Perfect foresight homotopy: turn a nested function into a local one

The behaviour of local functions is easier to understand, since they do not
have access to the workspace of the caller.
Sébastien Villemot 2023-10-13 11:29:03 -04:00
parent 4f74ceb937
commit 2ae485705e
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 114 additions and 95 deletions

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@ -103,26 +103,30 @@ else
exobase = repmat(ex0_', M_.maximum_lag+periods+M_.maximum_lead, 1);
% Determine whether the terminal condition is not a steady state (typically
% because steady was not called after endval)
if ~options_.simul.endval_steady && ~isempty(ys0_)
terminal_condition_is_a_steady_state = true;
% Determine whether to recompute the final steady state (either because
% option “endval_steady” was passed, or because there is an “endval” block and the
% terminal condition is a steady state)
if options_.simul.endval_steady
recompute_final_steady_state = true;
elseif ~isempty(ys0_)
recompute_final_steady_state = true;
for j = lastperiods
endval_resid = evaluate_static_model(oo_.endo_simul(:,j), oo_.exo_simul(j,:)', M_.params, M_, options_);
if norm(endval_resid, 'Inf') > options_.simul.steady_tolf
terminal_condition_is_a_steady_state = false;
recompute_final_steady_state = false;
recompute_final_steady_state = false;
% Copy the paths for the exogenous and endogenous variables, as given by perfect_foresight_setup
exoorig = oo_.exo_simul;
endoorig = oo_.endo_simul;
% Initialize paths for endogenous and exogenous, and final steady state that will be modified during homotopy
% Initialize paths for endogenous (and final steady state that may be modified during homotopy)
endo_simul = oo_.endo_simul;
exo_simul = oo_.exo_simul;
steady_state = oo_.steady_state;
exo_steady_state = oo_.exo_steady_state;
@ -131,75 +135,6 @@ step = min(options_.simul.homotopy_initial_step_size, options_.simul.homotopy_ma
success_counter = 0;
iteration = 0;
function local_success = create_scenario(share)
% For a given share, updates the exogenous path and also the initial and
% terminal conditions for the endogenous path (but do not modify the initial
% guess for endogenous)
% Compute convex combination for the path of exogenous
exo_simul = exoorig*share + exobase*(1-share);
% Compute convex combination for the initial condition
% In most cases, the initial condition is a steady state and this does nothing
% This is for cases when the initial condition is out of equilibrium
endo_simul(:, initperiods) = share*endoorig(:, initperiods)+(1-share)*endobase(:, initperiods);
% If there is a permanent shock, ensure that the rescaled terminal condition is
% a steady state (if the user asked for this recomputation, or if the original
% terminal condition is a steady state)
local_success = true;
if options_.simul.endval_steady || (~isempty(ys0_) && terminal_condition_is_a_steady_state)
% Set “local” options for steady state computation (after saving the global values)
saved_steady_solve_algo = options_.solve_algo;
options_.solve_algo = options_.simul.steady_solve_algo;
saved_steady_maxit = options_.steady.maxit;
options_.steady.maxit = options_.simul.steady_maxit;
saved_steady_tolf = options_.solve_tolf;
options_.solve_tolf = options_.simul.steady_tolf;
saved_steady_tolx = options_.solve_tolx;
options_.solve_tolx = options_.simul.steady_tolx;
saved_steady_markowitz = options_.markowitz;
options_.markowitz = options_.simul.steady_markowitz;
saved_ss = endo_simul(:, lastperiods);
% Effectively compute the terminal steady state
for j = lastperiods
% First use the terminal steady of the previous homotopy iteration as guess value (or the contents of the endval block if this is the first iteration)
[endo_simul(:, j), ~, info] = evaluate_steady_state(endo_simul(:, j), exo_simul(j, :)', M_, options_, true);
if info(1)
% If this fails, then try again using the initial steady state as guess value
if isempty(ys0_)
guess_value = oo_.steady_state;
guess_value = ys0_;
[endo_simul(:, j), ~, info] = evaluate_steady_state(guess_value, exo_simul(j, :)', M_, options_, true);
if info(1)
% If this fails again, give up and restore last periods in endo_simul
endo_simul(:, lastperiods) = saved_ss;
local_success = false;
% The following is needed for the STEADY_STATE() operator to work properly
steady_state = endo_simul(:, end);
exo_steady_state = exo_simul(end, :)';
options_.solve_algo = saved_steady_solve_algo;
options_.steady.maxit = saved_steady_maxit;
options_.solve_tolf = saved_steady_tolf;
options_.solve_tolx = saved_steady_tolx;
options_.markowitz = saved_steady_markowitz;
% The terminal condition is not a steady state, compute a convex combination
endo_simul(:, lastperiods) = share*endoorig(:, lastperiods)+(1-share)*endobase(:, lastperiods);
while step > options_.simul.homotopy_min_step_size
iteration = iteration+1;
@ -215,7 +150,7 @@ while step > options_.simul.homotopy_min_step_size
iter_time_counter = tic;
steady_success = create_scenario(new_share);
[steady_success, endo_simul, exo_simul, steady_state, exo_steady_state] = create_scenario(new_share, endoorig, exoorig, endobase, exobase, initperiods, lastperiods, recompute_final_steady_state, endo_simul, steady_state, exo_steady_state);
if steady_success
% At the first iteration, use the initial guess given by
@ -339,20 +274,16 @@ elseif options_.simul.homotopy_linearization_fallback && current_share > 0
oo_.deterministic_simulation.status = true;
oo_.deterministic_simulation.homotopy_linearization = true;
elseif options_.simul.homotopy_marginal_linearization_fallback > 0 && current_share > options_.simul.homotopy_marginal_linearization_fallback
saved_endo_simul = endo_simul;
saved_exo_simul = exo_simul;
saved_steady_state = steady_state;
saved_exo_steady_state = exo_steady_state;
new_share = current_share - options_.simul.homotopy_marginal_linearization_fallback;
% Now compute extra simulation
extra_share = current_share - options_.simul.homotopy_marginal_linearization_fallback;
extra_simul_time_counter = tic;
new_success = create_scenario(new_share);
if new_success
[endo_simul, new_success] = perfect_foresight_solver_core(endo_simul, exo_simul, steady_state, exo_steady_state, M_, options_);
[extra_success, extra_endo_simul, extra_exo_simul, extra_steady_state, extra_exo_steady_state] = create_scenario(extra_share, endoorig, exoorig, endobase, exobase, initperiods, lastperiods, recompute_final_steady_state, endo_simul, steady_state, exo_steady_state);
if extra_success
[extra_endo_simul, extra_success] = perfect_foresight_solver_core(extra_endo_simul, extra_exo_simul, extra_steady_state, extra_exo_steady_state, M_, options_);
extra_simul_time_elapsed = toc(extra_simul_time_counter);
if new_success
oo_.endo_simul = saved_endo_simul + (saved_endo_simul - endo_simul)*(1-current_share)/options_.simul.homotopy_marginal_linearization_fallback;
if extra_success
oo_.endo_simul = endo_simul + (endo_simul - extra_endo_simul)*(1-current_share)/options_.simul.homotopy_marginal_linearization_fallback;
if options_.simul.endval_steady
% The following is needed for the STEADY_STATE() operator to work properly,
% and thus must come before computing the maximum error.
@ -369,13 +300,13 @@ elseif options_.simul.homotopy_marginal_linearization_fallback > 0 && current_sh
oo_.deterministic_simulation.homotopy_marginal_linearization = true;
% Set oo_ values to the partial simulation
oo_.endo_simul = saved_endo_simul;
oo_.exo_simul = saved_exo_simul;
oo_.steady_state = saved_steady_state;
oo_.exo_steady_state = saved_exo_steady_state;
fprintf('perfect_foresight_solver: marginal linearization failed, unable to find solution for %.1f%% of the shock (extra simulation took %.1f seconds). Try to modify the value of homotopy_marginal_linearization_fallback option\n\n', new_share*100, extra_simul_time_elapsed)
oo_.endo_simul = endo_simul;
oo_.exo_simul = exo_simul;
oo_.steady_state = steady_state;
oo_.exo_steady_state = exo_steady_state;
fprintf('perfect_foresight_solver: marginal linearization failed, unable to find solution for %.1f%% of the shock (extra simulation took %.1f seconds). Try to modify the value of homotopy_marginal_linearization_fallback option\n\n', extra_share*100, extra_simul_time_elapsed)
oo_.deterministic_simulation.status = new_success;
oo_.deterministic_simulation.status = extra_success;
% Set oo_ values to the partial simulation
oo_.endo_simul = endo_simul;
@ -419,8 +350,97 @@ if success
oo_.gui.ran_perfect_foresight = true;
function [steady_success, endo_simul, exo_simul, steady_state, exo_steady_state] = create_scenario(share, endoorig, exoorig, endobase, exobase, initperiods, lastperiods, recompute_final_steady_state, endo_simul, steady_state, exo_steady_state)
% For a given share, comutes the exogenous path and also the initial and
% terminal conditions for the endogenous path (but do not modify the initial
% guess for endogenous)
% share [double] the share of the shock that we want to simulate
% endoorig [matrix] path of endogenous corresponding to 100% of the shock (only initial and terminal conditions are used)
% exoorig [matrix] path of exogenous corresponding to 100% of the shock
% endobase [matrix] path of endogenous corresponding to 0% of the shock (only initial and terminal conditions are used)
% exobase [matrix] path of exogenous corresponding to 0% of the shock
% initperiods [vector] period indices of initial conditions
% lastperiods [vector] period incides of terminal conditions
% recompute_final_steady_state [boolean] self-explanatory
% endo_simul [matrix] path of endogenous, used to construct the guess values (initial and terminal conditions are not used)
% steady_state [vector] steady state of endogenous, only used if terminal steady state is *not* recomputed by the function
% exo_steady_state [vector] steady state of exogenous, only used if terminal steady state is *not* recomputed by the function
% steady_success [boolean] whether the recomputation of the steady state was successful (always true if no recomputation was tried)
% endo_simul [matrix] path of endogenous corresponding to the scenario
% exo_simul [matrix] path of exogenous corresponding to the scenario
% steady_state [vector] steady state of endogenous corresponding to the scenario (equal to the input if terminal steady state not recomputed)
% exo_steady_state [vector] steady state of exogenous corresponding to the scenario (equal to the input if terminal steady state not recomputed)
global M_ options_ oo_ ys0_
% Compute convex combination for the path of exogenous
exo_simul = exoorig*share + exobase*(1-share);
% Compute convex combination for the initial condition
% In most cases, the initial condition is a steady state and this does nothing
% This is for cases when the initial condition is out of equilibrium
endo_simul(:, initperiods) = share*endoorig(:, initperiods)+(1-share)*endobase(:, initperiods);
% If there is a permanent shock, ensure that the rescaled terminal condition is
% a steady state (if the user asked for this recomputation, or if the original
% terminal condition is a steady state)
steady_success = true;
if recompute_final_steady_state
% Set “local” options for steady state computation (after saving the global values)
saved_steady_solve_algo = options_.solve_algo;
options_.solve_algo = options_.simul.steady_solve_algo;
saved_steady_maxit = options_.steady.maxit;
options_.steady.maxit = options_.simul.steady_maxit;
saved_steady_tolf = options_.solve_tolf;
options_.solve_tolf = options_.simul.steady_tolf;
saved_steady_tolx = options_.solve_tolx;
options_.solve_tolx = options_.simul.steady_tolx;
saved_steady_markowitz = options_.markowitz;
options_.markowitz = options_.simul.steady_markowitz;
saved_ss = endo_simul(:, lastperiods);
% Effectively compute the terminal steady state
for j = lastperiods
% First use the terminal steady of the previous homotopy iteration as guess value (or the contents of the endval block if this is the first iteration)
[endo_simul(:, j), ~, info] = evaluate_steady_state(endo_simul(:, j), exo_simul(j, :)', M_, options_, true);
if info(1)
% If this fails, then try again using the initial steady state as guess value
if isempty(ys0_)
guess_value = oo_.steady_state;
guess_value = ys0_;
[endo_simul(:, j), ~, info] = evaluate_steady_state(guess_value, exo_simul(j, :)', M_, options_, true);
if info(1)
% If this fails again, give up and restore last periods in endo_simul
endo_simul(:, lastperiods) = saved_ss;
steady_success = false;
% The following is needed for the STEADY_STATE() operator to work properly
steady_state = endo_simul(:, end);
exo_steady_state = exo_simul(end, :)';
options_.solve_algo = saved_steady_solve_algo;
options_.steady.maxit = saved_steady_maxit;
options_.solve_tolf = saved_steady_tolf;
options_.solve_tolx = saved_steady_tolx;
options_.markowitz = saved_steady_markowitz;
% The terminal condition is not a steady state, compute a convex combination
endo_simul(:, lastperiods) = share*endoorig(:, lastperiods)+(1-share)*endobase(:, lastperiods);
function maxerror = recompute_maxerror(endo_simul, exo_simul, steady_state, M_, options_)
% Computes ∞-norm of residuals for a given path of endogenous,
% given the exogenous path, steady state and parameters in M_
@ -443,4 +463,3 @@ function maxerror = recompute_maxerror(endo_simul, exo_simul, steady_state, M_,
residuals = perfect_foresight_problem(yy(:), y0, yT, exo_simul, M_.params, steady_state, periods, M_, options_);
maxerror = norm(vec(residuals), 'Inf');