update readme for homebrew changes

Houtan Bastani 2018-02-13 16:38:50 +01:00
parent 350b8fb529
commit 84ed3ee51f
1 changed files with 30 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ at the MATLAB prompt: if it returns `PCWIN`, then you have a 32-bit MATLAB; if i
1. [**Fedora**](#fedora)
1. [**Windows**](#windows)
1. [**Windows Subsystem for Linux**](#windows-subsystem-for-linux)
1. [**Mac OS X**](#mac-os-x)
1. [**macOS**](#macos)
## General Instructions
@ -285,27 +285,36 @@ NB: it might be necessary to preface your calls by ```sudo``` in case you do not
After this, prepare the source and configure the build tree as described for Linux above.
## Mac OS X
## macOS
To simply use a snapshot of Dynare, you can either use the [snapshot
build](http://www.dynare.org/snapshot/macosx/) if you're using Dynare with
Matlab. If you're using Dynare with Octave, you can simply install
[Homebrew](https://brew.sh/) and run ```brew install dynare --HEAD```.
If you do not wish to use the snapshots provided by Dynare or Homebrew, follow
the directions below to build Dynare on your local machine
- Install the Xcode Command Line Tools:
- Download "Command Line Tools (OS X 10.X) for Xcode," where 10.X corresponds to your OS X version, from https://developer.apple.com/downloads/index.action
- Install the latest version of [MacTeX](http://www.tug.org/mactex/), deselecting the option to install Ghostscript
- Install [Homebrew](http://mxcl.github.io/homebrew/) by following the instructions on the website
- Tap [Homebrew Science](https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-science) by opening Terminal and typing:
- ```brew tap homebrew/science```
- Install [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/) by following the instructions on the website
- The following commands should be issued in Terminal.app
- **(Optional)** To compile Dynare mex files for use on Octave:
- ```brew install octave```
- ```brew install suite-sparse```
- To see the available options for compiling Dynare, type:
- ```brew info dynare```
- Install Dynare via a command of the form:
- (basic) ```brew install dynare --HEAD --without-check```
- (with Matlab mex) ```brew install dynare --HEAD --without-check --with-matlab=/Applications/MATLAB_R2015a.app --with-matlab-version=8.5```
- **NB**: If compiling Dynare documentation, add ```--with-doc``` to the installation command
- **NB**: If not compiling Dynare mex files for Octave, add ```--without-octave``` to the installation command
- **NB**: To compile the latest stable version of dynare, follow the same instructions as above, omitting the ```--HEAD``` argument
- **NB**: To update a ```--HEAD``` install of dynare you need to uninstall it then install it again: ```brew uninstall dynare; brew install dynare --HEAD```.
- **NB**: If you want to maintain a separate git directory of dynare, you can do a ```--HEAD``` install of dynare, then uninstall it. This will have the effect of bringing in all the dependencies you will need to then compile dynare from your git directory. (For `flex` and `bison` it may be necessary to symlink them via `brew link bison --force` and `brew link flex --force` as they are keg-only). Then, change to the git directory and type:
- ```autoreconf -si; ./configure --with-matlab=/Applications/MATLAB_R2015a.app MATLAB_VERSION=R2015a```, adjusting the Matlab path and version to accord with your version
- Once compilation is done, open Matlab and type the last line shown when you type ```brew info dynare``` in the Terminal window. With the typical Homebrew setup, this is:
- ```addpath /usr/local/opt/dynare/lib/dynare/matlab```
- `brew install octave`
- `brew install suite-sparse`
- **(Optional)** Dynare++
- `brew install cweb`
- **(Optional)** To compile Dynare documentation
- Install the latest version of [MacTeX](http://www.tug.org/mactex/), deselecting the option to install Ghostscript
- `brew install doxygen latex2html`
- `brew install automake bison flex boost fftw gcc gsl hdf5 libmatio metis veclibfort`
- `git clone https://github.com/DynareTeam/dynare.git`
- `cd dynare`
- `PATH="/usr/local/opt/bison/bin:/usr/local/opt/flex/bin:$PATH"`
- `autoreconf -si`
- `./configure --disable-octave --with-matlab=/Applications/MATLAB_R2017b.app MATLAB_VERSION=R2017b`, adjusting the Matlab path and version to accord with your local installation. If you don't have Matlab, simply type `./configure --disable-octave`
- `make -j`
- **(Optional)** To then build mex files for Octave, run
- `cd mex/build/octave`
- `./configure CXXFLAGS="-std=c++0x"`
- `make -j`