Merge branch 'identification_higher_order' into 'master'

Finished identification order=1|2|3

See merge request Dynare/dynare!1689
Sébastien Villemot 2019-12-20 13:13:52 +00:00
commit 24a2aa2aaf
23 changed files with 2380 additions and 823 deletions

matlab/Q6_plication.m Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
% By Willi Mutschler, September 26, 2016. Email:
% Quadruplication Matrix as defined by
% Meijer (2005) - Matrix algebra for higher order moments. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 410,pp. 112134
% Inputs:
% p: size of vector
% Outputs:
% QP: quadruplication matrix
% QPinv: Moore-Penrose inverse of QP
function [DP6,DP6inv] = Q6_plication(p,progress)
if nargin <2
progress =0;
reverseStr = ''; counti=1;
np = p*(p+1)*(p+2)*(p+3)*(p+4)*(p+5)/(1*2*3*4*5*6);
DP6 = spalloc(p^6,p*(p+1)*(p+2)*(p+3)*(p+4)*(p+5)/(1*2*3*4*5*6),p^6);
for i1=1:p
for i2=i1:p
for i3=i2:p
for i4=i3:p
for i5=i4:p
for i6=i5:p
if progress && (rem(counti,100)== 0)
msg = sprintf(' Q6-plication Matrix Processed %d/%d', counti, np); fprintf([reverseStr, msg]); reverseStr = repmat(sprintf('\b'), 1, length(msg));
elseif progress && (counti==np)
msg = sprintf(' Q6-plication Matrix Processed %d/%d\n', counti, np); fprintf([reverseStr, msg]); reverseStr = repmat(sprintf('\b'), 1, length(msg));
idx = uperm([i6 i5 i4 i3 i2 i1]);
for r = 1:size(idx,1)
ii1 = idx(r,1); ii2= idx(r,2); ii3=idx(r,3); ii4=idx(r,4); ii5=idx(r,5); ii6=idx(r,6);
n = ii1 + (ii2-1)*p + (ii3-1)*p^2 + (ii4-1)*p^3 + (ii5-1)*p^4 + (ii6-1)*p^5;
m = mue(p,i6,i5,i4,i3,i2,i1);
counti = counti+1;
DP6inv = (transpose(DP6)*DP6)\transpose(DP6);
function m = mue(p,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6)
m = binom_coef(p,6,1) - binom_coef(p,1,i1+1) - binom_coef(p,2,i2+1) - binom_coef(p,3,i3+1) - binom_coef(p,4,i4+1) - binom_coef(p,5,i5+1) - binom_coef(p,6,i6+1);
m = round(m);
function N = binom_coef(p,q,i)
t = q; r =p+q-i;
if t==0
for h = 0:(t-1)
N = N*(r-h);

matlab/allVL1.m Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
function v = allVL1(n, L1, L1ops, MaxNbSol)
% All integer permutations with sum criteria
% function v=allVL1(n, L1); OR
% v=allVL1(n, L1, L1opt);
% v=allVL1(n, L1, L1opt, MaxNbSol);
% n: length of the vector
% L1: target L1 norm
% L1ops: optional string ('==' or '<=' or '<')
% default value is '=='
% MaxNbSol: integer, returns at most MaxNbSol permutations.
% When MaxNbSol is NaN, allVL1 returns the total number of all possible
% permutations, which is useful to check the feasibility before getting
% the permutations.
% v: (m x n) array such as: sum(v,2) == L1,
% (or <= or < depending on L1ops)
% all elements of v is naturel numbers {0,1,...}
% v contains all (=m) possible combinations
% v is sorted by sum (L1 norm), then by dictionnary sorting criteria
% class(v) is same as class(L1)
% Algorithm:
% Recursive
% Remark:
% allVL1(n,L1-n)+1 for natural numbers defined as {1,2,...}
% Example:
% This function can be used to generate all orders of all
% multivariable polynomials of degree p in R^n:
% Order = allVL1(n, p)
% Author: Bruno Luong
% Original, 30/nov/2007
% Version 1.1, 30/apr/2008: Add H1 line as suggested by John D'Errico
% 1.2, 17/may/2009: Possibility to get the number of permutations
% alone (set fourth parameter MaxNbSol to NaN)
% 1.3, 16/Sep/2009: Correct bug for number of solution
% 1.4, 18/Dec/2010: + non-recursive engine
global MaxCounter;
if nargin<3 || isempty(L1ops)
L1ops = '==';
n = floor(n); % make sure n is integer
if n<1
v = [];
if nargin<4 || isempty(MaxNbSol)
MaxCounter = Inf;
MaxCounter = MaxNbSol;
switch L1ops
case {'==' '='},
if isnan(MaxCounter)
% return the number of solutions
v = nchoosek(n+L1-1,L1); % nchoosek(n+L1-1,n-1)
v = allVL1eq(n, L1);
case '<=', % call allVL1eq for various sum targets
if isnan(MaxCounter)
% return the number of solutions
%v = nchoosek(n+L1,L1)*factorial(n-L1); BUG <- 16/Sep/2009:
v = 0;
for j=0:L1
v = v + nchoosek(n+j-1,j);
% See pascal's 11th identity, the sum doesn't seem to
% simplify to a fix formula
v = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(j) allVL1eq(n, j), (0:L1)', ...
'UniformOutput', false));
case '<',
v = allVL1(n, L1-1, '<=', MaxCounter);
error('allVL1: unknown L1ops')
end % allVL1
function v = allVL1eq(n, L1)
global MaxCounter;
n = feval(class(L1),n);
s = n+L1;
sd = double(n)+double(L1);
notoverflowed = double(s)==sd;
if isinf(MaxCounter) && notoverflowed
v = allVL1nonrecurs(n, L1);
v = allVL1recurs(n, L1);
end % allVL1eq
%% Recursive engine
function v = allVL1recurs(n, L1, head)
% function v=allVL1eq(n, L1);
% n: length of the vector
% L1: desired L1 norm
% head: optional parameter to by concatenate in the first column
% of the output
% if head is not defined
% v: (m x n) array such as sum(v,2)==L1
% all elements of v is naturel numbers {0,1,...}
% v contains all (=m) possible combinations
% v is (dictionnary) sorted
% Algorithm:
% Recursive
global MaxCounter;
if n==1
if Counter < MaxCounter
v = L1;
v = zeros(0,1,class(L1));
else % recursive call
v = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(j) allVL1recurs(n-1, L1-j, j), (0:L1)', ...
'UniformOutput', false));
if nargin>=3 % add a head column
v = [head+zeros(size(v,1),1,class(head)) v];
end % allVL1recurs
function res=Counter(newval)
persistent counter;
if nargin>=1
counter = newval;
res = counter;
res = counter;
counter = counter+1;
end % Counter
%% Non-recursive engine
function v = allVL1nonrecurs(n, L1)
% function v=allVL1eq(n, L1);
% n: length of the vector
% L1: desired L1 norm
% if head is not defined
% v: (m x n) array such as sum(v,2)==L1
% all elements of v is naturel numbers {0,1,...}
% v contains all (=m) possible combinations
% v is (dictionnary) sorted
% Algorithm:
% NonRecursive
% Chose (n-1) the splitting points of the array [0:(n+L1)]
s = nchoosek(1:n+L1-1,n-1);
m = size(s,1);
s1 = zeros(m,1,class(L1));
s2 = (n+L1)+s1;
v = diff([s1 s s2],1,2); % m x n
v = v-1;
end % allVL1nonrecurs

matlab/bivmom.m Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
% bivmom.m Date: 1/11/2004
% This Matlab program computes the product moment of X_1^{p_1}X_2^{p_2},
% where X_1 and X_2 are standard bivariate normally distributed.
% n : dimension of X
% rho: correlation coefficient between X_1 and X_2
% Reference: Kotz, Balakrishnan, and Johnson (2000), Continuous Multivariate
% Distributions, Vol. 1, p.261
% Note that there is a typo in Eq.(46.25), there should be an extra rho in front
% of the equation.
% Usage: bivmom(p,rho)
function [y,dy] = bivmom(p,rho)
s1 = p(1);
s2 = p(2);
rho2 = rho^2;
if nargout > 1
drho2 = 2*rho;
if rem(s1+s2,2)==1
y = 0;
r = fix(s1/2);
s = fix(s2/2);
y = 1;
c = 1;
if nargout > 1
dy = 0;
dc = 0;
odd = 2*rem(s1,2);
for j=1:min(r,s)
if nargout > 1
dc = 2*dc*(r+1-j)*(s+1-j)*rho2/(j*(2*j-1+odd)) + 2*c*(r+1-j)*(s+1-j)*drho2/(j*(2*j-1+odd));
c = 2*c*(r+1-j)*(s+1-j)*rho2/(j*(2*j-1+odd));
y = y+c;
if nargout > 1
dy = dy + dc;
if odd
if nargout > 1
dy = y + dy*rho;
y = y*rho;
y = prod([1:2:s1])*prod([1:2:s2])*y;
if nargout > 1
dy = prod([1:2:s1])*prod([1:2:s2])*dy;

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ function k = commutation(n, m, sparseflag)
% k: [n by m] commutation matrix
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function is called by
% * get_first_order_solution_params_deriv.m (previously getH.m)
% * get_perturbation_params_derivs.m (previously getH.m)
% * get_identification_jacobians.m (previously getJJ.m)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function calls

View File

@ -23,9 +23,6 @@ function disp_identification(pdraws, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum,
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function is called by
% * dynare_identification.m
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function calls
% * dynare_identification.m
% =========================================================================
% Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Dynare Team
@ -84,45 +81,56 @@ for jide = 1:4
no_warning_message_display = 1;
%% Set output strings depending on test
if jide == 1
strTest = 'REDUCED-FORM'; strJacobian = 'Tau'; strMeaning = 'reduced-form solution';
strTest = 'REDUCED-FORM'; strJacobian = 'Tau'; strMeaning = 'Jacobian of steady state and reduced-form solution matrices';
if ~no_identification_reducedform
noidentification = 0; ide = ide_reducedform;
if SampleSize == 1
Jacob = ide.dTAU;
Jacob = ide.dREDUCEDFORM;
else %skip test
noidentification = 1; no_warning_message_display = 0;
elseif jide == 2
strTest = 'Iskrev (2010)'; strJacobian = 'J'; strMeaning = 'moments';
if ~no_identification_moments
noidentification = 0; ide = ide_moments;
strTest = 'MINIMAL SYSTEM (Komunjer and Ng, 2011)'; strJacobian = 'Deltabar'; strMeaning = 'Jacobian of steady state and minimal system';
if options_ident.order == 2
strMeaning = 'Jacobian of second-order accurate mean and first-order minimal system';
elseif options_ident.order == 3
strMeaning = 'Jacobian of second-order accurate mean and first-order minimal system';
if ~no_identification_minimal
noidentification = 0; ide = ide_minimal;
if SampleSize == 1
Jacob = ide.si_J;
Jacob = ide.dMINIMAL;
else %skip test
noidentification = 1; no_warning_message_display = 0;
elseif jide == 3
strTest = 'Komunjer and NG (2011)'; strJacobian = 'D'; strMeaning = 'minimal system';
if ~no_identification_minimal
noidentification = 0; ide = ide_minimal;
strTest = 'SPECTRUM (Qu and Tkachenko, 2012)'; strJacobian = 'Gbar'; strMeaning = 'Jacobian of mean and spectrum';
if options_ident.order > 1
strTest = 'SPECTRUM (Mutschler, 2015)';
if ~no_identification_spectrum
noidentification = 0; ide = ide_spectrum;
if SampleSize == 1
Jacob = ide.D;
Jacob = ide.dSPECTRUM;
else %skip test
noidentification = 1; no_warning_message_display = 0;
elseif jide == 4
strTest = 'Qu and Tkachenko (2012)'; strJacobian = 'G'; strMeaning = 'spectrum';
if ~no_identification_spectrum
noidentification = 0; ide = ide_spectrum;
strTest = 'MOMENTS (Iskrev, 2010)'; strJacobian = 'J'; strMeaning = 'Jacobian of first two moments';
if options_ident.order > 1
strTest = 'MOMENTS (Mutschler, 2015)'; strJacobian = 'Mbar';
if ~no_identification_moments
noidentification = 0; ide = ide_moments;
if SampleSize == 1
Jacob = ide.G;
Jacob = ide.si_dMOMENTS;
else %skip test
noidentification = 1; no_warning_message_display = 0;
if ~noidentification
@ -176,7 +184,7 @@ for jide = 1:4
%% display problematic parameters computed by identification_checks_via_subsets (only for debugging)
%% display problematic parameters computed by identification_checks_via_subsets
elseif checks_via_subsets
if ide.rank < size(Jacob,2)
no_warning_message_display = 0;
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@ end
%% Advanced identificaton patterns
if SampleSize==1 && options_ident.advanced
for j=1:size(ide_moments.cosnJ,2)
for j=1:size(ide_moments.cosndMOMENTS,2)
disp(['Collinearity patterns with ', int2str(j) ,' parameter(s)'])
@ -249,10 +257,10 @@ if SampleSize==1 && options_ident.advanced
namx=[namx ' ' sprintf('%-15s','--')];
namx=[namx ' ' sprintf('%-15s',name{dumpindx})];
fprintf('%-15s [%s] %14.7f\n',name{i},namx,ide_moments.cosnJ(i,j))
fprintf('%-15s [%s] %14.7f\n',name{i},namx,ide_moments.cosndMOMENTS(i,j))

View File

@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
function [pdraws, STO_TAU, STO_MOMENTS, STO_LRE, STO_si_dLRE, STO_si_dTAU, STO_si_J, STO_G, STO_D] = dynare_identification(options_ident, pdraws0)
%function [pdraws, STO_TAU, STO_MOMENTS, STO_LRE, STO_dLRE, STO_dTAU, STO_J, STO_G, STO_D] = dynare_identification(options_ident, pdraws0)
function [pdraws, STO_REDUCEDFORM, STO_MOMENTS, STO_DYNAMIC, STO_si_dDYNAMIC, STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM, STO_si_dMOMENTS, STO_dSPECTRUM, STO_dMINIMAL] = dynare_identification(options_ident, pdraws0)
%function [pdraws, STO_REDUCEDFORM, STO_MOMENTS, STO_DYNAMIC, STO_si_dDYNAMIC, STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM, STO_si_dMOMENTS, STO_dSPECTRUM, STO_dMINIMAL] = dynare_identification(options_ident, pdraws0)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function is called, when the user specifies identification(...); in
% the mod file. It prepares all identification analysis, i.e.
% (1) sets options, local/persistent/global variables for a new identification
% analysis either for a single point or MC Sample and displays and plots the results
% or
% (2) loads, displays and plots a previously saved identification analysis
% (1) sets options, local and persistent variables for a new identification
% analysis either for a single point or a MC Sample. It also displays
% and plots the results.
% or this function can be used to
% (2) load, display and plot a previously saved identification analysis
% Note: This function does not output the arguments to the workspace if only called by
% "identification" in the mod file, but saves results to the folder identification.
% If you want to use this function directly in the mod file and workspace, you still have
% to put identification once in the mod file, otherwise the preprocessor won't compute all necessary objects
% =========================================================================
% * options_ident [structure] identification options
% * pdraws0 [SampleSize by totparam_nbr] optional: matrix of MC sample of model parameters
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Note: This function does not output the arguments to the workspace if only called by
% "identification" in the mod file, but saves results to the folder identification.
% One can, however, just use
% [pdraws, STO_TAU, STO_MOMENTS, STO_LRE, STO_dLRE, STO_dTAU, STO_J, STO_G, STO_D] = dynare_identification(options_ident, pdraws0)
% in the mod file to get the results directly in the workspace
% * pdraws [matrix] MC sample of model params used
% * STO_TAU, [matrix] MC sample of entries in the model solution (stacked vertically)
% * STO_MOMENTS, [matrix] MC sample of entries in the moments (stacked vertically)
% * STO_LRE, [matrix] MC sample of entries in LRE model (stacked vertically)
% * STO_dLRE, [matrix] MC sample of derivatives of the Jacobian (dLRE)
% * STO_dTAU, [matrix] MC sample of derivatives of the model solution and steady state (dTAU)
% * STO_J [matrix] MC sample of Iskrev (2010)'s J matrix
% * STO_G [matrix] MC sample of Qu and Tkachenko (2012)'s G matrix
% * STO_D [matrix] MC sample of Komunjer and Ng (2011)'s D matrix
% * pdraws [matrix] MC sample of model params used
% * STO_REDUCEDFORM, [matrix] MC sample of entries in steady state and reduced form model solution (stacked vertically)
% * STO_MOMENTS, [matrix] MC sample of entries in theoretical first two moments (stacked vertically)
% * STO_DYNAMIC, [matrix] MC sample of entries in steady state and dynamic model derivatives (stacked vertically)
% * STO_si_dDYNAMIC, [matrix] MC sample of derivatives of steady state and dynamic derivatives
% * STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM, [matrix] MC sample of derivatives of steady state and reduced form model solution
% * STO_si_dMOMENTS [matrix] MC sample of Iskrev (2010)'s J matrix
% * STO_dSPECTRUM [matrix] MC sample of Qu and Tkachenko (2012)'s \bar{G} matrix
% * STO_dMINIMAL [matrix] MC sample of Komunjer and Ng (2011)'s \bar{\Delta} matrix
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function is called by
% * driver.m
@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'parameter_set','prior_mean');
options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'load_ident_files',0);
% 1: load previously computed analysis from identification/fname_identif.mat
options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'useautocorr',0);
% 1: use autocorrelations in Iskrev (2010)'s J criteria
% 0: use autocovariances in Iskrev (2010)'s J criteria
% 1: use autocorrelations in Iskrev (2010)'s criteria
% 0: use autocovariances in Iskrev (2010)'s criteria
options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'ar',1);
% number of lags to consider for autocovariances/autocorrelations in Iskrev (2010)'s J criteria
% number of lags to consider for autocovariances/autocorrelations in Iskrev (2010)'s criteria
options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'prior_mc',1);
% size of Monte-Carlo sample of parameter draws
options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'prior_range',0);
@ -121,16 +121,17 @@ options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'periods',300);
options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'replic',100);
% number of replicas to compute simulated moment uncertainty, when analytic Hessian is not available
options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'advanced',0);
% 1: show a more detailed analysis based on reduced-form solution and Jacobian of dynamic model (LRE). Further, performs a brute force
% search of the groups of parameters best reproducing the behavior of each single parameter of Iskrev (2010)'s J.
% 1: show a more detailed analysis based on reduced-form model solution and dynamic model derivatives. Further, performs a brute force
% search of the groups of parameters best reproducing the behavior of each single parameter.
options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'normalize_jacobians',1);
% 1: normalize Jacobians by rescaling each row by its largest element in absolute value
% 1: normalize Jacobians by either rescaling each row by its largest element in absolute value or for Gram (or Hessian-type) matrices by transforming into correlation-type matrices
options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'grid_nbr',5000);
% number of grid points in [-pi;pi] to approximate the integral to compute Qu and Tkachenko (2012)'s G criteria
% number of grid points in [-pi;pi] to approximate the integral to compute Qu and Tkachenko (2012)'s criteria
% note that grid_nbr needs to be even and actually we use (grid_nbr+1) points, as we add the 0 frequency and use symmetry, i.e. grid_nbr/2
% negative as well as grid_nbr/2 positive values to speed up the compuations
if mod(options_ident.grid_nbr,2) ~= 0
options_ident.grid_nbr = options_ident.grid_nbr+1;
fprintf('IDENTIFICATION: ''grid_nbr'' needs to be even, hence it is reset to %d\n',options_ident.grid_nbr)
if mod(options_ident.grid_nbr,2) ~= 0
error('IDENTIFICATION: You need to set an even value for ''grid_nbr''');
@ -148,25 +149,25 @@ if ~isfield(options_ident,'no_identification_strength')
options_ident.no_identification_strength = 1;
%check whether to compute and display identification criteria based on steady state and reduced-form solution
%check whether to compute and display identification criteria based on steady state and reduced-form model solution
if ~isfield(options_ident,'no_identification_reducedform')
options_ident.no_identification_reducedform = 0;
options_ident.no_identification_reducedform = 1;
%check whether to compute and display identification criteria based on Iskrev (2010)'s J, i.e. derivative of first two moments
%check whether to compute and display identification criteria based on Iskrev (2010), i.e. derivative of first two moments
if ~isfield(options_ident,'no_identification_moments')
options_ident.no_identification_moments = 0;
options_ident.no_identification_moments = 1;
%check whether to compute and display identification criteria based on Komunjer and Ng (2011)'s D, i.e. derivative of first moment, minimal state space system and observational equivalent spectral density transformation
%check whether to compute and display identification criteria based on Komunjer and Ng (2011), i.e. derivative of first moment, minimal state space system and observational equivalent spectral density transformation
if ~isfield(options_ident,'no_identification_minimal')
options_ident.no_identification_minimal = 0;
options_ident.no_identification_minimal = 1;
options_ident.no_identification_minimal = 1;
%Check whether to compute and display identification criteria based on Qu and Tkachenko (2012)'s G, i.e. Gram matrix of derivatives of first moment plus outer product of derivatives of spectral density
%Check whether to compute and display identification criteria based on Qu and Tkachenko (2012), i.e. Gram matrix of derivatives of first moment plus outer product of derivatives of spectral density
if ~isfield(options_ident,'no_identification_spectrum')
options_ident.no_identification_spectrum = 0;
@ -211,6 +212,10 @@ options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'lik_init',1);
% ii) option 1 for the stationary elements
options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'analytic_derivation',1);
% 1: analytic derivation of gradient and hessian of likelihood in dsge_likelihood.m, only works for stationary models, i.e. kalman_algo<3
options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'order',1);
% 1: first-order perturbation approximation, identification is based on linear state space system
% 2: second-order perturbation approximation, identification is based on second-order pruned state space system
% 3: third-order perturbation approximation, identification is based on third-order pruned state space system
%overwrite values in options_, note that options_ is restored at the end of the function
if isfield(options_ident,'TeX')
@ -273,7 +278,17 @@ else
% overwrite settings in options_ and prepare to call dynare_estimation_init
options_.order = 1; % Identification does not support order>1 (yet)
options_.order = options_ident.order;
if options_ident.order > 1
%order>1 is not compatible with analytic derivation in dsge_likelihood.m
%order>1 is based on pruned state space system
options_.pruning = true;
if options_ident.order == 3
options_.k_order_solver = 1;
end =;
options_.prior_mc = options_ident.prior_mc;
options_.Schur_vec_tol = 1.e-8;
@ -284,15 +299,15 @@ options_ = set_default_option(options_,'datafile','');
options_.mode_compute = 0;
options_.plot_priors = 0;
options_.smoother = 1;
options_.options_ident = [];
[dataset_, dataset_info, xparam1, hh, M_, options_, oo_, estim_params_, bayestopt_, bounds] = dynare_estimation_init(M_.endo_names, fname, 1, M_, options_, oo_, estim_params_, bayestopt_);
%outputting dataset_ is needed for Octave
% set method to compute identification Jacobians (kronflag). Default:0
options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'analytic_derivation_mode', options_.analytic_derivation_mode); % if not set by user, inherit default global one
% 0: efficient sylvester equation method to compute analytical derivatives as in Ratto & Iskrev (2011)
% 1: kronecker products method to compute analytical derivatives as in Iskrev (2010)
% -1: numerical two-sided finite difference method to compute numerical derivatives of all Jacobians using function identification_numerical_objective.m (previously thet2tau.m)
% -2: numerical two-sided finite difference method to compute numerically dYss, dg1, d2Yss and d2g1, the Jacobians are then computed analytically as in options 0
% 0: efficient sylvester equation method to compute analytical derivatives as in Ratto & Iskrev (2012)
% 1: kronecker products method to compute analytical derivatives as in Iskrev (2010) (only for order=1)
% -1: numerical two-sided finite difference method to compute numerical derivatives of all identification Jacobians using function identification_numerical_objective.m (previously thet2tau.m)
% -2: numerical two-sided finite difference method to compute numerically dYss, dg1, dg2, dg3, d2Yss and d2g1, the identification Jacobians are then computed analytically as if option is set to 0
options_.analytic_derivation_mode = options_ident.analytic_derivation_mode; %overwrite setting
% initialize persistent variables in prior_draw
@ -365,7 +380,10 @@ end
options_ident.name_tex = name_tex;
disp('==== Identification analysis ====')
fprintf('======== Identification Analysis ========\n')
if options_ident.order > 1
fprintf('Using Pruned State Space System (order=%d)\n',options_ident.order);
if totparam_nbr < 2
options_ident.advanced = 0;
@ -378,20 +396,19 @@ options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'max_dim_cova_group',min([2,tot
options_ident.max_dim_cova_group = min([options_ident.max_dim_cova_group,totparam_nbr-1]);
% In brute force search (ident_bruteforce.m) when advanced=1 this option sets the maximum dimension of groups of parameters that best reproduce the behavior of each single model parameter
options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'checks_via_subsets',0); %[ONLY FOR DEBUGGING]
options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'checks_via_subsets',0);
% 1: uses identification_checks_via_subsets.m to compute problematic parameter combinations
% 0: uses identification_checks.m to compute problematic parameter combinations [default]
options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'max_dim_subsets_groups',min([4,totparam_nbr-1])); %[ONLY FOR DEBUGGING]
% In identification_checks_via_subsets.m, when checks_via_subsets=1, this
% option sets the maximum dimension of groups of parameters for which
% the corresponding rank criteria is checked
options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'max_dim_subsets_groups',min([4,totparam_nbr-1]));
% In identification_checks_via_subsets.m, when checks_via_subsets=1, this option sets the maximum dimension of groups of parameters for which the corresponding rank criteria is checked
options_.options_ident = options_ident; %store identification options into global options
MaxNumberOfBytes = options_.MaxNumberOfBytes; %threshold when to save from memory to files
store_options_ident = options_ident;
MaxNumberOfBytes = options_.MaxNumberOfBytes; %threshold when to save from memory to files
iload = options_ident.load_ident_files;
SampleSize = options_ident.prior_mc;
if iload <=0
%% Perform new identification analysis, i.e. do not load previous analysis
if prior_exist
@ -442,14 +459,14 @@ if iload <=0
% no estimated_params block is available, all stderr and model parameters, but no corr parameters are chosen
params = [sqrt(diag(M_.Sigma_e))', M_.params']; % use current values
params = [sqrt(diag(M_.Sigma_e))', M_.params'];
parameters = 'Current_params';
parameters_TeX = 'Current parameter values';
disp('Testing all current stderr and model parameter values')
options_ident.tittxt = parameters; %title text for graphs and figures
% perform identification analysis for single point
[ide_moments_point, ide_spectrum_point, ide_minimal_point, ide_hess_point, ide_reducedform_point, ide_lre_point, derivatives_info_point, info, options_ident] = ...
[ide_moments_point, ide_spectrum_point, ide_minimal_point, ide_hess_point, ide_reducedform_point, ide_dynamic_point, derivatives_info_point, info, options_ident] = ...
identification_analysis(params, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, options_ident, dataset_info, prior_exist, 1); %the 1 at the end implies initialization of persistent variables
if info(1)~=0
% there are errors in the solution algorithm
@ -496,7 +513,7 @@ if iload <=0
params = prior_draw();
options_ident.tittxt = 'Random_prior_params'; %title text for graphs and figures
% perform identification analysis
[ide_moments_point, ide_spectrum_point, ide_minimal_point, ide_hess_point, ide_reducedform_point, ide_lre_point, derivatives_info, info, options_ident] = ...
[ide_moments_point, ide_spectrum_point, ide_minimal_point, ide_hess_point, ide_reducedform_point, ide_dynamic_point, derivatives_info_point, info, options_ident] = ...
identification_analysis(params,indpmodel,indpstderr,indpcorr,options_ident,dataset_info, prior_exist, 1);
@ -521,13 +538,13 @@ if iload <=0
ide_hess_point.params = params;
% save all output into identification folder
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'ide_moments_point', 'ide_spectrum_point', 'ide_minimal_point', 'ide_hess_point', 'ide_reducedform_point', 'ide_lre_point','store_options_ident');
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_' parameters '_identif.mat'], 'ide_moments_point', 'ide_spectrum_point', 'ide_minimal_point', 'ide_hess_point', 'ide_reducedform_point', 'ide_lre_point','store_options_ident');
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'ide_moments_point', 'ide_spectrum_point', 'ide_minimal_point', 'ide_hess_point', 'ide_reducedform_point', 'ide_dynamic_point','store_options_ident');
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_' parameters '_identif.mat'], 'ide_moments_point', 'ide_spectrum_point', 'ide_minimal_point', 'ide_hess_point', 'ide_reducedform_point', 'ide_dynamic_point','store_options_ident');
% display results of identification analysis
disp_identification(params, ide_reducedform_point, ide_moments_point, ide_spectrum_point, ide_minimal_point, name, options_ident);
if ~options_ident.no_identification_strength && ~options_.nograph
% plot (i) identification strength and sensitivity measure based on the sample information matrix and (ii) advanced analysis graphs
plot_identification(params, ide_moments_point, ide_hess_point, ide_reducedform_point, ide_lre_point, options_ident.advanced, parameters, name, IdentifDirectoryName, parameters_TeX, name_tex);
plot_identification(params, ide_moments_point, ide_hess_point, ide_reducedform_point, ide_dynamic_point, options_ident.advanced, parameters, name, IdentifDirectoryName, parameters_TeX, name_tex);
if SampleSize > 1
@ -553,30 +570,30 @@ if iload <=0
options_ident.tittxt = []; % clear title text for graphs and figures
% run identification analysis
[ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, ide_hess, ide_reducedform, ide_lre, ide_derivatives_info, info, options_MC] = ...
[ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, ide_hess, ide_reducedform, ide_dynamic, ide_derivatives_info, info, options_MC] = ...
identification_analysis(params, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, options_MC, dataset_info, prior_exist, 0); % the 0 implies that we do not initialize persistent variables anymore
if iteration==0 && info(1)==0 % preallocate storage in the first admissable run
delete([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_*.mat']) % delete previously saved results
MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE = min(SampleSize,ceil(MaxNumberOfBytes/(size(ide_reducedform.si_dTAU,1)*totparam_nbr)/8)); % set how many runs can be stored before we save to files
MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE = min(SampleSize,ceil(MaxNumberOfBytes/(size(ide_reducedform.si_dREDUCEDFORM,1)*totparam_nbr)/8)); % set how many runs can be stored before we save to files
pdraws = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr); % preallocate storage for draws in each row
% preallocate storage for linear rational expectations model
STO_si_dLRE = zeros([size(ide_lre.si_dLRE,1),modparam_nbr,MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE]);
STO_LRE = zeros(size(ide_lre.LRE,1),SampleSize);
IDE_LRE.ind_dLRE = ide_lre.ind_dLRE;
IDE_LRE.in0 = zeros(SampleSize,modparam_nbr);
IDE_LRE.ind0 = zeros(SampleSize,modparam_nbr);
IDE_LRE.jweak = zeros(SampleSize,modparam_nbr);
IDE_LRE.jweak_pair = zeros(SampleSize,modparam_nbr*(modparam_nbr+1)/2);
IDE_LRE.cond = zeros(SampleSize,1);
IDE_LRE.Mco = zeros(SampleSize,modparam_nbr);
% preallocate storage for steady state and dynamic model derivatives
STO_si_dDYNAMIC = zeros([size(ide_dynamic.si_dDYNAMIC,1),modparam_nbr,MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE]);
STO_DYNAMIC = zeros(size(ide_dynamic.DYNAMIC,1),SampleSize);
IDE_DYNAMIC.ind_dDYNAMIC = ide_dynamic.ind_dDYNAMIC;
IDE_DYNAMIC.in0 = zeros(SampleSize,modparam_nbr);
IDE_DYNAMIC.ind0 = zeros(SampleSize,modparam_nbr);
IDE_DYNAMIC.jweak = zeros(SampleSize,modparam_nbr);
IDE_DYNAMIC.jweak_pair = zeros(SampleSize,modparam_nbr*(modparam_nbr+1)/2);
IDE_DYNAMIC.cond = zeros(SampleSize,1);
IDE_DYNAMIC.Mco = zeros(SampleSize,modparam_nbr);
% preallocate storage for reduced form
if ~options_MC.no_identification_reducedform
STO_si_dTAU = zeros([size(ide_reducedform.si_dTAU,1),totparam_nbr,MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE]);
STO_TAU = zeros(size(ide_reducedform.TAU,1),SampleSize);
IDE_REDUCEDFORM.ind_dTAU = ide_reducedform.ind_dTAU;
STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM = zeros([size(ide_reducedform.si_dREDUCEDFORM,1),totparam_nbr,MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE]);
STO_REDUCEDFORM = zeros(size(ide_reducedform.REDUCEDFORM,1),SampleSize);
IDE_REDUCEDFORM.in0 = zeros(SampleSize,1);
IDE_REDUCEDFORM.ind0 = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
IDE_REDUCEDFORM.jweak = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
@ -589,45 +606,45 @@ if iload <=0
% preallocate storage for moments
if ~options_MC.no_identification_moments
STO_si_J = zeros([size(ide_moments.si_J,1),totparam_nbr,MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE]);
STO_MOMENTS = zeros(size(ide_moments.MOMENTS,1),SampleSize);
IDE_MOMENTS.ind_J = ide_moments.ind_J;
IDE_MOMENTS.in0 = zeros(SampleSize,1);
IDE_MOMENTS.ind0 = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
IDE_MOMENTS.jweak = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
IDE_MOMENTS.jweak_pair = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr*(totparam_nbr+1)/2);
IDE_MOMENTS.cond = zeros(SampleSize,1);
IDE_MOMENTS.Mco = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
IDE_MOMENTS.S = zeros(SampleSize,min(8,totparam_nbr));
IDE_MOMENTS.V = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr,min(8,totparam_nbr));
STO_si_dMOMENTS = zeros([size(ide_moments.si_dMOMENTS,1),totparam_nbr,MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE]);
STO_MOMENTS = zeros(size(ide_moments.MOMENTS,1),SampleSize);
IDE_MOMENTS.ind_dMOMENTS = ide_moments.ind_dMOMENTS;
IDE_MOMENTS.in0 = zeros(SampleSize,1);
IDE_MOMENTS.ind0 = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
IDE_MOMENTS.jweak = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
IDE_MOMENTS.jweak_pair = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr*(totparam_nbr+1)/2);
IDE_MOMENTS.cond = zeros(SampleSize,1);
IDE_MOMENTS.Mco = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
IDE_MOMENTS.S = zeros(SampleSize,min(8,totparam_nbr));
IDE_MOMENTS.V = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr,min(8,totparam_nbr));
% preallocate storage for spectrum
if ~options_MC.no_identification_spectrum
STO_G = zeros([size(ide_spectrum.G,1),size(ide_spectrum.G,2), MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE]);
IDE_SPECTRUM.ind_G = ide_spectrum.ind_G;
IDE_SPECTRUM.in0 = zeros(SampleSize,1);
IDE_SPECTRUM.ind0 = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
IDE_SPECTRUM.jweak = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
IDE_SPECTRUM.jweak_pair = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr*(totparam_nbr+1)/2);
IDE_SPECTRUM.cond = zeros(SampleSize,1);
IDE_SPECTRUM.Mco = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
STO_dSPECTRUM = zeros([size(ide_spectrum.dSPECTRUM,1),size(ide_spectrum.dSPECTRUM,2), MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE]);
IDE_SPECTRUM.ind_dSPECTRUM = ide_spectrum.ind_dSPECTRUM;
IDE_SPECTRUM.in0 = zeros(SampleSize,1);
IDE_SPECTRUM.ind0 = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
IDE_SPECTRUM.jweak = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
IDE_SPECTRUM.jweak_pair = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr*(totparam_nbr+1)/2);
IDE_SPECTRUM.cond = zeros(SampleSize,1);
IDE_SPECTRUM.Mco = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
% preallocate storage for minimal system
if ~options_MC.no_identification_minimal
STO_D = zeros([size(ide_minimal.D,1),size(ide_minimal.D,2), MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE]);
IDE_MINIMAL.ind_D = ide_minimal.ind_D;
IDE_MINIMAL.in0 = zeros(SampleSize,1);
IDE_MINIMAL.ind0 = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
IDE_MINIMAL.jweak = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
IDE_MINIMAL.jweak_pair = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr*(totparam_nbr+1)/2);
IDE_MINIMAL.cond = zeros(SampleSize,1);
IDE_MINIMAL.Mco = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
STO_dMINIMAL = zeros([size(ide_minimal.dMINIMAL,1),size(ide_minimal.dMINIMAL,2), MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE]);
IDE_MINIMAL.ind_dMINIMAL = ide_minimal.ind_dMINIMAL;
IDE_MINIMAL.in0 = zeros(SampleSize,1);
IDE_MINIMAL.ind0 = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
IDE_MINIMAL.jweak = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
IDE_MINIMAL.jweak_pair = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr*(totparam_nbr+1)/2);
IDE_MINIMAL.cond = zeros(SampleSize,1);
IDE_MINIMAL.Mco = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr);
@ -638,20 +655,20 @@ if iload <=0
run_index = run_index + 1; %increase index of admissable draws after saving to files
pdraws(iteration,:) = params; % store draw
% store results for linear rational expectations model
STO_LRE(:,iteration) = ide_lre.LRE;
STO_si_dLRE(:,:,run_index) = ide_lre.si_dLRE;
IDE_LRE.cond(iteration,1) = ide_lre.cond;
IDE_LRE.ino(iteration,1) = ide_lre.ino;
IDE_LRE.ind0(iteration,:) = ide_lre.ind0;
IDE_LRE.jweak(iteration,:) = ide_lre.jweak;
IDE_LRE.jweak_pair(iteration,:) = ide_lre.jweak_pair;
IDE_LRE.Mco(iteration,:) = ide_lre.Mco;
% store results for steady state and dynamic model derivatives
STO_DYNAMIC(:,iteration) = ide_dynamic.DYNAMIC;
STO_si_dDYNAMIC(:,:,run_index) = ide_dynamic.si_dDYNAMIC;
IDE_DYNAMIC.cond(iteration,1) = ide_dynamic.cond;
IDE_DYNAMIC.ino(iteration,1) = ide_dynamic.ino;
IDE_DYNAMIC.ind0(iteration,:) = ide_dynamic.ind0;
IDE_DYNAMIC.jweak(iteration,:) = ide_dynamic.jweak;
IDE_DYNAMIC.jweak_pair(iteration,:) = ide_dynamic.jweak_pair;
IDE_DYNAMIC.Mco(iteration,:) = ide_dynamic.Mco;
% store results for reduced form solution
% store results for reduced form model solution
if ~options_MC.no_identification_reducedform
STO_TAU(:,iteration) = ide_reducedform.TAU;
STO_si_dTAU(:,:,run_index) = ide_reducedform.si_dTAU;
STO_REDUCEDFORM(:,iteration) = ide_reducedform.REDUCEDFORM;
STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM(:,:,run_index) = ide_reducedform.si_dREDUCEDFORM;
IDE_REDUCEDFORM.cond(iteration,1) = ide_reducedform.cond;
IDE_REDUCEDFORM.ino(iteration,1) = ide_reducedform.ino;
IDE_REDUCEDFORM.ind0(iteration,:) = ide_reducedform.ind0;
@ -663,7 +680,7 @@ if iload <=0
% store results for moments
if ~options_MC.no_identification_moments
STO_MOMENTS(:,iteration) = ide_moments.MOMENTS;
STO_si_J(:,:,run_index) = ide_moments.si_J;
STO_si_dMOMENTS(:,:,run_index) = ide_moments.si_dMOMENTS;
IDE_MOMENTS.cond(iteration,1) = ide_moments.cond;
IDE_MOMENTS.ino(iteration,1) = ide_moments.ino;
IDE_MOMENTS.ind0(iteration,:) = ide_moments.ind0;
@ -676,7 +693,7 @@ if iload <=0
% store results for spectrum
if ~options_MC.no_identification_spectrum
STO_G(:,:,run_index) = ide_spectrum.G;
STO_dSPECTRUM(:,:,run_index) = ide_spectrum.dSPECTRUM;
IDE_SPECTRUM.cond(iteration,1) = ide_spectrum.cond;
IDE_SPECTRUM.ino(iteration,1) = ide_spectrum.ino;
IDE_SPECTRUM.ind0(iteration,:) = ide_spectrum.ind0;
@ -687,7 +704,7 @@ if iload <=0
% store results for minimal system
if ~options_MC.no_identification_minimal
STO_D(:,:,run_index) = ide_minimal.D;
STO_dMINIMAL(:,:,run_index) = ide_minimal.dMINIMAL;
IDE_MINIMAL.cond(iteration,1) = ide_minimal.cond;
IDE_MINIMAL.ino(iteration,1) = ide_minimal.ino;
IDE_MINIMAL.ind0(iteration,:) = ide_minimal.ind0;
@ -701,37 +718,37 @@ if iload <=0
file_index = file_index + 1;
%we are finished (iteration == SampleSize), so get rid of additional storage
STO_si_dLRE = STO_si_dLRE(:,:,1:run_index);
STO_si_dDYNAMIC = STO_si_dDYNAMIC(:,:,1:run_index);
if ~options_MC.no_identification_reducedform
STO_si_dTAU = STO_si_dTAU(:,:,1:run_index);
STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM = STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM(:,:,1:run_index);
if ~options_MC.no_identification_moments
STO_si_J = STO_si_J(:,:,1:run_index);
STO_si_dMOMENTS = STO_si_dMOMENTS(:,:,1:run_index);
if ~options_MC.no_identification_spectrum
STO_G = STO_G(:,:,1:run_index);
STO_dSPECTRUM = STO_dSPECTRUM(:,:,1:run_index);
if ~options_MC.no_identification_minimal
STO_D = STO_D(:,:,1:run_index);
STO_dMINIMAL = STO_dMINIMAL(:,:,1:run_index);
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(file_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_dLRE');
STO_si_dLRE = zeros(size(STO_si_dLRE)); % reset storage
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(file_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_dDYNAMIC');
STO_si_dDYNAMIC = zeros(size(STO_si_dDYNAMIC)); % reset storage
if ~options_MC.no_identification_reducedform
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(file_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_dTAU', '-append');
STO_si_dTAU = zeros(size(STO_si_dTAU)); % reset storage
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(file_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM', '-append');
STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM = zeros(size(STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM)); % reset storage
if ~options_MC.no_identification_moments
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(file_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_J','-append');
STO_si_J = zeros(size(STO_si_J)); % reset storage
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(file_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_dMOMENTS','-append');
STO_si_dMOMENTS = zeros(size(STO_si_dMOMENTS)); % reset storage
if ~options_MC.no_identification_spectrum
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(file_index) '.mat'], 'STO_G','-append');
STO_G = zeros(size(STO_G)); % reset storage
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(file_index) '.mat'], 'STO_dSPECTRUM','-append');
STO_dSPECTRUM = zeros(size(STO_dSPECTRUM)); % reset storage
if ~options_MC.no_identification_minimal
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(file_index) '.mat'], 'STO_D','-append');
STO_D = zeros(size(STO_D)); % reset storage
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(file_index) '.mat'], 'STO_dMINIMAL','-append');
STO_dMINIMAL = zeros(size(STO_dMINIMAL)); % reset storage
run_index = 0; % reset index
@ -743,9 +760,9 @@ if iload <=0
if SampleSize > 1
normalize_STO_LRE = std(STO_LRE,0,2);
normalize_STO_DYNAMIC = std(STO_DYNAMIC,0,2);
if ~options_MC.no_identification_reducedform
normalize_STO_TAU = std(STO_TAU,0,2);
if ~options_MC.no_identification_moments
normalize_STO_MOMENTS = std(STO_MOMENTS,0,2);
@ -759,65 +776,65 @@ if iload <=0
normaliz1 = std(pdraws);
iter = 0;
for ifile_index = 1:file_index
load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(ifile_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_dLRE');
maxrun_dLRE = size(STO_si_dLRE,3);
load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(ifile_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_dDYNAMIC');
maxrun_dDYNAMIC = size(STO_si_dDYNAMIC,3);
if ~options_MC.no_identification_reducedform
load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(ifile_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_dTAU');
maxrun_dTAU = size(STO_si_dTAU,3);
load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(ifile_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM');
maxrun_dREDUCEDFORM = size(STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM,3);
maxrun_dTAU = 0;
maxrun_dREDUCEDFORM = 0;
if ~options_MC.no_identification_moments
load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(ifile_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_J');
maxrun_J = size(STO_si_J,3);
load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(ifile_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_dMOMENTS');
maxrun_dMOMENTS = size(STO_si_dMOMENTS,3);
maxrun_J = 0;
maxrun_dMOMENTS = 0;
if ~options_MC.no_identification_spectrum
load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(ifile_index) '.mat'], 'STO_G');
maxrun_G = size(STO_G,3);
load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(ifile_index) '.mat'], 'STO_dSPECTRUM');
maxrun_dSPECTRUM = size(STO_dSPECTRUM,3);
maxrun_G = 0;
maxrun_dSPECTRUM = 0;
if ~options_MC.no_identification_minimal
load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(ifile_index) '.mat'], 'STO_D');
maxrun_D = size(STO_D,3);
load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(ifile_index) '.mat'], 'STO_dMINIMAL');
maxrun_dMINIMAL = size(STO_dMINIMAL,3);
maxrun_D = 0;
maxrun_dMINIMAL = 0;
for irun=1:max([maxrun_dLRE, maxrun_dTAU, maxrun_J, maxrun_G, maxrun_D])
for irun=1:max([maxrun_dDYNAMIC, maxrun_dREDUCEDFORM, maxrun_dMOMENTS, maxrun_dSPECTRUM, maxrun_dMINIMAL])
% note that this is not the same si_dLREnorm as computed in identification_analysis
% note that this is not the same si_dDYNAMICnorm as computed in identification_analysis
% given that we have the MC sample of the Jacobians, we also normalize by the std of the sample of Jacobian entries, to get a fully standardized sensitivity measure
si_dLREnorm(iter,:) = vnorm(STO_si_dLRE(:,:,irun)./repmat(normalize_STO_LRE,1,totparam_nbr-(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr))).*normaliz1((stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)+1:end);
si_dDYNAMICnorm(iter,:) = vnorm(STO_si_dDYNAMIC(:,:,irun)./repmat(normalize_STO_DYNAMIC,1,totparam_nbr-(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr))).*normaliz1((stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)+1:end);
if ~options_MC.no_identification_reducedform
% note that this is not the same si_dTAUnorm as computed in identification_analysis
% note that this is not the same si_dREDUCEDFORMnorm as computed in identification_analysis
% given that we have the MC sample of the Jacobians, we also normalize by the std of the sample of Jacobian entries, to get a fully standardized sensitivity measure
si_dTAUnorm(iter,:) = vnorm(STO_si_dTAU(:,:,irun)./repmat(normalize_STO_TAU,1,totparam_nbr)).*normaliz1;
si_dREDUCEDFORMnorm(iter,:) = vnorm(STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM(:,:,irun)./repmat(normalize_STO_REDUCEDFORM,1,totparam_nbr)).*normaliz1;
if ~options_MC.no_identification_moments
% note that this is not the same si_Jnorm as computed in identification_analysis
% note that this is not the same si_dMOMENTSnorm as computed in identification_analysis
% given that we have the MC sample of the Jacobians, we also normalize by the std of the sample of Jacobian entries, to get a fully standardized sensitivity measure
si_Jnorm(iter,:) = vnorm(STO_si_J(:,:,irun)./repmat(normalize_STO_MOMENTS,1,totparam_nbr)).*normaliz1;
si_dMOMENTSnorm(iter,:) = vnorm(STO_si_dMOMENTS(:,:,irun)./repmat(normalize_STO_MOMENTS,1,totparam_nbr)).*normaliz1;
if ~options_MC.no_identification_spectrum
% note that this is not the same Gnorm as computed in identification_analysis
Gnorm(iter,:) = vnorm(STO_G(:,:,irun)); %not yet used
% note that this is not the same dSPECTRUMnorm as computed in identification_analysis
dSPECTRUMnorm(iter,:) = vnorm(STO_dSPECTRUM(:,:,irun)); %not yet used
if ~options_MC.no_identification_minimal
% note that this is not the same Dnorm as computed in identification_analysis
Dnorm(iter,:) = vnorm(STO_D(:,:,irun)); %not yet used
% note that this is not the same dMINIMALnorm as computed in identification_analysis
dMINIMALnorm(iter,:) = vnorm(STO_dMINIMAL(:,:,irun)); %not yet used
IDE_LRE.si_dLREnorm = si_dLREnorm;
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'pdraws', 'IDE_LRE','STO_LRE','-append');
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'pdraws', 'IDE_DYNAMIC','STO_DYNAMIC','-append');
if ~options_MC.no_identification_reducedform
IDE_REDUCEDFORM.si_dTAUnorm = si_dTAUnorm;
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'IDE_REDUCEDFORM', 'STO_TAU','-append');
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'IDE_REDUCEDFORM', 'STO_REDUCEDFORM','-append');
if ~options_MC.no_identification_moments
IDE_MOMENTS.si_Jnorm = si_Jnorm;
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'IDE_MOMENTS', 'STO_MOMENTS','-append');
@ -836,25 +853,25 @@ end
%% if dynare_identification is called as it own function (not through identification command) and if we load files
if nargout>3 && iload
filnam = dir([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_*.mat']);
STO_si_dLRE = [];
STO_si_J = [];
STO_G = [];
STO_D = [];
STO_si_dDYNAMIC = [];
STO_si_dMOMENTS = [];
for j=1:length(filnam)
load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_',int2str(j),'.mat']);
STO_si_dLRE = cat(3,STO_si_dLRE, STO_si_dLRE(:,abs(iload),:));
STO_si_dDYNAMIC = cat(3,STO_si_dDYNAMIC, STO_si_dDYNAMIC(:,abs(iload),:));
if ~options_ident.no_identification_reducedform
STO_si_dTAU = cat(3,STO_si_dTAU, STO_si_dTAU(:,abs(iload),:));
STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM = cat(3,STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM, STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM(:,abs(iload),:));
if ~options_ident.no_identification_moments
STO_si_J = cat(3,STO_si_J, STO_si_J(:,abs(iload),:));
STO_si_dMOMENTS = cat(3,STO_si_dMOMENTS, STO_si_dMOMENTS(:,abs(iload),:));
if ~options_ident.no_identification_spectrum
STO_G = cat(3,STO_G, STO_G(:,abs(iload),:));
STO_dSPECTRUM = cat(3,STO_dSPECTRUM, STO_dSPECTRUM(:,abs(iload),:));
if ~options_ident.no_identification_minimal
STO_D = cat(3,STO_D, STO_D(:,abs(iload),:));
STO_dMINIMAL = cat(3,STO_dMINIMAL, STO_dMINIMAL(:,abs(iload),:));
@ -865,7 +882,7 @@ if iload
disp_identification(ide_hess_point.params, ide_reducedform_point, ide_moments_point, ide_spectrum_point, ide_minimal_point, name, options_ident);
if ~options_.nograph
% plot (i) identification strength and sensitivity measure based on the sample information matrix and (ii) advanced analysis graphs
plot_identification(ide_hess_point.params, ide_moments_point, ide_hess_point, ide_reducedform_point, ide_lre_point, options_ident.advanced, parameters, name, IdentifDirectoryName, [],name_tex);
plot_identification(ide_hess_point.params, ide_moments_point, ide_hess_point, ide_reducedform_point, ide_dynamic_point, options_ident.advanced, parameters, name, IdentifDirectoryName, [],name_tex);
@ -880,7 +897,7 @@ if SampleSize > 1
options_ident.advanced = advanced0; % reset advanced setting
if ~options_.nograph
% plot (i) identification strength and sensitivity measure based on the sample information matrix and (ii) advanced analysis graphs
plot_identification(pdraws, IDE_MOMENTS, ide_hess_point, IDE_REDUCEDFORM, IDE_LRE, options_ident.advanced, 'MC sample ', name, IdentifDirectoryName, [], name_tex);
plot_identification(pdraws, IDE_MOMENTS, ide_hess_point, IDE_REDUCEDFORM, IDE_DYNAMIC, options_ident.advanced, 'MC sample ', name, IdentifDirectoryName, [], name_tex);
%advanced display and plots for MC Sample, i.e. look at draws with highest/lowest condition number
if options_ident.advanced
@ -898,16 +915,16 @@ if SampleSize > 1
disp(['Testing ',tittxt, '.']),
if ~iload
options_ident.tittxt = tittxt; %title text for graphs and figures
[ide_moments_max, ide_spectrum_max, ide_minimal_max, ide_hess_max, ide_reducedform_max, ide_lre_max, derivatives_info_max, info_max, options_ident] = ...
[ide_moments_max, ide_spectrum_max, ide_minimal_max, ide_hess_max, ide_reducedform_max, ide_dynamic_max, derivatives_info_max, info_max, options_ident] = ...
identification_analysis(pdraws(jmax,:), indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, options_ident, dataset_info, prior_exist, 1); %the 1 at the end initializes some persistent variables
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'ide_hess_max', 'ide_moments_max', 'ide_spectrum_max', 'ide_minimal_max','ide_reducedform_max', 'ide_lre_max', 'jmax', '-append');
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'ide_hess_max', 'ide_moments_max', 'ide_spectrum_max', 'ide_minimal_max','ide_reducedform_max', 'ide_dynamic_max', 'jmax', '-append');
advanced0 = options_ident.advanced; options_ident.advanced = 1; % make sure advanced setting is on
disp_identification(pdraws(jmax,:), ide_reducedform_max, ide_moments_max, ide_spectrum_max, ide_minimal_max, name, options_ident);
options_ident.advanced = advanced0; %reset advanced setting
if ~options_.nograph
% plot (i) identification strength and sensitivity measure based on the sample information matrix and (ii) advanced analysis graphs
plot_identification(pdraws(jmax,:), ide_moments_max, ide_hess_max, ide_reducedform_max, ide_lre_max, 1, tittxt, name, IdentifDirectoryName, tittxt, name_tex);
plot_identification(pdraws(jmax,:), ide_moments_max, ide_hess_max, ide_reducedform_max, ide_dynamic_max, 1, tittxt, name, IdentifDirectoryName, tittxt, name_tex);
% SMALLEST condition number
@ -918,16 +935,16 @@ if SampleSize > 1
disp(['Testing ',tittxt, '.']),
if ~iload
options_ident.tittxt = tittxt; %title text for graphs and figures
[ide_moments_min, ide_spectrum_min, ide_minimal_min, ide_hess_min, ide_reducedform_min, ide_lre_min, derivatives_info_min, info_min, options_ident] = ...
[ide_moments_min, ide_spectrum_min, ide_minimal_min, ide_hess_min, ide_reducedform_min, ide_dynamic_min, derivatives_info_min, info_min, options_ident] = ...
identification_analysis(pdraws(jmin,:), indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, options_ident, dataset_info, prior_exist, 1); %the 1 at the end initializes persistent variables
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'ide_hess_min', 'ide_moments_min','ide_spectrum_min','ide_minimal_min','ide_reducedform_min', 'ide_lre_min', 'jmin', '-append');
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'ide_hess_min', 'ide_moments_min','ide_spectrum_min','ide_minimal_min','ide_reducedform_min', 'ide_dynamic_min', 'jmin', '-append');
advanced0 = options_ident.advanced; options_ident.advanced = 1; % make sure advanced setting is on
disp_identification(pdraws(jmin,:), ide_reducedform_min, ide_moments_min, ide_spectrum_min, ide_minimal_min, name, options_ident);
options_ident.advanced = advanced0; %reset advanced setting
if ~options_.nograph
% plot (i) identification strength and sensitivity measure based on the sample information matrix and (ii) advanced analysis graphs
% reset nodisplay option
options_.nodisplay = store_nodisplay;
@ -941,7 +958,7 @@ if SampleSize > 1
disp(['Testing ',tittxt, '.']),
if ~iload
options_ident.tittxt = tittxt; %title text for graphs and figures
[ide_moments_(j), ide_spectrum_(j), ide_minimal_(j), ide_hess_(j), ide_reducedform_(j), ide_lre_(j), derivatives_info_(j), info_resolve, options_ident] = ...
[ide_moments_(j), ide_spectrum_(j), ide_minimal_(j), ide_hess_(j), ide_reducedform_(j), ide_dynamic_(j), derivatives_info_(j), info_resolve, options_ident] = ...
identification_analysis(pdraws(jcrit(j),:), indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, options_ident, dataset_info, prior_exist, 1);
advanced0 = options_ident.advanced; options_ident.advanced = 1; %make sure advanced setting is on
@ -949,11 +966,11 @@ if SampleSize > 1
options_ident.advanced = advanced0; % reset advanced
if ~options_.nograph
% plot (i) identification strength and sensitivity measure based on the sample information matrix and (ii) advanced analysis graphs
plot_identification(pdraws(jcrit(j),:), ide_moments_(j), ide_hess_(j), ide_reducedform_(j), ide_lre_(j), 1, tittxt, name, IdentifDirectoryName, tittxt, name_tex);
plot_identification(pdraws(jcrit(j),:), ide_moments_(j), ide_hess_(j), ide_reducedform_(j), ide_dynamic_(j), 1, tittxt, name, IdentifDirectoryName, tittxt, name_tex);
if ~iload
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'ide_hess_', 'ide_moments_', 'ide_reducedform_', 'ide_lre_', 'ide_spectrum_', 'ide_minimal_', 'jcrit', '-append');
save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'ide_hess_', 'ide_moments_', 'ide_reducedform_', 'ide_dynamic_', 'ide_spectrum_', 'ide_minimal_', 'jcrit', '-append');
% reset nodisplay option
options_.nodisplay = store_nodisplay;

View File

@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
function [J, G, D, dTAU, dLRE, dA, dOm, dYss, MOMENTS] = get_identification_jacobians(A, B, estim_params, M, oo, options, options_ident, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs)
% [J, G, D, dTAU, dLRE, dA, dOm, dYss, MOMENTS] = get_identification_jacobians(A, B, estim_params, M, oo, options, options_ident, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs)
function [E_y, dE_y, REDUCEDFORM, dREDUCEDFORM, DYNAMIC, dDYNAMIC, MOMENTS, dMOMENTS, dSPECTRUM, dMINIMAL, derivatives_info] = get_identification_jacobians(estim_params, M, oo, options, options_ident, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs)
% function [MEAN, dMEAN, REDUCEDFORM, dREDUCEDFORM, DYNAMIC, dDYNAMIC, MOMENTS, dMOMENTS, dSPECTRUM, dMINIMAL, derivatives_info] = get_identification_jacobians(estim_params, M, oo, options, options_ident, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs)
% previously getJJ.m
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Sets up the Jacobians needed for identification analysis based on the
% Iskrev's J, Qu and Tkachenko's G and Komunjer and Ng's D matrices as well
% as on the reduced-form model (dTAU) and the dynamic model (dLRE)
% % Sets up the Jacobians needed for identification analysis
% =========================================================================
% A: [endo_nbr by endo_nbr] in DR order
% Transition matrix from Kalman filter for all endogenous declared variables,
% B: [endo_nbr by exo_nbr] in DR order
% Transition matrix from Kalman filter mapping shocks today to endogenous variables today
% estim_params: [structure] storing the estimation information
% M: [structure] storing the model information
% oo: [structure] storing the reduced-form solution results
@ -31,37 +24,50 @@ function [J, G, D, dTAU, dLRE, dA, dOm, dYss, MOMENTS] = get_identification_jaco
% indvobs: [obs_nbr by 1] index of observed (VAROBS) variables
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% J: [obs_nbr+obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2+nlags*obs_nbr^2 by totparam_nbr] in DR Order
% Jacobian of 1st and 2nd order moments of observables wrt,
% all parameters, i.e. dgam (see below for definition of gam).
% Corresponds to Iskrev (2010)'s J matrix.
% G: [totparam_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR Order
% Sum of (1) Gram Matrix of Jacobian of spectral density
% wrt to all parameters plus (2) Gram Matrix of Jacobian
% of steady state wrt to all parameters.
% Corresponds to Qu and Tkachenko (2012)'s G matrix.
% D: [obs_nbr+minstate_nbr^2+minstate_nbr*exo_nbr+obs_nbr*minstate_nbr+obs_nbr*exo_nbr+exo_nbr*(exo_nbr+1)/2 by totparam_nbr+minstate_nbr^2+exo_nbr^2] in DR order
% Jacobian of minimal System Matrices and unique Transformation
% of steady state and spectral density matrix.
% Corresponds to Komunjer and Ng (2011)'s Delta matrix.
% dTAU: [(endo_nbr+endo_nbr^2+endo_nbr*(endo_nbr+1)/2) by totparam_nbr] in DR order
% Jacobian of linearized reduced form state space model, given Yss [steady state],
% A [transition matrix], B [matrix of shocks], Sigma [covariance of shocks]
% tau = [ys; vec(A); dyn_vech(B*Sigma*B')] with respect to all parameters.
% dLRE: [endo_nbr+endo_nbr*(dynamicvar_nbr+exo_nbr) by modparam_nbr] in DR order
% Jacobian of steady state and linear rational expectation matrices
% (i.e. Jacobian of dynamic model) with respect to estimated model parameters only (indpmodel)
% dA: [endo_nbr by endo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order
% Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of transition matrix A
% dOm: [endo_nbr by endo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order
% Jacobian (wrt to all paramters) of Om = (B*Sigma_e*B')
% dYss [endo_nbr by modparam_nbr] in DR order
% Jacobian (wrt model parameters only) of steady state
% MOMENTS: [obs_nbr+obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2+nlags*obs_nbr^2 by 1]
% vector of theoretical moments of observed (VAROBS)
% variables. Note that J is the Jacobian of MOMENTS.
% MOMENTS = [ys(indvobs); dyn_vech(GAM{1}); vec(GAM{j+1})]; for j=1:ar and where
% GAM is the first output of th_autocovariances
% MEAN [endo_nbr by 1], in DR order. Expectation of all model variables
% * order==1: corresponds to steady state
% * order==2: computed from pruned state space system (as in e.g. Andreasen, Fernandez-Villaverde, Rubio-Ramirez, 2018)
% dMEAN [endo_nbr by totparam_nbr], in DR Order, Jacobian (wrt all params) of MEAN
% REDUCEDFORM [rowredform_nbr by 1] in DR order. Steady state and reduced-form model solution matrices for all model variables
% * order==1: [Yss' vec(dghx)' vech(dghu*Sigma_e*dghu')']',
% where rowredform_nbr = endo_nbr+endo_nbr*nspred+endo_nbr*(endo_nbr+1)/2
% * order==2: [Yss' vec(dghx)' vech(dghu*Sigma_e*dghu')' vec(dghxx)' vec(dghxu)' vec(dghuu)' vec(dghs2)']',
% where rowredform_nbr = endo_nbr+endo_nbr*nspred+endo_nbr*(endo_nbr+1)/2+endo_nbr*nspred^2*endo_nbr*nspred*exo_nr+endo_nbr*exo_nbr^2+endo_nbr
% dREDUCEDFORM: [rowrf_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order, Jacobian (wrt all params) of REDUCEDFORM
% * order==1: corresponds to Iskrev (2010)'s J_2 matrix
% * order==2: corresponds to Mutschler (2015)'s J matrix
% DYNAMIC [rowdyn_nbr by 1] in declaration order. Steady state and dynamic model derivatives for all model variables
% * order==1: [ys' vec(g1)']', rowdyn_nbr=endo_nbr+length(g1)
% * order==2: [ys' vec(g1)' vec(g2)']', rowdyn_nbr=endo_nbr+length(g1)+length(g2)
% dDYNAMIC [rowdyn_nbr by modparam_nbr] in declaration order. Jacobian (wrt model parameters) of DYNAMIC
% * order==1: corresponds to Ratto and Iskrev (2011)'s J_\Gamma matrix (or LRE)
% * order==2: additionally includes derivatives of dynamic hessian
% MOMENTS: [obs_nbr+obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2+nlags*obs_nbr^2 by 1] in DR order. First two theoretical moments for VAROBS variables, i.e.
% [E[yobs]' vech(E[yobs*yobs'])' vec(E[yobs*yobs(-1)'])' ... vec(E[yobs*yobs(-nlag)'])']
% dMOMENTS: [obs_nbr+obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2+nlags*obs_nbr^2 by totparam_nbr] in DR order. Jacobian (wrt all params) of MOMENTS
% * order==1: corresponds to Iskrev (2010)'s J matrix
% * order==2: corresponds to Mutschler (2015)'s \bar{M}_2 matrix, i.e. theoretical moments from the pruned state space system
% dSPECTRUM: [totparam_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order. Gram matrix of Jacobian (wrt all params) of spectral density for VAROBS variables, where
% spectral density at frequency w: f(w) = (2*pi)^(-1)*H(exp(-i*w))*E[xi*xi']*ctranspose(H(exp(-i*w)) with H being the Transfer function
% dSPECTRUM = int_{-\pi}^\pi transpose(df(w)/dp')*(df(w)/dp') dw
% * order==1: corresponds to Qu and Tkachenko (2012)'s G matrix, where xi and H are computed from linear state space system
% * order==2: corresponds to Mutschler (2015)'s G_2 matrix, where xi and H are computed from pruned state space system
% dMINIMAL: [obs_nbr+minx^2+minx*exo_nbr+obs_nbr*minx+obs_nbr*exo_nbr+exo_nbr*(exo_nbr+1)/2 by totparam_nbr+minx^2+exo_nbr^2]
% Jacobian (wrt all params, and similarity_transformation_matrices (T and U)) of observational equivalent minimal ABCD system,
% corresponds to Komunjer and Ng (2011)'s Deltabar matrix, where
% MINIMAL = [vec(E[yobs]' vec(minA)' vec(minB)' vec(minC)' vec(minD)' vech(Sigma_e)']'
% * order==1: E[yobs] is equal to steady state
% * order==2: E[yobs] is computed from the pruned state space system (second-order accurate), as noted in section 5 of Komunjer and Ng (2011)
% derivatives_info [structure] for use in dsge_likelihood to compute Hessian analytically.
% Contains dA, dB, and d(B*Sigma_e*B'), where A and B are from Kalman filter. Only used at order==1.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function is called by
% * identification_analysis.m
@ -71,11 +77,10 @@ function [J, G, D, dTAU, dLRE, dA, dOm, dYss, MOMENTS] = get_identification_jaco
% * get_minimal_state_representation
% * duplication
% * dyn_vech
% * get_perturbation_params_deriv (previously getH)
% * get_perturbation_params_derivs (previously getH)
% * get_all_parameters
% * fjaco
% * lyapunov_symm
% * th_autocovariances
% * identification_numerical_objective (previously thet2tau)
% * vec
% =========================================================================
@ -98,13 +103,17 @@ function [J, G, D, dTAU, dLRE, dA, dOm, dYss, MOMENTS] = get_identification_jaco
% =========================================================================
%get options
no_identification_moments = options_ident.no_identification_moments;
no_identification_minimal = options_ident.no_identification_minimal;
no_identification_spectrum = options_ident.no_identification_spectrum;
order = options_ident.order;
nlags =;
useautocorr = options_ident.useautocorr;
grid_nbr = options_ident.grid_nbr;
kronflag = options_ident.analytic_derivation_mode;
no_identification_moments = options_ident.no_identification_moments;
no_identification_minimal = options_ident.no_identification_minimal;
no_identification_spectrum = options_ident.no_identification_spectrum;
% set values
params0 = M.params; %values at which to evaluate dynamic, static and param_derivs files
Sigma_e0 = M.Sigma_e; %covariance matrix of exogenous shocks
Corr_e0 = M.Correlation_matrix; %correlation matrix of exogenous shocks
@ -114,6 +123,7 @@ if isempty(para0)
%if there is no estimated_params block, consider all stderr and all model parameters, but no corr parameters
para0 = [stderr_e0', params0'];
%get numbers/lengths of vectors
modparam_nbr = length(indpmodel);
stderrparam_nbr = length(indpstderr);
@ -122,108 +132,196 @@ totparam_nbr = stderrparam_nbr + corrparam_nbr + modparam_nbr;
obs_nbr = length(indvobs);
exo_nbr = M.exo_nbr;
endo_nbr = M.endo_nbr;
nspred = M.nspred;
nstatic = M.nstatic;
indvall = (1:endo_nbr)'; %index for all endogenous variables
d2flag = 0; % do not compute second parameter derivatives
%% Construct dTAU, dLRE, dA, dOm, dYss
DERIVS = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M, options, estim_params, oo, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, 0);%d2flag=0
dA = zeros(M.endo_nbr, M.endo_nbr, size(DERIVS.dghx,3));
dA(:,M.nstatic+(1:M.nspred),:) = DERIVS.dghx;
dB = DERIVS.dghu;
dSig = DERIVS.dSigma_e;
dOm = DERIVS.dOm;
dYss = DERIVS.dYss;
% Get Jacobians (wrt selected params) of steady state, dynamic model derivatives and perturbation solution matrices for all endogenous variables
oo.dr.derivs = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M, options, estim_params, oo, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, d2flag);
% Collect terms for derivative of tau=[Yss; vec(A); vech(Om)]
dTAU = zeros(endo_nbr*endo_nbr+endo_nbr*(endo_nbr+1)/2, totparam_nbr);
for j=1:totparam_nbr
dTAU(:,j) = [vec(dA(:,:,j)); dyn_vech(dOm(:,:,j))];
[I,~] = find(M.lead_lag_incidence'); %I is used to select nonzero columns of the Jacobian of endogenous variables in dynamic model files
yy0 = oo.dr.ys(I); %steady state of dynamic (endogenous and auxiliary variables) in lead_lag_incidence order
Yss = oo.dr.ys(oo.dr.order_var); % steady state in DR order
if order == 1
[~, g1 ] = feval([M.fname,'.dynamic'], yy0, oo.exo_steady_state', params0, oo.dr.ys, 1);
%g1 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr first derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
vec(g1(oo.dr.order_var,:))]; %add steady state and put rows of g1 in DR order
dDYNAMIC = [oo.dr.derivs.dYss;
reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dg1(oo.dr.order_var,:,:),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,2),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,3)) ]; %reshape dg1 in DR order and add steady state
dyn_vech(oo.dr.ghu*Sigma_e0*transpose(oo.dr.ghu))]; %in DR order
dREDUCEDFORM = zeros(endo_nbr*nspred+endo_nbr*(endo_nbr+1)/2, totparam_nbr);
for j=1:totparam_nbr
dREDUCEDFORM(:,j) = [vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghx(:,:,j));
dREDUCEDFORM = [ [zeros(endo_nbr, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) oo.dr.derivs.dYss]; dREDUCEDFORM ]; % add steady state
elseif order == 2
[~, g1, g2 ] = feval([M.fname,'.dynamic'], yy0, oo.exo_steady_state', params0, oo.dr.ys, 1);
%g1 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr first derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
%g2 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^2] second derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
vec(g2(oo.dr.order_var,:))]; %add steady state and put rows of g1 and g2 in DR order
dDYNAMIC = [oo.dr.derivs.dYss;
reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dg1(oo.dr.order_var,:,:),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,2),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,3)); %reshape dg1 in DR order
reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dg2(oo.dr.order_var,:),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,2)^2,size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,3))]; %reshape dg2 in DR order
vec(oo.dr.ghs2)]; %in DR order
dREDUCEDFORM = zeros(endo_nbr*nspred+endo_nbr*(endo_nbr+1)/2+endo_nbr*nspred^2+endo_nbr*nspred*exo_nbr+endo_nbr*exo_nbr^2+endo_nbr, totparam_nbr);
for j=1:totparam_nbr
dREDUCEDFORM(:,j) = [vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghx(:,:,j));
dREDUCEDFORM = [ [zeros(endo_nbr, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) oo.dr.derivs.dYss]; dREDUCEDFORM ]; % add steady state
elseif order == 3
[~, g1, g2, g3 ] = feval([M.fname,'.dynamic'], yy0, oo.exo_steady_state', params0, oo.dr.ys, 1);
%g1 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr first derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
%g2 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^2] second derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
vec(g3(oo.dr.order_var,:))]; %add steady state and put rows of g1 and g2 in DR order
dDYNAMIC = [oo.dr.derivs.dYss;
reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dg1(oo.dr.order_var,:,:),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,2),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,3)); %reshape dg1 in DR order
reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dg2(oo.dr.order_var,:),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,2)^2,size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,3))]; %reshape dg3 in DR order
vec(oo.dr.ghxx); vec(oo.dr.ghxu); vec(oo.dr.ghuu); vec(oo.dr.ghs2);
vec(oo.dr.ghxxx); vec(oo.dr.ghxxu); vec(oo.dr.ghxuu); vec(oo.dr.ghuuu); vec(oo.dr.ghxss); vec(oo.dr.ghuss)]; %in DR order
dREDUCEDFORM = zeros(size(REDUCEDFORM,1)-endo_nbr, totparam_nbr);
for j=1:totparam_nbr
dREDUCEDFORM(:,j) = [vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghx(:,:,j));
vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxx(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxu(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghuu(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghs2(:,j))
vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxxx(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxxu(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxuu(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghuuu(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxss(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghuss(:,:,j))];
dREDUCEDFORM = [ [zeros(endo_nbr, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) oo.dr.derivs.dYss]; dREDUCEDFORM ]; % add steady state
dTAU = [ [zeros(endo_nbr, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) dYss]; dTAU ]; % add steady state
dLRE = [dYss; reshape(DERIVS.dg1,size(DERIVS.dg1,1)*size(DERIVS.dg1,2),size(DERIVS.dg1,3)) ]; %reshape dg1 and add steady state
%State Space Matrices for VAROBS variables
C = A(indvobs,:);
dC = dA(indvobs,:,:);
D = B(indvobs,:);
dD = dB(indvobs,:,:);
%% Iskrev (2010)
% Get (pruned) state space representation:
options.options_ident.indvobs = indvobs;
options.options_ident.indpmodel = indpmodel;
options.options_ident.indpstderr = indpstderr;
options.options_ident.indpcorr = indpcorr;
oo.dr = pruned_state_space_system(M, options, oo.dr);
E_y = oo.dr.pruned.E_y; dE_y = oo.dr.pruned.dE_y;
A = oo.dr.pruned.A; dA = oo.dr.pruned.dA;
B = oo.dr.pruned.B; dB = oo.dr.pruned.dB;
C = oo.dr.pruned.C; dC = oo.dr.pruned.dC;
D = oo.dr.pruned.D; dD = oo.dr.pruned.dD;
c = oo.dr.pruned.c; dc = oo.dr.pruned.dc;
d = oo.dr.pruned.d; dd = oo.dr.pruned.dd;
Varinov = oo.dr.pruned.Varinov; dVarinov = oo.dr.pruned.dVarinov;
Om_z = oo.dr.pruned.Om_z; dOm_z = oo.dr.pruned.dOm_z;
Om_y = oo.dr.pruned.Om_y; dOm_y = oo.dr.pruned.dOm_y;
%storage for Jacobians used in dsge_likelihood.m for analytical Gradient and Hession of likelihood (only at order=1)
derivatives_info = struct();
if order == 1
dT = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dT(:,(nstatic+1):(nstatic+nspred),:) = oo.dr.derivs.dghx;
derivatives_info.DT = dT;
derivatives_info.DOm = oo.dr.derivs.dOm;
derivatives_info.DYss = oo.dr.derivs.dYss;
%% Compute dMOMENTS
%Note that our state space system for computing second moments is the following:
% zhat = A*zhat(-1) + B*xi, where zhat = z - E(z)
% yhat = C*zhat(-1) + D*xi, where yhat = y - E(y)
if ~no_identification_moments
MOMENTS = identification_numerical_objective(para0, 1, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs, useautocorr, nlags, grid_nbr); %[outputflag=1]
if kronflag == -1
%numerical derivative of autocovariogram [outputflag=1]
J = fjaco(str2func('identification_numerical_objective'), para0, 1, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs, useautocorr, nlags, grid_nbr);
%numerical derivative of autocovariogram
dMOMENTS = fjaco(str2func('identification_numerical_objective'), para0, 1, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs, useautocorr, nlags, grid_nbr); %[outputflag=1]
M.params = params0; %make sure values are set back
M.Sigma_e = Sigma_e0; %make sure values are set back
M.Correlation_matrix = Corr_e0 ; %make sure values are set back
J = [[zeros(obs_nbr,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) dYss(indvobs,:)]; J]; %add Jacobian of steady state of VAROBS variables
dMOMENTS = [dE_y; dMOMENTS]; %add Jacobian of steady state of VAROBS variables
J = zeros(obs_nbr + obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 + nlags*obs_nbr^2 , totparam_nbr);
J(1:obs_nbr,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+1 : totparam_nbr) = dYss(indvobs,:); %add Jacobian of steady state of VAROBS variables
% Denote Ezz0 = E_t(z_t * z_t'), then the following Lyapunov equation defines the autocovariagram: Ezz0 -A*Ezz*A' = B*Sig_e*B' = Om
Gamma_y = lyapunov_symm(A, B*Sigma_e0*B', options.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol, options.qz_criterium, options.lyapunov_complex_threshold, 1, options.debug);
%here method=1 is used, whereas all other calls of lyapunov_symm use method=2. The reason is that T and U are persistent, and input matrix A is the same, so using option 2 for all the rest of iterations spares a lot of computing time while not repeating Schur every time
indzeros = find(abs(Gamma_y) < 1e-12); %find values that are numerical zero
Gamma_y(indzeros) = 0;
% if useautocorr,
sdy = sqrt(diag(Gamma_y)); %theoretical standard deviation
sy = sdy*sdy'; %cross products of standard deviations
% end
for j = 1:(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)
%Jacobian of Ezz0 wrt exogenous paramters: dEzz0(:,:,j)-A*dEzz0(:,:,j)*A'=dOm(:,:,j), because dA is zero by construction for stderr and corr parameters
dEzz0 = lyapunov_symm(A,dOm(:,:,j),options.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol,options.qz_criterium,options.lyapunov_complex_threshold,2,options.debug);
%here method=2 is used to spare a lot of computing time while not repeating Schur every time
indzeros = find(abs(dEzz0) < 1e-12);
dEzz0(indzeros) = 0;
if useautocorr
dsy = 1/2./sdy.*diag(dEzz0);
dsy = dsy*sdy'+sdy*dsy';
dEzz0corr = (dEzz0.*sy-dsy.*Gamma_y)./(sy.*sy);
dEzz0corr = dEzz0corr-diag(diag(dEzz0corr))+diag(diag(dEzz0));
J(obs_nbr+1 : obs_nbr+obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 , j) = dyn_vech(dEzz0corr(indvobs,indvobs)); %focus only on VAROBS variables
J(obs_nbr+1 : obs_nbr+obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 , j) = dyn_vech(dEzz0(indvobs,indvobs)); %focus only on VAROBS variables
%Jacobian of Ezzi = E_t(z_t * z_{t-i}'): dEzzi(:,:,j) = A^i*dEzz0(:,:,j) wrt stderr and corr parameters, because dA is zero by construction for stderr and corr parameters
for i = 1:nlags
dEzzi = A^i*dEzz0;
if useautocorr
dEzzi = (dEzzi.*sy-dsy.*(A^i*Gamma_y))./(sy.*sy);
J(obs_nbr + obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 + (i-1)*obs_nbr^2 + 1 : obs_nbr + obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 + i*obs_nbr^2, j) = vec(dEzzi(indvobs,indvobs)); %focus only on VAROBS variables
dMOMENTS = zeros(obs_nbr + obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 + nlags*obs_nbr^2 , totparam_nbr);
dMOMENTS(1:obs_nbr,:) = dE_y; %add Jacobian of first moments of VAROBS variables
% Denote Ezz0 = E[zhat*zhat'], then the following Lyapunov equation defines the autocovariagram: Ezz0 -A*Ezz0*A' = B*Sig_xi*B' = Om_z
[Ezz0,u] = lyapunov_symm(A, Om_z, options.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol, options.qz_criterium, options.lyapunov_complex_threshold, 1, options.debug);
stationary_vars = (1:length(indvobs))';
if ~isempty(u)
x = abs(C*u);
stationary_vars = find(all(x < options.Schur_vec_tol,2));
for j=1:modparam_nbr
%Jacobian of Ezz0 wrt model parameters: dEzz0(:,:,j) - A*dEzz0(:,:,j)*A' = dOm(:,:,j) + dA(:,:,j)*Ezz*A'+ A*Ezz*dA(:,:,j)'
dEzz0 = lyapunov_symm(A,dA(:,:,j+stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)*Gamma_y*A'+A*Gamma_y*dA(:,:,j+stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)'+dOm(:,:,j+stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr),options.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol,options.qz_criterium,options.lyapunov_complex_threshold,2,options.debug);
%here method=2 is used to spare a lot of computing time while not repeating Schur every time
indzeros = find(abs(dEzz0) < 1e-12);
dEzz0(indzeros) = 0;
Eyy0 = NaN*ones(obs_nbr,obs_nbr);
Eyy0(stationary_vars,stationary_vars) = C(stationary_vars,:)*Ezz0*C(stationary_vars,:)' + Om_y(stationary_vars,stationary_vars);
%here method=1 is used, whereas all other calls of lyapunov_symm use method=2. The reason is that T and U are persistent, and input matrix A is the same, so using option 2 for all the rest of iterations spares a lot of computing time while not repeating Schur every time
indzeros = find(abs(Eyy0) < 1e-12); %find values that are numerical zero
Eyy0(indzeros) = 0;
if useautocorr
sdy = sqrt(diag(Eyy0)); %theoretical standard deviation
sdy = sdy(stationary_vars);
sy = sdy*sdy'; %cross products of standard deviations
for jp = 1:totparam_nbr
if jp <= (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)
%Note that for stderr and corr parameters, the derivatives of the system matrices are zero, i.e. dA=dB=dC=dD=0
dEzz0 = lyapunov_symm(A,dOm_z(:,:,jp),options.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol,options.qz_criterium,options.lyapunov_complex_threshold,2,options.debug); %here method=2 is used to spare a lot of computing time while not repeating Schur every time
dEyy0 = C*dEzz0*C' + dOm_y(:,:,jp);
else %model parameters
dEzz0 = lyapunov_symm(A,dOm_z(:,:,jp)+dA(:,:,jp)*Ezz0*A'+A*Ezz0*dA(:,:,jp)',options.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol,options.qz_criterium,options.lyapunov_complex_threshold,2,options.debug); %here method=2 is used to spare a lot of computing time while not repeating Schur every time
dEyy0 = dC(:,:,jp)*Ezz0*C' + C*dEzz0*C' + C*Ezz0*dC(:,:,jp)' + dOm_y(:,:,jp);
%indzeros = find(abs(dEyy0) < 1e-12);
%dEyy0(indzeros) = 0;
if useautocorr
dsy = 1/2./sdy.*diag(dEzz0);
dsy = 1/2./sdy.*diag(dEyy0);
dsy = dsy*sdy'+sdy*dsy';
dEzz0corr = (dEzz0.*sy-dsy.*Gamma_y)./(sy.*sy);
dEzz0corr = dEzz0corr-diag(diag(dEzz0corr))+diag(diag(dEzz0));
J(obs_nbr+1 : obs_nbr+obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 , stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+j) = dyn_vech(dEzz0corr(indvobs,indvobs)); %focus only on VAROBS variables
dEyy0corr = (dEyy0.*sy-dsy.*Eyy0)./(sy.*sy);
dEyy0corr = dEyy0corr-diag(diag(dEyy0corr))+diag(diag(dEyy0));
dMOMENTS(obs_nbr+1 : obs_nbr+obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 , jp) = dyn_vech(dEyy0corr); %focus only on VAROBS variables
J(obs_nbr+1 : obs_nbr+obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 , stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+j) = dyn_vech(dEzz0(indvobs,indvobs)); %focus only on VAROBS variables
dMOMENTS(obs_nbr+1 : obs_nbr+obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 , jp) = dyn_vech(dEyy0); %focus only on VAROBS variables
%Jacobian of Ezzi = E_t(z_t * z_{t-i}'): dEzzi(:,:,j) = A^i*dEzz0(:,:,j) + d(A^i)*dEzz0(:,:,j) wrt model parameters
for i = 1:nlags
dEzzi = A^i*dEzz0;
for ii=1:i
dEzzi = dEzzi + A^(ii-1)*dA(:,:,j+stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)*A^(i-ii)*Gamma_y;
tmpEyyi = A*Ezz0*C(stationary_vars,:)' + B*Varinov*D(stationary_vars,:)';
%we could distinguish between stderr and corr params, but this has no real speed effect as we multipliy with zeros
dtmpEyyi = dA(:,:,jp)*Ezz0*C' + A*dEzz0*C' + A*Ezz0*dC(:,:,jp)' + dB(:,:,jp)*Varinov*D' + B*dVarinov(:,:,jp)*D' + B*Varinov*dD(:,:,jp)';
Ai = eye(size(A,1)); %this is A^0
dAi = zeros(size(A,1),size(A,1)); %this is d(A^0)
for i = 1:nlags
Eyyi = C(stationary_vars,:)*Ai*tmpEyyi;
dEyyi = dC(:,:,jp)*Ai*tmpEyyi + C*dAi*tmpEyyi + C*Ai*dtmpEyyi;
if useautocorr
dEyyi = (dEyyi.*sy-dsy.*Eyyi)./(sy.*sy);
if useautocorr
dEzzi = (dEzzi.*sy-dsy.*(A^i*Gamma_y))./(sy.*sy);
J(obs_nbr + obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 + (i-1)*obs_nbr^2 + 1 : obs_nbr + obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 + i*obs_nbr^2, j+stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) = vec(dEzzi(indvobs,indvobs)); %focus only on VAROBS variables
dMOMENTS(obs_nbr + obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 + (i-1)*obs_nbr^2 + 1 : obs_nbr + obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 + i*obs_nbr^2, jp) = vec(dEyyi); %focus only on VAROBS variables
dAi = dAi*A + Ai*dA(:,:,jp); %note that this is d(A^(i-1))
Ai = Ai*A; %note that this is A^(i-1)
J = [];
dMOMENTS = [];
%% Qu and Tkachenko (2012)
%% Compute dSPECTRUM
%Note that our state space system for computing the spectrum is the following:
% zhat = A*zhat(-1) + B*xi, where zhat = z - E(z)
% yhat = C*zhat(-1) + D*xi, where yhat = y - E(y)
if ~no_identification_spectrum
%Some info on the spectral density: Dynare's state space system is given for states (z_{t} = A*z_{t-1} + B*u_{t}) and observables (y_{t} = C*z_{t-1} + D*u_{t})
%The spectral density for y_{t} can be computed using different methods, which are numerically equivalent
@ -259,8 +357,8 @@ if ~no_identification_spectrum
tneg = exp(-sqrt(-1)*freqs); %negative Fourier frequencies
IA = eye(size(A,1));
if kronflag == -1
%numerical derivative of spectral density [outputflag=2]
dOmega_tmp = fjaco(str2func('identification_numerical_objective'), para0, 2, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs, useautocorr, nlags, grid_nbr);
%numerical derivative of spectral density
dOmega_tmp = fjaco(str2func('identification_numerical_objective'), para0, 2, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs, useautocorr, nlags, grid_nbr); %[outputflag=2]
M.params = params0; %make sure values are set back
M.Sigma_e = Sigma_e0; %make sure values are set back
M.Correlation_matrix = Corr_e0 ; %make sure values are set back
@ -269,72 +367,72 @@ if ~no_identification_spectrum
kk = kk+1;
dOmega = dOmega_tmp(1 + (kk-1)*obs_nbr^2 : kk*obs_nbr^2,:);
if ig == 1 % add zero frequency once
G = dOmega'*dOmega;
dSPECTRUM = dOmega'*dOmega;
else % due to symmetry to negative frequencies we can add positive frequencies twice
G = G + 2*(dOmega'*dOmega);
dSPECTRUM = dSPECTRUM + 2*(dOmega'*dOmega);
elseif kronflag == 1
elseif kronflag == 1
%use Kronecker products
dA = reshape(dA,size(dA,1)*size(dA,2),size(dA,3));
dB = reshape(dB,size(dB,1)*size(dB,2),size(dB,3));
dC = reshape(dC,size(dC,1)*size(dC,2),size(dC,3));
dD = reshape(dD,size(dD,1)*size(dD,2),size(dD,3));
dSig = reshape(dSig,size(dSig,1)*size(dSig,2),size(dSig,3));
K_obs_exo = commutation(obs_nbr,exo_nbr);
dVarinov = reshape(dVarinov,size(dVarinov,1)*size(dVarinov,2),size(dVarinov,3));
K_obs_exo = commutation(obs_nbr,size(Varinov,1));
for ig=1:length(freqs)
z = tneg(ig);
zIminusA = (z*IA - A);
zIminusAinv = zIminusA\IA;
Transferfct = D + C*zIminusAinv*B; % Transfer function
dzIminusA = -dA;
dzIminusAinv = kron(-(transpose(zIminusA)\IA),zIminusAinv)*dzIminusA;
dTransferfct = dD + DerivABCD(C,dC,zIminusAinv,dzIminusAinv,B,dB);
dzIminusAinv = kron(-(transpose(zIminusA)\IA),zIminusAinv)*dzIminusA; %this takes long
dTransferfct = dD + DerivABCD(C,dC,zIminusAinv,dzIminusAinv,B,dB); %also long
dTransferfct_conjt = K_obs_exo*conj(dTransferfct);
dOmega = (1/(2*pi))*DerivABCD(Transferfct,dTransferfct,Sigma_e0,dSig,Transferfct',dTransferfct_conjt);
dOmega = (1/(2*pi))*DerivABCD(Transferfct,dTransferfct,Varinov,dVarinov,Transferfct',dTransferfct_conjt); %also long
if ig == 1 % add zero frequency once
G = dOmega'*dOmega;
dSPECTRUM = dOmega'*dOmega;
else % due to symmetry to negative frequencies we can add positive frequencies twice
G = G + 2*(dOmega'*dOmega);
dSPECTRUM = dSPECTRUM + 2*(dOmega'*dOmega);
%put back into tensor notation
dA = reshape(dA,endo_nbr,endo_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dB = reshape(dB,endo_nbr,exo_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dC = reshape(dC,obs_nbr,endo_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dD = reshape(dD,obs_nbr,exo_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dSig = reshape(dSig,exo_nbr,exo_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dA = reshape(dA,size(A,1),size(A,2),totparam_nbr);
dB = reshape(dB,size(B,1),size(B,2),totparam_nbr);
dC = reshape(dC,size(C,1),size(C,2),totparam_nbr);
dD = reshape(dD,size(D,1),size(D,2),totparam_nbr);
dVarinov = reshape(dVarinov,size(Varinov,1),size(Varinov,2),totparam_nbr);
elseif (kronflag==0) || (kronflag==-2)
for ig = 1:length(freqs)
IzminusA = tpos(ig)*IA - A;
invIzminusA = IzminusA\eye(endo_nbr);
invIzminusA = IzminusA\eye(size(A,1));
Transferfct = D + C*invIzminusA*B;
dOmega = zeros(obs_nbr^2,totparam_nbr);
for j = 1:totparam_nbr
if j <= stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr %stderr and corr parameters: only dSig is nonzero
dOmega_tmp = Transferfct*dSig(:,:,j)*Transferfct';
dOmega_tmp = Transferfct*dVarinov(:,:,j)*Transferfct';
else %model parameters
dinvIzminusA = -invIzminusA*(-dA(:,:,j))*invIzminusA;
dTransferfct = dD(:,:,j) + dC(:,:,j)*invIzminusA*B + C*dinvIzminusA*B + C*invIzminusA*dB(:,:,j);
dOmega_tmp = dTransferfct*M.Sigma_e*Transferfct' + Transferfct*dSig(:,:,j)*Transferfct' + Transferfct*M.Sigma_e*dTransferfct';
dOmega_tmp = dTransferfct*Varinov*Transferfct' + Transferfct*dVarinov(:,:,j)*Transferfct' + Transferfct*Varinov*dTransferfct';
dOmega(:,j) = (1/(2*pi))*dOmega_tmp(:);
if ig == 1 % add zero frequency once
G = dOmega'*dOmega;
dSPECTRUM = dOmega'*dOmega;
else % due to symmetry to negative frequencies we can add positive frequencies twice
G = G + 2*(dOmega'*dOmega);
dSPECTRUM = dSPECTRUM + 2*(dOmega'*dOmega);
% Normalize Matrix and add steady state Jacobian, note that G is real and symmetric by construction
G = 2*pi*G./(2*length(freqs)-1) + [zeros(obs_nbr,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) dYss(indvobs,:)]'*[zeros(obs_nbr,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) dYss(indvobs,:)];
G = real(G);
dSPECTRUM = 2*pi*dSPECTRUM./(2*length(freqs)-1) + dE_y'*dE_y;
G = [];
%% Komunjer and Ng (2012)
%% Compute dMINIMAL
if ~no_identification_minimal
if obs_nbr < exo_nbr
% Check whether criteria can be used
@ -342,36 +440,30 @@ if ~no_identification_minimal
warning_KomunjerNg = [warning_KomunjerNg ' There are more shocks and measurement errors than observables, this is not implemented (yet).\n'];
warning_KomunjerNg = [warning_KomunjerNg ' Skip identification analysis based on minimal state space system.\n'];
D = [];
dMINIMAL = [];
% Derive and check minimal state
if isfield(oo.dr,'state_var')
state_var = oo.dr.state_var; %state variables in declaration order
% DR-order: static variables first, then purely backward variables, then mixed variables, finally purely forward variables.
% Inside each category, variables are arranged according to the declaration order.
% state variables are the purely backward variables and the mixed variables
state_var = transpose(oo.dr.order_var( (M.nstatic+1):(M.nstatic+M.npred+M.nboth) ) ); %state variables in declaration order
state_var_DR = oo.dr.inv_order_var(state_var); %state vector in DR order
minA = A(state_var_DR,state_var_DR); dminA = dA(state_var_DR,state_var_DR,:);
minB = B(state_var_DR,:); dminB = dB(state_var_DR,:,:);
minC = C(:,state_var_DR); dminC = dC(:,state_var_DR,:);
minD = D(:,:); dminD = dD(:,:,:);
[CheckCO,minnx,minA,minB,minC,minD,dminA,dminB,dminC,dminD] = get_minimal_state_representation(minA,minB,minC,minD,dminA,dminB,dminC,dminD);
% Derive and check minimal state vector of first-order
[CheckCO,minnx,minA,minB,minC,minD,dminA,dminB,dminC,dminD] = get_minimal_state_representation(oo.dr.ghx(oo.dr.pruned.indx,:),... %A
oo.dr.ghu(oo.dr.pruned.indx,:),... %B
oo.dr.ghx(oo.dr.pruned.indy,:),... %C
oo.dr.ghu(oo.dr.pruned.indy,:),... %D
oo.dr.derivs.dghx(oo.dr.pruned.indx,:,:),... %dA
oo.dr.derivs.dghu(oo.dr.pruned.indx,:,:),... %dB
oo.dr.derivs.dghx(oo.dr.pruned.indy,:,:),... %dC
oo.dr.derivs.dghu(oo.dr.pruned.indy,:,:)); %dD
if CheckCO == 0
warning_KomunjerNg = 'WARNING: Komunjer and Ng (2011) failed:\n';
warning_KomunjerNg = [warning_KomunjerNg ' Conditions for minimality are not fullfilled:\n'];
warning_KomunjerNg = [warning_KomunjerNg ' Skip identification analysis based on minimal state space system.\n'];
fprintf(warning_KomunjerNg); %use sprintf to have line breaks
D = [];
dMINIMAL = [];
%reshape into Magnus-Neudecker Jacobians, i.e. dvec(X)/dp
dminA = reshape(dminA,size(dminA,1)*size(dminA,2),size(dminA,3));
dminB = reshape(dminB,size(dminB,1)*size(dminB,2),size(dminB,3));
dminC = reshape(dminC,size(dminC,1)*size(dminC,2),size(dminC,3));
dminD = reshape(dminD,size(dminD,1)*size(dminD,2),size(dminD,3));
dvechSig = reshape(dSig,size(dSig,1)*size(dSig,2),size(dSig,3));
dvechSig = reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dSigma_e,exo_nbr*exo_nbr,totparam_nbr);
indvechSig= find(tril(ones(exo_nbr,exo_nbr)));
dvechSig = dvechSig(indvechSig,:);
Inx = eye(minnx);
@ -387,64 +479,39 @@ if ~no_identification_minimal
D = full([KomunjerNg_DL KomunjerNg_DT KomunjerNg_DU]);
%add Jacobian of steady state
D = [[zeros(obs_nbr,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) dYss(indvobs,:)], zeros(obs_nbr,minnx^2+exo_nbr^2); D];
dMINIMAL = full([KomunjerNg_DL KomunjerNg_DT KomunjerNg_DU]);
%add Jacobian of steady state (here we also allow for higher-order perturbation, i.e. only the mean provides additional restrictions
dMINIMAL = [dE_y zeros(obs_nbr,minnx^2+exo_nbr^2); dMINIMAL];
D = [];
if nargout > 8 = nlags;
nodecomposition = 1;
[Gamma_y,~] = th_autocovariances(oo.dr,oo.dr.order_var(indvobs),M,options,nodecomposition); %focus only on observed variables
sdy=sqrt(diag(Gamma_y{1})); %theoretical standard deviation
sy=sdy*sdy'; %cross products of standard deviations
if useautocorr
for j=1:nlags
%Ezz is vector of theoretical moments of VAROBS variables
MOMENTS = dyn_vech(Gamma_y{1});
for j=1:nlags
MOMENTS = [MOMENTS; vec(Gamma_y{j+1})];
MOMENTS = [oo.dr.ys(oo.dr.order_var(indvobs)); MOMENTS];
dMINIMAL = [];
function [dX] = DerivABCD(A,dA,B,dB,C,dC,D,dD)
% function [dX] = DerivABCD(A,dA,B,dB,C,dC,D,dD)
function [dX] = DerivABCD(X1,dX1,X2,dX2,X3,dX3,X4,dX4)
% function [dX] = DerivABCD(X1,dX1,X2,dX2,X3,dX3,X4,dX4)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Derivative of X(p)=A(p)*B(p)*C(p)*D(p) w.r.t to p
% Derivative of X(p)=X1(p)*X2(p)*X3(p)*X4(p) w.r.t to p
% See Magnus and Neudecker (1999), p. 175
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Inputs: Matrices A,B,C,D, and the corresponding derivatives w.r.t p.
% Output: Derivative of product of A*B*C*D w.r.t. p
% Inputs: Matrices X1,X2,X3,X4, and the corresponding derivatives w.r.t p.
% Output: Derivative of product of X1*X2*X3*X4 w.r.t. p
% =========================================================================
nparam = size(dA,2);
nparam = size(dX1,2);
% If one or more matrices are left out, they are set to zero
if nargin == 4
C=speye(size(B,2)); dC=spalloc(numel(C),nparam,0);
D=speye(size(C,2)); dD=spalloc(numel(D),nparam,0);
X3=speye(size(X2,2)); dX3=spalloc(numel(X3),nparam,0);
X4=speye(size(X3,2)); dX4=spalloc(numel(X4),nparam,0);
elseif nargin == 6
D=speye(size(C,2)); dD=spalloc(numel(D),nparam,0);
X4=speye(size(X3,2)); dX4=spalloc(numel(X4),nparam,0);
dX1 = kron(transpose(D)*transpose(C)*transpose(B),speye(size(A,1)))*dA;
dX2 = kron(transpose(D)*transpose(C),A)*dB;
dX3 = kron(transpose(D),A*B)*dC;
dX4 = kron(speye(size(D,2)),A*B*C)*dD;
dX= dX1+dX2+dX3+dX4;
dX = kron(transpose(X4)*transpose(X3)*transpose(X2),speye(size(X1,1)))*dX1...
+ kron(transpose(X4)*transpose(X3),X1)*dX2...
+ kron(transpose(X4),X1*X2)*dX3...
+ kron(speye(size(X4,2)),X1*X2*X3)*dX4;
end %DerivABCD end
end%main function end
end%main function end

View File

@ -260,8 +260,9 @@ if analytic_derivation_mode == -1
DERIVS.dghxss = reshape(dSig_gh(ind_ghxss,:), [M.endo_nbr M.nspred totparam_nbr]); %in tensor notation, wrt selected parameters
DERIVS.dghuss = reshape(dSig_gh(ind_ghuss,:), [M.endo_nbr M.exo_nbr totparam_nbr]); %in tensor notation, wrt selected parameters
% Parameter Jacobian of Om=ghu*Sigma_e*ghu' (wrt selected stderr, corr and model paramters)
% Parameter Jacobian of Om=ghu*Sigma_e*ghu' and Correlation_matrix (wrt selected stderr, corr and model paramters)
DERIVS.dOm = zeros(M.endo_nbr,M.endo_nbr,totparam_nbr); %initialize in tensor notation
DERIVS.dCorrelation_matrix = zeros(M.exo_nbr,M.exo_nbr,totparam_nbr); %initialize
if ~isempty(indpstderr) %derivatives of ghu wrt stderr parameters are zero by construction
for jp=1:stderrparam_nbr
DERIVS.dOm(:,:,jp) = oo.dr.ghu*DERIVS.dSigma_e(:,:,jp)*oo.dr.ghu';
@ -270,6 +271,8 @@ if analytic_derivation_mode == -1
if ~isempty(indpcorr) %derivatives of ghu wrt corr parameters are zero by construction
for jp=1:corrparam_nbr
DERIVS.dOm(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+jp) = oo.dr.ghu*DERIVS.dSigma_e(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+jp)*oo.dr.ghu';
DERIVS.dCorrelation_matrix(indpcorr(jp,1),indpcorr(jp,2),stderrparam_nbr+jp) = 1;
DERIVS.dCorrelation_matrix(indpcorr(jp,2),indpcorr(jp,1),stderrparam_nbr+jp) = 1;%symmetry
if ~isempty(indpmodel) %derivatives of Sigma_e wrt model parameters are zero by construction
@ -1190,6 +1193,7 @@ end
%% Store into structure
DERIVS.dg1 = dg1;
DERIVS.dSigma_e = dSigma_e;
DERIVS.dCorrelation_matrix = dCorrelation_matrix;
DERIVS.dYss = dYss;
DERIVS.dghx = cat(3,zeros(M.endo_nbr,M.nspred,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr), dghx);
DERIVS.dghu = cat(3,zeros(M.endo_nbr,M.exo_nbr,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr), dghu);

View File

@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
function [ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, ide_hess, ide_reducedform, ide_lre, derivatives_info, info, options_ident] = identification_analysis(params, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, options_ident, dataset_info, prior_exist, init)
% [ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, ide_hess, ide_reducedform, ide_lre, derivatives_info, info, options_ident] = identification_analysis(params, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, options_ident, dataset_info, prior_exist, init)
function [ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, ide_hess, ide_reducedform, ide_dynamic, derivatives_info, info, options_ident] = identification_analysis(params, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, options_ident, dataset_info, prior_exist, init)
% [ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, ide_hess, ide_reducedform, ide_dynamic, derivatives_info, info, options_ident] = identification_analysis(params, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, options_ident, dataset_info, prior_exist, init)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function wraps all identification analysis, i.e. it
% (1) wraps functions for the theoretical identification analysis based on moments (Iskrev, 2010),
% spectrum (Qu and Tkachenko, 2012), minimal system (Komunjer and Ng, 2011), information matrix,
% reduced-form solution and linear rational expectation model (Ratto and Iskrev, 2011).
% reduced-form solution and dynamic model derivatives (Ratto and Iskrev, 2011).
% (2) computes the identification strength based on moments (Ratto and Iskrev, 2011)
% (3) checks which parameters are involved.
% If options_ident.order>1, then the identification analysis is based on
% Mutschler (2015), i.e. the pruned state space system and the corresponding
% moments, spectrum, reduced-form solution and dynamic model derivatives
% =========================================================================
% * params [mc_sample_nbr by totparam_nbr]
@ -15,8 +18,8 @@ function [ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, ide_hess, ide_reducedform, ide
% index of model parameters for which identification is checked
% * indpstderr [stderrparam_nbr by 1]
% index of stderr parameters for which identification is checked
% * indpcorr [corrparam_nbr by 1]
% index of corr parmeters for which identification is checked
% * indpcorr [corrparam_nbr by 2]
% matrix of corr parmeters for which identification is checked
% * options_ident [structure]
% identification options
% * dataset_info [structure]
@ -25,23 +28,21 @@ function [ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, ide_hess, ide_reducedform, ide
% 1: prior exists. Identification is checked for stderr, corr and model parameters as declared in estimated_params block
% 0: prior does not exist. Identification is checked for all stderr and model parameters, but no corr parameters
% * init [integer]
% flag for initialization of persistent vars. This is needed if one may want to re-initialize persistent
% variables even if they are not empty, e.g. by making more calls to identification in the same dynare mod file
% flag for initialization of persistent vars. This is needed if one may wants to make more calls to identification in the same dynare mod file
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% * ide_moments [structure]
% identification results using theoretical moments (Iskrev, 2010)
% identification results using theoretical moments (Iskrev, 2010; Mutschler, 2015)
% * ide_spectrum [structure]
% identification results using spectrum (Qu and Tkachenko, 2012)
% identification results using spectrum (Qu and Tkachenko, 2012; Mutschler, 2015)
% * ide_minimal [structure]
% identification results using minimal system (Komunjer and Ng, 2011)
% * ide_hess [structure]
% identification results using asymptotic Hessian (Ratto and Iskrev, 2011)
% * ide_reducedform [structure]
% identification results using reduced form solution (Ratto and Iskrev, 2011)
% * ide_lre [structure]
% identification results using linear rational expectations model,
% i.e. steady state and Jacobian of dynamic model, (Ratto and Iskrev, 2011)
% identification results using steady state and reduced form solution (Ratto and Iskrev, 2011)
% * ide_dynamic [structure]
% identification results using steady state and dynamic model derivatives (Ratto and Iskrev, 2011)
% * derivatives_info [structure]
% info about derivatives, used in dsge_likelihood.m
% * info [integer]
@ -57,7 +58,6 @@ function [ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, ide_hess, ide_reducedform, ide
% * dseries
% * dsge_likelihood.m
% * dyn_vech
% * dynare_resolve
% * ident_bruteforce
% * identification_checks
% * identification_checks_via_subsets
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ function [ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, ide_hess, ide_reducedform, ide
% * get_identification_jacobians (previously getJJ)
% * matlab_ver_less_than
% * prior_bounds
% * resol
% * set_all_parameters
% * simulated_moment_uncertainty
% * stoch_simul
@ -89,23 +90,23 @@ function [ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, ide_hess, ide_reducedform, ide
% =========================================================================
global oo_ M_ options_ bayestopt_ estim_params_
persistent ind_J ind_G ind_D ind_dTAU ind_dLRE
persistent ind_dMOMENTS ind_dREDUCEDFORM ind_dDYNAMIC
% persistence is necessary, because in a MC loop the numerical threshold used may provide vectors of different length, leading to crashes in MC loops
%initialize output structures
ide_hess = struct(); %asymptotic/simulated information matrix
ide_reducedform = struct(); %reduced form solution
ide_lre = struct(); %linear rational expectation model
ide_moments = struct(); %Iskrev (2010)'s J
ide_spectrum = struct(); %Qu and Tkachenko (2012)'s G
ide_minimal = struct(); %Komunjer and Ng (2011)'s D
ide_hess = struct(); %Jacobian of asymptotic/simulated information matrix
ide_reducedform = struct(); %Jacobian of steady state and reduced form solution
ide_dynamic = struct(); %Jacobian of steady state and dynamic model derivatives
ide_moments = struct(); %Jacobian of first two moments (Iskrev, 2010; Mutschler, 2015)
ide_spectrum = struct(); %Gram matrix of Jacobian of spectral density plus Gram matrix of Jacobian of steady state (Qu and Tkachenko, 2012; Mutschler, 2015)
ide_minimal = struct(); %Jacobian of minimal system (Komunjer and Ng, 2011)
derivatives_info = struct(); %storage for Jacobians used in dsge_likelihood.m for (analytical or simulated) asymptotic Gradient and Hession of likelihood
totparam_nbr = length(params); %number of all parameters to be checked
modparam_nbr = length(indpmodel); %number of model parameters to be checked
stderrparam_nbr = length(indpstderr); %number of stderr parameters to be checked
corrparam_nbr = size(indpcorr,1); %number of stderr parameters to be checked
indvobs = bayestopt_.mf2; % index of observable variables
indvobs = bayestopt_.mf2; %index of observable variables
if ~isempty(estim_params_)
%estimated_params block is available, so we are able to use set_all_parameters.m
@ -113,163 +114,138 @@ if ~isempty(estim_params_)
%get options (see dynare_identification.m for description of options)
nlags =;
advanced = options_ident.advanced;
replic = options_ident.replic;
periods = options_ident.periods;
max_dim_cova_group = options_ident.max_dim_cova_group;
normalize_jacobians = options_ident.normalize_jacobians;
tol_deriv = options_ident.tol_deriv;
tol_rank = options_ident.tol_rank;
tol_sv = options_ident.tol_sv;
no_identification_strength = options_ident.no_identification_strength;
no_identification_reducedform = options_ident.no_identification_reducedform;
no_identification_moments = options_ident.no_identification_moments;
no_identification_minimal = options_ident.no_identification_minimal;
no_identification_spectrum = options_ident.no_identification_spectrum;
checks_via_subsets = options_ident.checks_via_subsets;
no_identification_strength = options_ident.no_identification_strength;
no_identification_reducedform = options_ident.no_identification_reducedform;
no_identification_moments = options_ident.no_identification_moments;
no_identification_minimal = options_ident.no_identification_minimal;
no_identification_spectrum = options_ident.no_identification_spectrum;
order = options_ident.order;
nlags =;
advanced = options_ident.advanced;
replic = options_ident.replic;
periods = options_ident.periods;
max_dim_cova_group = options_ident.max_dim_cova_group;
normalize_jacobians = options_ident.normalize_jacobians;
checks_via_subsets = options_ident.checks_via_subsets;
tol_deriv = options_ident.tol_deriv;
tol_rank = options_ident.tol_rank;
tol_sv = options_ident.tol_sv;
[I,~] = find(M_.lead_lag_incidence'); %I is used to select nonzero columns of the Jacobian of endogenous variables in dynamic model files
%Compute linear approximation and matrices A and B of the transition equation for all endogenous variables in DR order
[A, B, ~, info, M_, options_, oo_] = dynare_resolve(M_,options_,oo_);
%Compute linear approximation and fill dr structure
[oo_.dr,info,M_,options_,oo_] = resol(0,M_,options_,oo_);
if info(1) == 0 %no errors in solution
oo0 = oo_; %store oo_ structure
y0 = oo_.dr.ys(oo_.dr.order_var); %steady state in DR order
yy0 = oo_.dr.ys(I); %steady state of dynamic (endogenous and auxiliary variables) in DR order
ex0 = oo_.exo_steady_state'; %steady state of exogenous variables in declaration order
param0 = M_.params; %parameter values at which to evaluate dynamic, static and param_derivs files
Sigma_e0 = M_.Sigma_e; %store covariance matrix of exogenous shocks
%compute vectorized reduced-form solution in DR order
tau = [y0; vec(A); dyn_vech(B*Sigma_e0*B')];
%compute vectorized linear rational expectations model in DR order
[~, g1 ] = feval([M_.fname,'.dynamic'], yy0, repmat(ex0, M_.maximum_exo_lag+M_.maximum_exo_lead+1), param0, oo_.dr.ys, 1);
%g1 is [endo_nbr by (dynamicvar_nbr+exo_nbr)] first derivative (wrt all endogenous, exogenous and auxiliary variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/d[yy0;ex0], in DR order
lre = [y0; vec(g1)]; %add steady state in DR order and vectorize
%Compute Jacobians for identification analysis either analytically or numerically dependent on analytic_derivation_mode in options_ident
[J, G, D, dTAU, dLRE, dA, dOm, dYss, MOMENTS] = get_identification_jacobians(A, B, estim_params_, M_, oo0, options_, options_ident, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs);
if isempty(D)
[MEAN, dMEAN, REDUCEDFORM, dREDUCEDFORM, DYNAMIC, dDYNAMIC, MOMENTS, dMOMENTS, dSPECTRUM, dMINIMAL, derivatives_info] = get_identification_jacobians(estim_params_, M_, oo_, options_, options_ident, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs);
if isempty(dMINIMAL)
% Komunjer and Ng is not computed if (1) minimality conditions are not fullfilled or (2) there are more shocks and measurement errors than observables, so we need to reset options
no_identification_minimal = 1;
options_ident.no_identification_minimal = 1;
%store derivatives for use in dsge_likelihood.m
derivatives_info.DT = dA;
derivatives_info.DOm = dOm;
derivatives_info.DYss = dYss;
if init
%check stationarity
if ~no_identification_moments
ind_J = (find(max(abs(J'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index for non-zero derivatives
if isempty(ind_J) && any(any(isnan(J)))
error('There are NaN in the JJ matrix. Please check whether your model has units roots and you forgot to set diffuse_filter=1.' )
ind_dMOMENTS = (find(max(abs(dMOMENTS'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index for non-zero rows
if isempty(ind_dMOMENTS) && any(any(isnan(dMOMENTS)))
error('There are NaN in the dMOMENTS matrix. Please check whether your model has units roots and you forgot to set diffuse_filter=1.' )
if any(any(isnan(MOMENTS)))
error('There are NaN''s in the theoretical moments: make sure that for non-stationary models stationary transformations of non-stationary observables are used for checking identification. [TIP: use first differences].')
if ~no_identification_spectrum
ind_G = (find(max(abs(G'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index for non-zero derivatives
if isempty(ind_G) && any(any(isnan(G)))
warning_QuTkachenko = 'WARNING: There are NaN in Qu and Tkachenko (2012)''s G matrix. Please check whether your model has units roots (diffuse_filter=1 does not work yet for the G matrix).\n';
warning_QuTkachenko = [warning_QuTkachenko ' Skip identification analysis based on spectrum.\n'];
%reset options to neither display nor plot Qu and Tkachenko's G anymore
ind_dSPECTRUM = (find(max(abs(dSPECTRUM'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index for non-zero rows
if isempty(ind_dSPECTRUM) && any(any(isnan(dSPECTRUM)))
warning_SPECTRUM = 'WARNING: There are NaN in the dSPECTRUM matrix. Please check whether your model has units roots and your forgot to set diffuse_filter=1.\n';
warning_SPECTRUM = [warning_SPECTRUM ' Skip identification analysis based on spectrum.\n'];
%reset options to neither display nor plot dSPECTRUM anymore
no_identification_spectrum = 1;
options_ident.no_identification_spectrum = 1;
if ~no_identification_minimal
ind_D = (find(max(abs(D'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index for non-zero derivatives
if isempty(ind_D) && any(any(isnan(D)))
warning_KomunjerNg = 'WARNING: There are NaN in Komunjer and Ng (2011)''s D matrix. Please check whether your model has units roots and you forgot to set diffuse_filter=1.\n';
warning_KomunjerNg = [warning_KomunjerNg ' Skip identification analysis based on minimal system.\n'];
%reset options to neither display nor plot Komunjer and Ng's D anymore
ind_dMINIMAL = (find(max(abs(dMINIMAL'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index for non-zero rows
if isempty(ind_dMINIMAL) && any(any(isnan(dMINIMAL)))
warning_MINIMAL = 'WARNING: There are NaN in the dMINIMAL matrix. Please check whether your model has units roots and you forgot to set diffuse_filter=1.\n';
warning_MINIMAL = [warning_MINIMAL ' Skip identification analysis based on minimal system.\n'];
%reset options to neither display nor plot dMINIMAL anymore
no_identification_minimal = 1;
options_ident.no_identification_minimal = 1;
if no_identification_moments && no_identification_minimal && no_identification_spectrum
%error if all three criteria fail
%display error if all three criteria fail
error('identification_analyis: Stationarity condition(s) failed and/or diffuse_filter option missing');
% Check order conditions
if ~no_identification_moments
%check order condition of Iskrev (2010)
while length(ind_J) < totparam_nbr && nlags < 10
while length(ind_dMOMENTS) < totparam_nbr && nlags < 10
%Try to add lags to autocovariogram if order condition fails
disp('The number of moments with non-zero derivative is smaller than the number of parameters')
disp(['Try increasing ar = ', int2str(nlags+1)])
nlags = nlags + 1;
options_ident.no_identification_minimal = 1; %do not recompute D
options_ident.no_identification_spectrum = 1; %do not recompute G
options_ident.no_identification_minimal = 1; %do not recompute dMINIMAL
options_ident.no_identification_spectrum = 1; %do not recompute dSPECTRUM = nlags; %store new lag number = nlags; %store new lag number
[J, ~, ~, dTAU, dLRE, dA, dOm, dYss, MOMENTS] = get_identification_jacobians(A, B, estim_params_, M_, oo0, options_, options_ident, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs);
ind_J = (find(max(abs(J'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %new index with non-zero derivatives
%store derivatives for use in dsge_likelihood.m
derivatives_info.DT = dA;
derivatives_info.DOm = dOm;
derivatives_info.DYss = dYss;
[~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, MOMENTS, dMOMENTS, ~, ~, ~] = get_identification_jacobians(estim_params_, M_, oo_, options_, options_ident, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs);
ind_dMOMENTS = (find(max(abs(dMOMENTS'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %new index with non-zero rows
options_ident.no_identification_minimal = no_identification_minimal; % reset option to original choice
options_ident.no_identification_spectrum = no_identification_spectrum; % reset option to original choice
if length(ind_J) < totparam_nbr
warning_Iskrev = 'WARNING: Order condition for Iskrev (2010) failed: There are not enough moments and too many parameters.\n';
warning_Iskrev = [warning_Iskrev ' The number of moments with non-zero derivative is smaller than the number of parameters up to 10 lags.\n'];
warning_Iskrev = [warning_Iskrev ' Either reduce the list of parameters, or further increase ar, or increase number of observables.\n'];
warning_Iskrev = [warning_Iskrev ' Skip identification analysis based on moments.\n'];
%reset options to neither display nor plot Iskrev's J anymore
options_ident.no_identification_minimal = no_identification_minimal; % reset option to original setting
options_ident.no_identification_spectrum = no_identification_spectrum; % reset option to original setting
if length(ind_dMOMENTS) < totparam_nbr
warning_MOMENTS = 'WARNING: Order condition for dMOMENTS failed: There are not enough moments and too many parameters.\n';
warning_MOMENTS = [warning_MOMENTS ' The number of moments with non-zero derivative is smaller than the number of parameters up to 10 lags.\n'];
warning_MOMENTS = [warning_MOMENTS ' Either reduce the list of parameters, or further increase ar, or increase number of observables.\n'];
warning_MOMENTS = [warning_MOMENTS ' Skip identification analysis based on moments.\n'];
%reset options to neither display nor plot dMOMENTS anymore
no_identification_moments = 1;
options_ident.no_identification_moments = 1;
if ~no_identification_minimal
if length(ind_D) < size(D,2)
warning_KomunjerNg = 'WARNING: Order condition for Komunjer and Ng (2011) failed: There are too many parameters or too few observable variables.\n';
warning_KomunjerNg = [warning_KomunjerNg ' The number of minimal system elements with non-zero derivative is smaller than the number of parameters.\n'];
warning_KomunjerNg = [warning_KomunjerNg ' Either reduce the list of parameters, or increase number of observables.\n'];
warning_KomunjerNg = [warning_KomunjerNg ' Skip identification analysis based on minimal state space system.\n'];
%resest options to neither display nor plot Komunjer and Ng's D anymore
if length(ind_dMINIMAL) < size(dMINIMAL,2)
warning_MINIMAL = 'WARNING: Order condition for dMINIMAL failed: There are too many parameters or too few observable variables.\n';
warning_MINIMAL = [warning_MINIMAL ' The number of minimal system elements with non-zero derivative is smaller than the number of parameters.\n'];
warning_MINIMAL = [warning_MINIMAL ' Either reduce the list of parameters, or increase number of observables.\n'];
warning_MINIMAL = [warning_MINIMAL ' Skip identification analysis based on minimal state space system.\n'];
%resest options to neither display nor plot dMINIMAL anymore
no_identification_minimal = 1;
options_ident.no_identification_minimal = 1;
%There is no order condition for Qu and Tkachenko's G
%Note that there is no order condition for dSPECTRUM, as the matrix is always of dimension totparam_nbr by totparam_nbr
if no_identification_moments && no_identification_minimal && no_identification_spectrum
%error if all three criteria fail
error('identification_analyis: Order condition(s) failed');
if ~no_identification_reducedform
ind_dTAU = (find(max(abs(dTAU'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index with non-zero derivatives
ind_dREDUCEDFORM = (find(max(abs(dREDUCEDFORM'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index with non-zero rows
ind_dLRE = (find(max(abs(dLRE'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index with non-zero derivatives
ind_dDYNAMIC = (find(max(abs(dDYNAMIC'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index with non-zero rows
LRE = lre(ind_dLRE);
si_dLRE = (dLRE(ind_dLRE,:)); %focus only on non-zero derivatives
DYNAMIC = DYNAMIC(ind_dDYNAMIC); %focus only on non-zero entries
si_dDYNAMIC = (dDYNAMIC(ind_dDYNAMIC,:)); %focus only on non-zero rows
if ~no_identification_reducedform
TAU = tau(ind_dTAU);
si_dTAU = (dTAU(ind_dTAU,:)); %focus only on non-zero derivatives
REDUCEDFORM = REDUCEDFORM(ind_dREDUCEDFORM); %focus only on non-zero entries
si_dREDUCEDFORM = (dREDUCEDFORM(ind_dREDUCEDFORM,:)); %focus only on non-zero rows
if ~no_identification_moments
si_J = (J(ind_J,:)); %focus only on non-zero derivatives
%% compute identification strength based on moments
MOMENTS = MOMENTS(ind_dMOMENTS); %focus only on non-zero entries
si_dMOMENTS = (dMOMENTS(ind_dMOMENTS,:)); %focus only on non-zero derivatives
if ~no_identification_strength && init %only for initialization of persistent vars
ide_strength_J = NaN(1,totparam_nbr); %initialize
ide_strength_J_prior = NaN(1,totparam_nbr); %initialize
ide_strength_dMOMENTS = NaN(1,totparam_nbr); %initialize
ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior = NaN(1,totparam_nbr); %initialize
ide_uncert_unnormaliz = NaN(1,totparam_nbr); %initialize
if prior_exist
offset_prior = 0;
@ -291,11 +267,10 @@ if info(1) == 0 %no errors in solution
%try to compute asymptotic Hessian for identification strength analysis based on moments
%try to compute asymptotic Hessian for identification strength analysis based on moments
% reset some options for faster computations
options_.irf = 0;
options_.noprint = 1;
options_.order = 1;
options_.SpectralDensity.trigger = 0;
options_.periods = periods+100;
if options_.kalman_algo > 2
@ -306,17 +281,17 @@ if info(1) == 0 %no errors in solution
[info, oo_, options_] = stoch_simul(M_, options_, oo_, options_.varobs);
dataset_ = dseries(oo_.endo_simul(options_.varobs_id,100+1:end)',dates('1Q1'), options_.varobs); %get information on moments
derivatives_info.no_DLIK = 1;
bounds = prior_bounds(bayestopt_, options_.prior_trunc); %reset bounds as lb and ub must only be operational during mode-finding
bounds = prior_bounds(bayestopt_, options_.prior_trunc); %reset bounds as lb and ub must only be operational during mode-finding
if options_.order > 1
fprintf('IDENTIFICATION STRENGTH: Analytic computation of Hessian is not available for ''order>1''\n')
fprintf(' Identification strength is based on simulated moment uncertainty\n');
%note that for order>1 we do not provide any information on DT,DYss,DOM in derivatives_info, such that dsge_likelihood creates an error. Therefore the computation will be based on simulated_moment_uncertainty for order>1.
[fval, info, cost_flag, DLIK, AHess, ys, trend_coeff, M_, options_, bayestopt_, oo_] = dsge_likelihood(params', dataset_, dataset_info, options_, M_, estim_params_, bayestopt_, bounds, oo_, derivatives_info); %non-used output variables need to be set for octave for some reason
%note that for the order of parameters in AHess we have: stderr parameters come first, corr parameters second, model parameters third. the order within these blocks corresponds to the order specified in the estimated_params block
options_.analytic_derivation = analytic_derivation; %reset option
AHess = -AHess; %take negative of hessian
if ischar(tol_rank) %if tolerance is specified as 'robust'
tol_rankAhess = max(size(AHess))*eps(norm(AHess));
tol_rankAhess = tol_rank;
if min(eig(AHess))<-tol_rankAhess
if min(eig(AHess))<-tol_rank
error('identification_analysis: Analytic Hessian is not positive semi-definite!')
ide_hess.AHess = AHess; %store asymptotic Hessian
@ -332,16 +307,16 @@ if info(1) == 0 %no errors in solution
indok = find(max(ide_hess.indno,[],1)==0);
ide_uncert_unnormaliz(indok) = sqrt(diag(inv(AHess(indok,indok))))';
ind1 = find(ide_hess.ind0);
cmm = si_J(:,ind1)*((AHess(ind1,ind1))\si_J(:,ind1)'); %covariance matrix of moments
temp1 = ((AHess(ind1,ind1))\si_dTAU(:,ind1)');
diag_chh = sum(si_dTAU(:,ind1)'.*temp1)';
cmm = si_dMOMENTS(:,ind1)*((AHess(ind1,ind1))\si_dMOMENTS(:,ind1)'); %covariance matrix of moments
temp1 = ((AHess(ind1,ind1))\si_dREDUCEDFORM(:,ind1)');
diag_chh = sum(si_dREDUCEDFORM(:,ind1)'.*temp1)';
ind1 = ind1(ind1>stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr);
clre = si_dLRE(:,ind1-stderrparam_nbr-corrparam_nbr)*((AHess(ind1,ind1))\si_dLRE(:,ind1-stderrparam_nbr-corrparam_nbr)');
flag_score = 1; %this is only used for a title of a plot in plot_identification.m
cdynamic = si_dDYNAMIC(:,ind1-stderrparam_nbr-corrparam_nbr)*((AHess(ind1,ind1))\si_dDYNAMIC(:,ind1-stderrparam_nbr-corrparam_nbr)');
flag_score = 1; %this is used for the title in plot_identification.m
%Asymptotic Hessian via simulation
replic = max([replic, length(ind_J)*3]);
cmm = simulated_moment_uncertainty(ind_J, periods, replic,options_,M_,oo_); %covariance matrix of moments
replic = max([replic, length(ind_dMOMENTS)*3]);
cmm = simulated_moment_uncertainty(ind_dMOMENTS, periods, replic,options_,M_,oo_); %covariance matrix of moments
sd = sqrt(diag(cmm));
cc = cmm./(sd*sd');
if isoctave || matlab_ver_less_than('8.3')
@ -353,7 +328,7 @@ if info(1) == 0 %no errors in solution
[VV,DD,WW] = eig(cc);
id = find(diag(DD)>tol_deriv);
siTMP = si_J./repmat(sd,[1 totparam_nbr]);
siTMP = si_dMOMENTS./repmat(sd,[1 totparam_nbr]);
MIM = (siTMP'*VV(:,id))*(DD(id,id)\(WW(:,id)'*siTMP));
clear siTMP;
ide_hess.AHess = MIM; %store asymptotic hessian
@ -368,122 +343,123 @@ if info(1) == 0 %no errors in solution
indok = find(max(ide_hess.indno,[],1)==0);
ind1 = find(ide_hess.ind0);
temp1 = ((MIM(ind1,ind1))\si_dTAU(:,ind1)');
diag_chh = sum(si_dTAU(:,ind1)'.*temp1)';
temp1 = ((MIM(ind1,ind1))\si_dREDUCEDFORM(:,ind1)');
diag_chh = sum(si_dREDUCEDFORM(:,ind1)'.*temp1)';
ind1 = ind1(ind1>stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr);
clre = si_dLRE(:,ind1-stderrparam_nbr-corrparam_nbr)*((MIM(ind1,ind1))\si_dLRE(:,ind1-stderrparam_nbr-corrparam_nbr)');
cdynamic = si_dDYNAMIC(:,ind1-stderrparam_nbr-corrparam_nbr)*((MIM(ind1,ind1))\si_dDYNAMIC(:,ind1-stderrparam_nbr-corrparam_nbr)');
if ~isempty(indok)
ide_uncert_unnormaliz(indok) = (sqrt(diag(inv(tildaM(indok,indok))))./deltaM(indok))'; %sqrt(diag(inv(MIM(indok,indok))))';
flag_score = 0; %this is only used for a title of a plot
flag_score = 0; %this is used for the title in plot_identification.m
end % end of computing sample information matrix for identification strength measure
ide_strength_J(indok) = (1./(ide_uncert_unnormaliz(indok)'./abs(params(indok)'))); %this is s_i in Ratto and Iskrev (2011, p.13)
ide_strength_J_prior(indok) = (1./(ide_uncert_unnormaliz(indok)'./normaliz_prior_std(indok)')); %this is s_i^{prior} in Ratto and Iskrev (2011, p.14)
ide_strength_dMOMENTS(indok) = (1./(ide_uncert_unnormaliz(indok)'./abs(params(indok)'))); %this is s_i in Ratto and Iskrev (2011, p.13)
ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior(indok) = (1./(ide_uncert_unnormaliz(indok)'./normaliz_prior_std(indok)')); %this is s_i^{prior} in Ratto and Iskrev (2011, p.14)
sensitivity_zero_pos = find(isinf(deltaM));
deltaM_prior = deltaM.*abs(normaliz_prior_std'); %this is \Delta_i^{prior} in Ratto and Iskrev (2011, p.14)
deltaM = deltaM.*abs(params'); %this is \Delta_i in Ratto and Iskrev (2011, p.14)
quant = si_J./repmat(sqrt(diag(cmm)),1,totparam_nbr);
quant = si_dMOMENTS./repmat(sqrt(diag(cmm)),1,totparam_nbr);
if size(quant,1)==1
si_Jnorm = abs(quant).*normaliz_prior_std;
si_dMOMENTSnorm = abs(quant).*normaliz_prior_std;
si_Jnorm = vnorm(quant).*normaliz_prior_std;
si_dMOMENTSnorm = vnorm(quant).*normaliz_prior_std;
iy = find(diag_chh);
ind_dTAU = ind_dTAU(iy);
si_dTAU = si_dTAU(iy,:);
if ~isempty(iy)
quant = si_dTAU./repmat(sqrt(diag_chh(iy)),1,totparam_nbr);
quant = si_dREDUCEDFORM./repmat(sqrt(diag_chh(iy)),1,totparam_nbr);
if size(quant,1)==1
si_dTAUnorm = abs(quant).*normaliz_prior_std;
si_dREDUCEDFORMnorm = abs(quant).*normaliz_prior_std;
si_dTAUnorm = vnorm(quant).*normaliz_prior_std;
si_dREDUCEDFORMnorm = vnorm(quant).*normaliz_prior_std;
si_dTAUnorm = [];
si_dREDUCEDFORMnorm = [];
diag_clre = diag(clre);
iy = find(diag_clre);
ind_dLRE = ind_dLRE(iy);
si_dLRE = si_dLRE(iy,:);
diag_cdynamic = diag(cdynamic);
iy = find(diag_cdynamic);
ind_dDYNAMIC = ind_dDYNAMIC(iy);
si_dDYNAMIC = si_dDYNAMIC(iy,:);
if ~isempty(iy)
quant = si_dLRE./repmat(sqrt(diag_clre(iy)),1,modparam_nbr);
quant = si_dDYNAMIC./repmat(sqrt(diag_cdynamic(iy)),1,modparam_nbr);
if size(quant,1)==1
si_dLREnorm = abs(quant).*normaliz_prior_std(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+1:end);
si_dDYNAMICnorm = abs(quant).*normaliz_prior_std(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+1:end);
si_dLREnorm = vnorm(quant).*normaliz_prior_std(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+1:end);
si_dDYNAMICnorm = vnorm(quant).*normaliz_prior_std(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+1:end);
%store results of identification strength
ide_hess.ide_strength_J = ide_strength_J;
ide_hess.ide_strength_J_prior = ide_strength_J_prior;
ide_hess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS = ide_strength_dMOMENTS;
ide_hess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior = ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior;
ide_hess.deltaM = deltaM;
ide_hess.deltaM_prior = deltaM_prior;
ide_hess.sensitivity_zero_pos = sensitivity_zero_pos;
ide_hess.identified_parameter_indices = indok;
ide_hess.flag_score = flag_score;
ide_lre.si_dLREnorm = si_dLREnorm;
ide_moments.si_Jnorm = si_Jnorm;
ide_reducedform.si_dTAUnorm = si_dTAUnorm;
ide_dynamic.si_dDYNAMICnorm = si_dDYNAMICnorm;
ide_moments.si_dMOMENTSnorm = si_dMOMENTSnorm;
ide_reducedform.si_dREDUCEDFORMnorm = si_dREDUCEDFORMnorm;
end %end of identification strength analysis
%% Theoretical identification analysis based on linear rational expectations model, i.e. steady state and Jacobian of dynamic model equations
%% Normalization of Jacobians
% For Dynamic, ReducedForm, Moment and Minimal Jacobian: rescale each row by its largest element in absolute value
% For Spectrum: transform into correlation-type matrices (as above with AHess)
if normalize_jacobians
norm_dLRE = max(abs(si_dLRE),[],2);
norm_dLRE = norm_dLRE(:,ones(size(dLRE,2),1));
norm_dDYNAMIC = max(abs(si_dDYNAMIC),[],2);
norm_dDYNAMIC = norm_dDYNAMIC(:,ones(size(dDYNAMIC,2),1));
norm_dLRE = 1;
norm_dDYNAMIC = 1;
% store into structure (not everything is really needed)
ide_lre.ind_dLRE = ind_dLRE;
ide_lre.norm_dLRE = norm_dLRE;
ide_lre.si_dLRE = si_dLRE;
ide_lre.dLRE = dLRE;
ide_lre.LRE = LRE;
% store into structure (not everything is used later on)
ide_dynamic.ind_dDYNAMIC = ind_dDYNAMIC;
ide_dynamic.norm_dDYNAMIC = norm_dDYNAMIC;
ide_dynamic.si_dDYNAMIC = si_dDYNAMIC;
ide_dynamic.dDYNAMIC = dDYNAMIC;
ide_dynamic.DYNAMIC = DYNAMIC;
%% Theoretical identification analysis based on steady state and reduced-form-solution
if ~no_identification_reducedform
if normalize_jacobians
norm_dTAU = max(abs(si_dTAU),[],2);
norm_dTAU = norm_dTAU(:,ones(totparam_nbr,1));
norm_dREDUCEDFORM = max(abs(si_dREDUCEDFORM),[],2);
norm_dREDUCEDFORM = norm_dREDUCEDFORM(:,ones(totparam_nbr,1));
norm_dTAU = 1;
norm_dREDUCEDFORM = 1;
% store into structure (not everything is really needed)
ide_reducedform.ind_dTAU = ind_dTAU;
ide_reducedform.norm_dTAU = norm_dTAU;
ide_reducedform.si_dTAU = si_dTAU;
ide_reducedform.dTAU = dTAU;
ide_reducedform.TAU = TAU;
% store into structure (not everything is used later on)
ide_reducedform.ind_dREDUCEDFORM = ind_dREDUCEDFORM;
ide_reducedform.norm_dREDUCEDFORM = norm_dREDUCEDFORM;
ide_reducedform.si_dREDUCEDFORM = si_dREDUCEDFORM;
ide_reducedform.dREDUCEDFORM = dREDUCEDFORM;
%% Theoretical identification analysis based on Iskrev (2010)'s method, i.e. first two moments
if ~no_identification_moments
if normalize_jacobians
norm_J = max(abs(si_J),[],2);
norm_J = norm_J(:,ones(totparam_nbr,1));
norm_dMOMENTS = max(abs(si_dMOMENTS),[],2);
norm_dMOMENTS = norm_dMOMENTS(:,ones(totparam_nbr,1));
norm_J = 1;
norm_dMOMENTS = 1;
% store into structure (not everything is really needed)
ide_moments.ind_J = ind_J;
ide_moments.norm_J = norm_J;
ide_moments.si_J = si_J;
ide_moments.J = J;
ide_moments.MOMENTS = MOMENTS;
% store into structure (not everything is used later on)
ide_moments.ind_dMOMENTS = ind_dMOMENTS;
ide_moments.norm_dMOMENTS = norm_dMOMENTS;
ide_moments.si_dMOMENTS = si_dMOMENTS;
ide_moments.dMOMENTS = dMOMENTS;
ide_moments.MOMENTS = MOMENTS;
if advanced
% here we do not normalize (i.e. set normJ=1) as the OLS in ident_bruteforce is very sensitive to normJ
[, ide_moments.cosnJ] = ident_bruteforce(J(ind_J,:), max_dim_cova_group, options_.TeX, options_ident.name_tex, options_ident.tittxt, options_ident.tol_deriv);
% here we do not normalize (i.e. we set norm_dMOMENTS=1) as the OLS in ident_bruteforce is very sensitive to norm_dMOMENTS
[, ide_moments.cosndMOMENTS] = ident_bruteforce(dMOMENTS(ind_dMOMENTS,:), max_dim_cova_group, options_.TeX, options_ident.name_tex, options_ident.tittxt, options_ident.tol_deriv);
%here idea is to have the unnormalized S and V, which is then used in plot_identification.m and for prior_mc > 1
[~, S, V] = svd(J(ind_J,:),0);
%here we focus on the unnormalized S and V, which is then used in plot_identification.m and for prior_mc > 1
[~, S, V] = svd(dMOMENTS(ind_dMOMENTS,:),0);
S = diag(S);
S = [S;zeros(size(J,2)-length(ind_J),1)];
S = [S;zeros(size(dMOMENTS,2)-length(ind_dMOMENTS),1)];
if totparam_nbr > 8
ide_moments.S = S([1:4, end-3:end]);
ide_moments.V = V(:,[1:4, end-3:end]);
@ -493,62 +469,62 @@ if info(1) == 0 %no errors in solution
%% Theoretical identification analysis based on Komunjer and Ng (2011)'s method, i.e. steady state and observational equivalent spectral densities within a minimal system
if ~no_identification_minimal
if normalize_jacobians
norm_D = max(abs(D(ind_D,:)),[],2);
norm_D = norm_D(:,ones(size(D,2),1));
ind_dMINIMAL = (find(max(abs(dMINIMAL'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index for non-zero rows
norm_dMINIMAL = max(abs(dMINIMAL(ind_dMINIMAL,:)),[],2);
norm_dMINIMAL = norm_dMINIMAL(:,ones(size(dMINIMAL,2),1));
norm_D = 1;
norm_dMINIMAL = 1;
% store into structure
ide_minimal.ind_D = ind_D;
ide_minimal.norm_D = norm_D;
ide_minimal.D = D;
% store into structure (not everything is used later on)
ide_minimal.ind_dMINIMAL = ind_dMINIMAL;
ide_minimal.norm_dMINIMAL = norm_dMINIMAL;
ide_minimal.dMINIMAL = dMINIMAL;
%% Theoretical identification analysis based on Qu and Tkachenko (2012)'s method, i.e. steady state and spectral density
if ~no_identification_spectrum
if normalize_jacobians
tilda_G = zeros(size(G));
delta_G = sqrt(diag(G(ind_G,ind_G)));
tilda_G(ind_G,ind_G) = G(ind_G,ind_G)./((delta_G)*(delta_G'));
norm_G = max(abs(G(ind_G,:)),[],2);
norm_G = norm_G(:,ones(size(G,2),1));
ind_dSPECTRUM = (find(max(abs(dSPECTRUM'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index for non-zero rows
tilda_dSPECTRUM = zeros(size(dSPECTRUM));
delta_dSPECTRUM = sqrt(diag(dSPECTRUM(ind_dSPECTRUM,ind_dSPECTRUM)));
norm_dSPECTRUM = max(abs(dSPECTRUM(ind_dSPECTRUM,:)),[],2);
norm_dSPECTRUM = norm_dSPECTRUM(:,ones(size(dSPECTRUM,2),1));
tilda_G = G;
norm_G = 1;
norm_dSPECTRUM = 1;
% store into structure
ide_spectrum.ind_G = ind_G;
ide_spectrum.tilda_G = tilda_G;
ide_spectrum.G = G;
ide_spectrum.norm_G = norm_G;
% store into structure (not everything is used later on)
ide_spectrum.ind_dSPECTRUM = ind_dSPECTRUM;
ide_spectrum.norm_dSPECTRUM = norm_dSPECTRUM;
ide_spectrum.tilda_dSPECTRUM = tilda_dSPECTRUM;
ide_spectrum.dSPECTRUM = dSPECTRUM;
%% Perform identification checks, i.e. find out which parameters are involved
%% Perform identification checks, i.e. find out which parameters are involved
if checks_via_subsets
% identification_checks_via_subsets is only for debugging
[ide_lre, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal] = ...
identification_checks_via_subsets(ide_lre, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, totparam_nbr, modparam_nbr, options_ident);
[ide_dynamic, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal] = ...
identification_checks_via_subsets(ide_dynamic, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, totparam_nbr, modparam_nbr, options_ident);
[ide_lre.cond, ide_lre.rank, ide_lre.ind0, ide_lre.indno, ide_lre.ino, ide_lre.Mco, ide_lre.Pco, ide_lre.jweak, ide_lre.jweak_pair] = ...
identification_checks(dLRE(ind_dLRE,:)./norm_dLRE, 1, tol_rank, tol_sv, modparam_nbr);
[ide_dynamic.cond, ide_dynamic.rank, ide_dynamic.ind0, ide_dynamic.indno, ide_dynamic.ino, ide_dynamic.Mco, ide_dynamic.Pco, ide_dynamic.jweak, ide_dynamic.jweak_pair] = ...
identification_checks(dDYNAMIC(ind_dDYNAMIC,:)./norm_dDYNAMIC, 1, tol_rank, tol_sv, modparam_nbr);
if ~no_identification_reducedform
[ide_reducedform.cond, ide_reducedform.rank, ide_reducedform.ind0, ide_reducedform.indno, ide_reducedform.ino, ide_reducedform.Mco, ide_reducedform.Pco, ide_reducedform.jweak, ide_reducedform.jweak_pair] = ...
identification_checks(dTAU(ind_dTAU,:)./norm_dTAU, 1, tol_rank, tol_sv, totparam_nbr);
identification_checks(dREDUCEDFORM(ind_dREDUCEDFORM,:)./norm_dREDUCEDFORM, 1, tol_rank, tol_sv, totparam_nbr);
if ~no_identification_moments
[ide_moments.cond, ide_moments.rank, ide_moments.ind0, ide_moments.indno, ide_moments.ino, ide_moments.Mco, ide_moments.Pco, ide_moments.jweak, ide_moments.jweak_pair] = ...
identification_checks(J(ind_J,:)./norm_J, 1, tol_rank, tol_sv, totparam_nbr);
identification_checks(dMOMENTS(ind_dMOMENTS,:)./norm_dMOMENTS, 1, tol_rank, tol_sv, totparam_nbr);
if ~no_identification_minimal
[ide_minimal.cond, ide_minimal.rank, ide_minimal.ind0, ide_minimal.indno, ide_minimal.ino, ide_minimal.Mco, ide_minimal.Pco, ide_minimal.jweak, ide_minimal.jweak_pair] = ...
identification_checks(D(ind_D,:)./norm_D, 2, tol_rank, tol_sv, totparam_nbr);
identification_checks(dMINIMAL(ind_dMINIMAL,:)./norm_dMINIMAL, 2, tol_rank, tol_sv, totparam_nbr);
if ~no_identification_spectrum
[ide_spectrum.cond, ide_spectrum.rank, ide_spectrum.ind0, ide_spectrum.indno, ide_spectrum.ino, ide_spectrum.Mco, ide_spectrum.Pco, ide_spectrum.jweak, ide_spectrum.jweak_pair] = ...
identification_checks(tilda_G, 3, tol_rank, tol_sv, totparam_nbr);
identification_checks(tilda_dSPECTRUM, 3, tol_rank, tol_sv, totparam_nbr);

View File

@ -48,7 +48,9 @@ function [condX, rankX, ind0, indno, ixno, Mco, Pco, jweak, jweak_pair] = identi
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with Dynare. If not, see <>.
% =========================================================================
if issparse(X)
X = full(X);
if nargin < 3 || isempty(tol_rank)
tol_rank = 1.e-10; %tolerance level used for rank computations

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
function [ide_lre, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal] = identification_checks_via_subsets(ide_lre, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, totparam_nbr, modparam_nbr, options_ident)
%[ide_lre, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal] = identification_checks_via_subsets(ide_lre, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, totparam_nbr, modparam_nbr, options_ident)
function [ide_dynamic, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal] = identification_checks_via_subsets(ide_dynamic, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, totparam_nbr, modparam_nbr, options_ident)
%[ide_dynamic, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal] = identification_checks_via_subsets(ide_dynamic, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, totparam_nbr, modparam_nbr, options_ident)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Finds problematic sets of paramters via checking the necessary rank condition
% of the Jacobians for all possible combinations of parameters. The rank is
@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ function [ide_lre, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal] = id
% =========================================================================
%% initialize output objects and get options
no_identification_lre = 0; %always compute lre
no_identification_dynamic = 0; %always compute dynamic
no_identification_reducedform = options_ident.no_identification_reducedform;
no_identification_moments = options_ident.no_identification_moments;
no_identification_spectrum = options_ident.no_identification_spectrum;
no_identification_minimal = options_ident.no_identification_minimal;
tol_rank = options_ident.tol_rank;
max_dim_subsets_groups = options_ident.max_dim_subsets_groups;
lre_problpars = cell(1,max_dim_subsets_groups);
dynamic_problpars = cell(1,max_dim_subsets_groups);
reducedform_problpars = cell(1,max_dim_subsets_groups);
moments_problpars = cell(1,max_dim_subsets_groups);
spectrum_problpars = cell(1,max_dim_subsets_groups);
@ -87,298 +87,298 @@ indtotparam = 1:totparam_nbr; %initialize index of parameters
%% Prepare Jacobians and check rank
% initialize linear rational expectations model
if ~no_identification_lre
dLRE = ide_lre.dLRE;
dLRE(ide_lre.ind_dLRE,:) = dLRE(ide_lre.ind_dLRE,:)./ide_lre.norm_dLRE; %normalize
if ~no_identification_dynamic
dDYNAMIC = ide_dynamic.dDYNAMIC;
dDYNAMIC(ide_dynamic.ind_dDYNAMIC,:) = dDYNAMIC(ide_dynamic.ind_dDYNAMIC,:)./ide_dynamic.norm_dDYNAMIC; %normalize
if totparam_nbr > modparam_nbr
dLRE = [zeros(size(ide_lre.dLRE,1),totparam_nbr-modparam_nbr) dLRE]; %add derivatives wrt stderr and corr parameters
dDYNAMIC = [zeros(size(ide_dynamic.dDYNAMIC,1),totparam_nbr-modparam_nbr) dDYNAMIC]; %add derivatives wrt stderr and corr parameters
rank_dLRE = rank(dLRE,tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance level
ide_lre.rank = rank_dLRE;
rank_dDYNAMIC = rank(full(dDYNAMIC),tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance level
ide_dynamic.rank = rank_dDYNAMIC;
% check rank criteria for full Jacobian
if rank_dLRE == totparam_nbr
if rank_dDYNAMIC == totparam_nbr
% all parameters are identifiable
no_identification_lre = 1; %skip in the following
indparam_dLRE = [];
no_identification_dynamic = 1; %skip in the following
indparam_dDYNAMIC = [];
% there is lack of identification
indparam_dLRE = indtotparam; %initialize for nchoosek
indparam_dDYNAMIC = indtotparam; %initialize for nchoosek
indparam_dLRE = []; %empty for nchoosek
indparam_dDYNAMIC = []; %empty for nchoosek
% initialize for reduced form solution criteria
if ~no_identification_reducedform
dTAU = ide_reducedform.dTAU;
dTAU(ide_reducedform.ind_dTAU,:) = dTAU(ide_reducedform.ind_dTAU,:)./ide_reducedform.norm_dTAU; %normalize
rank_dTAU = rank(dTAU,tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance level
ide_reducedform.rank = rank_dTAU;
dREDUCEDFORM = ide_reducedform.dREDUCEDFORM;
dREDUCEDFORM(ide_reducedform.ind_dREDUCEDFORM,:) = dREDUCEDFORM(ide_reducedform.ind_dREDUCEDFORM,:)./ide_reducedform.norm_dREDUCEDFORM; %normalize
rank_dREDUCEDFORM = rank(full(dREDUCEDFORM),tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance level
ide_reducedform.rank = rank_dREDUCEDFORM;
% check rank criteria for full Jacobian
if rank_dTAU == totparam_nbr
if rank_dREDUCEDFORM == totparam_nbr
% all parameters are identifiable
no_identification_reducedform = 1; %skip in the following
indparam_dTAU = [];
indparam_dREDUCEDFORM = [];
% there is lack of identification
indparam_dTAU = indtotparam; %initialize for nchoosek
indparam_dREDUCEDFORM = indtotparam; %initialize for nchoosek
indparam_dTAU = []; %empty for nchoosek
indparam_dREDUCEDFORM = []; %empty for nchoosek
% initialize for moments criteria
if ~no_identification_moments
J = ide_moments.J;
J(ide_moments.ind_J,:) = J(ide_moments.ind_J,:)./ide_moments.norm_J; %normalize
rank_J = rank(J,tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance level
ide_moments.rank = rank_J;
dMOMENTS = ide_moments.dMOMENTS;
dMOMENTS(ide_moments.ind_dMOMENTS,:) = dMOMENTS(ide_moments.ind_dMOMENTS,:)./ide_moments.norm_dMOMENTS; %normalize
rank_dMOMENTS = rank(full(dMOMENTS),tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance level
ide_moments.rank = rank_dMOMENTS;
% check rank criteria for full Jacobian
if rank_J == totparam_nbr
if rank_dMOMENTS == totparam_nbr
% all parameters are identifiable
no_identification_moments = 1; %skip in the following
indparam_J = [];
indparam_dMOMENTS = [];
% there is lack of identification
indparam_J = indtotparam; %initialize for nchoosek
indparam_dMOMENTS = indtotparam; %initialize for nchoosek
indparam_J = []; %empty for nchoosek
indparam_dMOMENTS = []; %empty for nchoosek
% initialize for spectrum criteria
if ~no_identification_spectrum
G = ide_spectrum.tilda_G; %tilda G is normalized G matrix in identification_analysis.m
dSPECTRUM = ide_spectrum.tilda_dSPECTRUM; %tilda dSPECTRUM is normalized dSPECTRUM matrix in identification_analysis.m
%alternative normalization
%G = ide_spectrum.G;
%G(ide_spectrum.ind_G,:) = G(ide_spectrum.ind_G,:)./ide_spectrum.norm_G; %normalize
rank_G = rank(G,tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance level
ide_spectrum.rank = rank_G;
%dSPECTRUM = ide_spectrum.dSPECTRUM;
%dSPECTRUM(ide_spectrum.ind_dSPECTRUM,:) = dSPECTRUM(ide_spectrum.ind_dSPECTRUM,:)./ide_spectrum.norm_dSPECTRUM; %normalize
rank_dSPECTRUM = rank(full(dSPECTRUM),tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance level
ide_spectrum.rank = rank_dSPECTRUM;
% check rank criteria for full Jacobian
if rank_G == totparam_nbr
if rank_dSPECTRUM == totparam_nbr
% all parameters are identifiable
no_identification_spectrum = 1; %skip in the following
indparam_G = [];
indparam_dSPECTRUM = [];
% lack of identification
indparam_G = indtotparam; %initialize for nchoosek
indparam_dSPECTRUM = indtotparam; %initialize for nchoosek
indparam_G = []; %empty for nchoosek
indparam_dSPECTRUM = []; %empty for nchoosek
% initialize for minimal system criteria
if ~no_identification_minimal
D = ide_minimal.D;
D(ide_minimal.ind_D,:) = D(ide_minimal.ind_D,:)./ide_minimal.norm_D; %normalize
D_par = D(:,1:totparam_nbr); %part of D that is dependent on parameters
D_rest = D(:,(totparam_nbr+1):end); %part of D that is independent of parameters
rank_D = rank(D,tol_rank); %compute rank via SVD see function below
ide_minimal.rank = rank_D;
D_fixed_rank_nbr = size(D_rest,2);
dMINIMAL = ide_minimal.dMINIMAL;
dMINIMAL(ide_minimal.ind_dMINIMAL,:) = dMINIMAL(ide_minimal.ind_dMINIMAL,:)./ide_minimal.norm_dMINIMAL; %normalize
dMINIMAL_par = dMINIMAL(:,1:totparam_nbr); %part of dMINIMAL that is dependent on parameters
dMINIMAL_rest = dMINIMAL(:,(totparam_nbr+1):end); %part of dMINIMAL that is independent of parameters
rank_dMINIMAL = rank(full(dMINIMAL),tol_rank); %compute rank via SVD see function below
ide_minimal.rank = rank_dMINIMAL;
dMINIMAL_fixed_rank_nbr = size(dMINIMAL_rest,2);
% check rank criteria for full Jacobian
if rank_D == totparam_nbr + D_fixed_rank_nbr
if rank_dMINIMAL == totparam_nbr + dMINIMAL_fixed_rank_nbr
% all parameters are identifiable
no_identification_minimal = 1; %skip in the following
indparam_D = [];
indparam_dMINIMAL = [];
% lack of identification
indparam_D = indtotparam; %initialize for nchoosek
indparam_dMINIMAL = indtotparam; %initialize for nchoosek
indparam_D = []; %empty for nchoosek
indparam_dMINIMAL = []; %empty for nchoosek
%% Check single parameters
for j=1:totparam_nbr
if ~no_identification_lre
if ~no_identification_dynamic
% Columns correspond to single parameters, i.e. full rank would be equal to 1
if rank(dLRE(:,j),tol_rank) == 0
lre_problpars{1} = [lre_problpars{1};j];
if rank(full(dDYNAMIC(:,j)),tol_rank) == 0
dynamic_problpars{1} = [dynamic_problpars{1};j];
if ~no_identification_reducedform
% Columns correspond to single parameters, i.e. full rank would be equal to 1
if rank(dTAU(:,j),tol_rank) == 0
if rank(full(dREDUCEDFORM(:,j)),tol_rank) == 0
reducedform_problpars{1} = [reducedform_problpars{1};j];
if ~no_identification_moments
% Columns correspond to single parameters, i.e. full rank would be equal to 1
if rank(J(:,j),tol_rank) == 0
if rank(full(dMOMENTS(:,j)),tol_rank) == 0
moments_problpars{1} = [moments_problpars{1};j];
if ~no_identification_spectrum
% Diagonal values correspond to single parameters, absolute value needs to be greater than tolerance level
if abs(G(j,j)) < tol_rank
if abs(dSPECTRUM(j,j)) < tol_rank
spectrum_problpars{1} = [spectrum_problpars{1};j];
if ~no_identification_minimal
% Columns of D_par correspond to single parameters, needs to be augmented with D_rest (part that is independent of parameters),
% full rank would be equal to 1+D_fixed_rank_nbr
if rank([D_par(:,j) D_rest],tol_rank) == D_fixed_rank_nbr
% Columns of dMINIMAL_par correspond to single parameters, needs to be augmented with dMINIMAL_rest (part that is independent of parameters),
% full rank would be equal to 1+dMINIMAL_fixed_rank_nbr
if rank(full([dMINIMAL_par(:,j) dMINIMAL_rest]),tol_rank) == dMINIMAL_fixed_rank_nbr
minimal_problpars{1} = [minimal_problpars{1};j];
% Check whether lack of identification is only due to single parameters
if ~no_identification_lre
if size(lre_problpars{1},1) == (totparam_nbr - rank_dLRE)
if ~no_identification_dynamic
if size(dynamic_problpars{1},1) == (totparam_nbr - rank_dDYNAMIC)
%found all nonidentified parameter sets
no_identification_lre = 1; %skip in the following
no_identification_dynamic = 1; %skip in the following
%still parameter sets that are nonidentified
indparam_dLRE(lre_problpars{1}) = []; %remove single unidentified parameters from higher-order sets of indparam
indparam_dDYNAMIC(dynamic_problpars{1}) = []; %remove single unidentified parameters from higher-order sets of indparam
if ~no_identification_reducedform
if size(reducedform_problpars{1},1) == (totparam_nbr - rank_dTAU)
if size(reducedform_problpars{1},1) == (totparam_nbr - rank_dREDUCEDFORM)
%found all nonidentified parameter sets
no_identification_reducedform = 1; %skip in the following
%still parameter sets that are nonidentified
indparam_dTAU(reducedform_problpars{1}) = []; %remove single unidentified parameters from higher-order sets of indparam
indparam_dREDUCEDFORM(reducedform_problpars{1}) = []; %remove single unidentified parameters from higher-order sets of indparam
if ~no_identification_moments
if size(moments_problpars{1},1) == (totparam_nbr - rank_J)
if size(moments_problpars{1},1) == (totparam_nbr - rank_dMOMENTS)
%found all nonidentified parameter sets
no_identification_moments = 1; %skip in the following
%still parameter sets that are nonidentified
indparam_J(moments_problpars{1}) = []; %remove single unidentified parameters from higher-order sets of indparam
indparam_dMOMENTS(moments_problpars{1}) = []; %remove single unidentified parameters from higher-order sets of indparam
if ~no_identification_spectrum
if size(spectrum_problpars{1},1) == (totparam_nbr - rank_G)
if size(spectrum_problpars{1},1) == (totparam_nbr - rank_dSPECTRUM)
%found all nonidentified parameter sets
no_identification_spectrum = 1; %skip in the following
%still parameter sets that are nonidentified
indparam_G(spectrum_problpars{1}) = []; %remove single unidentified parameters from higher-order sets of indparam
indparam_dSPECTRUM(spectrum_problpars{1}) = []; %remove single unidentified parameters from higher-order sets of indparam
if ~no_identification_minimal
if size(minimal_problpars{1},1) == (totparam_nbr + D_fixed_rank_nbr - rank_D)
if size(minimal_problpars{1},1) == (totparam_nbr + dMINIMAL_fixed_rank_nbr - rank_dMINIMAL)
%found all nonidentified parameter sets
no_identification_minimal = 1; %skip in the following
%still parameter sets that are nonidentified
indparam_D(minimal_problpars{1}) = []; %remove single unidentified parameters from higher-order sets of indparam
indparam_dMINIMAL(minimal_problpars{1}) = []; %remove single unidentified parameters from higher-order sets of indparam
%% check higher order (j>1) parameter sets
%get common parameter indices from which to sample higher-order sets using nchoosek (we do not want to run nchoosek three times), most of the times indparamJ, indparamG, and indparamD are equal anyways
indtotparam = unique([indparam_dLRE indparam_dTAU indparam_J indparam_G indparam_D]);
%get common parameter indices from which to sample higher-order sets using nchoosek (we do not want to run nchoosek three times), most of the times indparamdMOMENTS, indparamdSPECTRUM, and indparamdMINIMAL are equal anyways
indtotparam = unique([indparam_dDYNAMIC indparam_dREDUCEDFORM indparam_dMOMENTS indparam_dSPECTRUM indparam_dMINIMAL]);
for j=2:min(length(indtotparam),max_dim_subsets_groups) % Check j-element subsets
h = dyn_waitbar(0,['Brute force collinearity for ' int2str(j) ' parameters.']);
%Step1: get all possible unique subsets of j elements
if ~no_identification_lre || ~no_identification_reducedform || ~no_identification_moments || ~no_identification_spectrum || ~no_identification_minimal
if ~no_identification_dynamic || ~no_identification_reducedform || ~no_identification_moments || ~no_identification_spectrum || ~no_identification_minimal
indexj=nchoosek(int16(indtotparam),j); % int16 speeds up nchoosek
% One could also use a mex version of nchoosek to speed this up, e.g.VChooseK from
%Step 2: remove already problematic sets and initialize rank vector
if ~no_identification_lre
indexj_dLRE = RemoveProblematicParameterSets(indexj,lre_problpars);
rankj_dLRE = zeros(size(indexj_dLRE,1),1);
if ~no_identification_dynamic
indexj_dDYNAMIC = RemoveProblematicParameterSets(indexj,dynamic_problpars);
rankj_dDYNAMIC = zeros(size(indexj_dDYNAMIC,1),1);
indexj_dLRE = [];
indexj_dDYNAMIC = [];
if ~no_identification_reducedform
indexj_dTAU = RemoveProblematicParameterSets(indexj,reducedform_problpars);
rankj_dTAU = zeros(size(indexj_dTAU,1),1);
indexj_dREDUCEDFORM = RemoveProblematicParameterSets(indexj,reducedform_problpars);
rankj_dREDUCEDFORM = zeros(size(indexj_dREDUCEDFORM,1),1);
indexj_dTAU = [];
indexj_dREDUCEDFORM = [];
if ~no_identification_moments
indexj_J = RemoveProblematicParameterSets(indexj,moments_problpars);
rankj_J = zeros(size(indexj_J,1),1);
indexj_dMOMENTS = RemoveProblematicParameterSets(indexj,moments_problpars);
rankj_dMOMENTS = zeros(size(indexj_dMOMENTS,1),1);
indexj_J = [];
indexj_dMOMENTS = [];
if ~no_identification_spectrum
indexj_G = RemoveProblematicParameterSets(indexj,spectrum_problpars);
rankj_G = zeros(size(indexj_G,1),1);
indexj_dSPECTRUM = RemoveProblematicParameterSets(indexj,spectrum_problpars);
rankj_dSPECTRUM = zeros(size(indexj_dSPECTRUM,1),1);
indexj_G = [];
indexj_dSPECTRUM = [];
if ~no_identification_minimal
indexj_D = RemoveProblematicParameterSets(indexj,minimal_problpars);
rankj_D = zeros(size(indexj_D,1),1);
indexj_dMINIMAL = RemoveProblematicParameterSets(indexj,minimal_problpars);
rankj_dMINIMAL = zeros(size(indexj_dMINIMAL,1),1);
indexj_D = [];
indexj_dMINIMAL = [];
%Step3: Check rank criteria on submatrices
k_dLRE=0; k_dTAU=0; k_J=0; k_G=0; k_D=0; %initialize counters
maxk = max([size(indexj_dLRE,1), size(indexj_dTAU,1), size(indexj_J,1), size(indexj_D,1), size(indexj_G,1)]);
k_dDYNAMIC=0; k_dREDUCEDFORM=0; k_dMOMENTS=0; k_dSPECTRUM=0; k_dMINIMAL=0; %initialize counters
maxk = max([size(indexj_dDYNAMIC,1), size(indexj_dREDUCEDFORM,1), size(indexj_dMOMENTS,1), size(indexj_dMINIMAL,1), size(indexj_dSPECTRUM,1)]);
for k=1:maxk
if ~no_identification_lre
k_dLRE = k_dLRE+1;
if k_dLRE <= size(indexj_dLRE,1)
dLRE_j = dLRE(:,indexj_dLRE(k_dLRE,:)); % pick columns that correspond to parameter subset
rankj_dLRE(k_dLRE,1) = rank(dLRE_j,tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance
if ~no_identification_dynamic
if k_dDYNAMIC <= size(indexj_dDYNAMIC,1)
dDYNAMIC_j = dDYNAMIC(:,indexj_dDYNAMIC(k_dDYNAMIC,:)); % pick columns that correspond to parameter subset
rankj_dDYNAMIC(k_dDYNAMIC,1) = rank(full(dDYNAMIC_j),tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance
if ~no_identification_reducedform
k_dTAU = k_dTAU+1;
if k_dTAU <= size(indexj_dTAU,1)
dTAU_j = dTAU(:,indexj_dTAU(k_dTAU,:)); % pick columns that correspond to parameter subset
rankj_dTAU(k_dTAU,1) = rank(dTAU_j,tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance
if k_dREDUCEDFORM <= size(indexj_dREDUCEDFORM,1)
dREDUCEDFORM_j = dREDUCEDFORM(:,indexj_dREDUCEDFORM(k_dREDUCEDFORM,:)); % pick columns that correspond to parameter subset
rankj_dREDUCEDFORM(k_dREDUCEDFORM,1) = rank(full(dREDUCEDFORM_j),tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance
if ~no_identification_moments
k_J = k_J+1;
if k_J <= size(indexj_J,1)
J_j = J(:,indexj_J(k_J,:)); % pick columns that correspond to parameter subset
rankj_J(k_J,1) = rank(J_j,tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance
if k_dMOMENTS <= size(indexj_dMOMENTS,1)
dMOMENTS_j = dMOMENTS(:,indexj_dMOMENTS(k_dMOMENTS,:)); % pick columns that correspond to parameter subset
rankj_dMOMENTS(k_dMOMENTS,1) = rank(full(dMOMENTS_j),tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance
if ~no_identification_minimal
k_D = k_D+1;
if k_D <= size(indexj_D,1)
D_j = [D_par(:,indexj_D(k_D,:)) D_rest]; % pick columns in D_par that correspond to parameter subset and augment with parameter-indepdendet part D_rest
rankj_D(k_D,1) = rank(D_j,tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance
if k_dMINIMAL <= size(indexj_dMINIMAL,1)
dMINIMAL_j = [dMINIMAL_par(:,indexj_dMINIMAL(k_dMINIMAL,:)) dMINIMAL_rest]; % pick columns in dMINIMAL_par that correspond to parameter subset and augment with parameter-indepdendet part dMINIMAL_rest
rankj_dMINIMAL(k_dMINIMAL,1) = rank(full(dMINIMAL_j),tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance
if ~no_identification_spectrum
k_G = k_G+1;
if k_G <= size(indexj_G,1)
G_j = G(indexj_G(k_G,:),indexj_G(k_G,:)); % pick rows and columns that correspond to parameter subset
rankj_G(k_G,1) = rank(G_j,tol_rank); % Compute rank with imposed tol
if k_dSPECTRUM <= size(indexj_dSPECTRUM,1)
dSPECTRUM_j = dSPECTRUM(indexj_dSPECTRUM(k_dSPECTRUM,:),indexj_dSPECTRUM(k_dSPECTRUM,:)); % pick rows and columns that correspond to parameter subset
rankj_dSPECTRUM(k_dSPECTRUM,1) = rank(full(dSPECTRUM_j),tol_rank); % Compute rank with imposed tol
%Step 4: Compare rank conditions for all possible subsets. If rank condition is violated, then the corresponding numbers of the parameters are stored
if ~no_identification_lre
lre_problpars{j} = indexj_dLRE(rankj_dLRE < j,:);
if ~no_identification_dynamic
dynamic_problpars{j} = indexj_dDYNAMIC(rankj_dDYNAMIC < j,:);
if ~no_identification_reducedform
reducedform_problpars{j} = indexj_dTAU(rankj_dTAU < j,:);
reducedform_problpars{j} = indexj_dREDUCEDFORM(rankj_dREDUCEDFORM < j,:);
if ~no_identification_moments
moments_problpars{j} = indexj_J(rankj_J < j,:);
moments_problpars{j} = indexj_dMOMENTS(rankj_dMOMENTS < j,:);
if ~no_identification_minimal
minimal_problpars{j} = indexj_D(rankj_D < (j+D_fixed_rank_nbr),:);
minimal_problpars{j} = indexj_dMINIMAL(rankj_dMINIMAL < (j+dMINIMAL_fixed_rank_nbr),:);
if ~no_identification_spectrum
spectrum_problpars{j} = indexj_G(rankj_G < j,:);
spectrum_problpars{j} = indexj_dSPECTRUM(rankj_dSPECTRUM < j,:);
% % Optional Step 5: % remove redundant 2-sets, eg. if the problematic sets are [(p1,p2);(p1,p3);(p2,p3)], then the unique problematic parameter sets are actually only [(p1,p2),(p1,p3)]
% if j == 2
% for jj=1:max([size(lre_problpars{2},1), size(reducedform_problpars{2},1), size(moments_problpars{2},1), size(spectrum_problpars{2},1), size(minimal_problpars{2},1)])
% if jj <= size(lre_problpars{2},1)
% lre_problpars{2}(lre_problpars{2}(jj,2)==lre_problpars{2}(:,1)) = lre_problpars{2}(jj,1);
% for jj=1:max([size(dynamic_problpars{2},1), size(reducedform_problpars{2},1), size(moments_problpars{2},1), size(spectrum_problpars{2},1), size(minimal_problpars{2},1)])
% if jj <= size(dynamic_problpars{2},1)
% dynamic_problpars{2}(dynamic_problpars{2}(jj,2)==dynamic_problpars{2}(:,1)) = dynamic_problpars{2}(jj,1);
% end
% if jj <= size(reducedform_problpars{2},1)
% reducedform_problpars{2}(reducedform_problpars{2}(jj,2)==reducedform_problpars{2}(:,1)) = reducedform_problpars{2}(jj,1);
@ -393,13 +393,13 @@ for j=2:min(length(indtotparam),max_dim_subsets_groups) % Check j-element subset
% minimal_problpars{2}(minimal_problpars{2}(jj,2)==minimal_problpars{2}(:,1)) = minimal_problpars{2}(jj,1);
% end
% end
% lre_problpars{2} = unique(lre_problpars{2},'rows');
% dynamic_problpars{2} = unique(dynamic_problpars{2},'rows');
% reducedform_problpars{2} = unique(reducedform_problpars{2},'rows');
% moments_problpars{2} = unique(moments_problpars{2},'rows');
% spectrum_problpars{2} = unique(spectrum_problpars{2},'rows');
% minimal_problpars{2} = unique(minimal_problpars{2},'rows');
% % in indparam we replace the second parameter of problematic 2-sets by the observational equivalent first parameter to speed up nchoosek
% idx2 = unique([lre_problpars{2}; reducedform_problpars{2}; moments_problpars{2}; spectrum_problpars{2}; minimal_problpars{2}],'rows');
% idx2 = unique([dynamic_problpars{2}; reducedform_problpars{2}; moments_problpars{2}; spectrum_problpars{2}; minimal_problpars{2}],'rows');
% if ~isempty(idx2)
% indtotparam(ismember(indtotparam,idx2(:,2))) = [];
% end
@ -408,10 +408,10 @@ for j=2:min(length(indtotparam),max_dim_subsets_groups) % Check j-element subset
%% Save output variables
if ~isempty(lre_problpars{1})
lre_problpars{1}(ismember(lre_problpars{1},1:(totparam_nbr-modparam_nbr))) = []; % get rid of stderr and corr variables for lre
if ~isempty(dynamic_problpars{1})
dynamic_problpars{1}(ismember(dynamic_problpars{1},1:(totparam_nbr-modparam_nbr))) = []; % get rid of stderr and corr variables for dynamic
ide_lre.problpars = lre_problpars;
ide_dynamic.problpars = dynamic_problpars;
ide_reducedform.problpars = reducedform_problpars;
ide_moments.problpars = moments_problpars;
ide_spectrum.problpars = spectrum_problpars;

View File

@ -88,33 +88,53 @@ else
%% compute Kalman transition matrices and steady state with updated parameters
[A, B, ~, ~, M, options, oo] = dynare_resolve(M, options, oo);
ys = oo.dr.ys; %steady state of model variables in declaration order
y0 = ys(oo.dr.order_var); %steady state of model variables in DR order
[~,info,M,options,oo] = resol(0,M,options,oo);
options = rmfield(options,'options_ident');
oo.dr = pruned_state_space_system(M, options, oo.dr);
A = oo.dr.pruned.A;
B = oo.dr.pruned.B;
C = oo.dr.pruned.C(indvar,:);
D = oo.dr.pruned.D(indvar,:);
Om_z = oo.dr.pruned.Om_z;
Om_y = oo.dr.pruned.Om_y(indvar,indvar);
Varinov = oo.dr.pruned.Varinov;
obs_nbr = size(C,1);
%% out = [vech(cov(Y_t,Y_t)); vec(cov(Y_t,Y_{t-1}); ...; vec(cov(Y_t,Y_{t-nlags})] of indvar variables, in DR order. This is Iskrev (2010)'s J matrix.
if outputflag == 1
% Denote Ezz0 = E_t(z_t * z_t'), then the following Lyapunov equation defines the autocovariagrom: Ezz0 -A*Ezz*A' = B*Sig_e*B'
Ezz0 = lyapunov_symm(A,B*M.Sigma_e*B',options.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol,options.qz_criterium,options.lyapunov_complex_threshold,[],options.debug);
indzeros = find(abs(Ezz0) < 1e-12); %set small values to zero
Ezz0(indzeros) = 0;
[Ezz0,u] = lyapunov_symm(A, Om_z, options.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol, options.qz_criterium, options.lyapunov_complex_threshold, 1, options.debug);
stationary_vars = (1:size(C,1))';
if ~isempty(u)
x = abs(C*u);
stationary_vars = find(all(x < options.Schur_vec_tol,2));
Eyy0 = NaN*ones(obs_nbr,obs_nbr);
Eyy0(stationary_vars,stationary_vars) = C(stationary_vars,:)*Ezz0*C(stationary_vars,:)' + Om_y(stationary_vars,stationary_vars);
indzeros = find(abs(Eyy0) < 1e-12); %find values that are numerical zero
Eyy0(indzeros) = 0;
if useautocorr
sy = sqrt(diag(Ezz0));
sy = sy*sy';
sy = sqrt(diag(Ezz0)); %theoretical standard deviation
sy = sy(stationary_vars);
sy = sy*sy'; %cross products of standard deviations
sy0 = sy-diag(diag(sy))+eye(length(sy));
Ezz0corr = Ezz0./sy0;
out = dyn_vech(Ezz0corr(indvar,indvar)); %focus only on unique terms
Eyy0corr = NaN*ones(size(C,1),size(C,1));
Eyy0corr(stationary_vars,stationary_vars) = Eyy0./sy0;
out = dyn_vech(Eyy0corr); %focus only on unique terms
out = dyn_vech(Ezz0(indvar,indvar)); %focus only on unique terms
out = dyn_vech(Eyy0); %focus only on unique terms
% compute autocovariances/autocorrelations of lagged observed variables
for ii = 1:nlags
Ezzii = A^(ii)*Ezz0;
tmpEyyi = A*Ezz0*C(stationary_vars,:)' + B*Varinov*D(stationary_vars,:)';
Ai = eye(size(A,1)); %this is A^0
for i = 1:nlags
Eyyi = NaN*ones(obs_nbr,obs_nbr);
Eyyi(stationary_vars,stationary_vars) = C(stationary_vars,:)*Ai*tmpEyyi;
if useautocorr
Ezzii = Ezzii./sy;
Eyyi = Eyyi./sy;
out = [out;vec(Ezzii(indvar,indvar))];
out = [out;vec(Eyyi)];
Ai = Ai*A; %note that this is A^(i-1)
%% out = vec(g_omega). This is needed for Qu and Tkachenko (2012)'s G matrix.
@ -122,15 +142,13 @@ if outputflag == 2
% This computes the spectral density g_omega where the interval [-pi;\pi] is discretized by grid_nbr points
freqs = (0 : pi/(grid_nbr/2):pi);% we focus only on positive values including the 0 frequency
tpos = exp( sqrt(-1)*freqs); %Fourier frequencies
C = A(indvar,:);
D = B(indvar,:);
IA = eye(size(A,1));
var_nbr = length(indvar);
var_nbr = size(C,1);
out = zeros(var_nbr^2*length(freqs),1);
kk = 0;
for ig = 1:length(freqs)
Transferfct = D + C*((tpos(ig)*IA-A)\B);
g_omega = (1/(2*pi))*(Transferfct*M.Sigma_e*Transferfct'); % note that ' is the conjugate transpose
g_omega = (1/(2*pi))*(Transferfct*Varinov*Transferfct'); % note that ' is the conjugate transpose
kk = kk+1;
out(1 + (kk-1)*var_nbr^2 : kk*var_nbr^2) = g_omega(:);

View File

@ -47,43 +47,43 @@ if nargin <11
[SampleSize, nparam]=size(params);
si_Jnorm = idemoments.si_Jnorm;
si_dTAUnorm = idemodel.si_dTAUnorm;
si_dLREnorm = idelre.si_dLREnorm;
si_dMOMENTSnorm = idemoments.si_dMOMENTSnorm;
si_dTAUnorm = idemodel.si_dREDUCEDFORMnorm;
si_dLREnorm = idelre.si_dDYNAMICnorm;
tittxt1=regexprep(tittxt, ' ', '_');
tittxt1=strrep(tittxt1, '.', '');
if SampleSize == 1
si_J = idemoments.si_J;
si_dMOMENTS = idemoments.si_dMOMENTS;
hh = dyn_figure(options_.nodisplay,'Name',[tittxt, ' - Identification using info from observables']);
mmm = (idehess.ide_strength_J);
mmm = (idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS);
[ss, is] = sort(mmm);
if ~all(isnan(idehess.ide_strength_J_prior))
bar(log([idehess.ide_strength_J(:,is)' idehess.ide_strength_J_prior(:,is)']))
if ~all(isnan(idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior))
bar(log([idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS(:,is)' idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior(:,is)']))
bar(log([idehess.ide_strength_J(:,is)' ]))
bar(log([idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS(:,is)' ]))
hold on
plot((1:length(idehess.ide_strength_J(:,is)))-0.15,log([idehess.ide_strength_J(:,is)']),'o','MarkerSize',7,'MarkerFaceColor',[0 0 0],'MarkerEdgeColor','none')
plot((1:length(idehess.ide_strength_J_prior(:,is)))+0.15,log([idehess.ide_strength_J_prior(:,is)']),'o','MarkerSize',7,'MarkerFaceColor',[0 0 0],'MarkerEdgeColor','none')
if any(isinf(log(idehess.ide_strength_J(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))))
plot((1:length(idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS(:,is)))-0.15,log([idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS(:,is)']),'o','MarkerSize',7,'MarkerFaceColor',[0 0 0],'MarkerEdgeColor','none')
plot((1:length(idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior(:,is)))+0.15,log([idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior(:,is)']),'o','MarkerSize',7,'MarkerFaceColor',[0 0 0],'MarkerEdgeColor','none')
if any(isinf(log(idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))))
%-Inf, i.e. 0 strength
inf_indices=find(isinf(log(idehess.ide_strength_J(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))) & log(idehess.ide_strength_J(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))<0);
inf_indices=find(isinf(log(idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))) & log(idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))<0);
plot(find(inf_pos)-0.15,zeros(sum(inf_pos),1),'o','MarkerSize',7,'MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0],'MarkerEdgeColor',[0 0 0])
%+Inf, i.e. Inf strength
inf_indices=find(isinf(log(idehess.ide_strength_J(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))) & log(idehess.ide_strength_J(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))>0);
inf_indices=find(isinf(log(idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))) & log(idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))>0);
plot(find(inf_pos)-0.15,zeros(sum(inf_pos),1),'o','MarkerSize',7,'MarkerFaceColor',[1 1 1],'MarkerEdgeColor',[0 0 0])
if any(isinf(log(idehess.ide_strength_J_prior(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))))
if any(isinf(log(idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))))
%-Inf, i.e. 0 strength
inf_indices=find(isinf(log(idehess.ide_strength_J_prior(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))) & log(idehess.ide_strength_J_prior(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))<0);
inf_indices=find(isinf(log(idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))) & log(idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))<0);
plot(find(inf_pos)+0.15,zeros(sum(inf_pos),1),'o','MarkerSize',7,'MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0],'MarkerEdgeColor',[0 0 0])
%+Inf, i.e. 0 strength
inf_indices=find(isinf(log(idehess.ide_strength_J_prior(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))) & log(idehess.ide_strength_J_prior(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))>0);
inf_indices=find(isinf(log(idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))) & log(idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior(idehess.identified_parameter_indices))>0);
plot(find(inf_pos)+0.15,zeros(sum(inf_pos),1),'o','MarkerSize',7,'MarkerFaceColor',[1 1 1],'MarkerEdgeColor',[0 0 0])
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ if SampleSize == 1
for ip=1:nparam
if ~all(isnan(idehess.ide_strength_J_prior))
if ~all(isnan(idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior))
legend('relative to param value','relative to prior std','Location','Best')
legend('relative to param value','Location','Best')
@ -161,12 +161,12 @@ if SampleSize == 1
disp('Plotting advanced diagnostics')
if all(isnan([si_Jnorm';si_dTAUnorm';si_dLREnorm']))
if all(isnan([si_dMOMENTSnorm';si_dTAUnorm';si_dLREnorm']))
fprintf('\nIDENTIFICATION: Skipping sensitivity plot, because standard deviation of parameters is NaN, possibly due to the use of ML.\n')
hh = dyn_figure(options_.nodisplay,'Name',[tittxt, ' - Sensitivity plot']);
mmm = (si_Jnorm)'./max(si_Jnorm);
mmm = (si_dMOMENTSnorm)'./max(si_dMOMENTSnorm);
mmm1 = (si_dTAUnorm)'./max(si_dTAUnorm);
mmm=[mmm mmm1];
mmm1 = (si_dLREnorm)'./max(si_dLREnorm);
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ if SampleSize == 1
% identificaton patterns
for j=1:size(idemoments.cosnJ,2)
for j=1:size(idemoments.cosndMOMENTS,2)
% fprintf('\n')
% disp(['Collinearity patterns with ', int2str(j) ,' parameter(s)'])
@ -212,10 +212,10 @@ if SampleSize == 1
namx=[namx ' ' sprintf('%-15s','--')];
namx=[namx ' ' sprintf('%-15s',name{dumpindx})];
% fprintf('%-15s [%s] %10.3f\n',name{i},namx,idemoments.cosnJ(i,j))
% fprintf('%-15s [%s] %10.3f\n',name{i},namx,idemoments.cosndMOMENTS(i,j))
hh = dyn_figure(options_.nodisplay,'Name',[tittxt,' - Collinearity patterns with ', int2str(j) ,' parameter(s)']);
imagesc(pax,[0 1]);
@ -337,9 +337,9 @@ if SampleSize == 1
hh = dyn_figure(options_.nodisplay,'Name',['MC sensitivities']);
mmm = (idehess.ide_strength_J);
mmm = (idehess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS);
[ss, is] = sort(mmm);
mmm = mean(si_Jnorm)';
mmm = mean(si_dMOMENTSnorm)';
mmm = mmm./max(mmm);
if advanced
mmm1 = mean(si_dTAUnorm)';

matlab/prodmom.m Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
% prodmom.m Date: 4/29/2006
% This Matlab program computes the product moment of X_{i_1}^{nu_1}X_{i_2}^{nu_2}...X_{i_m}^{nu_m},
% where X_{i_j} are elements from X ~ N(0_n,V).
% V only needs to be positive semidefinite.
% V: variance-covariance matrix of X
% ii: vector of i_j
% nu: power of X_{i_j}
% Reference: Triantafyllopoulos (2003) On the Central Moments of the Multidimensional
% Gaussian Distribution, Mathematical Scientist
% Kotz, Balakrishnan, and Johnson (2000), Continuous Multivariate
% Distributions, Vol. 1, p.261
% Note that there is a typo in Eq.(46.25), there should be an extra rho in front
% of the equation.
% Usage: prodmom(V,[i1 i2 ... ir],[nu1 nu2 ... nur])
% Example: To get E[X_2X_4^3X_7^2], use prodmom(V,[2 4 7],[1 3 2])
function y = prodmom(V,ii,nu);
if nargin<3
nu = ones(size(ii));
s = sum(nu);
if s==0
y = 1;
if rem(s,2)==1
y = 0;
nuz = nu==0;
nu(nuz) = [];
ii(nuz) = [];
m = length(ii);
V = V(ii,ii);
s2 = s/2;
% Use univariate normal results
if m==1
y = V^s2*prod([1:2:s-1]);
% Use bivariate normal results when there are only two distinct indices
if m==2
rho = V(1,2)/sqrt(V(1,1)*V(2,2));
y = V(1,1)^(nu(1)/2)*V(2,2)^(nu(2)/2)*bivmom(nu,rho);
% Regular case
[nu,inu] = sort(nu,2,'descend');
V = V(inu,inu); % Extract only the relevant part of V
x = zeros(1,m);
V = V./2;
nu2 = nu./2;
p = 2;
q = nu2*V*nu2';
y = 0;
for i=1:fix(prod(nu+1)/2)
y = y+p*q^s2;
for j=1:m
if x(j)<nu(j)
x(j) = x(j)+1;
p = -round(p*(nu(j)+1-x(j))/x(j));
q = q-2*(nu2-x)*V(:,j)-V(j,j);
x(j) = 0;
if rem(nu(j),2)==1
p = -p;
q = q+2*nu(j)*(nu2-x)*V(:,j)-nu(j)^2*V(j,j);
y = y/prod([1:s2]);

matlab/prodmom_deriv.m Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
% prodmom.m Date: 4/29/2006
% This Matlab program computes the product moment of X_{i_1}^{nu_1}X_{i_2}^{nu_2}...X_{i_m}^{nu_m},
% where X_{i_j} are elements from X ~ N(0_n,V).
% V only needs to be positive semidefinite.
% V: variance-covariance matrix of X
% ii: vector of i_j
% nu: power of X_{i_j}
% Reference: Triantafyllopoulos (2003) On the Central Moments of the Multidimensional
% Gaussian Distribution, Mathematical Scientist
% Kotz, Balakrishnan, and Johnson (2000), Continuous Multivariate
% Distributions, Vol. 1, p.261
% Note that there is a typo in Eq.(46.25), there should be an extra rho in front
% of the equation.
% Usage: prodmom(V,[i1 i2 ... ir],[nu1 nu2 ... nur])
% Example: To get E[X_2X_4^3X_7^2], use prodmom(V,[2 4 7],[1 3 2])
function dy = prodmom_deriv(V,ii,nu,dV,dC);
if nargin<3
nu = ones(size(ii));
s = sum(nu);
if s==0
dy = zeros(1,1,size(dV,3));
if rem(s,2)==1
dy = zeros(1,1,size(dV,3));
nuz = nu==0;
nu(nuz) = [];
ii(nuz) = [];
m = length(ii);
V = V(ii,ii);
dV = dV(ii,ii,:);
s2 = s/2;
% Use univariate normal results
if m==1
dy = s2*V^(s2-1)*dV*prod([1:2:s-1]);
dy = reshape(dy,1,size(dV,3));
% Use bivariate normal results when there are only two distinct indices
if m==2
rho = V(1,2)/sqrt(V(1,1)*V(2,2));
drho = dC(ii(1),ii(2),:);
[tmp,dtmp] = bivmom(nu,rho);
dy = (nu(1)/2)*V(1,1)^(nu(1)/2-1)*dV(1,1,:) * V(2,2)^(nu(2)/2) * tmp...
+ V(1,1)^(nu(1)/2) * (nu(2)/2)*V(2,2)^(nu(2)/2-1)*dV(2,2,:) * tmp...
+ V(1,1)^(nu(1)/2) * V(2,2)^(nu(2)/2) * dtmp * drho;
dy = reshape(dy,1,size(dV,3));
% Regular case
[nu,inu] = sort(nu,2,'descend');
V = V(inu,inu); % Extract only the relevant part of V
dV = dV(inu,inu,:); % Extract only the relevant part of dV
x = zeros(1,m);
V = V./2;
dV = dV./2;
nu2 = nu./2;
p = 2;
q = nu2*V*nu2';
%dq = nu2*dV*nu2';
%dq = multiprod(multiprod(nu2,dV),nu2');
dq = NaN(size(q,1), size(q,2), size(dV,3));
for jp = 1:size(dV,3)
dq(:,:,jp) = nu2*dV(:,:,jp)*nu2';
dy = 0;
for i=1:fix(prod(nu+1)/2)
dy = dy+p*s2*q^(s2-1)*dq;
for j=1:m
if x(j)<nu(j)
x(j) = x(j)+1;
p = -round(p*(nu(j)+1-x(j))/x(j));
%dq = dq-2*(nu2-x)*dV(:,j,:)-dV(j,j,:);
%dq = dq-2*multiprod((nu2-x),dV(:,j,:))-dV(j,j,:);
for jp=1:size(dV,3)
dq(:,:,jp) = dq(:,:,jp)-2*(nu2-x)*dV(:,j,jp)-dV(j,j,jp);
q = q-2*(nu2-x)*V(:,j)-V(j,j);
x(j) = 0;
if rem(nu(j),2)==1
p = -p;
%dq = dq+2*nu(j)*multiprod((nu2-x),dV(:,j,:))-nu(j)^2*dV(j,j,:);
for jp=1:size(dV,3)
dq(:,:,jp) = dq(:,:,jp)+2*nu(j)*(nu2-x)*dV(:,j,jp)-nu(j)^2*dV(j,j,jp);
q = q+2*nu(j)*(nu2-x)*V(:,j)-nu(j)^2*V(j,j);
dy = dy/prod([1:s2]);
dy = reshape(dy,1,size(dV,3));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
function dr = pruned_state_space_system(M, options, dr)
% This can be set up into the following ABCD representation:
% z = c + A*z(-1) + B*xi
% y = ybar + d + C*z(-1) + D*xi
% Denote
% hx = dr.ghx(indx,:); hu = dr.ghu(indx,:);
% hxx = dr.ghxx(indx,:); hxu = dr.ghxu(indx,:); huu = dr.ghuu(indx,:); hs2 = dr.ghs2(indx,:);
% gx = dr.ghx(indy,:); gu = dr.ghu(indy,:);
% gxx = dr.ghxx(indy,:); gxu = dr.ghxu(indy,:); guu = dr.ghuu(indy,:); gs2 = dr.ghs2(indy,:);
% hxss = dr.ghxss(indx,:); huss = dr.ghuss(indx,:); hxxx = dr.ghxxx(indx,:); huuu = dr.ghuuu(indx,:); hxxu = dr.ghxxu(indx,:); hxuu = dr.ghxxu(indx,:);
% gxss = dr.ghxss(indy,:); guss = dr.ghuss(indy,:); gxxx = dr.ghxxx(indy,:); guuu = dr.ghuuu(indy,:); gxxu = dr.ghxxu(indy,:); gxuu = dr.ghxxu(indy,:);
% Law of motion for first-order effects states xf and selected endogenous first-order effects variables yf:
% xf = hx*xf(-1) + hu*u
% yf = gx*xf(-1) + gu*u
% Law of motion for second-order effects states xs and selected endogenous second-order effects variables ys:
% xs = hx*xs(-1) + 1/2*hxx*kron(xf(-1),xf(-1)) + 1/2*huu*kron(u,u) + hxu*kron(xf(-1),u) + 1/2*hs2
% ys = gx*xs(-1) + 1/2*gxx*kron(xf(-1),xf(-1)) + 1/2*guu*kron(u,u) + gxu*kron(xf(-1),u) + 1/2*gs2
% Law of motion for third-order effects states xrd and selected endogenous second-order effects variables yrd:
% xrd = hx*xrd(-1) + hxx*kron(xf(-1),xs(-1)) + hxu*kron(xs(-1),u) + 3/6*hxss*xf(-1) + 3/6*huss*u + 1/6*hxxx*kron(xf(-1),kron(xf(-1),xf(-1))) + 1/6*huuu*kron(u,kron(u,u)) + 3/6*hxxu*kron(xf(-1),kron(xf(-1),u)) + 3/6*hxuu*kron(xf(-1),kron(u,u))
% yrd = gx*xrd(-1) + gxx*kron(xf(-1),xs(-1)) + gxu*kron(xs(-1),u) + 3/6*gxss*xf(-1) + 3/6*guss*u + 1/6*gxxx*kron(xf(-1),kron(xf(-1),xf(-1))) + 1/6*guuu*kron(u,kron(u,u)) + 3/6*gxxu*kron(xf(-1),kron(xf(-1),u)) + 3/6*gxuu*kron(xf(-1),kron(u,u))
% Selected variables: y = ybar + yf + ys
% Pruned state vector: z = [xf; xs; kron(xf,xf)]
% Pruned innovation vector: xi = [u; kron(u,u)-vec(Sigma_u); kron(xf(-1),u); kron(u,xf(-1))]
% Second moments of xi
% Sig_xi = E[u*u' , u*kron(u,u)' , zeros(u_nbr,x_nbr*u_nbr), zeros(u_nbr,u_nbr*x_nbr);
% kron(u,u)*u', kron(u,u)*kron(u,u)'-Sig_u(:)*Sig_u(:)', zeros(u_nbr^2,x_nbr*u_nbr), zeros(u_nbr^2,u_nbr*x_nbr);
% zeros(x_nbr*u_nbr,u_nbr), zeros(x_nbr*u_nbr,u_nbr^2), kron(xf(-1),u)*kron(xf(-1),u)', kron(xf(-1),u)*kron(u,xf(-1))';
% zeros(u_nbr*x_nbr,u_nbr), zeros(u_nbr*x_nbr,u_nbr^2), kron(u,xf(-1))*kron(xf(-1),u)', kron(u,xf(-1))*kron(u,xf(-1))';]
% That is, we only need to compute:
% - Sig_xi_11 = E[u*u']=Sig_u
% - Sig_xi_21 = E[kron(u,u)*u']=0 for symmetric distributions
% - Sig_xi_12 = transpose(Sig_xi_21)= 0 for symmetric distributions
% - Sig_xi_22 = E[kron(u,u)*kron(u,u)']-Sig_u(:)*Sig_u(:)' which requires the fourth-order product moments of u
% - Sig_xi_34 = E[kron(xf(-1),u)*kron(xf(-1),u)'] which requires the second-order moments of xf and second-order moments of u
% - Sig_xi_43 = transpose(Sig_xi_34)
% - Sig_xi_33 =
% - Sig_xi_44 =
%% Auxiliary indices, numbers and flags
order = options.order;
indx = [M.nstatic+(1:M.nspred) M.endo_nbr+(1:size(dr.ghx,2)-M.nspred)]';
indy = (1:M.endo_nbr)'; %by default select all variables
compute_derivs = false;
if isfield(options,'options_ident')
compute_derivs = true;
stderrparam_nbr = length(options.options_ident.indpstderr);
corrparam_nbr = size(options.options_ident.indpcorr,1);
modparam_nbr = length(options.options_ident.indpmodel);
totparam_nbr = stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+modparam_nbr;
indy = options.options_ident.indvobs;
Yss = dr.ys(dr.order_var); if compute_derivs; dYss = dr.derivs.dYss; end
E_uu = M.Sigma_e; if compute_derivs; dE_uu = dr.derivs.dSigma_e; end
Correlation_matrix = M.Correlation_matrix; if compute_derivs; dCorrelation_matrix = dr.derivs.dCorrelation_matrix; end
ghx = dr.ghx; if compute_derivs; dghx = dr.derivs.dghx; end
ghu = dr.ghu; if compute_derivs; dghu = dr.derivs.dghu; end
Om = ghu*E_uu*transpose(ghu); if compute_derivs; dOm = dr.derivs.dOm; end
y_nbr = length(indy);
x_nbr = length(indx);
u_nbr = M.exo_nbr;
% indices for extended state vector z and extended shock vector e
id_z1_xf = (1:x_nbr);
id_e1_u = (1:u_nbr);
if options.order > 1
id_z2_xs = id_z1_xf(end) + (1:x_nbr);
id_z3_xf_xf = id_z2_xs(end) + (1:x_nbr*x_nbr);
id_e2_u_u = id_e1_u(end) + (1:u_nbr*u_nbr);
id_e3_xf_u = id_e2_u_u(end) + (1:x_nbr*u_nbr);
id_e4_u_xf = id_e3_xf_u(end) + (1:u_nbr*x_nbr);
ghxx = dr.ghxx; if compute_derivs; dghxx = dr.derivs.dghxx; end
ghxu = dr.ghxu; if compute_derivs; dghxu = dr.derivs.dghxu; end
ghuu = dr.ghuu; if compute_derivs; dghuu = dr.derivs.dghuu; end
ghs2 = dr.ghs2; if compute_derivs; dghs2 = dr.derivs.dghs2; end
if options.order > 2
id_z4_xrd = id_z3_xf_xf(end) + (1:x_nbr);
id_z5_xf_xs = id_z4_xrd(end) + (1:x_nbr*x_nbr);
id_z6_xf_xf_xf = id_z5_xf_xs(end) + (1:x_nbr*x_nbr*x_nbr);
id_e5_xs_u = id_e4_u_xf(end) + (1:x_nbr*u_nbr);
id_e6_u_xs = id_e5_xs_u(end) + (1:u_nbr*x_nbr);
id_e7_xf_xf_u = id_e6_u_xs(end) + (1:x_nbr*x_nbr*u_nbr);
id_e8_xf_u_xf = id_e7_xf_xf_u(end) + (1:x_nbr*u_nbr*x_nbr);
id_e9_u_xf_xf = id_e8_xf_u_xf(end) + (1:u_nbr*x_nbr*x_nbr);
id_e10_xf_u_u = id_e9_u_xf_xf(end) + (1:x_nbr*u_nbr*u_nbr);
id_e11_u_xf_u = id_e10_xf_u_u(end) + (1:u_nbr*x_nbr*u_nbr);
id_e12_u_u_xf = id_e11_u_xf_u(end) + (1:u_nbr*u_nbr*x_nbr);
id_e13_u_u_u = id_e12_u_u_xf(end) + (1:u_nbr*u_nbr*u_nbr);
ghxxx = dr.ghxxx; if compute_derivs; dghxxx = dr.derivs.dghxxx; end
ghxxu = dr.ghxxu; if compute_derivs; dghxxu = dr.derivs.dghxxu; end
ghxuu = dr.ghxuu; if compute_derivs; dghxuu = dr.derivs.dghxuu; end
ghuuu = dr.ghuuu; if compute_derivs; dghuuu = dr.derivs.dghuuu; end
ghxss = dr.ghxss; if compute_derivs; dghxss = dr.derivs.dghxss; end
ghuss = dr.ghuss; if compute_derivs; dghuss = dr.derivs.dghuss; end
%% First-order
z_nbr = x_nbr;
e_nbr = M.exo_nbr;
A = ghx(indx,:);
B = ghu(indx,:);
C = ghx(indy,:);
D = ghu(indy,:);
c = zeros(x_nbr,1);
d = zeros(y_nbr,1);
Varinov = E_uu;
E_z = zeros(x_nbr,1); %this is E_xf
if compute_derivs == 1
dA = dghx(indx,:,:);
dB = dghu(indx,:,:);
dC = dghx(indy,:,:);
dD = dghu(indy,:,:);
dc = zeros(x_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dd = zeros(y_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dVarinov = dE_uu;
dE_z = zeros(x_nbr,totparam_nbr);
if order > 1
% Some common and useful objects for order > 1
% Compute E[xf*xf']
E_xfxf = lyapunov_symm(ghx(indx,:), Om(indx,indx), options.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol, options.qz_criterium, options.lyapunov_complex_threshold, 1, options.debug); %use 1 to initialize persistent variables
K_ux = commutation(u_nbr,x_nbr); %commutation matrix
K_xu = commutation(x_nbr,u_nbr); %commutation matrix
QPu = quadruplication(u_nbr); %quadruplication matrix as in Meijer (2005), similar to Magnus-Neudecker definition of duplication matrix (i.e. dyn_vec) but for fourth-order product moments
%Compute unique product moments of E[kron(u*u',uu')] = E[kron(u,u)*kron(u,u)']
COMBOS4 = flipud(allVL1(u_nbr, 4)); %all possible combinations of powers that sum up to four for fourth-order product moments of u
E_u_u_u_u = zeros(u_nbr*(u_nbr+1)/2*(u_nbr+2)/3*(u_nbr+3)/4,1); %only unique entries of E[kron(u,kron(u,kron(u,u)))]
if compute_derivs && (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr>0)
dE_u_u_u_u = zeros(u_nbr*(u_nbr+1)/2*(u_nbr+2)/3*(u_nbr+3)/4,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr);
for j = 1:size(COMBOS4,1)
E_u_u_u_u(j) = prodmom(E_uu, 1:u_nbr, COMBOS4(j,:));
if compute_derivs && (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr>0)
dE_u_u_u_u(j,1:(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)) = prodmom_deriv(E_uu, 1:u_nbr, COMBOS4(j,:), dE_uu(:,:,1:(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)), dCorrelation_matrix(:,:,1:(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)));
E_u_u_u_u = QPu*E_u_u_u_u; %add duplicate product moments, i.e. this is E[kron(u,kron(u,kron(u,u)))]
E_uu_uu = reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2); %E[kron(u*u',uu')] = E[kron(u,u)*kron(u,u)']
% E[kron((xf*xf'),(u*u'))]
E_xfxf_E_uu = kron(E_xfxf,E_uu);
if compute_derivs
dE_xfxf = zeros(size(E_xfxf,1),size(E_xfxf,2),totparam_nbr);
dE_xfxf_E_uu = zeros(size(E_xfxf_E_uu,1),size(E_xfxf_E_uu,2),totparam_nbr);
for jp = 1:totparam_nbr
if jp <= (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)
%Jacobian of E_xfxf wrt exogenous paramters: dE_xfxf(:,:,jp)-hx*dE_xfxf(:,:,jp)*hx'=dOm(:,:,jp), because dhx is zero by construction for stderr and corr parameters
dE_xfxf(:,:,jp) = lyapunov_symm(ghx(indx,:), dOm(indx,indx,jp),options.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol,options.qz_criterium,options.lyapunov_complex_threshold,2,options.debug);
%Jacobian of E_xfxf wrt model parameters: dE_xfxf(:,:,jp) - hx*dE_xfxf(:,:,jp)*hx' = d(hu*Sig_u*hu')(:,:,jp) + dhx(:,:,jp)*E_xfxf*hx'+ hx*E_xfxf*dhx(:,:,jp)'
dE_xfxf(:,:,jp) = lyapunov_symm(ghx(indx,:), dghx(indx,:,jp)*E_xfxf*ghx(indx,:)'+ghx(indx,:)*E_xfxf*dghx(indx,:,jp)'+dOm(indx,indx,jp),options.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol,options.qz_criterium,options.lyapunov_complex_threshold,2,options.debug);
%here method=2 is used to spare a lot of computing time while not repeating Schur every time
dE_xfxf_E_uu(:,:,jp) = kron(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp),E_uu) + kron(E_xfxf,dE_uu(:,:,jp));
% Second-order pruned state space system
z_nbr = x_nbr+x_nbr+x_nbr*x_nbr;
e_nbr = u_nbr+u_nbr*u_nbr+x_nbr*u_nbr+u_nbr*x_nbr;
A = zeros(z_nbr, z_nbr);
A(id_z1_xf , id_z1_xf ) = ghx(indx,:);
A(id_z2_xs , id_z2_xs ) = ghx(indx,:);
A(id_z2_xs , id_z3_xf_xf) = 0.5*ghxx(indx,:);
A(id_z3_xf_xf , id_z3_xf_xf) = kron(ghx(indx,:),ghx(indx,:));
B = zeros(z_nbr, e_nbr);
B(id_z1_xf , id_e1_u ) = ghu(indx,:);
B(id_z2_xs , id_e2_u_u ) = 0.5*ghuu(indx,:);
B(id_z2_xs , id_e3_xf_u) = ghxu(indx,:);
B(id_z3_xf_xf , id_e2_u_u ) = kron(ghu(indx,:),ghu(indx,:));
B(id_z3_xf_xf , id_e3_xf_u) = kron(ghx(indx,:),ghu(indx,:));
B(id_z3_xf_xf , id_e4_u_xf) = kron(ghu(indx,:),ghx(indx,:));
C = zeros(y_nbr, z_nbr);
C(1:y_nbr , id_z1_xf ) = ghx(indy,:);
C(1:y_nbr , id_z2_xs ) = ghx(indy,:);
C(1:y_nbr , id_z3_xf_xf) = 0.5*ghxx(indy,:);
D = zeros(y_nbr, e_nbr);
D(1:y_nbr , id_e1_u ) = ghu(indy,:);
D(1:y_nbr , id_e2_u_u ) = 0.5*ghuu(indy,:);
D(1:y_nbr , id_e3_xf_u) = ghxu(indy,:);
c = zeros(z_nbr, 1);
c(id_z2_xs , 1) = 0.5*ghs2(indx,:) + 0.5*ghuu(indx,:)*E_uu(:);
c(id_z3_xf_xf , 1) = kron(ghu(indx,:),ghu(indx,:))*E_uu(:);
d = zeros(y_nbr, 1);
d(1:y_nbr, 1) = 0.5*ghs2(indy,:) + 0.5*ghuu(indy,:)*E_uu(:);
Varinov = zeros(e_nbr,e_nbr);
Varinov(id_e1_u , id_e1_u) = E_uu;
Varinov(id_e2_u_u , id_e2_u_u) = E_uu_uu-E_uu(:)*transpose(E_uu(:));
Varinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e3_xf_u) = E_xfxf_E_uu;
Varinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e3_xf_u) = K_ux*E_xfxf_E_uu;
Varinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e4_u_xf) = transpose(Varinov(id_e4_u_xf,id_e3_xf_u));
Varinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e4_u_xf) = K_ux*E_xfxf_E_uu*transpose(K_ux);
I_hx = speye(x_nbr)-ghx(indx,:);
I_hxinv = I_hx\speye(x_nbr);
E_xs = I_hxinv*(0.5*ghxx(indx,:)*E_xfxf(:) + c(x_nbr+(1:x_nbr),1));
E_z = [zeros(x_nbr,1); E_xs; E_xfxf(:)];
if compute_derivs
dA = zeros(size(A,1),size(A,2),totparam_nbr);
dB = zeros(size(B,1),size(B,2),totparam_nbr);
dC = zeros(size(C,1),size(C,2),totparam_nbr);
dD = zeros(size(D,1),size(D,2),totparam_nbr);
dc = zeros(size(c,1),totparam_nbr);
dd = zeros(size(d,1),totparam_nbr);
dVarinov = zeros(size(Varinov,1),size(Varinov,2),totparam_nbr);
dE_xs = zeros(size(E_xs,1),size(E_xs,2),totparam_nbr);
dE_z = zeros(size(E_z,1),size(E_z,2),totparam_nbr);
for jp = 1:totparam_nbr
dA(id_z1_xf , id_z1_xf , jp) = dghx(indx,:,jp);
dA(id_z2_xs , id_z2_xs , jp) = dghx(indx,:,jp);
dA(id_z2_xs , id_z3_xf_xf , jp) = 0.5*dghxx(indx,:,jp);
dA(id_z3_xf_xf , id_z3_xf_xf , jp) = kron(dghx(indx,:,jp),ghx(indx,:)) + kron(ghx(indx,:),dghx(indx,:,jp));
dB(id_z1_xf , id_e1_u , jp) = dghu(indx,:,jp);
dB(id_z2_xs , id_e2_u_u , jp) = 0.5*dghuu(indx,:,jp);
dB(id_z2_xs , id_e3_xf_u , jp) = dghxu(indx,:,jp);
dB(id_z3_xf_xf , id_e2_u_u , jp) = kron(dghu(indx,:,jp),ghu(indx,:)) + kron(ghu(indx,:),dghu(indx,:,jp));
dB(id_z3_xf_xf , id_e3_xf_u , jp) = kron(dghx(indx,:,jp),ghu(indx,:)) + kron(ghx(indx,:),dghu(indx,:,jp));
dB(id_z3_xf_xf , id_e4_u_xf , jp) = kron(dghu(indx,:,jp),ghx(indx,:)) + kron(ghu(indx,:),dghx(indx,:,jp));
dC(1:y_nbr , id_z1_xf , jp) = dghx(indy,:,jp);
dC(1:y_nbr , id_z2_xs , jp) = dghx(indy,:,jp);
dC(1:y_nbr , id_z3_xf_xf , jp) = 0.5*dghxx(indy,:,jp);
dD(1:y_nbr , id_e1_u , jp) = dghu(indy,:,jp);
dD(1:y_nbr , id_e2_u_u , jp) = 0.5*dghuu(indy,:,jp);
dD(1:y_nbr , id_e3_xf_u , jp) = dghxu(indy,:,jp);
dc(id_z2_xs , jp) = 0.5*dghs2(indx,jp) + 0.5*(dghuu(indx,:,jp)*E_uu(:) + ghuu(indx,:)*vec(dE_uu(:,:,jp)));
dc(id_z3_xf_xf , jp) = (kron(dghu(indx,:,jp),ghu(indx,:)) + kron(ghu(indx,:),dghu(indx,:,jp)))*E_uu(:) + kron(ghu(indx,:),ghu(indx,:))*vec(dE_uu(:,:,jp));
dd(1:y_nbr , jp) = 0.5*dghs2(indy,jp) + 0.5*(dghuu(indy,:,jp)*E_uu(:) + ghuu(indy,:)*vec(dE_uu(:,:,jp)));
if jp <= (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)
dVarinov(id_e1_u , id_e1_u , jp) = dE_uu(:,:,jp);
dVarinov(id_e2_u_u , id_e2_u_u , jp) = reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp), u_nbr^2, u_nbr^2) - (reshape(dE_uu(:,:,jp),u_nbr^2,1)*transpose(E_uu(:)) + E_uu(:)*transpose(reshape(dE_uu(:,:,jp),u_nbr^2,1)));
dVarinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e3_xf_u , jp) = dE_xfxf_E_uu(:,:,jp);
dVarinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e3_xf_u , jp) = K_ux*dE_xfxf_E_uu(:,:,jp);
dVarinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e4_u_xf , jp) = transpose(dVarinov(id_e4_u_xf,id_e3_xf_u,jp));
dVarinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e4_u_xf , jp) = dVarinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e3_xf_u , jp)*transpose(K_ux);
dE_xs(:,jp) = I_hxinv*( dghx(indx,:,jp)*E_xs + 1/2*(dghxx(indx,:,jp)*E_xfxf(:) + ghxx(indx,:)*vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp)) + dc(x_nbr+(1:x_nbr),jp)) );
dE_z(:,jp) = [zeros(x_nbr,1); dE_xs(:,jp); vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp))];
if order > 2
Q6Pu = Q6_plication(u_nbr); %quadruplication matrix as in Meijer (2005), similar to Magnus-Neudecker definition of duplication matrix (i.e. dyn_vec) but for fourth-order product moments
%Compute unique product moments of E[kron(u*u',uu')] = E[kron(u,u)*kron(u,u)']
COMBOS6 = flipud(allVL1(u_nbr, 6)); %all possible combinations of powers that sum up to four for fourth-order product moments of u
E_u_u_u_u_u_u = zeros(u_nbr*(u_nbr+1)/2*(u_nbr+2)/3*(u_nbr+3)/4*(u_nbr+4)/5*(u_nbr+5)/6,1); %only unique entries of E[kron(u,kron(u,kron(u,kron(u,kron(u,u)))))]
if compute_derivs && (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr>0)
dE_u_u_u_u_u_u = zeros(size(E_u_u_u_u_u_u,1),stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr);
for j = 1:size(COMBOS6,1)
E_u_u_u_u_u_u(j) = prodmom(E_uu, 1:u_nbr, COMBOS6(j,:));
if compute_derivs && (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr>0)
dE_u_u_u_u_u_u(j,1:(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)) = prodmom_deriv(E_uu, 1:u_nbr, COMBOS6(j,:), dE_uu(:,:,1:(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)), dCorrelation_matrix(:,:,1:(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)));
Var_z = lyapunov_symm(A, B*Varinov*transpose(B), options.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol, options.qz_criterium, options.lyapunov_complex_threshold, 1, options.debug);
%E_xfxf = Var_z(id_z1_xf,id_z1_xf); %this is E_xfxf, as E_xf=0, we already have that
E_xfxs = Var_z(id_z1_xf,id_z2_xs); %as E_xf=0
E_xf_xf_xf = vec(Var_z(id_z1_xf,id_z3_xf_xf)); %as E_xf=0, this is vec(E[xf*kron(xf,xf)'])
E_xsxf = Var_z(id_z2_xs,id_z1_xf); %as E_xf=0
E_xsxs = Var_z(id_z2_xs,id_z2_xs) + E_xs*transpose(E_xs);
E_xs_xf_xf = vec(Var_z(id_z2_xs,id_z3_xf_xf)+E_xs*E_xfxf(:)'); %this is vec(E[xs*kron(xf,xf)'])
%E_xf_xf_xf = vec(Var_z(id_z3_xf_xf,id_z1_xf));
E_xf_xf_xs = vec(Var_z(id_z3_xf_xf,id_z2_xs) + E_xfxf(:)*E_xs');
E_xf_xf_xf_xf = vec(Var_z(id_z3_xf_xf,id_z3_xf_xf) + E_xfxf(:)*E_xfxf(:)');
%E_xs_E_uu = kron(E_xs,E_uu);
E_xfxs_E_uu = kron(E_xfxs,E_uu);
z_nbr = x_nbr+x_nbr+x_nbr^2+x_nbr+x_nbr*x_nbr+x_nbr^3;
e_nbr = u_nbr+u_nbr^2+x_nbr*u_nbr+u_nbr*x_nbr+x_nbr*u_nbr+u_nbr*x_nbr+x_nbr*x_nbr*u_nbr+x_nbr*u_nbr*x_nbr+u_nbr*x_nbr*x_nbr+u_nbr*u_nbr*x_nbr+u_nbr*x_nbr*u_nbr+x_nbr*u_nbr*u_nbr+u_nbr*u_nbr*u_nbr;
hx_hx = kron(ghx(indx,:),ghx(indx,:));
hu_hu = kron(ghu(indx,:),ghu(indx,:));
hx_hu = kron(ghx(indx,:),ghu(indx,:));
hu_hx = kron(ghu(indx,:),ghx(indx,:));
if compute_derivs
dVar_z = zeros(size(Var_z,1),size(Var_z,2),totparam_nbr);
dE_xfxs = zeros(size(E_xfxs,1),size(E_xfxs,2),totparam_nbr);
dE_xf_xf_xf = zeros(size(E_xf_xf_xf,1),totparam_nbr);
dE_xsxf = zeros(size(E_xsxf,1),size(E_xsxf,2),totparam_nbr);
dE_xsxs = zeros(size(E_xsxs,1),size(E_xsxs,2),totparam_nbr);
dE_xs_xf_xf = zeros(size(E_xs_xf_xf,1),totparam_nbr);
dE_xf_xf_xs = zeros(size(E_xf_xf_xs,1),totparam_nbr);
dE_xf_xf_xf_xf = zeros(size(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,1),totparam_nbr);
dE_xfxs_E_uu = zeros(size(E_xfxs_E_uu,1),size(E_xfxs_E_uu,2),totparam_nbr);
dhx_hx = zeros(size(hx_hx,1),size(hx_hx,2),totparam_nbr);
dhu_hu = zeros(size(hu_hu,1),size(hu_hu,2),totparam_nbr);
dhx_hu = zeros(size(hx_hu,1),size(hx_hu,2),totparam_nbr);
dhu_hx = zeros(size(hu_hx,1),size(hu_hx,2),totparam_nbr);
for jp=1:totparam_nbr
dVar_z(:,:,jp) = lyapunov_symm(A, dB(:,:,jp)*Varinov*transpose(B) + B*dVarinov(:,:,jp)*transpose(B) +B*Varinov*transpose(dB(:,:,jp)) + dA(:,:,jp)*Var_z*A' + A*Var_z*transpose(dA(:,:,jp)),... ,...
options.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol, options.qz_criterium, options.lyapunov_complex_threshold, 2, options.debug); %2 is used as we use 1 above
dE_xfxs(:,:,jp) = dVar_z(id_z1_xf,id_z2_xs,jp);
dE_xf_xf_xf(:,jp) = vec(dVar_z(id_z1_xf,id_z3_xf_xf,jp));
dE_xsxf(:,:,jp) = dVar_z(id_z2_xs,id_z1_xf,jp);
dE_xsxs(:,:,jp) = dVar_z(id_z2_xs,id_z2_xs,jp) + dE_xs(:,jp)*transpose(E_xs) + E_xs*transpose(dE_xs(:,jp));
dE_xs_xf_xf(:,jp) = vec(dVar_z(id_z2_xs,id_z3_xf_xf,jp) + dE_xs(:,jp)*E_xfxf(:)' + E_xs*vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp))');
dE_xf_xf_xs(:,jp) = vec(dVar_z(id_z3_xf_xf,id_z2_xs,jp) + vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp))*E_xs' + E_xfxf(:)*dE_xs(:,jp)');
dE_xf_xf_xf_xf(:,jp) = vec(dVar_z(id_z3_xf_xf,id_z3_xf_xf,jp) + vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp))*E_xfxf(:)' + E_xfxf(:)*vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp))');
dE_xfxs_E_uu(:,:,jp) = kron(dE_xfxs(:,:,jp),E_uu) + kron(E_xfxs,dE_uu(:,:,jp));
dhx_hx(:,:,jp) = kron(dghx(indx,:,jp),ghx(indx,:)) + kron(ghx(indx,:),dghx(indx,:,jp));
dhu_hu(:,:,jp) = kron(dghu(indx,:,jp),ghu(indx,:)) + kron(ghu(indx,:),dghu(indx,:,jp));
dhx_hu(:,:,jp) = kron(dghx(indx,:,jp),ghu(indx,:)) + kron(ghx(indx,:),dghu(indx,:,jp));
dhu_hx(:,:,jp) = kron(dghu(indx,:,jp),ghx(indx,:)) + kron(ghu(indx,:),dghx(indx,:,jp));
A = zeros(z_nbr,z_nbr);
A(id_z1_xf , id_z1_xf ) = ghx(indx,:);
A(id_z2_xs , id_z2_xs ) = ghx(indx,:);
A(id_z2_xs , id_z3_xf_xf ) = 1/2*ghxx(indx,:);
A(id_z3_xf_xf , id_z3_xf_xf ) = hx_hx;
A(id_z4_xrd , id_z1_xf ) = 3/6*ghxss(indx,:);
A(id_z4_xrd , id_z4_xrd ) = ghx(indx,:);
A(id_z4_xrd , id_z5_xf_xs ) = ghxx(indx,:);
A(id_z4_xrd , id_z6_xf_xf_xf) = 1/6*ghxxx(indx,:);
A(id_z5_xf_xs , id_z1_xf ) = kron(ghx(indx,:),1/2*ghs2(indx,:));
A(id_z5_xf_xs , id_z5_xf_xs ) = hx_hx;
A(id_z5_xf_xs , id_z6_xf_xf_xf) = kron(ghx(indx,:),1/2*ghxx(indx,:));
A(id_z6_xf_xf_xf , id_z6_xf_xf_xf) = kron(ghx(indx,:),hx_hx);
B = zeros(z_nbr,e_nbr);
B(id_z1_xf , id_e1_u ) = ghu(indx,:);
B(id_z2_xs , id_e2_u_u ) = 1/2*ghuu(indx,:);
B(id_z2_xs , id_e3_xf_u ) = ghxu(indx,:);
B(id_z3_xf_xf , id_e2_u_u ) = hu_hu;
B(id_z3_xf_xf , id_e3_xf_u ) = hx_hu;
B(id_z3_xf_xf , id_e4_u_xf ) = hu_hx;
B(id_z4_xrd , id_e1_u ) = 3/6*ghuss(indx,:);
B(id_z4_xrd , id_e5_xs_u ) = ghxu(indx,:);
B(id_z4_xrd , id_e7_xf_xf_u) = 3/6*ghxxu(indx,:);
B(id_z4_xrd , id_e10_xf_u_u) = 3/6*ghxuu(indx,:);
B(id_z4_xrd , id_e13_u_u_u ) = 1/6*ghuuu(indx,:);
B(id_z5_xf_xs , id_e1_u ) = kron(ghu(indx,:),1/2*ghs2(indx,:));
B(id_z5_xf_xs , id_e6_u_xs ) = hu_hx;
B(id_z5_xf_xs , id_e7_xf_xf_u) = kron(ghx(indx,:),ghxu(indx,:));
B(id_z5_xf_xs , id_e9_u_xf_xf) = kron(ghu(indx,:),1/2*ghxx(indx,:));
B(id_z5_xf_xs , id_e10_xf_u_u) = kron(ghx(indx,:),1/2*ghuu(indx,:));
B(id_z5_xf_xs , id_e11_u_xf_u) = kron(ghu(indx,:),ghxu(indx,:));
B(id_z5_xf_xs , id_e13_u_u_u ) = kron(ghu(indx,:),1/2*ghuu(indx,:));
B(id_z6_xf_xf_xf , id_e7_xf_xf_u) = kron(hx_hx,ghu(indx,:));
B(id_z6_xf_xf_xf , id_e8_xf_u_xf) = kron(ghx(indx,:),hu_hx);
B(id_z6_xf_xf_xf , id_e9_u_xf_xf) = kron(ghu(indx,:),hx_hx);
B(id_z6_xf_xf_xf , id_e10_xf_u_u) = kron(hx_hu,ghu(indx,:));
B(id_z6_xf_xf_xf , id_e11_u_xf_u) = kron(ghu(indx,:),hx_hu);
B(id_z6_xf_xf_xf , id_e12_u_u_xf) = kron(hu_hu,ghx(indx,:));
B(id_z6_xf_xf_xf , id_e13_u_u_u ) = kron(ghu(indx,:),hu_hu);
C = zeros(y_nbr,z_nbr);
C(1:y_nbr , id_z1_xf ) = ghx(indy,:) + 1/2*ghxss(indy,:);
C(1:y_nbr , id_z2_xs ) = ghx(indy,:);
C(1:y_nbr , id_z3_xf_xf ) = 1/2*ghxx(indy,:);
C(1:y_nbr , id_z4_xrd ) = ghx(indy,:);
C(1:y_nbr , id_z5_xf_xs ) = ghxx(indy,:);
C(1:y_nbr , id_z6_xf_xf_xf) = 1/6*ghxxx(indy,:);
D = zeros(y_nbr,e_nbr);
D(1:y_nbr , id_e1_u ) = ghu(indy,:) + 1/2*ghuss(indy,:);
D(1:y_nbr , id_e2_u_u ) = 1/2*ghuu(indy,:);
D(1:y_nbr , id_e3_xf_u ) = ghxu(indy,:);
D(1:y_nbr , id_e5_xs_u ) = ghxu(indy,:);
D(1:y_nbr , id_e7_xf_xf_u) = 1/2*ghxxu(indy,:);
D(1:y_nbr , id_e10_xf_u_u) = 1/2*ghxuu(indy,:);
D(1:y_nbr , id_e13_u_u_u ) = 1/6*ghuuu(indy,:);
c = zeros(z_nbr,1);
c(id_z2_xs , 1) = 1/2*ghs2(indx,:) + 1/2*ghuu(indx,:)*E_uu(:);
c(id_z3_xf_xf , 1) = hu_hu*E_uu(:);
d = zeros(y_nbr,1);
d(1:y_nbr , 1) = 0.5*ghs2(indy,:) + 0.5*ghuu(indy,:)*E_uu(:);
Varinov = zeros(e_nbr,e_nbr);
Varinov(id_e1_u , id_e1_u ) = E_uu;
Varinov(id_e1_u , id_e5_xs_u ) = kron(E_xs',E_uu);
Varinov(id_e1_u , id_e6_u_xs ) = kron(E_uu,E_xs');
Varinov(id_e1_u , id_e7_xf_xf_u) = kron(E_xfxf(:)',E_uu);
Varinov(id_e1_u , id_e8_xf_u_xf) = kron(E_uu,E_xfxf(:)')*kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr));
Varinov(id_e1_u , id_e9_u_xf_xf) = kron(E_uu,E_xfxf(:)');
Varinov(id_e1_u , id_e13_u_u_u ) = reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr,u_nbr^3);
Varinov(id_e2_u_u , id_e2_u_u ) = E_uu_uu-E_uu(:)*transpose(E_uu(:));
Varinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e3_xf_u ) = E_xfxf_E_uu;
Varinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e4_u_xf ) = E_xfxf_E_uu*K_ux';
Varinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e5_xs_u ) = E_xfxs_E_uu;
Varinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e6_u_xs ) = E_xfxs_E_uu*K_ux';
Varinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e7_xf_xf_u) = kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2), E_uu);
Varinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e8_xf_u_xf) = kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2), E_uu)*kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)';
Varinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e9_u_xf_xf) = K_xu*kron(E_uu, reshape(E_xf_xf_xf, x_nbr, x_nbr^2));
Varinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e3_xf_u ) = K_ux*E_xfxf_E_uu;
Varinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e4_u_xf ) = kron(E_uu,E_xfxf);
Varinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e5_xs_u ) = K_ux*kron(E_xfxs,E_uu);
Varinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e6_u_xs ) = kron(E_uu, E_xfxs);
Varinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e7_xf_xf_u) = K_ux*kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2),E_uu);
Varinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e8_xf_u_xf) = kron(E_uu,reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2))*kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))';
Varinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e9_u_xf_xf) = kron(E_uu,reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2));
Varinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e1_u ) = kron(E_xs, E_uu);
Varinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e3_xf_u ) = kron(E_xsxf, E_uu);
Varinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e4_u_xf ) = kron(E_xsxf, E_uu)*K_ux';
Varinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e5_xs_u ) = kron(E_xsxs, E_uu);
Varinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e6_u_xs ) = kron(E_xsxs, E_uu)*K_ux';
Varinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e7_xf_xf_u) = kron(reshape(E_xs_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2),E_uu);
Varinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e8_xf_u_xf) = kron(reshape(E_xs_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2),E_uu)*kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)';
Varinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e9_u_xf_xf) = K_xu*kron(E_uu,reshape(E_xs_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2));
Varinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e13_u_u_u ) = kron(E_xs,reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr,u_nbr^3));
Varinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e1_u ) = kron(E_uu,E_xs);
Varinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e3_xf_u ) = K_ux*kron(E_xsxf, E_uu);
Varinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e4_u_xf ) = kron(E_uu, E_xsxf);
Varinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e5_xs_u ) = K_ux*kron(E_xsxs,E_uu);
Varinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e6_u_xs ) = kron(E_uu, E_xsxs);
Varinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e7_xf_xf_u) = K_ux*kron(reshape(E_xs_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2), E_uu);
Varinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e8_xf_u_xf) = kron(E_uu, reshape(E_xs_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2))*kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))';
Varinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e9_u_xf_xf) = kron(E_uu, reshape(E_xs_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2));
Varinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e13_u_u_u ) = K_ux*kron(E_xs,reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr,u_nbr^3));
Varinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e1_u ) = kron(E_xfxf(:),E_uu);
Varinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e3_xf_u ) = kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr),E_uu);
Varinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e4_u_xf ) = kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr),E_uu)*K_ux';
Varinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e5_xs_u ) = kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xs,x_nbr^2,x_nbr),E_uu);
Varinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e6_u_xs ) = kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xs,x_nbr^2,x_nbr),E_uu)*K_ux';
Varinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e7_xf_xf_u) = kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2),E_uu);
Varinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e8_xf_u_xf) = kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2),E_uu)*kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)';
Varinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e9_u_xf_xf) = kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)*kron(K_ux,speye(x_nbr))*kron(E_uu, reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2));
Varinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e13_u_u_u ) = kron(E_xfxf(:),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr,u_nbr^3));
Varinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e1_u ) = kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))*kron(E_uu,E_xfxf(:));
Varinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e3_xf_u ) = kron(speye(x_nbr),K_xu)*kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr),E_uu);
Varinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e4_u_xf ) = kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))*kron(E_uu,reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr));
Varinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e5_xs_u ) = kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)*kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xs,x_nbr^2,x_nbr),E_uu);
Varinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e6_u_xs ) = kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))*kron(E_uu,reshape(E_xf_xf_xs,x_nbr^2,x_nbr));
Varinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e7_xf_xf_u) = kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)*kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2),E_uu);
Varinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e8_xf_u_xf) = kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))*kron(E_uu,reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2))*kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))';
Varinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e9_u_xf_xf) = kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))*kron(E_uu,reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2));
Varinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e13_u_u_u ) = kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))*kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr,u_nbr^3),E_xfxf(:));
Varinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e1_u ) = kron(E_uu, E_xfxf(:));
Varinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e3_xf_u ) = kron(E_uu, reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr))*K_xu';
Varinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e4_u_xf ) = kron(E_uu, reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr));
Varinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e5_xs_u ) = kron(E_uu, reshape(E_xf_xf_xs,x_nbr^2,x_nbr))*K_xu';
Varinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e6_u_xs ) = kron(E_uu, reshape(E_xf_xf_xs,x_nbr^2,x_nbr));
Varinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e7_xf_xf_u) = kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)*kron(K_ux,speye(x_nbr))*kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2),E_uu);
Varinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e8_xf_u_xf) = kron(E_uu,reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2))*kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)';
Varinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e9_u_xf_xf) = kron(E_uu,reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2));
Varinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e13_u_u_u ) = kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr,u_nbr^3),E_xfxf(:));
Varinov(id_e10_xf_u_u , id_e10_xf_u_u) = kron(E_xfxf,reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2));
Varinov(id_e10_xf_u_u , id_e11_u_xf_u) = kron(E_xfxf,reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2))*kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))';
Varinov(id_e10_xf_u_u , id_e12_u_u_xf) = kron(E_xfxf,reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2))*kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))'*kron(speye(u_nbr),K_ux)';
Varinov(id_e11_u_xf_u , id_e10_xf_u_u) = kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))*kron(E_xfxf,reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2));
Varinov(id_e11_u_xf_u , id_e11_u_xf_u) = kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))*kron(E_xfxf,reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2))*kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))';
Varinov(id_e11_u_xf_u , id_e12_u_u_xf) = kron(speye(u_nbr),K_ux)*kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2),E_xfxf);
Varinov(id_e12_u_u_xf , id_e10_xf_u_u) = kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))*kron(speye(u_nbr),K_ux)*kron(E_xfxf,reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2));
Varinov(id_e12_u_u_xf , id_e11_u_xf_u) = kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2),E_xfxf)*kron(speye(u_nbr),K_xu)';
Varinov(id_e12_u_u_xf , id_e12_u_u_xf) = kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2),E_xfxf);
Varinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e1_u ) = reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^3,u_nbr);
Varinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e5_xs_u ) = kron(E_xs', reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^3,u_nbr));
Varinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e6_u_xs ) = kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^3,u_nbr),E_xs');
Varinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e7_xf_xf_u ) = kron(E_xfxf(:)',reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^3,u_nbr));
Varinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e8_xf_u_xf ) = kron(E_xfxf(:)',reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^3,u_nbr))*kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)';
Varinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e9_u_xf_xf ) = kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^3,u_nbr), E_xfxf(:)');
Varinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e13_u_u_u ) = reshape(Q6Pu*E_u_u_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^3,u_nbr^3);
E_z = (speye(z_nbr)-A)\c;
if compute_derivs
dA = zeros(z_nbr,z_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dB = zeros(z_nbr,e_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dC = zeros(y_nbr,z_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dD = zeros(y_nbr,e_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dc = zeros(z_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dd = zeros(y_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dVarinov = zeros(e_nbr,e_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dE_z =zeros(z_nbr,totparam_nbr);
for jp=1:totparam_nbr
dA(id_z1_xf , id_z1_xf ,jp) = dghx(indx,:,jp);
dA(id_z2_xs , id_z2_xs ,jp) = dghx(indx,:,jp);
dA(id_z2_xs , id_z3_xf_xf ,jp) = 1/2*dghxx(indx,:,jp);
dA(id_z3_xf_xf , id_z3_xf_xf ,jp) = dhx_hx(:,:,jp);
dA(id_z4_xrd , id_z1_xf ,jp) = 3/6*dghxss(indx,:,jp);
dA(id_z4_xrd , id_z4_xrd ,jp) = dghx(indx,:,jp);
dA(id_z4_xrd , id_z5_xf_xs ,jp) = dghxx(indx,:,jp);
dA(id_z4_xrd , id_z6_xf_xf_xf ,jp) = 1/6*dghxxx(indx,:,jp);
dA(id_z5_xf_xs , id_z1_xf ,jp) = kron(dghx(indx,:,jp),1/2*ghs2(indx,:)) + kron(ghx(indx,:),1/2*dghs2(indx,jp));
dA(id_z5_xf_xs , id_z5_xf_xs ,jp) = dhx_hx(:,:,jp);
dA(id_z5_xf_xs , id_z6_xf_xf_xf ,jp) = kron(dghx(indx,:,jp),1/2*ghxx(indx,:)) + kron(ghx(indx,:),1/2*dghxx(indx,:,jp));
dA(id_z6_xf_xf_xf , id_z6_xf_xf_xf ,jp) = kron(dghx(indx,:,jp),hx_hx) + kron(ghx(indx,:),dhx_hx(:,:,jp));
dB(id_z1_xf , id_e1_u , jp) = dghu(indx,:,jp);
dB(id_z2_xs , id_e2_u_u , jp) = 1/2*dghuu(indx,:,jp);
dB(id_z2_xs , id_e3_xf_u , jp) = dghxu(indx,:,jp);
dB(id_z3_xf_xf , id_e2_u_u , jp) = dhu_hu(:,:,jp);
dB(id_z3_xf_xf , id_e3_xf_u , jp) = dhx_hu(:,:,jp);
dB(id_z3_xf_xf , id_e4_u_xf , jp) = dhu_hx(:,:,jp);
dB(id_z4_xrd , id_e1_u , jp) = 3/6*dghuss(indx,:,jp);
dB(id_z4_xrd , id_e5_xs_u , jp) = dghxu(indx,:,jp);
dB(id_z4_xrd , id_e7_xf_xf_u , jp) = 3/6*dghxxu(indx,:,jp);
dB(id_z4_xrd , id_e10_xf_u_u , jp) = 3/6*dghxuu(indx,:,jp);
dB(id_z4_xrd , id_e13_u_u_u , jp) = 1/6*dghuuu(indx,:,jp);
dB(id_z5_xf_xs , id_e1_u , jp) = kron(dghu(indx,:,jp),1/2*ghs2(indx,:)) + kron(ghu(indx,:),1/2*dghs2(indx,jp));
dB(id_z5_xf_xs , id_e6_u_xs , jp) = dhu_hx(:,:,jp);
dB(id_z5_xf_xs , id_e7_xf_xf_u , jp) = kron(dghx(indx,:,jp),ghxu(indx,:)) + kron(ghx(indx,:),dghxu(indx,:,jp));
dB(id_z5_xf_xs , id_e9_u_xf_xf , jp) = kron(dghu(indx,:,jp),1/2*ghxx(indx,:)) + kron(ghu(indx,:),1/2*dghxx(indx,:,jp));
dB(id_z5_xf_xs , id_e10_xf_u_u , jp) = kron(dghx(indx,:,jp),1/2*ghuu(indx,:)) + kron(ghx(indx,:),1/2*dghuu(indx,:,jp));
dB(id_z5_xf_xs , id_e11_u_xf_u , jp) = kron(dghu(indx,:,jp),ghxu(indx,:)) + kron(ghu(indx,:),dghxu(indx,:,jp));
dB(id_z5_xf_xs , id_e13_u_u_u , jp) = kron(dghu(indx,:,jp),1/2*ghuu(indx,:)) + kron(ghu(indx,:),1/2*dghuu(indx,:,jp));
dB(id_z6_xf_xf_xf , id_e7_xf_xf_u , jp) = kron(dhx_hx(:,:,jp),ghu(indx,:)) + kron(hx_hx,dghu(indx,:,jp));
dB(id_z6_xf_xf_xf , id_e8_xf_u_xf , jp) = kron(dghx(indx,:,jp),hu_hx) + kron(ghx(indx,:),dhu_hx(:,:,jp));
dB(id_z6_xf_xf_xf , id_e9_u_xf_xf , jp) = kron(dghu(indx,:,jp),hx_hx) + kron(ghu(indx,:),dhx_hx(:,:,jp));
dB(id_z6_xf_xf_xf , id_e10_xf_u_u , jp) = kron(dhx_hu(:,:,jp),ghu(indx,:)) + kron(hx_hu,dghu(indx,:,jp));
dB(id_z6_xf_xf_xf , id_e11_u_xf_u , jp) = kron(dghu(indx,:,jp),hx_hu) + kron(ghu(indx,:),dhx_hu(:,:,jp));
dB(id_z6_xf_xf_xf , id_e12_u_u_xf , jp) = kron(dhu_hu(:,:,jp),ghx(indx,:)) + kron(hu_hu,dghx(indx,:,jp));
dB(id_z6_xf_xf_xf , id_e13_u_u_u , jp) = kron(dghu(indx,:,jp),hu_hu) + kron(ghu(indx,:),dhu_hu(:,:,jp));
dC(1:y_nbr , id_z1_xf , jp) = dghx(indy,:,jp) + 1/2*dghxss(indy,:,jp);
dC(1:y_nbr , id_z2_xs , jp) = dghx(indy,:,jp);
dC(1:y_nbr , id_z3_xf_xf , jp) = 1/2*dghxx(indy,:,jp);
dC(1:y_nbr , id_z4_xrd , jp) = dghx(indy,:,jp);
dC(1:y_nbr , id_z5_xf_xs , jp) = dghxx(indy,:,jp);
dC(1:y_nbr , id_z6_xf_xf_xf , jp) = 1/6*dghxxx(indy,:,jp);
dD(1:y_nbr , id_e1_u , jp) = dghu(indy,:,jp) + 1/2*dghuss(indy,:,jp);
dD(1:y_nbr , id_e2_u_u , jp) = 1/2*dghuu(indy,:,jp);
dD(1:y_nbr , id_e3_xf_u , jp) = dghxu(indy,:,jp);
dD(1:y_nbr , id_e5_xs_u , jp) = dghxu(indy,:,jp);
dD(1:y_nbr , id_e7_xf_xf_u , jp) = 1/2*dghxxu(indy,:,jp);
dD(1:y_nbr , id_e10_xf_u_u , jp) = 1/2*dghxuu(indy,:,jp);
dD(1:y_nbr , id_e13_u_u_u , jp) = 1/6*dghuuu(indy,:,jp);
dc(id_z2_xs , jp) = 1/2*dghs2(indx,jp) + 1/2*dghuu(indx,:,jp)*E_uu(:) + 1/2*ghuu(indx,:)*vec(dE_uu(:,:,jp));
dc(id_z3_xf_xf , jp) = dhu_hu(:,:,jp)*E_uu(:) + hu_hu*vec(dE_uu(:,:,jp));
dd(1:y_nbr , jp) = 0.5*dghs2(indy,jp) + 0.5*dghuu(indy,:,jp)*E_uu(:) + 0.5*ghuu(indy,:)*vec(dE_uu(:,:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e1_u , id_e1_u , jp) = dE_uu(:,:,jp);
dVarinov(id_e1_u , id_e5_xs_u , jp) = kron(dE_xs(:,jp)',E_uu) + kron(E_xs',dE_uu(:,:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e1_u , id_e6_u_xs , jp) = kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp),E_xs') + kron(E_uu,dE_xs(:,jp)');
dVarinov(id_e1_u , id_e7_xf_xf_u , jp) = kron(vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp))',E_uu) + kron(E_xfxf(:)',dE_uu(:,:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e1_u , id_e8_xf_u_xf , jp) = (kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp),E_xfxf(:)') + kron(E_uu,vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp))'))*kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr));
dVarinov(id_e1_u , id_e9_u_xf_xf , jp) = kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp),E_xfxf(:)') + kron(E_uu,vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp))');
if jp <= (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)
dVarinov(id_e1_u , id_e13_u_u_u , jp) = reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr,u_nbr^3);
dVarinov(id_e2_u_u , id_e2_u_u , jp) = reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2) - vec(dE_uu(:,:,jp))*transpose(E_uu(:)) - E_uu(:)*transpose(vec(dE_uu(:,:,jp)));
dVarinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e3_xf_u , jp) = dE_xfxf_E_uu(:,:,jp);
dVarinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e4_u_xf , jp) = dE_xfxf_E_uu(:,:,jp)*K_ux';
dVarinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e5_xs_u , jp) = dE_xfxs_E_uu(:,:,jp);
dVarinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e6_u_xs , jp) = dE_xfxs_E_uu(:,:,jp)*K_ux';
dVarinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e7_xf_xf_u , jp) = kron(reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr,x_nbr^2), E_uu) + kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2), dE_uu(:,:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e8_xf_u_xf , jp) = (kron(reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr,x_nbr^2), E_uu) + kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2), dE_uu(:,:,jp)))*kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)';
dVarinov(id_e3_xf_u , id_e9_u_xf_xf , jp) = K_xu*(kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp), reshape(E_xf_xf_xf, x_nbr, x_nbr^2)) + kron(E_uu, reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf(:,jp), x_nbr, x_nbr^2)));
dVarinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e3_xf_u , jp) = K_ux*dE_xfxf_E_uu(:,:,jp);
dVarinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e4_u_xf , jp) = kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp),E_xfxf) + kron(E_uu,dE_xfxf(:,:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e5_xs_u , jp) = K_ux*(kron(dE_xfxs(:,:,jp),E_uu) + kron(E_xfxs,dE_uu(:,:,jp)));
dVarinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e6_u_xs , jp) = kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp), E_xfxs) + kron(E_uu, dE_xfxs(:,:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e7_xf_xf_u , jp) = K_ux*(kron(reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr,x_nbr^2),E_uu) + kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2),dE_uu(:,:,jp)));
dVarinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e8_xf_u_xf , jp) = (kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp),reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2)) + kron(E_uu,reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr,x_nbr^2)))*kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))';
dVarinov(id_e4_u_xf , id_e9_u_xf_xf , jp) = kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp),reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2)) + kron(E_uu,reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr,x_nbr^2));
dVarinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e1_u , jp) = kron(dE_xs(:,jp), E_uu) + kron(E_xs, dE_uu(:,:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e3_xf_u , jp) = kron(dE_xsxf(:,:,jp), E_uu) + kron(E_xsxf, dE_uu(:,:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e4_u_xf , jp) = (kron(dE_xsxf(:,:,jp), E_uu) + kron(E_xsxf, dE_uu(:,:,jp)))*K_ux';
dVarinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e5_xs_u , jp) = kron(dE_xsxs(:,:,jp), E_uu) + kron(E_xsxs, dE_uu(:,:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e6_u_xs , jp) = (kron(dE_xsxs(:,:,jp), E_uu) + kron(E_xsxs, dE_uu(:,:,jp)))*K_ux';
dVarinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e7_xf_xf_u , jp) = kron(reshape(dE_xs_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr,x_nbr^2),E_uu) + kron(reshape(E_xs_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2),dE_uu(:,:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e8_xf_u_xf , jp) = (kron(reshape(dE_xs_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr,x_nbr^2),E_uu) + kron(reshape(E_xs_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2),dE_uu(:,:,jp)))*kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)';
dVarinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e9_u_xf_xf , jp) = K_xu*(kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp),reshape(E_xs_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2)) + kron(E_uu,reshape(dE_xs_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr,x_nbr^2)));
if jp <= (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)
dVarinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e13_u_u_u , jp) = kron(dE_xs(:,jp),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr,u_nbr^3)) + kron(E_xs,reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr,u_nbr^3));
dVarinov(id_e5_xs_u , id_e13_u_u_u , jp) = kron(dE_xs(:,jp),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr,u_nbr^3));
dVarinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e1_u , jp) = kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp),E_xs) + kron(E_uu,dE_xs(:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e3_xf_u , jp) = K_ux*(kron(dE_xsxf(:,:,jp), E_uu) + kron(E_xsxf, dE_uu(:,:,jp)));
dVarinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e4_u_xf , jp) = kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp), E_xsxf) + kron(E_uu, dE_xsxf(:,:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e5_xs_u , jp) = K_ux*(kron(dE_xsxs(:,:,jp),E_uu) + kron(E_xsxs,dE_uu(:,:,jp)));
dVarinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e6_u_xs , jp) = kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp), E_xsxs) + kron(E_uu, dE_xsxs(:,:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e7_xf_xf_u , jp) = K_ux*(kron(reshape(dE_xs_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr,x_nbr^2), E_uu) + kron(reshape(E_xs_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2), dE_uu(:,:,jp)));
dVarinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e8_xf_u_xf , jp) = (kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp), reshape(E_xs_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2)) + kron(E_uu, reshape(dE_xs_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr,x_nbr^2)))*kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))';
dVarinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e9_u_xf_xf , jp) = kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp), reshape(E_xs_xf_xf,x_nbr,x_nbr^2)) + kron(E_uu, reshape(dE_xs_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr,x_nbr^2));
if jp <= (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)
dVarinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e13_u_u_u , jp) = K_ux*(kron(dE_xs(:,jp),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr,u_nbr^3)) + kron(E_xs,reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr,u_nbr^3)));
dVarinov(id_e6_u_xs , id_e13_u_u_u , jp) = K_ux*kron(dE_xs(:,jp),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr,u_nbr^3));
dVarinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e1_u , jp) = kron(vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp)),E_uu) + kron(E_xfxf(:),dE_uu(:,:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e3_xf_u , jp) = kron(reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr),E_uu) + kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr),dE_uu(:,:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e4_u_xf , jp) = (kron(reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr),E_uu) + kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr),dE_uu(:,:,jp)))*K_ux';
dVarinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e5_xs_u , jp) = kron(reshape(dE_xf_xf_xs(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr),E_uu) + kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xs,x_nbr^2,x_nbr),dE_uu(:,:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e6_u_xs , jp) = (kron(reshape(dE_xf_xf_xs(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr),E_uu) + kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xs,x_nbr^2,x_nbr),dE_uu(:,:,jp)))*K_ux';
dVarinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e7_xf_xf_u , jp) = kron(reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2),E_uu) + kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2),dE_uu(:,:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e8_xf_u_xf , jp) = (kron(reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2),E_uu) + kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2),dE_uu(:,:,jp)))*kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)';
dVarinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e9_u_xf_xf , jp) = kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)*kron(K_ux,speye(x_nbr))*(kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp), reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2)) + kron(E_uu, reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2)));
if jp <= (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)
dVarinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e13_u_u_u , jp) = kron(vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp)),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr,u_nbr^3)) + kron(E_xfxf(:),reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr,u_nbr^3));
dVarinov(id_e7_xf_xf_u , id_e13_u_u_u , jp) = kron(vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp)),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr,u_nbr^3));
dVarinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e1_u , jp) = kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))*(kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp),E_xfxf(:)) + kron(E_uu,vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp))));
dVarinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e3_xf_u , jp) = kron(speye(x_nbr),K_xu)*(kron(reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr),E_uu) + kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr),dE_uu(:,:,jp)));
dVarinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e4_u_xf , jp) = kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))*(kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp),reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr)) + kron(E_uu,reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr)));
dVarinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e5_xs_u , jp) = kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)*(kron(reshape(dE_xf_xf_xs(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr),E_uu) + kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xs,x_nbr^2,x_nbr),dE_uu(:,:,jp)));
dVarinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e6_u_xs , jp) = kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))*(kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp),reshape(E_xf_xf_xs,x_nbr^2,x_nbr)) + kron(E_uu,reshape(dE_xf_xf_xs(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr)));
dVarinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e7_xf_xf_u , jp) = kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)*(kron(reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2),E_uu) + kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2),dE_uu(:,:,jp)));
dVarinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e8_xf_u_xf , jp) = kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))*(kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp),reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2)) + kron(E_uu,reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2)))*kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))';
dVarinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e9_u_xf_xf , jp) = kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))*(kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp),reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2)) + kron(E_uu,reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2)));
if jp <= (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)
dVarinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e13_u_u_u , jp) = kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))*(kron(reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr,u_nbr^3),E_xfxf(:)) + kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr,u_nbr^3),vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp))));
dVarinov(id_e8_xf_u_xf , id_e13_u_u_u , jp) = kron(K_xu,speye(x_nbr))*kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr,u_nbr^3),vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp)));
dVarinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e1_u , jp) = kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp), E_xfxf(:)) + kron(E_uu, vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp)));
dVarinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e3_xf_u , jp) = (kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp), reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr)) + kron(E_uu, reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr)))*K_xu';
dVarinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e4_u_xf , jp) = kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp), reshape(E_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr)) + kron(E_uu, reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr));
dVarinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e5_xs_u , jp) = (kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp), reshape(E_xf_xf_xs,x_nbr^2,x_nbr)) + kron(E_uu, reshape(dE_xf_xf_xs(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr)))*K_xu';
dVarinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e6_u_xs , jp) = kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp), reshape(E_xf_xf_xs,x_nbr^2,x_nbr)) + kron(E_uu, reshape(dE_xf_xf_xs(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr));
dVarinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e7_xf_xf_u , jp) = kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)*kron(K_ux,speye(x_nbr))*(kron(reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2),E_uu) + kron(reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2),dE_uu(:,:,jp)));
dVarinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e8_xf_u_xf , jp) = (kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp),reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2)) + kron(E_uu,reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2)))*kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)';
dVarinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e9_u_xf_xf , jp) = kron(dE_uu(:,:,jp),reshape(E_xf_xf_xf_xf,x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2)) + kron(E_uu,reshape(dE_xf_xf_xf_xf(:,jp),x_nbr^2,x_nbr^2));
if jp <= (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)
dVarinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e13_u_u_u , jp) = kron(reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr,u_nbr^3),E_xfxf(:)) + kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr,u_nbr^3),vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp)));
dVarinov(id_e9_u_xf_xf , id_e13_u_u_u , jp) = kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr,u_nbr^3),vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp)));
if jp <= (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)
dVarinov(id_e10_xf_u_u , id_e10_xf_u_u , jp) = kron(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2)) + kron(E_xfxf,reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2));
dVarinov(id_e10_xf_u_u , id_e11_u_xf_u , jp) = (kron(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2)) + kron(E_xfxf,reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2)))*kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))';
dVarinov(id_e10_xf_u_u , id_e12_u_u_xf , jp) = (kron(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2)) + kron(E_xfxf,reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2)))*kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))'*kron(speye(u_nbr),K_ux)';
dVarinov(id_e10_xf_u_u , id_e10_xf_u_u , jp) = kron(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2));
dVarinov(id_e10_xf_u_u , id_e11_u_xf_u , jp) = kron(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2))*kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))';
dVarinov(id_e10_xf_u_u , id_e12_u_u_xf , jp) = kron(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2))*kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))'*kron(speye(u_nbr),K_ux)';
if jp <= (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)
dVarinov(id_e11_u_xf_u , id_e10_xf_u_u , jp) = kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))*(kron(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2)) + kron(E_xfxf,reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2)));
dVarinov(id_e11_u_xf_u , id_e11_u_xf_u , jp) = kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))*(kron(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2)) + kron(E_xfxf,reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2)))*kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))';
dVarinov(id_e11_u_xf_u , id_e12_u_u_xf , jp) = kron(speye(u_nbr),K_ux)*(kron(reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2),E_xfxf) + kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2),dE_xfxf(:,:,jp)));
dVarinov(id_e11_u_xf_u , id_e10_xf_u_u , jp) = kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))*kron(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2));
dVarinov(id_e11_u_xf_u , id_e11_u_xf_u , jp) = kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))*kron(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2))*kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))';
dVarinov(id_e11_u_xf_u , id_e12_u_u_xf , jp) = kron(speye(u_nbr),K_ux)*kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2),dE_xfxf(:,:,jp));
if jp <= (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)
dVarinov(id_e12_u_u_xf , id_e10_xf_u_u , jp) = kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))*kron(speye(u_nbr),K_ux)*(kron(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2)) + kron(E_xfxf,reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2)));
dVarinov(id_e12_u_u_xf , id_e11_u_xf_u , jp) = (kron(reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2),E_xfxf) + kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2),dE_xfxf(:,:,jp)))*kron(speye(u_nbr),K_xu)';
dVarinov(id_e12_u_u_xf , id_e12_u_u_xf , jp) = kron(reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2),E_xfxf) + kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2),dE_xfxf(:,:,jp));
dVarinov(id_e12_u_u_xf , id_e10_xf_u_u , jp) = kron(K_ux,speye(u_nbr))*kron(speye(u_nbr),K_ux)*kron(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp),reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2));
dVarinov(id_e12_u_u_xf , id_e11_u_xf_u , jp) = kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2),dE_xfxf(:,:,jp))*kron(speye(u_nbr),K_xu)';
dVarinov(id_e12_u_u_xf , id_e12_u_u_xf , jp) = kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^2,u_nbr^2),dE_xfxf(:,:,jp));
if jp <= (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)
dVarinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e1_u , jp) = reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr^3,u_nbr);
dVarinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e5_xs_u , jp) = kron(dE_xs(:,jp)', reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^3,u_nbr)) + kron(E_xs', reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr^3,u_nbr));
dVarinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e6_u_xs , jp) = kron(reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr^3,u_nbr),E_xs') + kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^3,u_nbr),dE_xs(:,jp)');
dVarinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e7_xf_xf_u , jp) = kron(vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp))',reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^3,u_nbr)) + kron(E_xfxf(:)',reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr^3,u_nbr));
dVarinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e8_xf_u_xf , jp) = (kron(vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp))',reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^3,u_nbr)) + kron(E_xfxf(:)',reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr^3,u_nbr)))*kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)';
dVarinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e9_u_xf_xf , jp) = kron(reshape(QPu*dE_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr^3,u_nbr), E_xfxf(:)') + kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^3,u_nbr), vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp))');
dVarinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e5_xs_u , jp) = kron(dE_xs(:,jp)', reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^3,u_nbr));
dVarinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e6_u_xs , jp) = kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^3,u_nbr),dE_xs(:,jp)');
dVarinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e7_xf_xf_u , jp) = kron(vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp))',reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^3,u_nbr));
dVarinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e8_xf_u_xf , jp) = kron(vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp))',reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^3,u_nbr))*kron(speye(x_nbr),K_ux)';
dVarinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e9_u_xf_xf , jp) = kron(reshape(E_u_u_u_u,u_nbr^3,u_nbr), vec(dE_xfxf(:,:,jp))');
if jp <= (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)
dVarinov(id_e13_u_u_u , id_e13_u_u_u , jp) = reshape(Q6Pu*dE_u_u_u_u_u_u(:,jp),u_nbr^3,u_nbr^3);
dE_z(:,jp) = (speye(z_nbr)-A)\(dc(:,jp) + dA(:,:,jp)*E_z);
E_y = Yss(indy,:) + C*E_z + d;
Om_z = B*Varinov*transpose(B);
Om_y = D*Varinov*transpose(D);
if compute_derivs
dE_y = zeros(y_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dOm_z = zeros(z_nbr,z_nbr,totparam_nbr);
dOm_y = zeros(y_nbr,y_nbr,totparam_nbr);
for jp = 1:totparam_nbr
dE_y(:,jp) = dC(:,:,jp)*E_z + C*dE_z(:,jp) + dd(:,jp);
dOm_z(:,:,jp) = dB(:,:,jp)*Varinov*B' + B*dVarinov(:,:,jp)*B' + B*Varinov*dB(:,:,jp)';
dOm_y(:,:,jp) = dD(:,:,jp)*Varinov*D' + D*dVarinov(:,:,jp)*D' + D*Varinov*dD(:,:,jp)';
if jp > (stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)
dE_y(:,jp) = dE_y(:,jp) + dYss(indy,jp-stderrparam_nbr-corrparam_nbr); %add steady state
%% Store into output structure
dr.pruned.indx = indx;
dr.pruned.indy = indy;
%dr.pruned.E_xfxf = E_xfxf;
dr.pruned.A = A;
dr.pruned.B = B;
dr.pruned.C = C;
dr.pruned.D = D;
dr.pruned.c = c;
dr.pruned.d = d;
dr.pruned.Om_z = Om_z;
dr.pruned.Om_y = Om_y;
dr.pruned.Varinov = Varinov;
dr.pruned.E_z = E_z;
dr.pruned.E_y = E_y;
if compute_derivs == 1
%dr.pruned.dE_xfxf = dE_xfxf;
dr.pruned.dA = dA;
dr.pruned.dB = dB;
dr.pruned.dC = dC;
dr.pruned.dD = dD;
dr.pruned.dc = dc;
dr.pruned.dd = dd;
dr.pruned.dOm_z = dOm_z;
dr.pruned.dOm_y = dOm_y;
dr.pruned.dVarinov = dVarinov;
dr.pruned.dE_z = dE_z;
dr.pruned.dE_y = dE_y;

matlab/quadruplication.m Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
% By Willi Mutschler, September 26, 2016. Email:
% Quadruplication Matrix as defined by
% Meijer (2005) - Matrix algebra for higher order moments. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 410,pp. 112134
% Inputs:
% p: size of vector
% Outputs:
% QP: quadruplication matrix
% QPinv: Moore-Penrose inverse of QP
function [QP,QPinv] = quadruplication(p,progress,sparseflag)
if nargin <2
progress =0;
if nargin < 3
sparseflag = 1;
reverseStr = ''; counti=1;
np = p*(p+1)*(p+2)*(p+3)/24;
if sparseflag
QP = spalloc(p^4,p*(p+1)*(p+2)*(p+3)/24,p^4);
QP = zeros(p^4,p*(p+1)*(p+2)*(p+3)/24);
if nargout > 1
if sparseflag
QPinv = spalloc(p*(p+1)*(p+2)*(p+3)/24,p*(p+1)*(p+2)*(p+3)/24,p^4);
QPinv = zeros(p*(p+1)*(p+2)*(p+3)/24,p*(p+1)*(p+2)*(p+3)/24);
for l=1:p
for k=l:p
for j=k:p
for i=j:p
if progress && (rem(counti,100)== 0)
msg = sprintf(' Quadruplication Matrix Processed %d/%d', counti, np); fprintf([reverseStr, msg]); reverseStr = repmat(sprintf('\b'), 1, length(msg));
elseif progress && (counti==np)
msg = sprintf(' Quadruplication Matrix Processed %d/%d\n', counti, np); fprintf([reverseStr, msg]); reverseStr = repmat(sprintf('\b'), 1, length(msg));
idx = uperm([i j k l]);
for r = 1:size(idx,1)
ii = idx(r,1); jj= idx(r,2); kk=idx(r,3); ll=idx(r,4);
n = ii + (jj-1)*p + (kk-1)*p^2 + (ll-1)*p^3;
m = mue(p,i,j,k,l);
if nargout > 1
if i==j && j==k && k==l
elseif i==j && j==k && k>l
elseif i>j && j==k && k==l
elseif i==j && j>k && k==l
QPinv(m,n) = 1/6;
elseif i>j && j>k && k==l
QPinv(m,n) = 1/12;
elseif i>j && j==k && k>l
QPinv(m,n) = 1/12;
elseif i==j && j>k && k>l
QPinv(m,n) = 1/12;
elseif i>j && j>k && k>l
QPinv(m,n) = 1/24;
counti = counti+1;
%QPinv = (transpose(QP)*QP)\transpose(QP);
function m = mue(p,i,j,k,l)
m = i + (j-1)*p + 1/2*(k-1)*p^2 + 1/6*(l-1)*p^3 - 1/2*j*(j-1) + 1/6*k*(k-1)*(k-2) - 1/24*l*(l-1)*(l-2)*(l-3) - 1/2*(k-1)^2*p + 1/6*(l-1)^3*p - 1/4*(l-1)*(l-2)*p^2 - 1/4*l*(l-1)*p + 1/6*(l-1)*p;
m = round(m);

matlab/uperm.m Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
% By Willi Mutschler, September 26, 2016. Email:
function p = uperm(a)
[u, ~, J] = unique(a);
p = u(up(J, length(a)));
function p = up(J, n)
ktab = histcounts(J,1:max(J));
l = n;
p = zeros(1, n);
s = 1;
for i=1:length(ktab)
k = ktab(i);
c = nchoosek(1:l, k);
m = size(c,1);
[t, ~] = find(~p.');
t = reshape(t, [], s);
c = t(c,:)';
s = s*m;
r = repmat((1:s)',[1 k]);
q = accumarray([r(:) c(:)], i, [s n]);
p = repmat(p, [m 1]) + q;
l = l - k;
end % uperm

View File

@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ MODFILES = \
identification/as2007/as2007_kronflags.mod \
identification/as2007/as2007_QT.mod \
identification/as2007/as2007_QT_equal_autocorr.mod \
identification/as2007/as2007_order_1_2_3.mod \
identification/BrockMirman/BrockMirman.mod \
identification/cgg/cgg_criteria_differ.mod \
identification/ident_unit_root/ident_unit_root.mod \

View File

@ -76,14 +76,14 @@ identification(parameter_set=calibration,
load('G_QT'); %note that this is computed using replication files of Qu and Tkachenko (2012)
temp = load([M_.dname filesep 'identification' filesep M_.fname '_identif']);
G_dynare = temp.ide_spectrum_point.G;
G_dynare = temp.ide_spectrum_point.dSPECTRUM;
% Compare signs
if ~isequal(sign(G_dynare),sign(G_QT))
error('signs of normalized G are note equal');
% Compare normalized versions
tilda_G_dynare = temp.ide_spectrum_point.tilda_G;
tilda_G_dynare = temp.ide_spectrum_point.tilda_dSPECTRUM;
ind_G_QT = (find(max(abs(G_QT'),[],1) > temp.store_options_ident.tol_deriv));
tilda_G_QT = zeros(size(G_QT));
delta_G_QT = sqrt(diag(G_QT(ind_G_QT,ind_G_QT)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
%this is the mod file used in replication files of An and Schorfheide (2007)
% modified to include some obvious and artificial identification failures
% and to check whether all kronflags are working
% created by Willi Mutschler (
var y R g z c dy p YGR INFL INT;
varobs y R g z c dy p YGR INFL INT;
varexo e_r e_g e_z;
parameters sigr sigg sigz tau phi psi1 psi2 rhor rhog rhoz rrst pist gamst nu cyst dumpy dumpyrhog;
rrst = 1.0000;
pist = 3.2000;
gamst= 0.5500;
tau = 2.0000;
nu = 0.1000;
kap = 0.3300;
phi = tau*(1-nu)/nu/kap/exp(pist/400)^2;
cyst = 0.8500;
psi1 = 1.5000;
psi2 = 0.1250;
rhor = 0.7500;
rhog = 0.9500;
rhoz = 0.9000;
sigr = 0.2;
sigg = 0.6;
sigz = 0.3;
dumpy = 0;
dumpyrhog = 1;
#pist2 = exp(pist/400);
#rrst2 = exp(rrst/400);
#bet = 1/rrst2;
#gst = 1/cyst;
#cst = (1-nu)^(1/tau);
#yst = cst*gst;
1 = exp(-tau*c(+1)+tau*c+R-z(+1)-p(+1));
(1-nu)/nu/phi/(pist2^2)*(exp(tau*c)-1) = (exp(p)-1)*((1-1/2/nu)*exp(p)+1/2/nu) - bet*(exp(p(+1))-1)*exp(-tau*c(+1)+tau*c+dy(+1)+p(+1));
exp(c-y) = exp(-g) - phi*pist2^2*gst/2*(exp(p)-1)^2;
R = rhor*R(-1) + (1-rhor)*psi1*p + (1-rhor)*psi2*(y-g) + sigr*e_r;
g = dumpyrhog*rhog*g(-1) + sigg*e_g;
z = rhoz*z(-1) + sigz*e_z;
YGR = gamst+100*(dy+z);
INFL = pist+400*p;
INT = pist+rrst+4*gamst+400*R;
dy = y - y(-1);
var e_r = 0.6^2;
var e_g = 0.5^2;
var e_z = 0.4^2;
corr e_r, e_g = 0.3;
corr e_r, e_z = 0.2;
corr e_z, e_g = 0.1;
z=0; g=0; c=0; y=0; p=0; R=0; dy=0;
YGR=gamst; INFL=pist; INT=pist+rrst+4*gamst;
tau, 2, 1e-5, 10, gamma_pdf, 2, 0.5;
%these parameters do not enter the linearized solution
cyst, 0.85, 1e-5, 0.99999, beta_pdf, 0.85, 0.1;
sigg, 0.6, 1e-8, 5, inv_gamma_pdf, 0.4, 4;
rhoz, 0.9, 1e-5, 0.99999, beta_pdf, 0.66, 0.15;
corr e_r,e_g, 0.3, 1e-8, 5, inv_gamma_pdf, 0.4, 4;
corr e_z,e_g, 0.3, 1e-8, 5, inv_gamma_pdf, 0.4, 4;
corr e_z,e_r, 0.3, 1e-8, 5, inv_gamma_pdf, 0.4, 4;
%these parameters could only be identified from the steady state of YGR INFL and INT, however, we observer y pi R instead
rrst, 1, 1e-5, 10, gamma_pdf, 0.8, 0.5;
gamst, 0.55, -5, 5, normal_pdf, 0.4, 0.2;
dumpy, 0, -10, 10, normal_pdf, 0, 1;
%these parameters jointly determine the slope kappa of the linearized new keynesian phillips curve
pist, 3.2, 1e-5, 20, gamma_pdf, 4, 2;
nu, 0.1, 1e-5, 0.99999, beta_pdf, 0.1, .05;
phi, 50, 1e-5, 100, gamma_pdf, 50, 20;
%these parameters are pairwise collinear as one should not use both formulations for the standard error of a shock
sigz, 0.3, 1e-8, 5, inv_gamma_pdf, 0.4, 4;
stderr e_z, 0.3, 1e-8, 5, inv_gamma_pdf, 0.4, 4;
%these parameters are pairwise collinear as they are multiplicative
rhog, 0.95, 1e-5, 0.99999, beta_pdf, 0.8, 0.1;
dumpyrhog, 1, -10, 10, normal_pdf, 1, 1;
%these parameters are jointly not identified due to the specification of the Taylor rule
psi1, 1.5, 1e-5, 10, gamma_pdf, 1.5, 0.25;
psi2, 0.125, 1e-5, 10, gamma_pdf, 0.5, 0.25;
rhor, 0.75, 1e-5, 0.99999, beta_pdf, 0.5, 0.2;
stderr e_r, 0.2, 1e-8, 5, inv_gamma_pdf, 0.3, 4;
stoch_simul(order=3,irf=0,periods=0); %needed for identification(order=3)
@#for ORDER in [1, 2, 3]
@#for KRONFLAG in [-1, -2, 0]
identification(order=@{ORDER}, parameter_set=calibration, grid_nbr=10,analytic_derivation_mode=@{KRONFLAG});

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
//Tests Identification command with ML and unit roots/diffuse filter option;
//Should not work because of observed unit root variable
var y delta_y x z;
var y x z delta_y;
varexo eps_x eps_z;

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ identification(advanced=1);
temp=load([M_.dname filesep 'identification' filesep M_.fname '_ML_Starting_value_identif'])
temp_comparison=load(['rbc_ident_std_as_structural_par' filesep 'identification' filesep 'rbc_ident_std_as_structural_par' '_ML_Starting_value_identif'])
if max(abs(temp.ide_hess_point.ide_strength_J - temp_comparison.ide_hess_point.ide_strength_J))>1e-8 ||...
if max(abs(temp.ide_hess_point.ide_strength_dMOMENTS - temp_comparison.ide_hess_point.ide_strength_dMOMENTS))>1e-8 ||...
max(abs(temp.ide_hess_point.deltaM - temp_comparison.ide_hess_point.deltaM))>1e-8 ||...
max(abs(temp.ide_moments_point.MOMENTS- temp_comparison.ide_moments_point.MOMENTS))>1e-8 ||...
max(abs(temp.ide_moments_point.MOMENTS- temp_comparison.ide_moments_point.MOMENTS))>1e-8