Fixed bug in @dynSeries/subsasgn that pops up when length(S) is equal to two and S(1).type is a dot.

Allows Syntax like:

ts.A1(rg) = B

where ts is a dynSeries object, A1 is a variable in the database, rg is a dynDates object and B an array of doubles.
Stéphane Adjemian (Charybdis) 2013-07-03 11:59:52 +02:00
parent 627dda5fc0
commit 84522ce87f
1 changed files with 37 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -148,7 +148,11 @@ switch length(S)
case 2
merge_dynSeries_objects = 0;
if ((isequal(S(1).type,'{}') || isequal(S(1).type,'.')) && isequal(S(2).type,'()'))
sA = extract(A,S(1).subs{:});
if isequal(S(1).type,'{}')
sA = extract(A,S(1).subs{:});
sA = extract(A,S(1).subs);
if (isa(B,'dynSeries') && isequal(sA.vobs,B.vobs)) || (isnumeric(B) && isequal(sA.vobs,columns(B)))
if isa(S(2).subs{1},'dynDates') || isa(S(2).subs{1},'dynDate')
[junk, tdx] = intersect(sA.time.time,S(2).subs{1}.time,'rows');
@ -524,4 +528,35 @@ end
%$ t(7) = dyn_assert(,[[A(1:2,1); B(3:7); A(8:end,1)], A(:,2:3)],1e-15);
%$ end
%$ T = all(t);
%$ % Define a datasets.
%$ A = rand(40,3); B = rand(40,1);
%$ % Instantiate two dynSeries object.
%$ ts1 = dynSeries(A,'1950Q1',{'A1';'A2';'A3'},[]);
%$ ts2 = dynSeries(B,'1950Q1',{'B1'},[]);
%$ % modify first object.
%$ try
%$ d1 = dynDate('1950Q3');
%$ d2 = dynDate('1951Q3');
%$ rg = d1:d2;
%$ ts1.A1(rg) = B(3:7);
%$ t(1) = 1;
%$ catch
%$ t(1) = 0;
%$ end
%$ % Instantiate a time series object.
%$ if t(1)
%$ t(2) = dyn_assert(ts1.vobs,3);
%$ t(3) = dyn_assert(ts1.nobs,40);
%$ t(4) = dyn_assert({2},'A2');
%$ t(5) = dyn_assert({1},'A1');
%$ t(6) = dyn_assert({3},'A3');
%$ t(7) = dyn_assert(,[[A(1:2,1); B(3:7); A(8:end,1)], A(:,2:3)],1e-15);
%$ end
%$ T = all(t);