Clean up csminwel1.m

Adds documentation and puts calling of numerical gradient to nested function as previously suggested in comment at the bottom of file
Johannes Pfeifer 2015-04-16 17:51:05 +02:00
parent b629d3ca19
commit bc6cf0345f
1 changed files with 100 additions and 141 deletions

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@ -1,29 +1,48 @@
function [fh,xh,gh,H,itct,fcount,retcodeh] = csminwel1(fcn,x0,H0,grad,crit,nit,method,epsilon,varargin)
%[fhat,xhat,ghat,Hhat,itct,fcount,retcodehat] = csminwel1(fcn,x0,H0,grad,crit,nit,method,epsilon,varargin)
% fcn: string naming the objective function to be minimized
% x0: initial value of the parameter vector
% H0: initial value for the inverse Hessian. Must be positive definite.
% grad: Either a string naming a function that calculates the gradient, or the null matrix.
% If it's null, the program calculates a numerical gradient. In this case fcn must
% be written so that it can take a matrix argument and produce a row vector of values.
% crit: Convergence criterion. Iteration will cease when it proves impossible to improve the
% function value by more than crit.
% nit: Maximum number of iterations.
% method: integer scalar, 2, 3 or 5 points formula.
% epsilon: scalar double, numerical differentiation increment
% varargin: A list of optional length of additional parameters that get handed off to fcn each
% time it is called.
%[fhat,xhat,ghat,Hhat,itct,fcount,retcodeh] = csminwel1(fcn,x0,H0,grad,crit,nit,method,epsilon,varargin)
% Inputs:
% fcn: [string] string naming the objective function to be minimized
% x0: [npar by 1] initial value of the parameter vector
% H0: [npar by npar] initial value for the inverse Hessian. Must be positive definite.
% grad: [string or empty matrix] Either a string naming a function that calculates the gradient, or the null matrix.
% If it's null, the program calculates a numerical gradient. In this case fcn must
% be written so that it can take a matrix argument and produce a row vector of values.
% crit: [scalar] Convergence criterion. Iteration will cease when it proves impossible to improve the
% function value by more than crit.
% nit: [scalar] Maximum number of iterations.
% method: [scalar] integer scalar for selecting gradient method: 2, 3 or 5 points formula.
% epsilon: [scalar] scalar double, numerical differentiation increment
% varargin: Optional additional inputs that get handed off to fcn each
% time it is called.
% Note that if the program ends abnormally, it is possible to retrieve the current x,
% f, and H from the files g1.mat and H.mat that are written at each iteration and at each
% hessian update, respectively. (When the routine hits certain kinds of difficulty, it
% write g2.mat and g3.mat as well. If all were written at about the same time, any of them
% may be a decent starting point. One can also start from the one with best function value.)
% writes g2.mat and g3.mat as well. If all were written at about the same time, any of them
% may be a decent starting point. One can also start from the one with best function value.)
% Outputs:
% fh: [scalar] function value at minimum
% xh: [npar by 1] parameter vector at minimum
% gh [npar by 1] gradient vector
% H [npar by npar] inverse of the Hessian matrix
% itct [scalar] iteration count upon termination
% fcount [scalar] function iteration count upon termination
% retcodeh [scalar] return code:
% 0: normal step
% 1: zero gradient
% 2: back and forth on step length never finished
% 3: smallest step still improving too slow
% 4: back and forth on step length never finished
% 5: largest step still improving too fast
% 6: smallest step still improving too slow, reversed gradient
% 7: warning: possible inaccuracy in H matrix
% Original file downloaded from:
% Copyright (C) 1993-2007 Christopher Sims
% Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Dynare Team
% Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Dynare Team
% This file is part of Dynare.
@ -51,7 +70,6 @@ NumGrad= isempty(grad);
gh = [];
H = [];
retcodeh = [];
@ -74,20 +92,7 @@ if ~cost_flag
if NumGrad
switch method
case 2
[g,badg] = numgrad2(fcn, f0, x0, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 3
[g,badg] = numgrad3(fcn, f0, x0, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 5
[g,badg] = numgrad5(fcn, f0, x0, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 13
[g,badg] = numgrad3_(fcn, f0, x0, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 15
[g,badg] = numgrad5_(fcn, f0, x0, epsilon, varargin{:});
error('csminwel1: Unknown method for gradient evaluation!')
[g, badg]=get_num_grad(method,fcn,f0,x0,epsilon,varargin{:});
elseif ischar(grad)
[g,badg] = feval(grad,x0,varargin{:});
@ -105,19 +110,15 @@ while ~done
g1=[]; g2=[]; g3=[];
%addition fj. 7/6/94 for control
%disp('f and x at the beginning of new iteration')
disp(sprintf('f at the beginning of new iteration, %20.10f',f))
if Verbose
disp(sprintf('f at the beginning of new iteration, %20.10f',f))
%-----------Comment out this line if the x vector is long----------------
% disp([sprintf('x = ') sprintf('%15.8g %15.8g %15.8g %15.8g\n',x)]);
[f1 x1 fc retcode1] = csminit1(fcn,x,f,g,badg,H,varargin{:});
%[f1 x1 fc retcode1] = csminit(fcn,x,f,g,badg,H,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,...
% P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P13);
% itct=itct+1;
[f1, x1, fc, retcode1] = csminit1(fcn,x,f,g,badg,H,varargin{:});
fcount = fcount+fc;
% erased on 8/4/94
% if (retcode == 1) || (abs(f1-f) < crit)
@ -132,22 +133,9 @@ while ~done
wall1=1; badg1=1;
if NumGrad
switch method
case 2
[g1 badg1] = numgrad2(fcn, f1, x1, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 3
[g1 badg1] = numgrad3(fcn, f1, x1, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 5
[g1,badg1] = numgrad5(fcn, f1, x1, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 13
[g1,badg1] = numgrad3_(fcn, f1, x1, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 15
[g1,badg1] = numgrad5_(fcn, f1, x1, epsilon, varargin{:});
error('csminwel1: Unknown method for gradient evaluation!')
[g1, badg1]=get_num_grad(method,fcn,f1,x1,epsilon,varargin{:});
elseif ischar(grad),
[g1 badg1] = feval(grad,x1,varargin{:});
[g1, badg1] = feval(grad,x1,varargin{:});
[junk1,g1,junk2, cost_flag] = feval(fcn,x1,varargin{:});
badg1 = ~cost_flag;
@ -155,8 +143,6 @@ while ~done
% g1
save g1.mat g1 x1 f1 varargin;
%save g1 g1 x1 f1 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13;
if wall1 % && (~done) by Jinill
% Bad gradient or back and forth on step length. Possibly at
@ -164,33 +150,19 @@ while ~done
disp('Cliff. Perturbing search direction.')
[f2 x2 fc retcode2] = csminit1(fcn,x,f,g,badg,Hcliff,varargin{:});
%[f2 x2 fc retcode2] = csminit(fcn,x,f,g,badg,Hcliff,P1,P2,P3,P4,...
% P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P13);
if Verbose
disp('Cliff. Perturbing search direction.')
[f2, x2, fc, retcode2] = csminit1(fcn,x,f,g,badg,Hcliff,varargin{:});
fcount = fcount+fc; % put by Jinill
if f2 < f
if retcode2==2 || retcode2==4
wall2=1; badg2=1;
if NumGrad
switch method
case 2
[g2 badg2] = numgrad2(fcn, f2, x2, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 3
[g2 badg2] = numgrad3(fcn, f2, x2, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 5
[g2,badg2] = numgrad5(fcn, f2, x2, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 13
[g2,badg2] = numgrad3_(fcn, f2, x2, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 15
[g2,badg2] = numgrad5_(fcn, f2, x2, epsilon, varargin{:});
error('csminwel1: Unknown method for gradient evaluation!')
[g2, badg2]=get_num_grad(method,fcn,f2,x2,epsilon,varargin{:});
elseif ischar(grad),
[g2 badg2] = feval(grad,x2,varargin{:});
[g2, badg2] = feval(grad,x2,varargin{:});
[junk1,g2,junk2, cost_flag] = feval(fcn,x1,varargin{:});
badg2 = ~cost_flag;
@ -199,8 +171,6 @@ while ~done
% g2
save g2.mat g2 x2 f2 varargin
%save g2 g2 x2 f2 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13;
if wall2
disp('Cliff again. Try traversing')
@ -208,33 +178,19 @@ while ~done
f3=f; x3=x; badg3=1;retcode3=101;
if(size(x0,2)>1), gcliff=gcliff', end
[f3 x3 fc retcode3] = csminit1(fcn,x,f,gcliff,0,eye(nx),varargin{:});
%[f3 x3 fc retcode3] = csminit(fcn,x,f,gcliff,0,eye(nx),P1,P2,P3,...
% P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,...
% P9,P10,P11,P12,P13);
[f3, x3, fc, retcode3] = csminit1(fcn,x,f,gcliff,0,eye(nx),varargin{:});
fcount = fcount+fc; % put by Jinill
if retcode3==2 || retcode3==4
wall3=1; badg3=1;
if NumGrad
switch method
case 2
[g3 badg3] = numgrad2(fcn, f3, x3, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 3
[g3 badg3] = numgrad3(fcn, f3, x3, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 5
[g3,badg3] = numgrad5(fcn, f3, x3, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 13
[g3,badg3] = numgrad3_(fcn, f3, x3, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 15
[g3,badg3] = numgrad5_(fcn, f3, x3, epsilon, varargin{:});
error('csminwel1: Unknown method for gradient evaluation!')
[g3, badg3]=get_num_grad(method,fcn,f3,x3,epsilon,varargin{:});
elseif ischar(grad),
[g3 badg3] = feval(grad,x3,varargin{:});
[g3, badg3] = feval(grad,x3,varargin{:});
[junk1,g3,junk2, cost_flag] = feval(fcn,x1,varargin{:});
badg3 = ~cost_flag;
@ -242,8 +198,6 @@ while ~done
% g3
save g3.mat g3 x3 f3 varargin;
%save g3 g3 x3 f3 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13;
@ -292,22 +246,9 @@ while ~done
if nogh
if NumGrad
switch method
case 2
[gh,badgh] = numgrad2(fcn, fh, xh, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 3
[gh,badgh] = numgrad3(fcn, fh, xh, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 5
[gh,badgh] = numgrad5(fcn, fh, xh, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 13
[gh,badgh] = numgrad3_(fcn, fh, xh, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 15
[gh,badgh] = numgrad5_(fcn, fh, xh, epsilon, varargin{:});
error('csminwel1: Unknown method for gradient evaluation!')
[gh, badgh]=get_num_grad(method,fcn,fh,xh,epsilon,varargin{:});
elseif ischar(grad),
[gh badgh] = feval(grad, xh,varargin{:});
[gh, badgh] = feval(grad, xh,varargin{:});
[junk1,gh,junk2, cost_flag] = feval(fcn,x1,varargin{:});
badgh = ~cost_flag;
@ -316,11 +257,6 @@ while ~done
%end of picking
stuck = (abs(fh-f) < crit);
if (~badg) && (~badgh) && (~stuck)
H = bfgsi1(H,gh-g,xh-x);
@ -338,24 +274,47 @@ while ~done
done = 1;
if rc == 1
disp('zero gradient')
elseif rc == 6
disp('smallest step still improving too slow, reversed gradient')
elseif rc == 5
disp('largest step still improving too fast')
elseif (rc == 4) || (rc==2)
disp('back and forth on step length never finished')
elseif rc == 3
disp('smallest step still improving too slow')
elseif rc == 7
disp('warning: possible inaccuracy in H matrix')
if Verbose || done
if rc ==0
%do nothing, just a normal step
elseif rc == 1
disp('zero gradient')
elseif rc == 6
disp('smallest step still improving too slow, reversed gradient')
elseif rc == 5
disp('largest step still improving too fast')
elseif (rc == 4) || (rc==2)
disp('back and forth on step length never finished')
elseif rc == 3
disp('smallest step still improving too slow')
elseif rc == 7
disp('warning: possible inaccuracy in H matrix')
error('Unaccounted Case, please contact the developers')
% end
% what about making an m-file of 10 lines including numgrad.m
% since it appears three times in csminwel.m
function [g, badg]=get_num_grad(method,fcn,f0,x0,epsilon,varargin)
switch method
case 2
[g,badg] = numgrad2(fcn, f0, x0, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 3
[g,badg] = numgrad3(fcn, f0, x0, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 5
[g,badg] = numgrad5(fcn, f0, x0, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 13
[g,badg] = numgrad3_(fcn, f0, x0, epsilon, varargin{:});
case 15
[g,badg] = numgrad5_(fcn, f0, x0, epsilon, varargin{:});
error('csminwel1: Unknown method for gradient evaluation!')