Saves output string into output C files */
void SaveCFiles();
/*! Computes derivatives of ModelTree */
void derive(int iOrder);
Writes output file for static model :
- equations
- 1st order derivatives with respect to endogenous variables (without lags)
std::string setStaticModel(void);
Writes output file for dynamic stochastic model :
- equations
- 1st order and 2nd order derivatives with respect to endogenous, exogenous, exogenous_det (in specific order)
std::string setDynamicModel(void);
/*! Writes initialization of various Matlab variables */
void ModelInitialization(std::ostream &output);
//! Writes the static model equations and its derivatives
void writeStaticModel(std::ostream &StaticOutput);
//! Writes the dynamic model equations and its derivatives
void writeDynamicModel(std::ostream &DynamicOutput);
//! Writes static model file (Matlab version)
void writeStaticMFile(const std::string &static_basename);
//! Writes static model file (C version)
void writeStaticCFile(const std::string &static_basename);
//! Writes dynamic model file (Matlab version)
void writeDynamicMFile(const std::string &dynamic_basename);
//! Writes dynamic model file (C version)
void writeDynamicCFile(const std::string &dynamic_basename);
//! Constructor
ModelTree(SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg, ModelParameters &mod_param_arg, const NumericalConstants &num_constants);
//! Destructor
//! Do some checking
void checkPass() const;
//! Whether Jacobian (vs endogenous) should be written
bool computeJacobian;
//! Whether Jacobian (vs endogenous and exogenous) should be written
bool computeJacobianExo;
//! Whether Hessian (vs endogenous and exogenous) should be written
bool computeHessian;
//! Writes model initialization to output and uses basename for dumping model static/dynamic files
void writeOutput(std::ostream &output, const std::string &basename);
//! Execute computations (variable sorting + derivation)
/*! You must set computeJacobian, computeJacobianExo and computeHessian to correct values before
calling this function */
void computingPass();
//! Writes model initialization and lead/lag incidence matrix to output
void writeOutput(std::ostream &output) const;
//! Writes static model file
/*! \todo make this method const */
void writeStaticFile(const std::string &basename);
//! Writes dynamic model file
/*! \todo make this method const */
void writeDynamicFile(const std::string &basename);