v4 matlab: removed useless asamin.m and added an error message for mode_compute=2

git-svn-id: https://www.dynare.org/svn/dynare/dynare_v4@1893 ac1d8469-bf42-47a9-8791-bf33cf982152
sebastien 2008-06-23 10:58:32 +00:00
parent 7054fd2f87
commit 67d98a4a7b
2 changed files with 8 additions and 167 deletions

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@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
% ASAMIN A gateway function to Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA)
% ASAMIN is a matlab gateway function to Lester Ingber's Adaptive
% Simulated Annealing (ASA)
% Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Shinichi Sakata. All Rights Reserved.
% $Id: asamin.m,v 2004/03/27 14:41:06 michel Exp $
% Usage:
% asamin ('set')
% lists the current value of each option.
% asamin ('set', opt_name)
% shows the current value of the option given by a character string
% opt_name; e.g.,
% asamin ('set', 'seed')
% asamin ('set', opt_name, opt_value)
% set the value opt_value to the option opt_name; e.g.,
% asamin ('set', 'seed', 654342)
% asamin ('set', 'asa_out_file', 'example.log')
% The valid options in these commands are:
% rand_seed
% test_in_cost_func
% use_rejected_cost
% asa_out_file
% limit_acceptances
% limit_generated
% limit_invalid
% accepted_to_generated_ratio
% cost_precision
% maximum_cost_repeat
% number_cost_samples
% temperature_ratio_scale
% cost_parameter_scale
% temperature_anneal_scale
% include_integer_parameters
% user_initial_parameters
% sequential_parameters
% initial_parameter_temperature
% acceptance_frequency_modulus
% generated_frequency_modulus
% reanneal_cost
% reanneal_parameters
% delta_x
% rand_seed is the seed of the random number generation in ASA.
% If test_in_cost_func is set to zero, the cost function should
% simply return the value of the objective function. When
% test_in_cost_func is set to one, asamin () calls the cost
% function with a threshold value as well as the parameter
% value. The cost function needs to judge if the value of the cost
% function exceeds the threshold as well as compute the value of
% the cost function when asamin () requires. (See COST FUNCTION
% below for details.)
% All other items but use_rejected_cost belong to structure
% USER_OPTIONS in ASA. See ASA_README in the ASA package for
% details. The default value of use_rejected_cost is zero. If you
% set this option to one, ASA uses the current cost value to
% compute certain indices, even if the current state is rejected by
% the user cost function, provided that the current cost value is
% lower than the cost value of the past best state. (See COST
% FUNCTION below about the user cost function.)
% asamin ('reset')
% resets all option values to the hard-coded default values.
% [fstar,xstar,grad,hessian,state] = ...
% asamin ('minimize', func, xinit, xmin, xmax, xtype,...
% parm1, parm2, ...)
% minimizes the cost function func (also see COST FUNCTION below).
% The argument xinit specifies the initial value of the arguments
% of the cost function. Each element of the vectors xmin and xmax
% specify the lower and upper bounds of the corresponding
% argument. The vector xtype indicates the types of the
% arguments. If xtype(i) is -1 if the i'th argument is real;
% xtype(i) is 1 if the i'th argument is integer. If this argument
% should be ignored in reannealing, multiply the corresponding
% element of xtype by 2 so that the element is 2 or -2. All
% parameters following xtype are optional and simply passed to the
% cost function each time the cost function is called.
% This way of calling asamin returns the following values:
% fstar
% The value of the objective function at xstar.
% xstar
% The argument vector at the exit from the ASA routine. If things go
% well, xstar should be the minimizer of "func".
% grad
% The gradient of "func" at xstar.
% hessian
% The Hessian of "func" at xstar.
% state
% The vector containing the information on the exit state.
% state(1) is the exit_code, and state(2) is the cost flag. See
% ASA_README for details.
% If test_in_cost_func is set to zero, asamin () calls the "cost
% function" (say, cost_func) with one argument, say x (the real cost
% function is evaluated at this point). Cost_func is expected to
% return the value of the objective function and cost_flag, the
% latter of which must be zero if any constraint (if any) is
% violated; otherwise one.
% When test_in_cost_func is equal to one, asamin () calls the "cost
% function" (say, cost_func) with three arguments, say, x (at which
% the real cost function is evaluated), critical_cost_value, and
% no_test_flag. Asamin expects cost_func to return three scalar
% values, say, cost_value, cost_flag, and user_acceptance_flag in the
% following manner.
% 1. The function cost_func first checks if x satisfies the
% constraints of the minimization problem. If any of the
% constraints is not satisfied, cost_func sets zero to cost_flag
% and return. (user_acceptance_flag and cost_value will not be used
% by asamin () in this case.) If all constraints are satisfied, set
% one to cost_flag, and proceed to the next step.
% 2. If asamin () calls cost_func with no_test_flag==1, cost_func
% must compute the value of the cost function, set it to cost_value
% and return. When no_test_flag==0, cost_func is expected to judge
% if the value of the cost function is greater than
% critical_cost_value. If the value of the cost function is found
% greater than critical_cost_value, cost_func must set zero to
% user_acceptance_flag and return. (asamin () will not use
% cost_value in this case.) On the other hand, if the value of the
% cost function is found no greater than critical_cost_value,
% cost_func must compute the cost function at x, set it to
% cost_value, and set one to user_acceptance_flag.
% Remark: To understand the usefulness of test_in_cost_func == 1,
% note that it is sometimes easier to check if the value of the cost
% function is greater than critical_cost_value than compute the value
% of the cost function. For example, suppose that the cost function g
% is implicitly defined by an equation f(g(x),x)=0, where f is
% strictly increasing in the first argument, and evaluation of g(x)
% is computationally expensive (e.g., requiring an iterative method
% to find a solution to f(y,x)=0). But we can easily show that
% f(critical_cost_value,x) < 0 if and only if g(x) >
% critical_cost_value. We can judge if g(x) > critical_cost_value by
% computing f(critical_cost_value,x). The value of g(x) is not
% necessary.

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@ -318,13 +318,14 @@ if options_.mode_compute > 0 & options_.posterior_mode_estimation
end end
elseif options_.mode_compute == 2 elseif options_.mode_compute == 2
% asamin('set','maximum_cost_repeat',0); % asamin('set','maximum_cost_repeat',0);
if ~options_.bvar_dsge % $$$ if ~options_.bvar_dsge
[fval,xparam1,grad,hessian_asamin,exitflag] = ... % $$$ [fval,xparam1,grad,hessian_asamin,exitflag] = ...
asamin('minimize','DsgeLikelihood',xparam1,lb,ub,-ones(size(xparam1)),gend,data); % $$$ asamin('minimize','DsgeLikelihood',xparam1,lb,ub,-ones(size(xparam1)),gend,data);
else % $$$ else
[fval,xparam1,grad,hessian_asamin,exitflag] = ... % $$$ [fval,xparam1,grad,hessian_asamin,exitflag] = ...
asamin('minimize','DsgeVarLikelihood',xparam1,lb,ub,-ones(size(xparam1)),gend); % $$$ asamin('minimize','DsgeVarLikelihood',xparam1,lb,ub,-ones(size(xparam1)),gend);
end % $$$ end
error('ESTIMATION: mode_compute=2 option (Lester Ingber''s Adaptive Simulated Annealing) is no longer available')
elseif options_.mode_compute == 3 elseif options_.mode_compute == 3
optim_options = optimset('display','iter','MaxFunEvals',100000,'TolFun',1e-8,'TolX',1e-6); optim_options = optimset('display','iter','MaxFunEvals',100000,'TolFun',1e-8,'TolX',1e-6);
if isfield(options_,'optim_opt') if isfield(options_,'optim_opt')