Add more explicit error message if mod-file cannot be located of file in different folder is called

Johannes Pfeifer 2013-10-04 19:39:54 +02:00
parent c737f35ca7
commit 3dd62b37c6
1 changed files with 6 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -93,7 +93,13 @@ else
d = dir(fname);
if length(d) == 0
fprintf('\nThe file %s could not be located in the "Current Folder". Check whether you typed in the correct filename\n',fname)
fprintf('and whether the file is really located in the "Current Folder".\n')
error(['DYNARE: can''t open ' fname])
elseif ~isempty(strfind(fname,'\')) || ~isempty(strfind(fname,'/'))
fprintf('\nIt seems you are trying to call a mod-file not located in the "Current Folder". This is not possible.\n')
fprintf('Please set your "Current Folder" to the folder where the mod-file is located.\n')
error(['DYNARE: can''t open ' fname, '. It seems to be located in a different folder (or has an invalid filename).'])
% pre-dynare-preprocessor-hook