Removed stability test over the last periods of the perfect foresight solution.

Stéphane Adjemian (Charybdis) 2012-02-03 14:06:35 +01:00
parent 64ebd1d0d7
commit 43f46f2886
1 changed files with 73 additions and 83 deletions

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@ -248,94 +248,84 @@ while (t<sample_size)
% Test if periods is big enough. The variable delta measures the maximum absolute variation during
% the last periods of the simulated path. This variation has to be close to zero (because the
% economy is assumed to be in the steady state at the end of the simulated path).
if info.convergence
delta = max(max(abs(tmp(:,end-options_.ep.lp:end)-tmp(:,end-options_.ep.lp-1:end-1))));
% Test if periods is big enough.
% Increase the number of periods.
options_.periods = options_.periods + options_.ep.step;
pfm.periods = options_.periods;
pfm.i_upd = pfm.ny+(1:pfm.periods*pfm.ny);
% Increment the counter.
increase_periods = increase_periods + 1;
if verbosity
if t<10
disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. I increase the number of periods to ' int2str(options_.periods) '.'])
elseif t<100
disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. I increase the number of periods to ' int2str(options_.periods) '.'])
elseif t<1000
disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. I increase the number of periods to ' int2str(options_.periods) '.'])
disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. I increase the number of periods to ' int2str(options_.periods) '.'])
if info.convergence && ~increase_periods && delta<options_.dynatol.x
% Exit from the while loop (the number of periods is big enough).
if info.convergence
% If the previous call to the perfect foresight model solver exited
% announcing that the routine converged, adapt the size of oo_.endo_simul
% and oo_.exo_simul.
oo_.endo_simul = [ tmp , repmat(oo_.steady_state,1,options_.ep.step) ];
oo_.exo_simul = [ oo_.exo_simul ; zeros(options_.ep.step,size(shocks,2)) ];
tmp_old = tmp;
% Increase the number of periods.
options_.periods = options_.periods + options_.ep.step;
pfm.periods = options_.periods;
pfm.i_upd = pfm.ny+(1:pfm.periods*pfm.ny);
% Increment the counter.
increase_periods = increase_periods + 1;
if verbosity
if t<10
disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. I increase the number of periods to ' int2str(options_.periods) '.'])
elseif t<100
disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. I increase the number of periods to ' int2str(options_.periods) '.'])
elseif t<1000
disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. I increase the number of periods to ' int2str(options_.periods) '.'])
disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. I increase the number of periods to ' int2str(options_.periods) '.'])
% If the previous call to the perfect foresight model solver exited
% announcing that the routine did not converge, then tmp=1... Maybe
% should change that, because in some circonstances it may usefull
% to know where the routine did stop, even if convergence was not
% achieved.
oo_.endo_simul = [ oo_.endo_simul , repmat(oo_.steady_state,1,options_.ep.step) ];
oo_.exo_simul = [ oo_.exo_simul ; zeros(options_.ep.step,size(shocks,2)) ];
% Solve the perfect foresight model with an increased number of periods.
[flag,tmp] = bytecode('dynamic');
if flag
[flag,tmp] = solve_perfect_foresight_model(oo_.endo_simul,oo_.exo_simul,pfm);
info.convergence = ~flag;
if info.convergence
% If the solver achieved convergence, check that simulated paths did not
% change during the first periods.
% Compute the maximum deviation between old path and new path over the
% first periods
delta = max(max(abs(tmp(:,2:options_.ep.fp)-tmp_old(:,2:options_.ep.fp))));
if delta<options_.dynatol.x
% If the maximum deviation is close enough to zero, reset the number
% of periods to ep.periods
options_.periods = options_.ep.periods;
pfm.periods = options_.periods;
pfm.i_upd = pfm.ny+(1:pfm.periods*pfm.ny);
% Cut oo_.exo_simul and oo_.endo_simul consistently with the resetted
% number of periods and exit from the while loop.
oo_.exo_simul = oo_.exo_simul(1:(options_.periods+2),:);
oo_.endo_simul = oo_.endo_simul(:,1:(options_.periods+2));
if info.convergence
% If the previous call to the perfect foresight model solver exited
% announcing that the routine converged, adapt the size of oo_.endo_simul
% and oo_.exo_simul.
oo_.endo_simul = [ tmp , repmat(oo_.steady_state,1,options_.ep.step) ];
oo_.exo_simul = [ oo_.exo_simul ; zeros(options_.ep.step,size(shocks,2)) ];
tmp_old = tmp;
% If the previous call to the perfect foresight model solver exited
% announcing that the routine did not converge, then tmp=1... Maybe
% should change that, because in some circonstances it may usefull
% to know where the routine did stop, even if convergence was not
% achieved.
oo_.endo_simul = [ oo_.endo_simul , repmat(oo_.steady_state,1,options_.ep.step) ];
oo_.exo_simul = [ oo_.exo_simul ; zeros(options_.ep.step,size(shocks,2)) ];
% Solve the perfect foresight model with an increased number of periods.
[flag,tmp] = bytecode('dynamic');
if flag
[flag,tmp] = solve_perfect_foresight_model(oo_.endo_simul,oo_.exo_simul,pfm);
info.convergence = ~flag;
if info.convergence
% If the solver achieved convergence, check that simulated paths did not
% change during the first periods.
% Compute the maximum deviation between old path and new path over the
% first periods
delta = max(max(abs(tmp(:,2:options_.ep.fp)-tmp_old(:,2:options_.ep.fp))));
if delta<options_.dynatol.x
% If the maximum deviation is close enough to zero, reset the number
% of periods to ep.periods
options_.periods = options_.ep.periods;
pfm.periods = options_.periods;
pfm.i_upd = pfm.ny+(1:pfm.periods*pfm.ny);
% Cut oo_.exo_simul and oo_.endo_simul consistently with the resetted
% number of periods and exit from the while loop.
oo_.exo_simul = oo_.exo_simul(1:(options_.periods+2),:);
oo_.endo_simul = oo_.endo_simul(:,1:(options_.periods+2));
% The solver did not converge... Try to solve the model again with a bigger
% number of periods, except if the number of periods has been increased more
% than 10 times.
if increase_periods==10;
if verbosity
if t<10
disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. Even with ' int2str(options_.periods) ', I am not able to solve the perfect foresight model. Use homotopy instead...'])
elseif t<100
disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. Even with ' int2str(options_.periods) ', I am not able to solve the perfect foresight model. Use homotopy instead...'])
elseif t<1000
disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. Even with ' int2str(options_.periods) ', I am not able to solve the perfect foresight model. Use homotopy instead...'])
disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. Even with ' int2str(options_.periods) ', I am not able to solve the perfect foresight model. Use homotopy instead...'])
% The solver did not converge... Try to solve the model again with a bigger
% number of periods, except if the number of periods has been increased more
% than 10 times.
if increase_periods==10;
if verbosity
if t<10
disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. Even with ' int2str(options_.periods) ', I am not able to solve the perfect foresight model. Use homotopy instead...'])
elseif t<100
disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. Even with ' int2str(options_.periods) ', I am not able to solve the perfect foresight model. Use homotopy instead...'])
elseif t<1000
disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. Even with ' int2str(options_.periods) ', I am not able to solve the perfect foresight model. Use homotopy instead...'])
disp(['Time: ' int2str(t) '. Even with ' int2str(options_.periods) ', I am not able to solve the perfect foresight model. Use homotopy instead...'])
% Exit from the while loop.
end% if info.convergence
end% ~increase_periods && delta<options_.dynatol.x
% Exit from the while loop.
end% if info.convergence
end% while
if ~info.convergence% If exited from the while loop without achieving convergence, use an homotopic approach
[INFO,tmp] = homotopic_steps(.5,.01);