missing_DiffuseKalmanSmootherH1_Z.m: introduce proper case distinction in diffuse backward pass if Finf is singular

Johannes Pfeifer 2016-10-30 10:40:04 +01:00
parent 9ce577b126
commit 86534a5f9f
1 changed files with 32 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -80,15 +80,19 @@ aK = zeros(nk,mm,smpl+nk);
PK = zeros(nk,mm,mm,smpl+nk);
iF = zeros(pp,pp,smpl);
Fstar = zeros(pp,pp,smpl);
iFstar = zeros(pp,pp,smpl);
iFinf = zeros(pp,pp,smpl);
K = zeros(mm,pp,smpl);
L = zeros(mm,mm,smpl);
Linf = zeros(mm,mm,smpl);
Lstar = zeros(mm,mm,smpl);
Kstar = zeros(mm,pp,smpl);
Kinf = zeros(mm,pp,smpl);
P = zeros(mm,mm,smpl+1);
Pstar = zeros(spstar(1),spstar(2),smpl+1); Pstar(:,:,1) = Pstar1;
Pinf = zeros(spinf(1),spinf(2),smpl+1); Pinf(:,:,1) = Pinf1;
Pstar = zeros(spstar(1),spstar(2),smpl+1);
Pstar(:,:,1) = Pstar1;
Pinf = zeros(spinf(1),spinf(2),smpl+1);
Pinf(:,:,1) = Pinf1;
rr = size(Q,1);
QQ = R*Q*transpose(R);
QRt = Q*transpose(R);
@ -96,6 +100,7 @@ alphahat = zeros(mm,smpl);
etahat = zeros(rr,smpl);
epsilonhat = zeros(rr,smpl);
r = zeros(mm,smpl+1);
Finf_singular = zeros(1,smpl);
t = 0;
while rank(Pinf(:,:,t+1),diffuse_kalman_tol) && t<smpl
@ -119,6 +124,7 @@ while rank(Pinf(:,:,t+1),diffuse_kalman_tol) && t<smpl
alphahat = Inf;
else %rank of F_{\infty,t} is 0
Finf_singular(1,t) = 1;
Fstar(:,:,t) = ZZ*Pstar(:,:,t)*ZZ' + H(di,di); % (5.7) in DK (2012)
if rcond(Fstar(:,:,t)) < kalman_tol %F_{*} is singular
if ~all(abs(Fstar(:,:,t))<kalman_tol)
@ -131,10 +137,11 @@ while rank(Pinf(:,:,t+1),diffuse_kalman_tol) && t<smpl
Pinf(:,:,t+1) = T*Pinf(:,:,t)*transpose(T);
iFstar = inv(Fstar(:,:,t));
Kstar(:,:,t) = Pstar(:,:,t)*ZZ'*iFstar; %(5.15) of DK (2012) with Kstar=T^{-1}*K^(0)
iFstar(:,:,t) = inv(Fstar(:,:,t));
Kstar(:,:,t) = Pstar(:,:,t)*ZZ'*iFstar(:,:,t); %(5.15) of DK (2012) with Kstar=T^{-1}*K^(0)
Pinf(:,:,t+1) = T*Pinf(:,:,t)*transpose(T); % DK (2012), 5.16
Pstar(:,:,t+1) = T*(Pstar(:,:,t)-Pstar(:,:,t)*ZZ'*Kstar(:,:,t)')*T'+QQ; % (5.17) DK (2012) with L_0 plugged in
Lstar(:,:,t) = T - T*Kstar(:,di,t)*ZZ; %L^(0) in DK (2012), eq. 5.12
Pstar(:,:,t+1) = T*Pstar(:,:,t)*Lstar(:,:,t)'+QQ; % (5.17) DK (2012)
a(:,t+1) = T*(a(:,t)+Kstar(:,:,t)*v(:,t)); % (5.13) DK (2012)
@ -146,8 +153,8 @@ while rank(Pinf(:,:,t+1),diffuse_kalman_tol) && t<smpl
Linf(:,:,t) = T - T*Kinf(:,di,t)*ZZ; %L^(0) in DK (2012), eq. 5.12
Fstar(di,di,t) = ZZ*Pstar(:,:,t)*ZZ' + H(di,di); %(5.7) DK(2012)
Kstar(:,di,t) = (Pstar(:,:,t)*ZZ'-Kinf(:,di,t)*Fstar(di,di,t))*iFinf(di,di,t); %(5.12) DK(2012) with Kstar=T^{-1}*K^(1); note that there is a typo in DK (2003) with "+ Kinf" instead of "- Kinf", but it is correct in their appendix
Pstar(:,:,t+1) = T*(Pstar(:,:,t)-Pstar(:,:,t)*ZZ'*Kinf(:,di,t)'-Pinf(:,:,t)*ZZ'*Kstar(:,di,t)')*T' + QQ; %(5.14) DK(2012)
Pinf(:,:,t+1) = T*(Pinf(:,:,t)-Pinf(:,:,t)*ZZ'*Kinf(:,di,t)')*T'; %(5.14) DK(2012)
Pstar(:,:,t+1) = T*Pstar(:,:,t)*Linf(:,:,t)'-T*Kinf(:,di,t)*Finf*Kstar(:,di,t)'*T' + QQ; %(5.14) DK(2012)
Pinf(:,:,t+1) = T*Pinf(:,:,t)*Linf(:,:,t)'; %(5.14) DK(2012)
a(:,t+1) = T*atilde(:,t);
aK(1,:,t+1) = a(:,t+1);
@ -160,7 +167,9 @@ end
d = t;
P(:,:,d+1) = Pstar(:,:,d+1);
iFinf = iFinf(:,:,1:d);
iFstar= iFstar(:,:,1:d);
Linf = Linf(:,:,1:d);
Lstar = Lstar(:,:,1:d);
Kstar = Kstar(:,:,1:d);
Pstar = Pstar(:,:,1:d);
Pinf = Pinf(:,:,1:d);
@ -224,17 +233,17 @@ end
% $$$ PK(jnk,:,:,t+jnk) = Pf;
% $$$ end
% $$$ end
%% backward pass
%% backward pass; r_T and N_T, stored in entry (smpl+1) were initialized at 0
t = smpl+1;
while t>d+1
t = t-1;
di = data_index{t};
if isempty(di)
% in this case, L is simply T due to Z=0, so that DK (2012), eq. 4.93 obtains
r(:,t) = L(:,:,t)'*r(:,t+1);
r(:,t) = L(:,:,t)'*r(:,t+1); %compute r_{t-1}, DK (2012), eq. 4.38 with Z=0
ZZ = Z(di,:);
r(:,t) = ZZ'*iF(di,di,t)*v(di,t) + L(:,:,t)'*r(:,t+1); %DK (2012), eq. 4.38
r(:,t) = ZZ'*iF(di,di,t)*v(di,t) + L(:,:,t)'*r(:,t+1); %compute r_{t-1}, DK (2012), eq. 4.38
alphahat(:,t) = a(:,t) + P(:,:,t)*r(:,t); %DK (2012), eq. 4.35
etahat(:,t) = QRt*r(:,t); %DK (2012), eq. 4.63
@ -242,16 +251,21 @@ end
if d %diffuse periods
% initialize r_d^(0) and r_d^(1) as below DK (2012), eq. 5.23
r0 = zeros(mm,d+1);
r0(:,d+1) = r(:,d+1);
r1 = zeros(mm,d+1);
r0(:,d+1) = r(:,d+1); %set r0_{d}, i.e. shifted by one period
r1 = zeros(mm,d+1); %set r1_{d}, i.e. shifted by one period
for t = d:-1:1
r0(:,t) = Linf(:,:,t)'*r0(:,t+1); % DK (2012), eq. 5.21 where L^(0) is named Linf
di = data_index{t};
if isempty(di)
r1(:,t) = Linf(:,:,t)'*r1(:,t+1);
if ~Finf_singular(1,t)
r0(:,t) = Linf(:,:,t)'*r0(:,t+1); % DK (2012), eq. 5.21 where L^(0) is named Linf
r1(:,t) = Z(di,:)'*(iFinf(di,di,t)*v(di,t)-Kstar(:,di,t)'*T'*r0(:,t+1)) ...
+ Linf(:,:,t)'*r1(:,t+1); % DK (2012), eq. 5.21, noting that i) F^(1)=(F^Inf)^(-1)(see 5.10), ii) where L^(0) is named Linf, and iii) Kstar=T^{-1}*K^(1)
r0(:,t) = Z(di,:)'*iFstar(di,di,t)*v(di,t)-Lstar(:,di,t)'*r0(:,t+1); % DK (2003), eq. (14)
r1(:,t) = T'*r1(:,t+1); % DK (2003), eq. (14)
alphahat(:,t) = a(:,t) + Pstar(:,:,t)*r0(:,t) + Pinf(:,:,t)*r1(:,t); % DK (2012), eq. 5.23
etahat(:,t) = QRt*r0(:,t); % DK (2012), p. 135