release notes for 5.3

Johannes Pfeifer 2022-11-18 22:43:08 +01:00
parent aa9f52e29b
commit 573ce33381
1 changed files with 52 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,55 @@
Announcement for Dynare 5.2 (on 2022-11-21)
We are pleased to announce the release of Dynare 5.3.
This maintenance release fixes various bugs.
The Windows, macOS and source packages are already available for download at
[the Dynare website](
All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade.
This release is compatible with MATLAB versions ranging from 8.3 (R2014a) to
9.13 (R2022b), and with GNU Octave version 7.3.0 (under Windows).
Note for macOS users with an Apple Silicon processor, and who are also MATLAB
users: the official MATLAB version for use on those processors is still the
Intel version (running through Rosetta 2), so the official Dynare package for
download on our website is built for Intel only. However, since Mathworks has
released a beta version of MATLAB for Apple Silicon, we created a beta package
of Dynare that you can try with it. See this forum thread for more details:
Here is a list of the problems identified in version 5.2 and that have been
fixed in version 5.3:
* The `notmpterms` option of the `dynare` command would trigger a crash if the `block` option of the `model` block was used
* When the `use_dll` option was passed to the `model` block, the operator `abs` in the `model` block incorrectly returned only the integer part of the absolute value
* Problems with OccBin (`estimation` and `occbin_solver`):
+ the piecewise linear Kalman filter (PKF) could crash if the model solution could not be computed for a parameter draw
+ the piecewise linear Kalman filter (PKF) could crash mode finding if an error was encountered
+ the piecewise linear Kalman filter (PKF) would crash in the one-constraint case if the fixed point algorithm did not converge
+ the smoother could crash due to the initial states being empty and when encountering errors
+ the smoother fields of `oo_` contained wrong results if the piecewise linear Kalman smoother did not converge
+ in pathological cases, seemingly periodic solutions were incorrectly accepted as true solutions
* Problems related to Bayesian or ML estimation:
+ `mh_recover` and `load_mh_file` would not find the saved proposal density and had to rely on the `_mode`-file
+ `load_results_after_load_mh` would not find the location of the `_results`-file
+ When requesting `bayesian_irf` together with `loglinear`, the resulting IRFs would be incorrect
+ the diffuse Kalman smoother initialization (`lik_init=3`) was wrong when the state transition matrix contained a column of zeros
+ the diffuse Kalman smoother initialization (`lik_init=3`) was wrong when the shock covariance matrix was not diagonal
* Problems with perfect foresight simulations (`perfect_foresight_solver`-command):
+ when solving purely forward or backward models with the PATH solver (`solve_algo=10`), specified `mcp`-tags were ignored
+ the `linear_approximation`-option would ignore the `nocheck`-option for not checking the correctness of the steady state
+ in the presence of a steady state file or a `steady_state_model`-block, the contents of the last `initval` or `endval`-block would be ignored and replaced by a steady state
* The `identification` and `dynare_sensitivity`-commands would not pass a `graph_format`-option to other subsequent commands
* Problems with sensitivity analysis (`dynare_sensitivity` command)
+ stability mapping incorrectly imposed a parameter limit of 52
+ prior sampling did not work with when a user specified `prior_trunc=0`
* `dynare++`: the `dynare_simul.m` would not run
* The `model_diagnostics`-command would not work with `block_trust_region`-algorithms (`solve_algo=13,14`)
Announcement for Dynare 5.2 (on 2022-07-27) Announcement for Dynare 5.2 (on 2022-07-27)
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