get_perturbation_params_derivs and friends: do not pass full oo_ structure

Johannes Pfeifer 2023-09-25 22:11:21 +02:00
parent e65662151f
commit acb9518dec
12 changed files with 151 additions and 138 deletions

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@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ if strcmp(,'GMM')
stderrparam_nbr = estim_params_.nvx; % number of stderr parameters
corrparam_nbr = estim_params_.ncx; % number of corr parameters
totparam_nbr = stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+modparam_nbr;
oo_.dr.derivs = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M_, options_mom_, estim_params_, oo_, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, 0); %analytic derivatives of perturbation matrices
oo_.dr.derivs = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M_, options_mom_, estim_params_, oo_.dr, oo_.steady_state, oo_.exo_steady_state, oo_.exo_det_steady_state, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, 0); %analytic derivatives of perturbation matrices = NaN(,totparam_nbr);
pruned_state_space = pruned_state_space_system(M_, options_mom_, oo_.dr,,, 0, 1);

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@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ if ~options_.analytic_derivation
loss = full(weights(:)'*vx(:));
oo_.dr.derivs = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M_, options_, [], oo_, i_params, [], [], 0); %analytic derivatives of perturbation matrices
oo_.dr.derivs = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M_, options_, [], oo_.dr, oo_.steady_state, oo_.exo_steady_state, oo_.exo_det_steady_state, i_params, [], [], 0); %analytic derivatives of perturbation matrices
pruned_state_space = pruned_state_space_system(M_, options_, oo_.dr, i_var, 0, 0, 1);
vx = pruned_state_space.Var_y + pruned_state_space.E_y*pruned_state_space.E_y';

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@ -560,14 +560,14 @@ if analytic_derivation
old_analytic_derivation_mode = DynareOptions.analytic_derivation_mode;
DynareOptions.analytic_derivation_mode = kron_flag;
if full_Hess
DERIVS = get_perturbation_params_derivs(Model, DynareOptions, EstimatedParameters, DynareResults, indparam, indexo, [], true);
DERIVS = get_perturbation_params_derivs(Model, DynareOptions, EstimatedParameters, DynareResults.dr, DynareResults.steady_state, DynareResults.exo_steady_state, DynareResults.exo_det_steady_state, indparam, indexo, [], true);
indD2T = reshape(1:Model.endo_nbr^2, Model.endo_nbr, Model.endo_nbr);
indD2Om = dyn_unvech(1:Model.endo_nbr*(Model.endo_nbr+1)/2);
D2T = DERIVS.d2KalmanA(indD2T(iv,iv),:);
D2Om = DERIVS.d2Om(dyn_vech(indD2Om(iv,iv)),:);
D2Yss = DERIVS.d2Yss(iv,:,:);
DERIVS = get_perturbation_params_derivs(Model, DynareOptions, EstimatedParameters, DynareResults, indparam, indexo, [], false);
DERIVS = get_perturbation_params_derivs(Model, DynareOptions, EstimatedParameters, DynareResults.dr, DynareResults.steady_state, DynareResults.exo_steady_state, DynareResults.exo_det_steady_state, indparam, indexo, [], false);
DT = zeros(Model.endo_nbr, Model.endo_nbr, size(DERIVS.dghx,3));
DT(:,Model.nstatic+(1:Model.nspred),:) = DERIVS.dghx;

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ function fjac = fjaco(f,x,varargin)
% fjac : finite difference Jacobian
% Copyright © 2010-2017,2019-2020 Dynare Team
% Copyright © 2010-2017,2019-2023 Dynare Team
% This file is part of Dynare.
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ ff=feval(f,x,varargin{:});
tol = eps.^(1/3); %some default value
if strcmp(func2str(f),'get_perturbation_params_derivs_numerical_objective') || strcmp(func2str(f),'identification_numerical_objective')
tol= varargin{5}.dynatol.x;
tol= varargin{4}.dynatol.x;
h = tol.*max(abs(x),1);
xh1=x+h; xh0=x-h;
@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ feval(f,x,varargin{:});
%Auxiliary functions
function disp_info_error_identification_perturbation(info,j)
% there are errors in the solution algorithm
probl_par = get_the_name(j,varargin{5}.TeX,varargin{3},varargin{2},varargin{5});
probl_par = get_the_name(j,varargin{4}.TeX,varargin{3},varargin{2},varargin{4});
message = get_error_message(info,varargin{5});
message = get_error_message(info,varargin{4});
fprintf('Parameter error in numerical two-sided difference method:\n')
fprintf('Cannot solve the model for %s (info = %d, %s)\n', probl_par, info(1), message);
fprintf('Possible solutions:\n')

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@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
function [MEAN, dMEAN, REDUCEDFORM, dREDUCEDFORM, DYNAMIC, dDYNAMIC, MOMENTS, dMOMENTS, dSPECTRUM, dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN, dMINIMAL, derivatives_info] = get_identification_jacobians(estim_params, M, oo, options, options_ident, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs)
% function [MEAN, dMEAN, REDUCEDFORM, dREDUCEDFORM, DYNAMIC, dDYNAMIC, MOMENTS, dMOMENTS, dSPECTRUM, dMINIMAL, derivatives_info] = get_identification_jacobians(estim_params, M, oo, options, options_ident, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs)
function [MEAN, dMEAN, REDUCEDFORM, dREDUCEDFORM, DYNAMIC, dDYNAMIC, MOMENTS, dMOMENTS, dSPECTRUM, dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN, dMINIMAL, derivatives_info] = get_identification_jacobians(estim_params, M, options, options_ident, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs, dr, endo_steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state)
% [MEAN, dMEAN, REDUCEDFORM, dREDUCEDFORM, DYNAMIC, dDYNAMIC, MOMENTS, dMOMENTS, dSPECTRUM, dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN, dMINIMAL, derivatives_info] = get_identification_jacobians(estim_params, M, options, options_ident, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs, dr, endo_steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state)
% previously getJJ.m in Dynare 4.5
% Sets up the Jacobians needed for identification analysis
% =========================================================================
% estim_params: [structure] storing the estimation information
% M: [structure] storing the model information
% oo: [structure] storing the reduced-form solution results
% options: [structure] storing the options
% options_ident: [structure] storing the options for identification
% indpmodel: [modparam_nbr by 1] index of estimated parameters in M_.params;
% in the estimated_params block; if estimated_params block
% is not available, then no corr parameters are selected
% indvobs: [obs_nbr by 1] index of observed (VAROBS) variables
% dr [structure] Reduced form model.
% endo_steady_state [vector] steady state value for endogenous variables
% exo_steady_state [vector] steady state value for exogenous variables
% exo_det_steady_state [vector] steady state value for exogenous deterministic variables
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -150,94 +153,94 @@ obs_nbr = length(indvobs);
d2flag = 0; % do not compute second parameter derivatives
% Get Jacobians (wrt selected params) of steady state, dynamic model derivatives and perturbation solution matrices for all endogenous variables
oo.dr.derivs = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M, options, estim_params, oo, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, d2flag);
dr.derivs = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M, options, estim_params, dr, endo_steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, d2flag);
[I,~] = find(lead_lag_incidence'); %I is used to select nonzero columns of the Jacobian of endogenous variables in dynamic model files
yy0 = oo.dr.ys(I); %steady state of dynamic (endogenous and auxiliary variables) in lead_lag_incidence order
Yss = oo.dr.ys(oo.dr.order_var); % steady state in DR order
yy0 = dr.ys(I); %steady state of dynamic (endogenous and auxiliary variables) in lead_lag_incidence order
Yss = dr.ys(dr.order_var); % steady state in DR order
if order == 1
[~, g1 ] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], yy0, oo.exo_steady_state', params, oo.dr.ys, 1);
[~, g1 ] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], yy0, exo_steady_state', params, dr.ys, 1);
%g1 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr first derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
vec(g1)]; %add steady state and put rows of g1 in DR order
dDYNAMIC = [oo.dr.derivs.dYss;
reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,2),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,3)) ]; %reshape dg1 in DR order and add steady state
dDYNAMIC = [dr.derivs.dYss;
reshape(dr.derivs.dg1,size(dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(dr.derivs.dg1,2),size(dr.derivs.dg1,3)) ]; %reshape dg1 in DR order and add steady state
dyn_vech(oo.dr.ghu*Sigma_e*transpose(oo.dr.ghu))]; %in DR order
dyn_vech(dr.ghu*Sigma_e*transpose(dr.ghu))]; %in DR order
dREDUCEDFORM = zeros(endo_nbr*nspred+endo_nbr*(endo_nbr+1)/2, totparam_nbr);
for j=1:totparam_nbr
dREDUCEDFORM(:,j) = [vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghx(:,:,j));
dREDUCEDFORM(:,j) = [vec(dr.derivs.dghx(:,:,j));
dREDUCEDFORM = [ [zeros(endo_nbr, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) oo.dr.derivs.dYss]; dREDUCEDFORM ]; % add steady state
dREDUCEDFORM = [ [zeros(endo_nbr, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) dr.derivs.dYss]; dREDUCEDFORM ]; % add steady state
elseif order == 2
[~, g1, g2 ] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], yy0, oo.exo_steady_state', params, oo.dr.ys, 1);
[~, g1, g2 ] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], yy0, exo_steady_state', params, dr.ys, 1);
%g1 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr first derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
%g2 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^2] second derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
vec(g2)]; %add steady state and put rows of g1 and g2 in DR order
dDYNAMIC = [oo.dr.derivs.dYss;
reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,2),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,3)); %reshape dg1 in DR order
reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dg2,size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,2)^2,size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,3))]; %reshape dg2 in DR order
dDYNAMIC = [dr.derivs.dYss;
reshape(dr.derivs.dg1,size(dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(dr.derivs.dg1,2),size(dr.derivs.dg1,3)); %reshape dg1 in DR order
reshape(dr.derivs.dg2,size(dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(dr.derivs.dg1,2)^2,size(dr.derivs.dg1,3))]; %reshape dg2 in DR order
vec(oo.dr.ghs2)]; %in DR order
vec(dr.ghs2)]; %in DR order
dREDUCEDFORM = zeros(endo_nbr*nspred+endo_nbr*(endo_nbr+1)/2+endo_nbr*nspred^2+endo_nbr*nspred*exo_nbr+endo_nbr*exo_nbr^2+endo_nbr, totparam_nbr);
for j=1:totparam_nbr
dREDUCEDFORM(:,j) = [vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghx(:,:,j));
dREDUCEDFORM(:,j) = [vec(dr.derivs.dghx(:,:,j));
dREDUCEDFORM = [ [zeros(endo_nbr, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) oo.dr.derivs.dYss]; dREDUCEDFORM ]; % add steady state
dREDUCEDFORM = [ [zeros(endo_nbr, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) dr.derivs.dYss]; dREDUCEDFORM ]; % add steady state
elseif order == 3
[~, g1, g2, g3 ] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], yy0, oo.exo_steady_state', params, oo.dr.ys, 1);
[~, g1, g2, g3 ] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], yy0, exo_steady_state', params, dr.ys, 1);
%g1 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr first derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
%g2 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^2] second derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
vec(g3)]; %add steady state and put rows of g1 and g2 in DR order
dDYNAMIC = [oo.dr.derivs.dYss;
reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,2),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,3)); %reshape dg1 in DR order
reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dg2,size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,2)^2,size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,3))]; %reshape dg3 in DR order
dDYNAMIC = [dr.derivs.dYss;
reshape(dr.derivs.dg1,size(dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(dr.derivs.dg1,2),size(dr.derivs.dg1,3)); %reshape dg1 in DR order
reshape(dr.derivs.dg2,size(dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(dr.derivs.dg1,2)^2,size(dr.derivs.dg1,3))]; %reshape dg3 in DR order
vec(oo.dr.ghxx); vec(oo.dr.ghxu); vec(oo.dr.ghuu); vec(oo.dr.ghs2);
vec(oo.dr.ghxxx); vec(oo.dr.ghxxu); vec(oo.dr.ghxuu); vec(oo.dr.ghuuu); vec(oo.dr.ghxss); vec(oo.dr.ghuss)]; %in DR order
vec(dr.ghxx); vec(dr.ghxu); vec(dr.ghuu); vec(dr.ghs2);
vec(dr.ghxxx); vec(dr.ghxxu); vec(dr.ghxuu); vec(dr.ghuuu); vec(dr.ghxss); vec(dr.ghuss)]; %in DR order
dREDUCEDFORM = zeros(size(REDUCEDFORM,1)-endo_nbr, totparam_nbr);
for j=1:totparam_nbr
dREDUCEDFORM(:,j) = [vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghx(:,:,j));
vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxx(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxu(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghuu(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghs2(:,j))
vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxxx(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxxu(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxuu(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghuuu(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxss(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghuss(:,:,j))];
dREDUCEDFORM(:,j) = [vec(dr.derivs.dghx(:,:,j));
vec(dr.derivs.dghxx(:,:,j)); vec(dr.derivs.dghxu(:,:,j)); vec(dr.derivs.dghuu(:,:,j)); vec(dr.derivs.dghs2(:,j))
vec(dr.derivs.dghxxx(:,:,j)); vec(dr.derivs.dghxxu(:,:,j)); vec(dr.derivs.dghxuu(:,:,j)); vec(dr.derivs.dghuuu(:,:,j)); vec(dr.derivs.dghxss(:,:,j)); vec(dr.derivs.dghuss(:,:,j))];
dREDUCEDFORM = [ [zeros(endo_nbr, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) oo.dr.derivs.dYss]; dREDUCEDFORM ]; % add steady state
dREDUCEDFORM = [ [zeros(endo_nbr, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) dr.derivs.dYss]; dREDUCEDFORM ]; % add steady state
% Get (pruned) state space representation:
pruned = pruned_state_space_system(M, options, oo.dr, indvobs, nlags, useautocorr, 1);
pruned = pruned_state_space_system(M, options, dr, indvobs, nlags, useautocorr, 1);
MEAN = pruned.E_y;
dMEAN = pruned.dE_y;
%storage for Jacobians used in dsge_likelihood.m for analytical Gradient and Hession of likelihood (only at order=1)
derivatives_info = struct();
if order == 1
dT = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dT(:,(nstatic+1):(nstatic+nspred),:) = oo.dr.derivs.dghx;
dT(:,(nstatic+1):(nstatic+nspred),:) = dr.derivs.dghx;
derivatives_info.DT = dT;
derivatives_info.DOm = oo.dr.derivs.dOm;
derivatives_info.DYss = oo.dr.derivs.dYss;
derivatives_info.DOm = dr.derivs.dOm;
derivatives_info.DYss = dr.derivs.dYss;
%% Compute dMOMENTS
@ -255,7 +258,7 @@ if ~no_identification_moments
if kronflag == -1
%numerical derivative of autocovariogram
dMOMENTS = fjaco(str2func('identification_numerical_objective'), xparam1, 1, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs, useautocorr, nlags, grid_nbr); %[outputflag=1]
dMOMENTS = fjaco(str2func('identification_numerical_objective'), xparam1, 1, estim_params, M, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indvobs, useautocorr, nlags, grid_nbr, dr, endo_steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state); %[outputflag=1]
dMOMENTS = [dMEAN; dMOMENTS]; %add Jacobian of steady state of VAROBS variables
dMOMENTS = zeros(obs_nbr + obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 + nlags*obs_nbr^2 , totparam_nbr);
@ -312,7 +315,7 @@ if ~no_identification_spectrum
IA = eye(size(pruned.A,1));
if kronflag == -1
%numerical derivative of spectral density
dOmega_tmp = fjaco(str2func('identification_numerical_objective'), xparam1, 2, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs, useautocorr, nlags, grid_nbr); %[outputflag=2]
dOmega_tmp = fjaco(str2func('identification_numerical_objective'), xparam1, 2, estim_params, M, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indvobs, useautocorr, nlags, grid_nbr, dr, endo_steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state); %[outputflag=2]
kk = 0;
for ig = 1:length(freqs)
kk = kk+1;
@ -389,14 +392,14 @@ if ~no_identification_minimal
dMINIMAL = [];
% Derive and check minimal state vector of first-order
SYS.A = oo.dr.ghx(pruned.indx,:);
SYS.dA = oo.dr.derivs.dghx(pruned.indx,:,:);
SYS.B = oo.dr.ghu(pruned.indx,:);
SYS.dB = oo.dr.derivs.dghu(pruned.indx,:,:);
SYS.C = oo.dr.ghx(pruned.indy,:);
SYS.dC = oo.dr.derivs.dghx(pruned.indy,:,:);
SYS.D = oo.dr.ghu(pruned.indy,:);
SYS.dD = oo.dr.derivs.dghu(pruned.indy,:,:);
SYS.A = dr.ghx(pruned.indx,:);
SYS.dA = dr.derivs.dghx(pruned.indx,:,:);
SYS.B = dr.ghu(pruned.indx,:);
SYS.dB = dr.derivs.dghu(pruned.indx,:,:);
SYS.C = dr.ghx(pruned.indy,:);
SYS.dC = dr.derivs.dghx(pruned.indy,:,:);
SYS.D = dr.ghu(pruned.indy,:);
SYS.dD = dr.derivs.dghu(pruned.indy,:,:);
[CheckCO,minnx,SYS] = get_minimal_state_representation(SYS,1);
if CheckCO == 0
@ -415,7 +418,7 @@ if ~no_identification_minimal
dminB = reshape(dminB,size(dminB,1)*size(dminB,2),size(dminB,3));
dminC = reshape(dminC,size(dminC,1)*size(dminC,2),size(dminC,3));
dminD = reshape(dminD,size(dminD,1)*size(dminD,2),size(dminD,3));
dvechSig = reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dSigma_e,exo_nbr*exo_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dvechSig = reshape(dr.derivs.dSigma_e,exo_nbr*exo_nbr,totparam_nbr);
indvechSig= find(tril(ones(exo_nbr,exo_nbr)));
dvechSig = dvechSig(indvechSig,:);
Inx = eye(minnx);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
function DERIVS = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M, options, estim_params, oo, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, d2flag)
% DERIVS = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M, options, estim_params, oo, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, d2flag)
function DERIVS = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M, options, estim_params, dr, endo_steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, d2flag)
% DERIVS = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M, options, estim_params, dr, endo_steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, d2flag)
% previously getH.m in dynare 4.5
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Computes derivatives (with respect to parameters) of
@ -16,17 +16,24 @@ function DERIVS = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M, options, estim_params, oo, i
% =========================================================================
% M: [structure] storing the model information
% options: [structure] storing the options
% estim_params: [structure] storing the estimation information
% oo: [structure] storing the solution results
% indpmodel: [modparam_nbr by 1] index of selected (estimated) parameters in M.params;
% corresponds to model parameters (no stderr and no corr) in estimated_params block
% indpstderr: [stderrparam_nbr by 1] index of selected (estimated) standard errors,
% i.e. for all exogenous variables where 'stderr' is given in the estimated_params block
% indpcorr: [corrparam_nbr by 2] matrix of selected (estimated) correlations,
% i.e. for all exogenous variables where 'corr' is given in the estimated_params block
% d2flag: [boolean] flag to compute second-order parameter derivatives of steady state and first-order Kalman transition matrices
% M: [structure] storing the model information
% options: [structure] storing the options
% estim_params: [structure] storing the estimation information
% dr [structure] Reduced form model.
% endo_steady_state [vector] steady state value for endogenous variables
% exo_steady_state [vector] steady state value for exogenous variables
% exo_det_steady_state [vector] steady state value for exogenous deterministic variables
% indpmodel: [modparam_nbr by 1] index of selected (estimated) parameters in M.params;
% corresponds to model parameters (no stderr and no corr)
% in estimated_params block
% indpstderr: [stderrparam_nbr by 1] index of selected (estimated) standard errors,
% i.e. for all exogenous variables where 'stderr' is given
% in the estimated_params block
% indpcorr: [corrparam_nbr by 2] matrix of selected (estimated) correlations,
% i.e. for all exogenous variables where 'corr' is given in
% the estimated_params block
% d2flag: [boolean] flag to compute second-order parameter derivatives of steady state
% and first-order Kalman transition matrices
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% DERIVS: Structure with the following fields:
@ -154,26 +161,25 @@ end
qz_criterium = options.qz_criterium;
threads_BC = options.threads.kronecker.sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C;
% Get fields from oo
exo_steady_state = oo.exo_steady_state;
ghx = oo.dr.ghx;
ghu = oo.dr.ghu;
% Get fields from dr
ghx = dr.ghx;
ghu = dr.ghu;
if order > 1
ghxx = oo.dr.ghxx;
ghxu = oo.dr.ghxu;
ghuu = oo.dr.ghuu;
ghs2 = oo.dr.ghs2;
ghxx = dr.ghxx;
ghxu = dr.ghxu;
ghuu = dr.ghuu;
ghs2 = dr.ghs2;
if order > 2
ghxxx = oo.dr.ghxxx;
ghxxu = oo.dr.ghxxu;
ghxuu = oo.dr.ghxuu;
ghuuu = oo.dr.ghuuu;
ghxss = oo.dr.ghxss;
ghuss = oo.dr.ghuss;
ghxxx = dr.ghxxx;
ghxxu = dr.ghxxu;
ghxuu = dr.ghxuu;
ghuuu = dr.ghuuu;
ghxss = dr.ghxss;
ghuss = dr.ghuss;
order_var = oo.dr.order_var;
ys = oo.dr.ys;
order_var = dr.order_var;
ys = dr.ys;
% Some checks
if exo_det_nbr > 0
@ -289,7 +295,7 @@ if analytic_derivation_mode == -1
% - perturbation solution matrices: dghx, dghu, dghxx, dghxu, dghuu, dghs2, dghxxx, dghxxu, dghxuu, dghuuu, dghxss, dghuss
%Parameter Jacobian of covariance matrix and solution matrices (wrt selected stderr, corr and model paramters)
dSig_gh = fjaco(numerical_objective_fname, xparam1, 'perturbation_solution', estim_params, M, oo, options);
dSig_gh = fjaco(numerical_objective_fname, xparam1, 'perturbation_solution', estim_params, M, options, dr, endo_steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state);
ind_Sigma_e = (1:exo_nbr^2);
ind_ghx = ind_Sigma_e(end) + (1:endo_nbr*nspred);
ind_ghu = ind_ghx(end) + (1:endo_nbr*exo_nbr);
@ -342,7 +348,7 @@ if analytic_derivation_mode == -1
%Parameter Jacobian of dynamic model derivatives (wrt selected model parameters only)
dYss_g = fjaco(numerical_objective_fname, modparam1, 'dynamic_model', estim_params_model, M, oo, options);
dYss_g = fjaco(numerical_objective_fname, modparam1, 'dynamic_model', estim_params_model, M, options, dr, endo_steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state);
ind_Yss = 1:endo_nbr;
if options.discretionary_policy || options.ramsey_policy
ind_g1 = ind_Yss(end) + (1:M.eq_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr);
@ -368,7 +374,7 @@ if analytic_derivation_mode == -1
% Hessian (wrt paramters) of steady state and first-order solution matrices ghx and Om
% note that hessian_sparse.m (contrary to hessian.m) does not take symmetry into account, but focuses already on unique values
options.order = 1; %make sure only first order
d2Yss_KalmanA_Om = hessian_sparse(numerical_objective_fname, xparam1, gstep, 'Kalman_Transition', estim_params, M, oo, options);
d2Yss_KalmanA_Om = hessian_sparse(numerical_objective_fname, xparam1, gstep, 'Kalman_Transition', estim_params, M, options, dr, endo_steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state);
options.order = order; %make sure to set back
ind_KalmanA = ind_Yss(end) + (1:endo_nbr^2);
DERIVS.d2KalmanA = d2Yss_KalmanA_Om(ind_KalmanA, indp2tottot2); %only unique elements
@ -399,7 +405,7 @@ if analytic_derivation_mode == -2
% computation of d2Yss and d2g1
% note that hessian_sparse does not take symmetry into account, i.e. compare hessian_sparse.m to hessian.m, but focuses already on unique values, which are duplicated below
options.order = 1; %d2flag requires only first order
d2Yss_g1 = hessian_sparse(numerical_objective_fname, modparam1, gstep, 'dynamic_model', estim_params_model, M, oo, options); % d2flag requires only first-order
d2Yss_g1 = hessian_sparse(numerical_objective_fname, modparam1, gstep, 'dynamic_model', estim_params_model, M, options, dr, endo_steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state); % d2flag requires only first-order
options.order = order; %make sure to set back the order
d2Yss = reshape(full(d2Yss_g1(1:endo_nbr,:)), [endo_nbr modparam_nbr modparam_nbr]); %put into tensor notation
for j=1:endo_nbr
@ -425,7 +431,7 @@ if analytic_derivation_mode == -2
%Parameter Jacobian of dynamic model derivatives (wrt selected model parameters only)
dYss_g = fjaco(numerical_objective_fname, modparam1, 'dynamic_model', estim_params_model, M, oo, options);
dYss_g = fjaco(numerical_objective_fname, modparam1, 'dynamic_model', estim_params_model, M, options, dr, endo_steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state);
ind_Yss = 1:endo_nbr;
ind_g1 = ind_Yss(end) + (1:endo_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr);
dYss = dYss_g(ind_Yss,:); %in tensor notation, wrt selected model parameters only
@ -592,7 +598,7 @@ elseif (analytic_derivation_mode == 0 || analytic_derivation_mode == 1)
[II, JJ] = ind2sub([yy0ex0_nbr yy0ex0_nbr], find(g2(j,:))); %g2 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^2]
for i = 1:yy0ex0_nbr
is = find(II==i);
is = is(find(JJ(is)<=yy0_nbr)); %focus only on oo.dr.ys(I) derivatives as exogenous variables are 0 in a stochastic context
is = is(find(JJ(is)<=yy0_nbr)); %focus only on dr.ys(I) derivatives as exogenous variables are 0 in a stochastic context
if ~isempty(is)
tmp_g2 = full(g2(j,find(g2(j,:))));
dg1(j,i,:) = tmp_g2(is)*dyy0(JJ(is),:); %put into tensor notation

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
function [out,info] = get_perturbation_params_derivs_numerical_objective(params, outputflag, estim_params, M, oo, options)
%function [out,info] = get_perturbation_params_derivs_numerical_objective(params, outputflag, estim_params, M, oo, options)
function [out,info] = get_perturbation_params_derivs_numerical_objective(params, outputflag, estim_params, M, options, dr, endo_steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state)
%function [out,info] = get_perturbation_params_derivs_numerical_objective(params, outputflag, estim_params, M, options, dr, steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Objective function to compute numerically the Jacobians used for get_perturbation_params_derivs
% =========================================================================
@ -9,8 +9,11 @@ function [out,info] = get_perturbation_params_derivs_numerical_objective(params,
% outputflag: [string] flag which objective to compute (see below)
% estim_params: [structure] storing the estimation information
% M: [structure] storing the model information
% oo: [structure] storing the solution results
% options: [structure] storing the options
% dr [structure] Reduced form model.
% endo_steady_state [vector] steady state value for endogenous variables
% exo_steady_state [vector] steady state value for exogenous variables
% exo_det_steady_state [vector] steady state value for exogenous deterministic variables
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -51,7 +54,7 @@ function [out,info] = get_perturbation_params_derivs_numerical_objective(params,
%% Update stderr, corr and model parameters and compute perturbation approximation and steady state with updated parameters
M = set_all_parameters(params,estim_params,M);
[oo.dr,info,M.params] = compute_decision_rules(M,options,oo.dr, oo.steady_state, oo.exo_steady_state, oo.exo_det_steady_state);
[dr,info,M.params] = compute_decision_rules(M,options,dr,endo_steady_state,exo_steady_state,exo_det_steady_state);
Sigma_e = M.Sigma_e;
if info(1) > 0
@ -59,16 +62,16 @@ if info(1) > 0
out = [];
ys = oo.dr.ys; %steady state of model variables in declaration order
ghx = oo.dr.ghx; ghu = oo.dr.ghu;
ys = dr.ys; %steady state of model variables in declaration order
ghx = dr.ghx; ghu = dr.ghu;
if options.order > 1
ghxx = oo.dr.ghxx; ghxu = oo.dr.ghxu; ghuu = oo.dr.ghuu; ghs2 = oo.dr.ghs2;
ghxx = dr.ghxx; ghxu = dr.ghxu; ghuu = dr.ghuu; ghs2 = dr.ghs2;
if options.order > 2
ghxxx = oo.dr.ghxxx; ghxxu = oo.dr.ghxxu; ghxuu = oo.dr.ghxuu; ghxss = oo.dr.ghxss; ghuuu = oo.dr.ghuuu; ghuss = oo.dr.ghuss;
ghxxx = dr.ghxxx; ghxxu = dr.ghxxu; ghxuu = dr.ghxuu; ghxss = dr.ghxss; ghuuu = dr.ghuuu; ghuss = dr.ghuss;
Yss = ys(oo.dr.order_var); %steady state of model variables in DR order
Yss = ys(dr.order_var); %steady state of model variables in DR order
%% out = [vec(Sigma_e);vec(ghx);vec(ghu);vec(ghxx);vec(ghxu);vec(ghuu);vec(ghs2);vec(ghxxx);vec(ghxxu);vec(ghxuu);vec(ghuuu);vec(ghxss);vec(ghuss)]
if strcmp(outputflag,'perturbation_solution')
@ -85,13 +88,13 @@ end
if strcmp(outputflag,'dynamic_model')
[I,~] = find(M.lead_lag_incidence'); %I is used to evaluate dynamic model files
if options.order == 1
[~, g1] = feval([M.fname,'.dynamic'], ys(I), oo.exo_steady_state', M.params, ys, 1);
[~, g1] = feval([M.fname,'.dynamic'], ys(I), exo_steady_state', M.params, ys, 1);
out = [Yss; g1(:)];
elseif options.order == 2
[~, g1, g2] = feval([M.fname,'.dynamic'], ys(I), oo.exo_steady_state', M.params, ys, 1);
[~, g1, g2] = feval([M.fname,'.dynamic'], ys(I), exo_steady_state', M.params, ys, 1);
out = [Yss; g1(:); g2(:)];
elseif options.order == 3
[~, g1, g2, g3] = feval([M.fname,'.dynamic'], ys(I), oo.exo_steady_state', M.params, ys, 1);
[~, g1, g2, g3] = feval([M.fname,'.dynamic'], ys(I), exo_steady_state', M.params, ys, 1);
g3 = unfold_g3(g3, length(ys(I))+M.exo_nbr);
out = [Yss; g1(:); g2(:); g3(:)];

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@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ error_indicator.identification_spectrum=0;
if info(1) == 0 %no errors in solution
% Compute parameter Jacobians for identification analysis
[MEAN, dMEAN, REDUCEDFORM, dREDUCEDFORM, DYNAMIC, dDYNAMIC, MOMENTS, dMOMENTS, dSPECTRUM, dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN, dMINIMAL, derivatives_info] = get_identification_jacobians(estim_params_, M_, oo_, options_, options_ident, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs);
[MEAN, dMEAN, REDUCEDFORM, dREDUCEDFORM, DYNAMIC, dDYNAMIC, MOMENTS, dMOMENTS, dSPECTRUM, dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN, dMINIMAL, derivatives_info] = get_identification_jacobians(estim_params_, M_, options_, options_ident, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs, oo_.dr, oo_.steady_state, oo_.exo_steady_state, oo_.exo_det_steady_state);
if isempty(dMINIMAL)
% Komunjer and Ng is not computed if (1) minimality conditions are not fullfilled or (2) there are more shocks and measurement errors than observables, so we need to reset options
error_indicator.identification_minimal = 1;
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ if info(1) == 0 %no errors in solution
options_ident_local.no_identification_spectrum = 1; %do not recompute dSPECTRUM = nlags; %store new lag number = nlags; %store new lag number
[~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, MOMENTS, dMOMENTS, ~, ~, ~, ~] = get_identification_jacobians(estim_params_, M_, oo_, options_, options_ident_local, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs);
[~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, MOMENTS, dMOMENTS, ~, ~, ~, ~] = get_identification_jacobians(estim_params_, M_, options_, options_ident_local, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs, oo_.dr, oo_.steady_state, oo_.exo_steady_state, oo_.exo_det_steady_state);
ind_dMOMENTS = (find(max(abs(dMOMENTS'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %new index with non-zero rows

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@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
function out = identification_numerical_objective(params, outputflag, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvar, useautocorr, nlags, grid_nbr)
%function out = identification_numerical_objective(params, outputflag, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvar, useautocorr, nlags, grid_nbr)
function out = identification_numerical_objective(params, outputflag, estim_params, M, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indvar, useautocorr, nlags, grid_nbr, dr, steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state)
%function out = identification_numerical_objective(params, outputflag, %estim_params, M, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indvar, useautocorr, nlags, grid_nbr, dr, steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Objective function to compute numerically the Jacobians used for identification analysis
% Previously this function was called thet2tau.m
% =========================================================================
% params: [vector] parameter values at which to evaluate objective function
% stderr parameters come first, corr parameters second, model parameters third
% outputflag: [integer] flag which objective to compute (see below)
% estim_params: [structure] storing the estimation information
% M: [structure] storing the model information
% oo: [structure] storing the reduced form solution results
% options: [structure] storing the options
% indpmodel: [vector] Index of model parameters
% indpstderr: [vector] Index of stderr parameters
% indpcorr: [matrix] Index of corr parameters
% indvar: [vector] Index of selected or observed variables
% params: [vector] parameter values at which to evaluate objective function
% stderr parameters come first, corr parameters second, model parameters third
% outputflag: [integer] flag which objective to compute (see below)
% estim_params: [structure] storing the estimation information
% M: [structure] storing the model information
% options: [structure] storing the options
% indpmodel: [vector] Index of model parameters
% indpstderr: [vector] Index of stderr parameters
% indvar: [vector] Index of selected or observed variables
% dr [structure] Reduced form model.
% endo_steady_state [vector] steady state value for endogenous variables
% exo_steady_state [vector] steady state value for exogenous variables
% exo_det_steady_state [vector] steady state value for exogenous deterministic variables
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% out: dependent on outputflag
@ -76,9 +78,9 @@ else
%% compute Kalman transition matrices and steady state with updated parameters
[oo.dr,info,M.params] = compute_decision_rules(M,options,oo.dr, oo.steady_state, oo.exo_steady_state, oo.exo_det_steady_state);
[dr,info,M.params] = compute_decision_rules(M,options,dr, steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state);
options = rmfield(options,'options_ident');
pruned = pruned_state_space_system(M, options, oo.dr, indvar, nlags, useautocorr, 0);
pruned = pruned_state_space_system(M, options, dr, indvar, nlags, useautocorr, 0);
%% out = [vech(cov(Y_t,Y_t)); vec(cov(Y_t,Y_{t-1}); ...; vec(cov(Y_t,Y_{t-nlags})] of indvar variables, in DR order. This is Iskrev (2010)'s J matrix.
if outputflag == 1

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
function set_dynare_seed(varargin)
% Set seeds depending on matlab (octave) version. This routine is called is
% set_dynare_seed(varargin)
% Set seeds depending on Matlab (Octave) version. This routine is
% a wrapper for set_dynare_seed_local_options
% dynare_config and can be called by the
% user in the mod file.
% Copyright © 2010-2023 Dynare Team
% This file is part of Dynare.

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@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ for jj = 1:2
for id_kronflag = 1:length(KRONFLAG)
fprintf('***** %s: d2flag=%d and kronflag=%d *****\n',strparamset, d2flag,KRONFLAG(id_kronflag))
options_.analytic_derivation_mode = KRONFLAG(id_kronflag);
DERIVS = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M_, options_, estim_params_, oo_, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, d2flag);
DERIVS = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M_, options_, estim_params_, oo_.dr, oo_.steady_state, oo_.exo_steady_state, oo_.exo_det_steady_state, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, d2flag);
for id_var = 1:size(lst_dvars,2)
dx = norm( vec(nSYM.(sprintf('%s',lst_dvars{id_var}))) - vec(DERIVS.(sprintf('%s',lst_dvars{id_var}))), Inf);
fprintf('Max absolute deviation for %s: %e\n', lst_dvars{id_var}, dx);

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@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ KRONFLAGS = [-1 -2 0 1];
for k = 1:length(KRONFLAGS)
options_.analytic_derivation_mode = KRONFLAGS(k);
DERIVS = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M_, options_, estim_params_, oo_, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, d2flag);
DERIVS = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M_, options_, estim_params_, oo_.dr, oo_.steady_state, oo_.exo_steady_state, oo_.exo_det_steady_state, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, d2flag);
oo_.dr.dg_0 = permute(1/2*DERIVS.dghs2,[1 3 2]);
oo_.dr.dg_1 = cat(2,DERIVS.dghx,DERIVS.dghu) + 3/6*cat(2,DERIVS.dghxss,DERIVS.dghuss);
oo_.dr.dg_2 = 1/2*cat(2,DERIVS.dghxx,DERIVS.dghxu,DERIVS.dghuu);