doc: some changes to dseries portion of slides, following Stéphane’s slides

Houtan Bastani 2014-05-27 18:51:31 +02:00
parent da69fe91ab
commit 799ce399f5
1 changed files with 187 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -359,6 +359,34 @@ would be transformed into
\frametitle{Misc \texttt{dates} operations}
\myitem Can index a \texttt{dates} object.
>> a = dates(`2000y'):dates(`2009y');
>> a(1)
ans = <dates: 2000Y>
>> a(1:3)
ans = <dates: 2000Y, 2001Y, 2002Y>
>> a([1,4,5])
ans = <dates: 2000Y, 2003Y, 2004Y>
\myitem{\textbf{\texttt{pop()}}}: Remove last element
>> a.pop()
ans = <dates: 2000Y, 2001Y, ..., 2007Y, 2008Y>
\myitem{\textbf{\texttt{char()}}}: Return string representation
>> a(1).char()
ans = 2000Y
\myitem More in the Dynare manual
% %
% %
@ -366,36 +394,173 @@ would be transformed into
\begin{frame}[fragile,t] \begin{frame}[fragile,t]
\frametitle{\texttt{dseries} Syntax} \frametitle{\texttt{dseries} Syntax}
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\myitem A \texttt{dseries} is composed of one or more individual series \myitem A \texttt{dseries} is composed of one or more individual time series
\myitem All time series in a dseries must have the same frequency \myitem All time series in a \texttt{dseries} must have the same frequency
\myitem A \texttt{dseries} runs from the earliest date to the latest date, with \texttt{NaN}'s inserted to pad the shorter series \myitem A \texttt{dseries} runs from the earliest date to the latest date,
with \texttt{NaN}'s inserted to pad the shorter series
\myitem A \texttt{dseries} object contains 3 members:
\myitem{\textbf{\texttt{data}}}: The data points
\myitem{\textbf{\texttt{dates}}}: The \texttt{dates} of the sample
\myitem{\textbf{\texttt{name}}}: Names of the variables
\myitem{\textbf{\texttt{nobs}}}: The number of observations
\myitem{\textbf{\texttt{vobs}}}: The number of variables
\myitem{\textbf{\texttt{tex}}}: \LaTeX\ names of the variables
\myitem \texttt{dseries} members cannot be modified
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
\end{frame} \end{frame}
\begin{frame}[fragile,t] \begin{frame}[fragile,t]
\frametitle{Creating a new \texttt{dseries} object} \frametitle{Creating a new \texttt{dseries} object (1/2)}
Load data directly
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\myitem Load series from data file (\texttt{.csv, .xls}). Dates in first column, optional variable names in first row \myitem Syntax:
\begin{itemize} \begin{alltt}
\myitem \texttt{ts=dseries(`data.csv');} ts = dseries(DATA, INITIAL_PERIOD, NAMES, TEX_NAMES)
\end{itemize} \end{alltt}
\myitem Load series from a Matlab/Octave file (\texttt{.m, .mat}). Must define the variables \texttt{INIT\_\_}, \texttt{NAMES\_\_}, and, optionally, \texttt{TEX\_\_}. \myitem \textit{e.g.,} 2 variables, `MyVar1' and `MyVar2', with
\begin{itemize} 3 annual observations starting in 1999:
\myitem \texttt{ts=dseries(`data.m');} \small{
\end{itemize} \begin{alltt}
\myitem Load data directly. Here: one variable, `MyVar1', with three annual observations starting in 1999. Only first argument is required. >> ts = dseries([1 2;3 4;5 6], `1999y', ...
\begin{itemize} \{`MyVar1', `MyVar2'\}, \{`MyVar\_1', 'MyVar\_2'\});
\myitem \texttt{ts=dseries([1;2;3], `1999y', \{`MyVar1'\}, \{`MyVar\_1'\});}
\end{itemize} ts is a dseries object:
\myitem Create an empty time series. Usefull for programatically creating a series.
\begin{itemize} | MyVar1 | MyVar2
\myitem \texttt{ts=dseries();} 1999Y | 1 | 2
\myitem \texttt{ts=dseries(dates(`1999y'));} 2000Y | 3 | 4
\end{itemize} 2001Y | 5 | 6
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
\end{frame} \end{frame}
\frametitle{Creating a new \texttt{dseries} object (2/2)}
Load series from CSV/spreadsheet (\texttt{.csv, .xls}) or Matlab file (\texttt{.m, .mat})
\myitem Syntax:
>> ts = dseries(FILENAME);
\myitem File format (\texttt{.csv, .xls}): dates in first column (using the standard format:
199Q1 for quarterly data, 1990Y for annual data, \dots) and (optional)
variable names in the first row
\myitem File format (\texttt{.m, .mat}): must define the variables \texttt{INIT\_\_},
\texttt{NAMES\_\_}, and, optionally, \texttt{TEX\_\_}. More info in the
manual. Data are vectors.
INIT__ = `1999q1;
NAMES__ = \{`cons'\};
cons = randn(100,1);
Create an empty time series. Usefull for programatically creating a series.
\myitem \texttt{ts=dseries();}
\myitem \texttt{ts=dseries(dates(`1999y'));}
\frametitle{Creating subsamples from a \texttt{dseries}}
\myitem Let \texttt{ts} be a \texttt{dseries} with $N$ variables and 5
observations from \texttt{2000Y} to \texttt{2004Y}
\myitem To obtain a subsample from \texttt{2001Y} to \texttt{2003Y}
\myitem Can also use integer indices
start = find(ts.dates==2001Y);
\myitem NB: Integer indices cannot be used to extract a single observation
because of lag/lead notation (see below)
\frametitle{Extracting variables from a \texttt{dseries}}
\myitem Let
>> ts = dseries(randn(5,6), `2000q1', ...
\{`GDP_US', `GDP_FR', `GDP_JA', ...
`CPI_US', `CPI_FR', `CPI_JA'\});
\myitem We can extract one variable using syntax like
>> ts.GDP_US
\myitem To get all the \texttt{GDP} variables
>> ts\{`GDP_US', `GDP_FR', `GDP_JA'\}
\myitem A shorter way to do the same thing
>> ts\{`GDP_@US,FR,JA@'\}
\myitem To get \texttt{GDP} \& \texttt{CPI} (NB: max 2 implicit loops)
>> ts\{`@GDP,CPI@_@US,FR,JA@'\}
\frametitle{Applying methods to \texttt{dseries}}
\myitem Suppose \texttt{ts} is as above. Then, to apply a method
(\textit{e.g.,} \texttt{log()}) to \texttt{GDP}:
\myitem To apply a method to a subsample of all the variables:
ts(2000Q2:2000Q4) = ts(2000Q2:2000Q4).log()
\myitem To apply a method to a subsample of some of the variables:
ts(2000Q2:2000Q4)\{`GDP_@US,FR,JA@'\} = ...
\frametitle{Merging \texttt{dseries}}
\myitem Suppose that \verb+ts+ and \verb+ds+ are two \texttt{dseries} objects
with the same variables observed on different time ranges. These
\texttt{dseries} objects can be merged using the following syntax:
vs = [ts; ds];
\myitem Suppose that \verb+ts+ and \verb+ds+ are two \texttt{dseries} objects
with different variables observed on the same or different time ranges. These
\texttt{dseries} objects can be merged using the following syntax:
vs = [ts, ds];
If \verb+ts+ and \verb+ds+ are not defined over the same time range,
the time range of \verb+vs+ will be the union of \verb+ts.dates+ and
\verb+ds.dates+, \verb+NaN+s will be added for the missing observations.
\begin{frame}[fragile,t] \begin{frame}[fragile,t]
\frametitle{Referencing data from a \texttt{dseries}} \frametitle{Referencing data from a \texttt{dseries}}
@ -570,7 +735,7 @@ would be transformed into
\begin{frame} \begin{frame}
\frametitle{Overview} \frametitle{Overview}
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\myitem Introduced in Dynare 4.4 \myitem Beta version in Dynare 4.4. Mature version ready in Dynare 4.5
\myitem Introduce reporting functionality to Dynare \myitem Introduce reporting functionality to Dynare
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\myitem Input: \texttt{dseries} \myitem Input: \texttt{dseries}