Drop redundant rfvar3.m

This function is already present as a private function of bvar_toolbox.m. It is
not needed anywhere else.
Sébastien Villemot 2019-09-26 15:18:37 +02:00
parent 71a68919bf
commit aa6456b156
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 0 additions and 122 deletions

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@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
function var=rfvar3(ydata,lags,xdata,breaks,lambda,mu)
%function var=rfvar3(ydata,lags,xdata,breaks,lambda,mu)
% This algorithm goes for accuracy without worrying about memory requirements.
% ydata: dependent variable data matrix
% xdata: exogenous variable data matrix
% lags: number of lags
% breaks: rows in ydata and xdata after which there is a break. This allows for
% discontinuities in the data (e.g. war years) and for the possibility of
% adding dummy observations to implement a prior. This must be a column vector.
% Note that a single dummy observation becomes lags+1 rows of the data matrix,
% with a break separating it from the rest of the data. The function treats the
% first lags observations at the top and after each "break" in ydata and xdata as
% initial conditions.
% lambda: weight on "co-persistence" prior dummy observations. This expresses
% belief that when data on *all* y's are stable at their initial levels, they will
% tend to persist at that level. lambda=5 is a reasonable first try. With lambda<0,
% constant term is not included in the dummy observation, so that stationary models
% with means equal to initial ybar do not fit the prior mean. With lambda>0, the prior
% implies that large constants are unlikely if unit roots are present.
% mu: weight on "own persistence" prior dummy observation. Expresses belief
% that when y_i has been stable at its initial level, it will tend to persist
% at that level, regardless of the values of other variables. There is
% one of these for each variable. A reasonable first guess is mu=2.
% The program assumes that the first lags rows of ydata and xdata are real data, not dummies.
% Dummy observations should go at the end, if any. If pre-sample x's are not available,
% repeating the initial xdata(lags+1,:) row or copying xdata(lags+1:2*lags,:) into
% xdata(1:lags,:) are reasonable subsititutes. These values are used in forming the
% persistence priors.
% Original file downloaded from:
% http://sims.princeton.edu/yftp/VARtools/matlab/rfvar3.m
% Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Christopher Sims
% Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Dynare Team
% This file is part of Dynare.
% Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with Dynare. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
[T,nvar] = size(ydata);
nox = isempty(xdata);
if ~nox
[T2,nx] = size(xdata);
T2 = T;
nx = 0;
xdata = zeros(T2,0);
% note that x must be same length as y, even though first part of x will not be used.
% This is so that the lags parameter can be changed without reshaping the xdata matrix.
if T2 ~= T, error('Mismatch of x and y data lengths'),end
if nargin < 4
nbreaks = 0;
breaks = [];
nbreaks = length(breaks);
breaks = [0;breaks;T];
smpl = [];
for nb = 1:nbreaks+1
smpl = [smpl;[breaks(nb)+lags+1:breaks(nb+1)]'];
Tsmpl = size(smpl,1);
X = zeros(Tsmpl,nvar,lags);
for is = 1:length(smpl)
X(is,:,:) = ydata(smpl(is)-(1:lags),:)';
X = [X(:,:) xdata(smpl,:)];
y = ydata(smpl,:);
% Everything now set up with input data for y=Xb+e
% Add persistence dummies
if lambda ~= 0 || mu > 0
ybar = mean(ydata(1:lags,:),1);
if ~nox
xbar = mean(xdata(1:lags,:),1);
xbar = [];
if lambda ~= 0
if lambda>0
xdum = lambda*[repmat(ybar,1,lags) xbar];
lambda = -lambda;
xdum = lambda*[repmat(ybar,1,lags) zeros(size(xbar))];
ydum = zeros(1,nvar);
ydum(1,:) = lambda*ybar;
y = [y;ydum];
X = [X;xdum];
if mu>0
xdum = [repmat(diag(ybar),1,lags) zeros(nvar,nx)]*mu;
ydum = mu*diag(ybar);
X = [X;xdum];
y = [y;ydum];
% Compute OLS regression and residuals
[vl,d,vr] = svd(X,0);
di = 1./diag(d);
B = (vr.*repmat(di',nvar*lags+nx,1))*vl'*y;
u = y-X*B;
xxi = vr.*repmat(di',nvar*lags+nx,1);
xxi = xxi*xxi';
var.B = B;
var.u = u;
var.xxi = xxi;