Fixed unit tests.

(cherry picked from commit 2cdfc0518350e4f26dd406b1730f2cf20ce29e07)
Stéphane Adjemian(Charybdis) 2016-04-11 15:31:38 +02:00
parent efc193e429
commit 7c53ea1e96
1 changed files with 40 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -115,75 +115,70 @@ end
%$ x = rand (10);
%$ cc1 = corr (x);
%$ cc2 = corr (x, x);
%$ t(1)=dassert(size(cc1),[10, 10]);
%$ t(2)=dassert(size (cc2),[10, 10]);
%$ t(3)=dassert(cc1, cc2, sqrt (eps));
%$ cc1 = corr(x);
%$ cc2 = corr(x, x);
%$ t(1) = dassert(size(cc1),[10, 10]);
%$ t(2) = dassert(size (cc2),[10, 10]);
%$ t(3) = dassert(cc1, cc2, sqrt (eps));
%$ T = all(t);
%$ x = [1:3]';
%$ y = [3:-1:1]';
%$ t(4)=dassert(corr (x, y), -1, 5*eps);
%$ t(5)=dassert(corr (x, flipud (y)), 1, 5*eps);
%$ t(6)=dassert(corr ([x, y]), [1 -1; -1 1], 5*eps);
%$ t = zeros(3,1);
%$ t(1) = dassert(corr(x, y), -1, 5*eps);
%$ t(2) = dassert(corr(x, flipud (y)), 1, 5*eps);
%$ t(3) = dassert(corr([x, y]), [1 -1; -1 1], 5*eps);
%$ T = all(t);
%$t(7)=dassert (corr (5), NaN);
%$t(8)=dassert (corr([1 2 3],5),NaN(3,1));
%$t(9)=dassert (corr(5,[1 2 3]),NaN(1,3));
%$ t = zeros(3,1);
%$ t(1) = dassert(corr(5), NaN);
%$ t(2) = dassert(corr([1 2 3],5),NaN(3,1));
%$ t(3) = dassert(corr(5,[1 2 3]),NaN(1,3));
%$ T = all(t);
%$ Test input validation
%$ t = zeros(6,1);
%$ try
%$ corr ()
%$ t(10) = false;
%$ corr()
%$ t(1) = false;
%$ catch
%$ t(10) = true;
%$ t(1) = true;
%$ end
%$ Test input validation
%$ try
%$ corr (1, 2, 3)
%$ t(11) = false;
%$ corr(1, 2, 3)
%$ t(2) = false;
%$ catch
%$ t(11) = true;
%$ t(2) = true;
%$ end
%$ Test input validation
%$ try
%$ corr ([1; 2], ['A', 'B'])
%$ t(12) = false;
%$ corr([1; 2], ['A', 'B'])
%$ t(3) = false;
%$ catch
%$ t(12) = true;
%$ t(3) = true;
%$ end
%$ Test input validation
%$ try
%$ corr (ones (2,2,2))
%$ t(13) = false;
%$ corr([1; 2], ['A', 'B'])
%$ t(4) = false;
%$ catch
%$ t(13) = true;
%$ t(4) = true;
%$ end
%$ Test input validation
%$ try
%$ corr (ones (2,2), ones (2,2,2))
%$ t(14) = false;
%$ corr(ones (2,2,2))
%$ t(5) = false;
%$ catch
%$ t(14) = true;
%$ t(5) = true;
%$ end
%$ try
%$ corr(ones (2,2), ones (2,2,2))
%$ t(6) = false;
%$ catch
%$ t(6) = true;
%$ end
%$ T = all(t);