Fix message in dynare_estimation_init.m

If some parameters are NaN after computing the steady state, the message erroneously said that parameters had been changed. In a check for equality, NaN is not equal to NaN. Thus, NaNs are now taken care of separately.
Johannes Pfeifer 2014-10-29 09:02:29 +01:00
parent 9300a061aa
commit a159442935
1 changed files with 9 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -451,8 +451,15 @@ if options_.analytic_derivation,
[tmp1, params] = evaluate_steady_state(oo_.steady_state,M,options_,oo_,steadystate_check_flag); [tmp1, params] = evaluate_steady_state(oo_.steady_state,M,options_,oo_,steadystate_check_flag);
change_flag=any(find(params-M.params)); change_flag=any(find(params-M.params));
if change_flag, if change_flag,
disp('The steadystate file changed the values for the following parameters: '), skipline();
disp(M.param_names(find(params-M.params),:)) if any(isnan(params))
disp('After computing the steadystate, the following parameters are still NaN: '),
if any(find(params(~isnan(params))-M.params(~isnan(params))))
disp('The steadystate file changed the values for the following parameters: '),
disp('The derivatives of jacobian and steady-state will be computed numerically'), disp('The derivatives of jacobian and steady-state will be computed numerically'),
disp('(re-set options_.analytic_derivation_mode= -2)'), disp('(re-set options_.analytic_derivation_mode= -2)'),
options_.analytic_derivation_mode= -2; options_.analytic_derivation_mode= -2;