Fixed indentation and removed tabs.

Stéphane Adjemia (Scylla) 2018-12-01 22:56:11 +01:00
parent 50a9ea718b
commit 8eeddf996a
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: stepan
GPG Key ID: A6D44CB9C64CE77B
1 changed files with 290 additions and 292 deletions

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@ -26,385 +26,383 @@ GNU Octave instructions are generated; in the second step, the program
actually runs the computations. Both steps are triggered automatically
by the ``dynare`` command.
.. matcomm :: dynare FILENAME[.mod] [OPTIONS…]
This command launches Dynare and executes the instructions
included in ``FILENAME.mod``. This user-supplied file contains the
model and the processing instructions, as described in
:ref:`model-file`. The options, listed below, can be passed on the
command line, following the name of the ``.mod`` file or in the
first line of the ``.mod`` file itself (see below).
dynare begins by launching the preprocessor on the ``.mod
file``. By default (unless ``use_dll`` option has been given to
``model``), the preprocessor creates three intermediary files:
- ``filename.m``
Contains variable declarations, and computing tasks.
- ``FILENAME_dynamic.m``
Contains the dynamic model equations. Note that Dynare might
introduce auxiliary equations and variables (see
:ref:`aux-variables`). Outputs are the residuals of the
dynamic model equations in the order the equations were
declared and the Jacobian of the dynamic model equations. For
higher order approximations also the Hessian and the
third-order derivatives are provided. When computing the
Jacobian of the dynamic model, the order of the endogenous
variables in the columns is stored in
``M_.lead_lag_incidence``. The rows of this matrix represent
time periods: the first row denotes a lagged (time t-1)
variable, the second row a contemporaneous (time t) variable,
and the third row a leaded (time t+1) variable. The columns of
the matrix represent the endogenous variables in their order
of declaration. A zero in the matrix means that this
endogenous does not appear in the model in this time
period. The value in the ``M_.lead_lag_incidence`` matrix
corresponds to the column of that variable in the Jacobian of
the dynamic model. Example: Let the second declared variable
be ``c`` and the ``(3,2)`` entry of ``M_.lead_lag_incidence``
be 15. Then the 15th column of the Jacobian is the derivative
with respect to ``c(+1)``.
- ``FILENAME_static.m``
.. matcomm:: dynare FILENAME[.mod] [OPTIONS…]
This command launches Dynare and executes the instructions
included in ``FILENAME.mod``. This user-supplied file contains the
model and the processing instructions, as described in
:ref:`model-file`. The options, listed below, can be passed on the
command line, following the name of the ``.mod`` file or in the
first line of the ``.mod`` file itself (see below).
dynare begins by launching the preprocessor on the ``.mod
file``. By default (unless ``use_dll`` option has been given to
``model``), the preprocessor creates three intermediary files:
- ``filename.m``
Contains variable declarations, and computing tasks.
- ``FILENAME_dynamic.m``
Contains the dynamic model equations. Note that Dynare might
introduce auxiliary equations and variables (see
:ref:`aux-variables`). Outputs are the residuals of the
dynamic model equations in the order the equations were
declared and the Jacobian of the dynamic model equations. For
higher order approximations also the Hessian and the
third-order derivatives are provided. When computing the
Jacobian of the dynamic model, the order of the endogenous
variables in the columns is stored in
``M_.lead_lag_incidence``. The rows of this matrix represent
time periods: the first row denotes a lagged (time t-1)
variable, the second row a contemporaneous (time t) variable,
and the third row a leaded (time t+1) variable. The columns of
the matrix represent the endogenous variables in their order
of declaration. A zero in the matrix means that this
endogenous does not appear in the model in this time
period. The value in the ``M_.lead_lag_incidence`` matrix
corresponds to the column of that variable in the Jacobian of
the dynamic model. Example: Let the second declared variable
be ``c`` and the ``(3,2)`` entry of ``M_.lead_lag_incidence``
be 15. Then the 15th column of the Jacobian is the derivative
with respect to ``c(+1)``.
- ``FILENAME_static.m``
Contains the long run static model equations. Note that Dynare
might introduce auxiliary equations and variables (see
:ref:`aux-variables`). Outputs are the residuals of the static
model equations in the order the equations were declared and
the Jacobian of the static equations. Entry ``(i,j)`` of the
Jacobian represents the derivative of the ith static model
equation with respect to the jth model variable in declaration
These files may be looked at to understand errors reported at the
simulation stage.
``dynare`` will then run the computing tasks by executing ``FILENAME.m``.
A few words of warning are warranted here: the filename of the
``.mod`` file should be chosen in such a way that the generated
``.m`` files described above do not conflict with ``.m`` files
provided by MATLAB/Octave or by Dynare. Not respecting this rule
could cause crashes or unexpected behaviour. In particular, it
means that the ``.mod`` file cannot be given the name of a
MATLAB/Octave or Dynare command. Under Octave, it also means that
the ``.mod`` file cannot be named ``test.mod``.
.. option:: noclearall
By default, ``dynare`` will issue a ``clear all`` command to
MATLAB (<R2015b) or Octave, thereby deleting all workspace
variables and functions; this option instructs ``dynare`` not
to clear the workspace. Note that starting with Matlab 2015b
``dynare`` only deletes the global variables and the functions
using persistent variables, in order to benefit from the JIT
(Just In Time) compilation. In this case the option instructs
``dynare`` not to clear the globals and functions.
Contains the long run static model equations. Note that Dynare
might introduce auxiliary equations and variables (see
:ref:`aux-variables`). Outputs are the residuals of the static
model equations in the order the equations were declared and
the Jacobian of the static equations. Entry ``(i,j)`` of the
Jacobian represents the derivative of the ith static model
equation with respect to the jth model variable in declaration
.. option:: onlyclearglobals
These files may be looked at to understand errors reported at the simulation stage.
``dynare`` will then run the computing tasks by executing ``FILENAME.m``.
By default, ``dynare`` will issue a ``clear all`` command to
MATLAB versions before 2015b and to Octave, thereby deleting
all workspace variables; this option instructs ``dynare`` to
clear only the global variables (i.e. ``M_, options_, oo_,
estim_params_, bayestopt_``, and ``dataset_``), leaving the
other variables in the workspace.
.. option:: debug
Instructs the preprocessor to write some debugging information
about the scanning and parsing of the ``.mod`` file.
A few words of warning are warranted here: the filename of the
``.mod`` file should be chosen in such a way that the generated
``.m`` files described above do not conflict with ``.m`` files
provided by MATLAB/Octave or by Dynare. Not respecting this rule
could cause crashes or unexpected behaviour. In particular, it
means that the ``.mod`` file cannot be given the name of a
MATLAB/Octave or Dynare command. Under Octave, it also means that
the ``.mod`` file cannot be named ``test.mod``.
.. option:: notmpterms
Instructs the preprocessor to omit temporary terms in the
static and dynamic files; this generally decreases
performance, but is used for debugging purposes since it makes
the static and dynamic files more readable.
.. option:: noclearall
.. option:: savemacro[=FILENAME]
By default, ``dynare`` will issue a ``clear all`` command to
MATLAB (<R2015b) or Octave, thereby deleting all workspace
variables and functions; this option instructs ``dynare`` not
to clear the workspace. Note that starting with Matlab 2015b
``dynare`` only deletes the global variables and the functions
using persistent variables, in order to benefit from the JIT
(Just In Time) compilation. In this case the option instructs
``dynare`` not to clear the globals and functions.
Instructs ``dynare`` to save the intermediary file which is
obtained after macro-processing (see :ref:`macro-proc-lang`);
the saved output will go in the file specified, or if no file
is specified in ``FILENAME-macroexp.mod``
.. option:: onlyclearglobals
.. option:: onlymacro
By default, ``dynare`` will issue a ``clear all`` command to
MATLAB versions before 2015b and to Octave, thereby deleting
all workspace variables; this option instructs ``dynare`` to
clear only the global variables (i.e. ``M_, options_, oo_,
estim_params_, bayestopt_``, and ``dataset_``), leaving the
other variables in the workspace.
Instructs the preprocessor to only perform the
macro-processing step, and stop just after. Mainly useful for
debugging purposes or for using the macro-processor
independently of the rest of Dynare toolbox.
.. option:: debug
.. option:: nolinemacro
Instructs the preprocessor to write some debugging information
about the scanning and parsing of the ``.mod`` file.
Instructs the macro-preprocessor to omit line numbering
information in the intermediary ``.mod`` file created after
the macro-processing step. Useful in conjunction with
``savemacro`` when one wants that to reuse the intermediary
``.mod`` file, without having it cluttered by line numbering
.. option:: notmpterms
.. option:: nolog
Instructs the preprocessor to omit temporary terms in the
static and dynamic files; this generally decreases
performance, but is used for debugging purposes since it makes
the static and dynamic files more readable.
Instructs Dynare to no create a logfile of this run in
``FILENAME.log.`` The default is to create the logfile.
.. option:: savemacro[=FILENAME]
.. option:: params_derivs_order=0|1|2
Instructs ``dynare`` to save the intermediary file which is
obtained after macro-processing (see :ref:`macro-proc-lang`);
the saved output will go in the file specified, or if no file
is specified in ``FILENAME-macroexp.mod``
When :comm:`identification`, :comm:`dynare_sensitivity` (with
identification), or :ref:`estimation_cmd <estim-comm>` are
present, this option is used to limit the order of the
derivatives with respect to the parameters that are calculated
by the preprocessor. 0 means no derivatives, 1 means first
derivatives, and 2 means second derivatives. Default: 2
.. option:: onlymacro
.. option:: nowarn
Instructs the preprocessor to only perform the
macro-processing step, and stop just after. Mainly useful for
debugging purposes or for using the macro-processor
independently of the rest of Dynare toolbox.
Suppresses all warnings.
.. option:: nolinemacro
.. option:: json = parse|transform|compute
Instructs the macro-preprocessor to omit line numbering
information in the intermediary ``.mod`` file created after
the macro-processing step. Useful in conjunction with
``savemacro`` when one wants that to reuse the intermediary
``.mod`` file, without having it cluttered by line numbering
Causes the preprocessor to output a version of the ``.mod``
file in JSON format.
.. option:: nolog
If ``parse`` is passed, the output will be written after the
parsing of the ``.mod`` file to a file called
Instructs Dynare to no create a logfile of this run in
``FILENAME.log.`` The default is to create the logfile.
If ``transform`` is passed, the JSON output of the transformed
model (maximum lead of 1, minimum lag of -1, expectation
operators substituted, etc.) will be written to a file called
``FILENAME.json`` and the original, untransformed model will
be written in ``FILENAME_original.json``.
.. option:: params_derivs_order=0|1|2
And if ``compute`` is passed, the output is written after the
computing pass. In this case, the transformed model is written
to ``FILENAME.json``, the original model is written to
``FILENAME_original.json``, and the dynamic and static files
are written to ``FILENAME_dynamic.json`` and
When :comm:`identification`, :comm:`dynare_sensitivity` (with
identification), or :ref:`estimation_cmd <estim-comm>` are
present, this option is used to limit the order of the
derivatives with respect to the parameters that are calculated
by the preprocessor. 0 means no derivatives, 1 means first
derivatives, and 2 means second derivatives. Default: 2
.. option:: jsonstdout
.. option:: nowarn
Instead of writing output requested by ``json`` to files,
write to standard out.
Suppresses all warnings.
.. option:: onlyjson
.. option:: json = parse|transform|compute
Quit processing once the output requested by ``json`` has been
Causes the preprocessor to output a version of the ``.mod``
file in JSON format.
.. option:: jsonderivsimple
If ``parse`` is passed, the output will be written after the
parsing of the ``.mod`` file to a file called
Print a simplified version (excluding variable name(s) and lag
information) of the static and dynamic files in
``FILENAME_static.json`` and ``FILENAME_dynamic.``.
If ``transform`` is passed, the JSON output of the transformed
model (maximum lead of 1, minimum lag of -1, expectation
operators substituted, etc.) will be written to a file called
``FILENAME.json`` and the original, untransformed model will
be written in ``FILENAME_original.json``.
.. option:: warn_uninit
And if ``compute`` is passed, the output is written after the
computing pass. In this case, the transformed model is written
to ``FILENAME.json``, the original model is written to
``FILENAME_original.json``, and the dynamic and static files
are written to ``FILENAME_dynamic.json`` and
Display a warning for each variable or parameter which is not
initialized. See :ref:`param-init`, or
<load_params_and_steady_state>` for initialization of
parameters. See :ref:`init-term-cond`, or
<load_params_and_steady_state>` for initialization of
endogenous and exogenous variables.
.. option:: jsonstdout
.. option:: console
Instead of writing output requested by ``json`` to files,
write to standard out.
Activate console mode. In addition to the behavior of
``nodisplay``, Dynare will not use graphical waitbars for long
.. option:: onlyjson
.. option:: nograph
Quit processing once the output requested by ``json`` has been
Activate the ``nograph`` option (see :opt:`nograph`), so that
Dynare will not produce any graph.
.. option:: jsonderivsimple
.. option:: nointeractive
Print a simplified version (excluding variable name(s) and lag
information) of the static and dynamic files in
``FILENAME_static.json`` and ``FILENAME_dynamic.``.
Instructs Dynare to not request user input.
.. option:: warn_uninit
.. option:: nopathchange
Display a warning for each variable or parameter which is not
initialized. See :ref:`param-init`, or
<load_params_and_steady_state>` for initialization of
parameters. See :ref:`init-term-cond`, or
<load_params_and_steady_state>` for initialization of
endogenous and exogenous variables.
By default Dynare will change Matlab/Octaves path if
``dynare/matlab`` directory is not on top and if Dynares
routines are overriden by routines provided in other
toolboxes. If one wishes to override Dynares routines, the
``nopathchange`` options can be used. Alternatively, the path
can be temporarly modified by the user at the top of the
``.mod`` file (using Matlab/Octaves ``addpath`` command).
.. option:: console
.. option:: mingw
Activate console mode. In addition to the behavior of
``nodisplay``, Dynare will not use graphical waitbars for long
Tells Dynare that your MATLAB is configured for compiling MEX
files with the MinGW compiler from TDM-GCC (see
:ref:`compil-install`). This option is only available under
Windows, and is used in conjunction with ``use_dll``.
.. option:: nograph
.. option:: msvc
Activate the ``nograph`` option (see :opt:`nograph`), so that
Dynare will not produce any graph.
Tells Dynare that your MATLAB is configured for compiling MEX
files with Microsoft Visual C++ (see
:ref:`compil-install`). This option is only available under
Windows, and is used in conjunction with ``use_dll``.
.. option:: nointeractive
.. option:: cygwin
Instructs Dynare to not request user input.
Tells Dynare that your MATLAB is configured for compiling MEX
files with Cygwin (see :ref:`compil-install`). This option is
only available under Windows, and is used in conjunction with
.. option:: nopathchange
.. option:: parallel[=CLUSTER_NAME]
By default Dynare will change Matlab/Octaves path if
``dynare/matlab`` directory is not on top and if Dynares
routines are overriden by routines provided in other
toolboxes. If one wishes to override Dynares routines, the
``nopathchange`` options can be used. Alternatively, the path
can be temporarly modified by the user at the top of the
``.mod`` file (using Matlab/Octaves ``addpath`` command).
Tells Dynare to perform computations in parallel. If
CLUSTER_NAME is passed, Dynare will use the specified cluster
to perform parallel computations. Otherwise, Dynare will use
the first cluster specified in the configuration file. See
:ref:`conf-file`, for more information about the configuration
.. option:: mingw
.. option:: conffile=FILENAME
Tells Dynare that your MATLAB is configured for compiling MEX
files with the MinGW compiler from TDM-GCC (see
:ref:`compil-install`). This option is only available under
Windows, and is used in conjunction with ``use_dll``.
Specifies the location of the configuration file if it differs
from the default. See :ref:`conf-file`, for more information
about the configuration file and its default location.
.. option:: msvc
.. option:: parallel_slave_open_mode
Tells Dynare that your MATLAB is configured for compiling MEX
files with Microsoft Visual C++ (see
:ref:`compil-install`). This option is only available under
Windows, and is used in conjunction with ``use_dll``.
Instructs Dynare to leave the connection to the slave node
open after computation is complete, closing this connection
only when Dynare finishes processing.
.. option:: cygwin
.. option:: parallel_test
Tells Dynare that your MATLAB is configured for compiling MEX
files with Cygwin (see :ref:`compil-install`). This option is
only available under Windows, and is used in conjunction with
Tests the parallel setup specified in the configuration file
without executing the ``.mod`` file. See :ref:`conf-file`, for
more information about the configuration file.
.. option:: parallel[=CLUSTER_NAME]
Tells Dynare to perform computations in parallel. If
CLUSTER_NAME is passed, Dynare will use the specified cluster
to perform parallel computations. Otherwise, Dynare will use
the first cluster specified in the configuration file. See
:ref:`conf-file`, for more information about the configuration
Defines a macro-variable from the command line (the same
effect as using the Macro directive ``@#define`` in a model
file, see :ref:`macro-proc-lang`).
.. option:: conffile=FILENAME
.. option:: -I<<path>>
Specifies the location of the configuration file if it differs
from the default. See :ref:`conf-file`, for more information
about the configuration file and its default location.
Defines a path to search for files to be included by the
macroprocessor (using the ``@#include`` command). Multiple
``-I`` flags can be passed on the command line. The paths will
be searched in the order that the ``-I`` flags are passed and
the first matching file will be used. The flags passed here
take priority over those passed to ``@#includepath``.
.. option:: parallel_slave_open_mode
.. option:: nostrict
Instructs Dynare to leave the connection to the slave node
open after computation is complete, closing this connection
only when Dynare finishes processing.
Allows Dynare to issue a warning and continue processing when
.. option:: parallel_test
1. there are more endogenous variables than equations.
2. an undeclared symbol is assigned in ``initval`` or ``endval``.
3. exogenous variables were declared but not used in the
``model`` block.
Tests the parallel setup specified in the configuration file
without executing the ``.mod`` file. See :ref:`conf-file`, for
more information about the configuration file.
.. option:: fast
Only useful with model option ``use_dll``. Dont recompile the
MEX files when running again the same model file and the lists
of variables and the equations havent changed. We use a 32
bit checksum, stored in ``<model filename>/checksum``. There
is a very small probability that the preprocessor misses a
change in the model. In case of doubt, re-run without the fast
Defines a macro-variable from the command line (the same
effect as using the Macro directive ``@#define`` in a model
file, see :ref:`macro-proc-lang`).
.. option:: minimal_workspace
.. option:: -I<<path>>
Instructs Dynare not to write parameter assignments to
parameter names in the .m file produced by the
preprocessor. This is potentially useful when running
``dynare`` on a large ``.mod`` file that runs into workspace
size limitations imposed by MATLAB.
Defines a path to search for files to be included by the
macroprocessor (using the ``@#include`` command). Multiple
``-I`` flags can be passed on the command line. The paths will
be searched in the order that the ``-I`` flags are passed and
the first matching file will be used. The flags passed here
take priority over those passed to ``@#includepath``.
.. option:: compute_xrefs
.. option:: nostrict
Tells Dynare to compute the equation cross references, writing
them to the output ``.m`` file.
Allows Dynare to issue a warning and continue processing when
These options can be passed to the preprocessor by listing them
after the name of the ``.mod`` file. They can alternatively be
defined in the first line of the ``.mod`` file, this avoids typing
them on the command line each time a ``.mod`` file is to be
run. This line must be a Dynare comment (ie must begin with //)
and the options must be comma separated between ``--+`` options:
and ``+--``. As in the command line, if an option admits a value
the equal symbol must not be surrounded by spaces. For instance
``json = compute`` is not correct, and should be written
1. there are more endogenous variables than equations.
2. an undeclared symbol is assigned in ``initval`` or ``endval``.
3. exogenous variables were declared but not used in the ``model`` block.
.. option:: fast
Depending on the computing tasks requested in the ``.mod`` file,
executing the ``dynare`` command will leave variables containing
results in the workspace available for further processing. More
details are given under the relevant computing tasks. The
``M_``,``oo_``, and ``options_`` structures are saved in a file
called ``FILENAME_results.mat``. If they exist, ``estim_params_``,
``bayestopt_``, ``dataset_``, ``oo_recursive_`` and
``estimation_info`` are saved in the same file.
Only useful with model option ``use_dll``. Dont recompile the
MEX files when running again the same model file and the lists
of variables and the equations havent changed. We use a 32
bit checksum, stored in ``<model filename>/checksum``. There
is a very small probability that the preprocessor misses a
change in the model. In case of doubt, re-run without the fast
.. matvar:: M_
.. option:: minimal_workspace
Structure containing various information about the model.
Instructs Dynare not to write parameter assignments to
parameter names in the .m file produced by the
preprocessor. This is potentially useful when running
``dynare`` on a large ``.mod`` file that runs into workspace
size limitations imposed by MATLAB.
.. matvar:: options_
.. option:: compute_xrefs
Structure contains the values of the various options used by
Dynare during the computation.
Tells Dynare to compute the equation cross references, writing
them to the output ``.m`` file.
.. matvar:: oo_
These options can be passed to the preprocessor by listing them
after the name of the ``.mod`` file. They can alternatively be
defined in the first line of the ``.mod`` file, this avoids typing
them on the command line each time a ``.mod`` file is to be
run. This line must be a Dynare comment (ie must begin with //)
and the options must be comma separated between ``--+`` options:
and ``+--``. As in the command line, if an option admits a value
the equal symbol must not be surrounded by spaces. For instance
``json = compute`` is not correct, and should be written
Structure containing the various results of the computations.
.. matvar:: dataset_
Depending on the computing tasks requested in the ``.mod`` file,
executing the ``dynare`` command will leave variables containing
results in the workspace available for further processing. More
details are given under the relevant computing tasks. The ``M_,
oo_``, and ``options_`` structures are saved in a file called
``FILENAME_results.mat``. If they exist, ``estim_params_,
bayestopt_, dataset_, oo_recursive_`` and ``estimation_info`` are
saved in the same file.
A ``dseries`` object containing the data used for estimation.
.. matvar:: oo_recursive_
.. matvar:: M_
Cell array containing the ``oo_`` structures obtained when
estimating the model for the different samples when performing
recursive estimation and forecasting. The ``oo_`` structure
obtained for the sample ranging to the `i` -th observation is
saved in the `i` -th field. The fields for non-estimated
endpoints are empty.
Structure containing various information about the model.
.. matvar:: options_
Structure contains the values of the various options used by
Dynare during the computation.
.. matvar:: oo_
Structure containing the various results of the computations.
.. matvar:: dataset_
A ``dseries`` object containing the data used for estimation.
.. matvar:: oo_recursive_
Cell array containing the ``oo_`` structures obtained when
estimating the model for the different samples when performing
recursive estimation and forecasting. The ``oo_`` structure
obtained for the sample ranging to the `i` -th observation is
saved in the `i` -th field. The fields for non-estimated
endpoints are empty.
Call dynare from the MATLAB or Octave prompt, without or with options:
Call dynare from the MATLAB or Octave prompt, without or with options:
.. code-block:: matlab
>> dynare ramst
>> dynare ramst.mod savemacro
Alternatively the options can be passed in the first line
of ``ramst.mod``:
Alternatively the options can be passed in the first line of
.. code-block:: dynare
// --+ options: savemacro, json=compute +--
and then dynare called without passing options on the command
and then dynare called without passing options on the command line:
.. code-block:: matlab
@ -452,8 +450,8 @@ parser works, this is not the case. The most common example of
misleading line and column numbers (and error message for that matter)
is the case of a missing semicolon, as seen in the following example::
varexo a, b
parameters c, ...;
varexo a, b
parameters c, ...;
In this case, the parser doesnt know a semicolon is missing at the
end of the ``varexo`` command until it begins parsing the second line