update static model to use multiple dispatch

Houtan Bastani 2015-08-18 15:41:27 +02:00
parent 252688cf4a
commit 2e7e9bc8f0
1 changed files with 69 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -1183,7 +1183,8 @@ StaticModel::writeStaticMFile(const string &func_name) const
StaticModel::writeStaticModel(ostream &StaticOutput, bool use_dll, bool julia) const
ostringstream model_output; // Used for storing model equations
ostringstream model_output; // Used for storing model
ostringstream model_eq_output; // Used for storing model equations
ostringstream jacobian_output; // Used for storing jacobian equations
ostringstream hessian_output; // Used for storing Hessian equations
ostringstream third_derivatives_output; // Used for storing third order derivatives equations
@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ StaticModel::writeStaticModel(ostream &StaticOutput, bool use_dll, bool julia) c
writeTemporaryTerms(temporary_terms, model_output, output_type, tef_terms);
writeModelEquations(model_output, output_type);
writeModelEquations(model_eq_output, output_type);
int nrows = equations.size();
int JacobianColsNbr = symbol_table.endo_nbr();
@ -1321,13 +1322,14 @@ StaticModel::writeStaticModel(ostream &StaticOutput, bool use_dll, bool julia) c
k += k2;
if (!use_dll && !julia)
if (output_type == oMatlabStaticModel)
StaticOutput << "residual = zeros( " << equations.size() << ", 1);" << endl << endl
<< "%" << endl
<< "% Model equations" << endl
<< "%" << endl << endl
<< model_output.str()
<< model_eq_output.str()
<< "if ~isreal(residual)" << endl
<< " residual = real(residual)+imag(residual).^2;" << endl
<< "end" << endl
@ -1368,52 +1370,7 @@ StaticModel::writeStaticModel(ostream &StaticOutput, bool use_dll, bool julia) c
else // Either 3rd derivatives is all zero, or we didn't compute it
StaticOutput << " g3 = sparse([],[],[]," << nrows << "," << ncols << ");" << endl;
else if (julia)
StaticOutput << "residual = zeros( " << equations.size() << ", 1)" << endl << endl
<< "#" << endl
<< "# Model equations" << endl
<< "#" << endl << endl
<< model_output.str()
<< "if ~isreal(residual)" << endl
<< " residual = real(residual)+imag(residual).^2;" << endl
<< "end" << endl
<< "g1 = zeros(" << equations.size() << ", " << symbol_table.endo_nbr() << ");"
<< endl << endl
<< "#" << endl
<< "# Jacobian matrix" << endl
<< "#" << endl << endl
<< jacobian_output.str()
<< "if ~isreal(g1)" << endl
<< " g1 = real(g1)+2*imag(g1);" << endl
<< "end" << endl
<< "#" << endl
<< "# Hessian matrix" << endl
<< "#" << endl;
if (second_derivatives.size())
StaticOutput << "v2 = zeros(" << NNZDerivatives[1] << ",3);" << endl
<< hessian_output.str()
<< "g2 = sparse(v2(:,1),v2(:,2),v2(:,3)," << equations.size() << ","
<< g2ncols << ");" << endl;
StaticOutput << "g2 = sparse([],[],[]," << equations.size() << "," << g2ncols << ");" << endl;
// Initialize g3 matrix
StaticOutput << "#" << endl
<< "# Third order derivatives" << endl
<< "#" << endl;
int ncols = hessianColsNbr * JacobianColsNbr;
if (third_derivatives.size())
StaticOutput << "v3 = zeros(" << NNZDerivatives[2] << ",3);" << endl
<< third_derivatives_output.str()
<< "g3 = sparse(v3(:,1),v3(:,2),v3(:,3)," << nrows << "," << ncols << ");"
<< endl;
else // Either 3rd derivatives is all zero, or we didn't compute it
StaticOutput << "g3 = sparse([],[],[]," << nrows << "," << ncols << ");" << endl;
else if (use_dll)
else if (output_type == oCStaticModel)
StaticOutput << "void Static(double *y, double *x, int nb_row_x, double *params, double *residual, double *g1, double *v2)" << endl
<< "{" << endl
@ -1421,6 +1378,7 @@ StaticModel::writeStaticModel(ostream &StaticOutput, bool use_dll, bool julia) c
<< endl
<< " /* Residual equations */" << endl
<< model_output.str()
<< model_eq_output.str()
<< " /* Jacobian */" << endl
<< " if (g1 == NULL)" << endl
<< " return;" << endl
@ -1446,6 +1404,65 @@ StaticModel::writeStaticModel(ostream &StaticOutput, bool use_dll, bool julia) c
<< third_derivatives_output.str()
<< " }" << endl;
StaticOutput << "function static!(y, x, params, residual)" << endl
<< "residual = zeros( " << equations.size() << ", 1)" << endl
<< "#" << endl
<< "# Model equations" << endl
<< "#" << endl
<< model_output.str()
<< model_eq_output.str()
<< "if ~isreal(residual)" << endl
<< " residual = real(residual)+imag(residual).^2;" << endl
<< "end" << endl
<< "end" << endl << endl
<< "function static!(y, x, params, residual, g1)" << endl
<< " static!(y, x, params, residual)" << endl
<< model_output.str()
<< " g1 = zeros(" << equations.size() << ", " << symbol_table.endo_nbr() << ");" << endl
<< " #" << endl
<< " # Jacobian matrix" << endl
<< " #" << endl << endl
<< jacobian_output.str()
<< " if ~isreal(g1)" << endl
<< " g1 = real(g1)+2*imag(g1);" << endl
<< " end" << endl
<< "end" << endl << endl
<< "function static!(y, x, params, residual, g1, g2)" << endl
<< " static!(y, x, params, residual, g1)" << endl
<< " #" << endl
<< " # Hessian matrix" << endl
<< " #" << endl;
if (second_derivatives.size())
StaticOutput << model_output.str()
<< " v2 = zeros(" << NNZDerivatives[1] << ",3);" << endl
<< hessian_output.str()
<< " g2 = sparse(v2(:,1),v2(:,2),v2(:,3)," << equations.size() << ","
<< g2ncols << ");" << endl;
StaticOutput << " g2 = sparse([],[],[]," << equations.size() << "," << g2ncols << ");" << endl;
// Initialize g3 matrix
StaticOutput << "end" << endl << endl
<< "function static!(y, x, params, residual, g1, g2, g3)" << endl
<< " static!(y, x, params, residual, g1, g2)" << endl
<< " #" << endl
<< " # Third order derivatives" << endl
<< " #" << endl;
int ncols = hessianColsNbr * JacobianColsNbr;
if (third_derivatives.size())
StaticOutput << model_output.str()
<< " v3 = zeros(" << NNZDerivatives[2] << ",3);" << endl
<< third_derivatives_output.str()
<< " g3 = sparse(v3(:,1),v3(:,2),v3(:,3)," << nrows << "," << ncols << ");"
<< endl;
else // Either 3rd derivatives is all zero, or we didn't compute it
StaticOutput << " g3 = sparse([],[],[]," << nrows << "," << ncols << ");" << endl;
StaticOutput << "end" << endl;
@ -1574,13 +1591,10 @@ StaticModel::writeStaticJuliaFile(const string &basename) const
output << "module " << basename << "Static" << endl << endl
<< "export getStaticFunction" << endl << endl
<< "function getStaticFunction()" << endl
<< " static" << endl
<< "end" << endl << endl
<< "function static(y, x, params)" << endl;
<< " static!" << endl
<< "end" << endl << endl;
writeStaticModel(output, false, true);
output << "(residual, g1, g2, g3)" << endl
<< "end" << endl
<< "end" << endl;
output << "end" << endl;