minor updates for identification part

git-svn-id: file:///home/sebastien/dynare/gsa_dyn@114 f1850c17-3b45-254b-b221-fcb05880fee1
rattoma 2009-09-30 13:36:04 +00:00
parent 6364099122
commit a8bf833095
6 changed files with 83 additions and 55 deletions

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lts for the anal-y-sis us-ing Metropo-
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\OT1/cmr/m/it/12 in red \OT1/cmr/m/n/12 the cdf of the log-posterior cor-re-spo
nd-ing to the best 10% RMSE's,
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[][]\OT1/cmr/m/n/12 Detailed re-sults of the anal-y-ses are shown in the sub-fo
lder []\OT1/cmtt/m/n/12 \GSA\redform_stab\OT1/cmr/m/n/12 ,
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@ -246,10 +246,10 @@ performs all the analyses required and displays results.
Setting the option \verb"identification=1", an identification
analysis based on theoretical moments is performed. Sensitivity plots are provided that
allow to infer which parameters are most likely to be less
Prerequisite for properly running all the identification routines, is the keyword
\verb"identification;" in the DYNARE model file. This keyword triggers the computation of analytic derivatives of the model with respect to estimated parameters and shocks. This is required for options \verb"morris=0,2" below, which implement \cite{Iskrev2009} identification analysis.
\verb"identification;" in the DYNARE model file. This keyword triggers the computation of analytic derivatives of the model with respect to estimated parameters and shocks. This is required for options \verb"morris=2" below, which implement \cite{Iskrev2009} identification analysis.
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Prerequisite for properly running all the identification routines, is the keywor
& & 1 = performs identification analysis:\\
& & this forces \verb"redform"=0 and default\verb"morris"=1\\
\verb"morris"& 1 & 1 = Screening analysis (Type II error)\\
& & 0 = ANOVA Mapping (Type I error) and analytic derivatives\\
& & 0 = ANOVA Mapping (Type I error)\\
& & 2 = Analytic derivatives (similar to Type II error)\\
\verb"morris_nliv"& 6 & number of levels in Morris design\\
\verb"morris_ntra"& 20& number of trajectories in Morris design\\
@ -277,8 +277,16 @@ Prerequisite for properly running all the identification routines, is the keywor
\verb"dynare_sensitivity(identification=1, morris=2);"
\noindent trigger the identification analysis using analytic derivatives \citep{Iskrev2009}.
\noindent trigger the identification analysis using analytic derivatives \citep{Iskrev2009}, jointly with the mapping of the acceptable region.
The identification analysis with derivatives can also be triggered by the commands
This does not do the mapping of acceptable regions for the model and uses the standard random sampler of DYNARE. It completely offsets any use of the sensitivity analysis toolbox.
\section{Directory structure}
Sensitivity analysis results are saved on the hard-disk of the

View File

@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ TP361, IPSC, via E. Fermi 1\\21020 Ispra
\thanks{The author gratefully thanks Christophe Planas, Kenneth Judd, Michel Juillard,
Alessandro Rossi, Frank Schorfheide and the participants to the
First Course on Global Sensitivity Analysis for Macroeconomic
Models (Ispra, 16-17 March 2006) for interesting discussions and
Courses on Global Sensitivity Analysis for Macroeconomic
Models (Ispra, 2006-2007-2008) for interesting discussions and
helpful suggestions.}}
%%% To have the current date inserted, use \date{\today}:
@ -52,8 +52,7 @@ the DYNARE v4 environment.
\item \textbf{Keywords}: Stability Mapping , Reduced form solution, DSGE models,
Monte Carlo filtering,
Global Sensitivity Analysis, High Dimensional Model Representation.
Monte Carlo filtering, Global Sensitivity Analysis.
@ -245,10 +244,14 @@ performs all the analyses required and displays results.
\subsection{Identification analysis (under development)}
Setting the option \verb"identification=1", an identification
analysis based on theoretical moments, steady state gains and time
of adjustment is performed. Sensitivity plots are provided that
analysis based on theoretical moments is performed. Sensitivity plots are provided that
allow to infer which parameters are most likely to be less
identifiable. \vspace{1cm}
Prerequisite for properly running all the identification routines, is the keyword
\verb"identification;" in the DYNARE model file. This keyword triggers the computation of analytic derivatives of the model with respect to estimated parameters and shocks. This is required for options \verb"morris=0,2" below, which implement \cite{Iskrev2009} identification analysis.
option name & default & description \\ \hline
@ -256,7 +259,7 @@ identifiable. \vspace{1cm}
& & 1 = performs identification analysis:\\
& & this forces \verb"redform"=0 and default\verb"morris"=1\\
\verb"morris"& 1 & 1 = Screening analysis (Type II error)\\
& & 0 = ANOVA Mapping (Type I error) and analytic derivatives\\
& & 0 = ANOVA Mapping (Type I error)\\
& & 2 = Analytic derivatives (similar to Type II error)\\
\verb"morris_nliv"& 6 & number of levels in Morris design\\
\verb"morris_ntra"& 20& number of trajectories in Morris design\\
@ -266,6 +269,15 @@ identifiable. \vspace{1cm}
& & 2 = rank-transformation\\\hline
\noindent For example, the following commands in the DYNARE model file
\verb"dynare_sensitivity(identification=1, morris=2);"
\noindent trigger the identification analysis using analytic derivatives \citep{Iskrev2009}.
\section{Directory structure}