Occbin: add documentation

Johannes Pfeifer 2021-08-12 21:06:00 +02:00 committed by Stéphane Adjemian (Charybdis)
parent 564855af4a
commit 12cd217edf
Signed by: stepan
GPG Key ID: 295C1FE89E17EB3C
2 changed files with 381 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Bibliography
* Collard, Fabrice and Michel Juillard (2001a): “Accuracy of stochastic perturbation methods: The case of asset pricing models,” *Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control*, 25, 979999. * Collard, Fabrice and Michel Juillard (2001a): “Accuracy of stochastic perturbation methods: The case of asset pricing models,” *Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control*, 25, 979999.
* Collard, Fabrice and Michel Juillard (2001b): “A Higher-Order Taylor Expansion Approach to Simulation of Stochastic Forward-Looking Models with an Application to a Non-Linear Phillips Curve,” *Computational Economics*, 17, 125139. * Collard, Fabrice and Michel Juillard (2001b): “A Higher-Order Taylor Expansion Approach to Simulation of Stochastic Forward-Looking Models with an Application to a Non-Linear Phillips Curve,” *Computational Economics*, 17, 125139.
* Corana, Angelo, M. Marchesi, Claudio Martini, and Sandro Ridella (1987): “Minimizing multimodal functions of continuous variables with the “simulated annealing” algorithm”, *ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software*, 13(3), 262280. * Corana, Angelo, M. Marchesi, Claudio Martini, and Sandro Ridella (1987): “Minimizing multimodal functions of continuous variables with the “simulated annealing” algorithm”, *ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software*, 13(3), 262280.
* Cuba-Borda, Pablo, Luca Guerrieri, and Matteo Iacoviello (2019): "Likelihood evaluation of models with occasionally binding constraints", Journal of Applied Econometrics, 34(7), 1073-1085
* Del Negro, Marco and Frank Schorfheide (2004): “Priors from General Equilibrium Models for VARs”, *International Economic Review*, 45(2), 643673. * Del Negro, Marco and Frank Schorfheide (2004): “Priors from General Equilibrium Models for VARs”, *International Economic Review*, 45(2), 643673.
* Dennis, Richard (2007): “Optimal Policy In Rational Expectations Models: New Solution Algorithms”, *Macroeconomic Dynamics*, 11(1), 3155. * Dennis, Richard (2007): “Optimal Policy In Rational Expectations Models: New Solution Algorithms”, *Macroeconomic Dynamics*, 11(1), 3155.
* Duffie, Darrel and Kenneth J. Singleton (1993): “Simulated Moments Estimation of Markov Models of Asset Prices”, *Econometrica*, 61(4), 929-952. * Duffie, Darrel and Kenneth J. Singleton (1993): “Simulated Moments Estimation of Markov Models of Asset Prices”, *Econometrica*, 61(4), 929-952.
@ -34,7 +35,9 @@ Bibliography
* Ferris, Michael C. and Todd S. Munson (1999): “Interfaces to PATH 3.0: Design, Implementation and Usage”, *Computational Optimization and Applications*, 12(1), 207227. * Ferris, Michael C. and Todd S. Munson (1999): “Interfaces to PATH 3.0: Design, Implementation and Usage”, *Computational Optimization and Applications*, 12(1), 207227.
* Geweke, John (1992): “Evaluating the accuracy of sampling-based approaches to the calculation of posterior moments,” in J.O. Berger, J.M. Bernardo, A.P. Dawid, and A.F.M. Smith (eds.) Proceedings of the Fourth Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, pp. 169194, Oxford University Press. * Geweke, John (1992): “Evaluating the accuracy of sampling-based approaches to the calculation of posterior moments,” in J.O. Berger, J.M. Bernardo, A.P. Dawid, and A.F.M. Smith (eds.) Proceedings of the Fourth Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, pp. 169194, Oxford University Press.
* Geweke, John (1999): “Using simulation methods for Bayesian econometric models: Inference, development and communication,” *Econometric Reviews*, 18(1), 173. * Geweke, John (1999): “Using simulation methods for Bayesian econometric models: Inference, development and communication,” *Econometric Reviews*, 18(1), 173.
* Giovannini, Massimo, Philipp Pfeiffer, and Marco Ratto (2021), “Efficient and robust inference of models with occasionally binding constraints,” Working Papers 2021-03, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
* Giordani, Paolo, Michael Pitt, and Robert Kohn (2011): “Bayesian Inference for Time Series State Space Models” in: *The Oxford Handbook of Bayesian Econometrics*, ed. by John Geweke, Gary Koop, and Herman van Dijk, Oxford University Press, 61124. * Giordani, Paolo, Michael Pitt, and Robert Kohn (2011): “Bayesian Inference for Time Series State Space Models” in: *The Oxford Handbook of Bayesian Econometrics*, ed. by John Geweke, Gary Koop, and Herman van Dijk, Oxford University Press, 61124.
* Guerrieri, Luca and Matteo Iacoviello (2015): “OccBin: A toolkit for solving dynamic models with occasionally binding constraints easily,” *Journal of Monetary Economics*, 70, 2238.
* Goffe, William L., Gary D. Ferrier, and John Rogers (1994): “Global Optimization of Statistical Functions with Simulated Annealing,” *Journal of Econometrics*, 60(1/2), 65100. * Goffe, William L., Gary D. Ferrier, and John Rogers (1994): “Global Optimization of Statistical Functions with Simulated Annealing,” *Journal of Econometrics*, 60(1/2), 65100.
* Hansen, Lars P. (1982): “Large sample properties of generalized method of moments estimators,” Econometrica, 50(4), 10291054. * Hansen, Lars P. (1982): “Large sample properties of generalized method of moments estimators,” Econometrica, 50(4), 10291054.
* Hansen, Nikolaus and Stefan Kern (2004): “Evaluating the CMA Evolution Strategy on Multimodal Test Functions”. In: *Eighth International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature PPSN VIII*, Proceedings, Berlin: Springer, 282291. * Hansen, Nikolaus and Stefan Kern (2004): “Evaluating the CMA Evolution Strategy on Multimodal Test Functions”. In: *Eighth International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature PPSN VIII*, Proceedings, Berlin: Springer, 282291.

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@ -4069,7 +4069,7 @@ Computing the stochastic solution
Triggers the computation and display of the theoretical Triggers the computation and display of the theoretical
spectral density of the (filtered) model variables. Results are spectral density of the (filtered) model variables. Results are
stored in ´´oo_.SpectralDensity´´, defined below. Default: do stored in ``oo_.SpectralDensity``, defined below. Default: do
not request spectral density estimates. not request spectral density estimates.
.. option:: hp_ngrid = INTEGER .. option:: hp_ngrid = INTEGER
@ -4621,6 +4621,382 @@ multidimensional indices of state variables, in such a way that symmetric
elements are never repeated (for more details, see the description of elements are never repeated (for more details, see the description of
``oo_.dr.g_3`` in the third-order case). ``oo_.dr.g_3`` in the third-order case).
Occasionally binding constraints (OCCBIN)
Dynare allows simulating models with up to two occasionally-binding constraints by
relying on a piecewise linear solution as in *Guerrieri and Iacoviello (2015)*.
It also allows estimating such models employing either the inversion filter of
*Cuba-Borda, Guerrieri, and Iacoviello (2019)* or the piecewise Kalman filter of
*Giovannini, Pfeiffer, and Ratto (2021)*. To trigger computations involving
occasionally-binding constraints requires
#. defining and naming the occasionally-binding constraints using an ``occbin_constraints``-block
#. specifying the model equations for the respective regimes in the ``model``-block using appropriate equation tags.
#. potentially specifying a sequence of surprise shocks using a ``shocks(surprise)``-block
#. setting up Occbin simulations or estimation with ``occbin_setup``
#. triggering a simulation with ``occbin_solver`` or running ``estimation`` or ``calib_smoother``.
All of these elements are discussed in the following.
.. block:: occbin_constraints ;
|br| The ``occbin_constraints``-block specifies the occasionally-binding constraints. It contains
one or two of the following lines:
name 'STRING'; bind EXPRESSION; [relax EXPRESSION;] [error_bind EXPRESSION;] [error_relax EXPRESSION;]
``STRING`` is the name of constraint that is used to reference the constraint in ``relax/bind``
equation-tags to identify the respective regime (see below). The ``bind``-expresssion is mandatory and defines
a logical condition that is evaluated in the baseline (non-binding) regime to check whether the
constraint becomes binding. In contrast, the ``relax``-expression is optional and specifies a
logical condition that is evaluated in the binding regime to check whether the regime returns
to the baseline non-binding state. If not specified, Dynare will simply check in the binding
regime whether the ``bind``-expression evaluates to false. However, there are cases
where the ``bind``-expression cannot be evaluated in the binding regime(s), because
the variables involved are constant by definition so that e.g. the value of the Lagrange
multiplier on the complementary slackness condition needs to be checked. In these cases,
it is necessary to provide an explicit condition that can be evaluated in the binding
regime that allows to check whether it should be left.
Three things are important to keep in mind when specifying the expressions.
First, feasible expressions may only contain contemporaneous endogenous variables.
If you want to include leads/lags or exogenous variables, you need to define
an auxiliary variable. Second, Dynare will at the current stage not linearly
approximate the entered expressions. Because Occbin will work with a linearized
model, consistency will often require the user to enter a linearized constraint.
Otherwise, the condition employed for checking constraint violations may differ
from the one employed within model simulations based on the piecewise-linear
model solution. Third, in contrast to the original Occbin replication codes, the
variables used in expressions are not automatically demeaned, i.e. they refer to
the levels, not deviations from the steady state. To access the steady state
level of a variable, the ``STEADY_STATE()``-operator can be used.
The ``error_bind`` and ``error_relax``-options are optional and allow specifying
numerical criteria for the size of the respective constraint violations employed
in numerical routines. By default, Dynare will simply use the absolute value of
the ``bind`` and ``relax`` inequalities. But occasionnally, user-specified
expressions perform better.
name 'IRR'; bind log_Invest-log(steady_state(Invest))<log(phi); relax Lambda<0;
name 'INEG'; bind log_Invest-log(steady_state(Invest))<0;
IRR is a constraint for irreversible investment that becomes binding if investment drops below its
steady state by more than 0.025 percent in the non-binding regime. The constraint will be relaxed whenever
the associated Lagrange multiplier ``Lambda`` in the binding regime becomes negative. Note that the
constraint here takes on a linear form to be consistent with a piecewise linear model solution
The specification of the model equations belonging to the respective regimes is done in the ``model``-block,
with equation tags indicating to which regime a particular equation belongs. All equations that differ across
regimes must have a ``name``-tag attached to them that allows uniquely identifying different versions of the
same equation. The name of the constraints specified is then used in conjunction with a ``bind`` or ``relax``
tag to indicate to which regime a particular equation belongs. In case of more than one occasionally-binding
constraint, if an equation belongs to several regimes (e.g. both constraints binding), the
constraint name tags must be separated by a comma. If only one name tag is present,
the respective equation is assumed to hold for both states of the other constraint.
(log_Invest - log(phi*steady_state(Invest))) = 0;
(log_Invest - log(phi*steady_state(Invest))) = 0;
The three entered equations for the investment condition define the model
equation for all four possible combinations of the two constraints. The
first equation defines the model equation in the regime where both the
IRR and INEG constraint are binding. The second equation defines the
model equation for the regimes where the IRR constraint is non-binding,
regardless of whether the INEG constraint is binding or not. Finally,
the last equation defines the model equation for the final regime where the
IRR constraint is binding, but the INEG one is not.
.. block:: shocks(surprise) ;
|br| The ``shocks(surprise)``-block allows specifying a sequence of temporary changes in
the value of exogenous variables that in each period come as a surprise to agents, i.e.
are not anticipated. Note that to actually use the specified shocks in subsequent commands
like ``occbin_solver``, the block needs to be followed by a call to ``occbin_setup``.
The block mirrors the perfect foresight syntax in that it should contain one or more
occurrences of the following group of three lines::
*Example* (with vector values and overwrite option)
shockssequence = randn(100,1)*0.02;
var epsilon;
periods 1:100;
values (shockssequence);
.. command:: occbin_setup ;
occbin_setup (OPTIONS...);
|br| Prepares a simulation with occasionally binding constraints. This command
will also translate the contents of a ``shocks(surprise)``-block for use
in subsequent commands.
In order to conduct ``estimation`` with occasionally binding constraints, it needs to be
prefaced by a call to ``occbin_setup`` to trigger the use of either the inversion filter
or the piecewise Kalman filter (default). An issue that can arise in the context of
estimation is a structural shock dropping out of the model in a particular regime.
For example, at the zero lower bound on interest rates, the monetary policy shock
in the Taylor rule will not appear anymore. This may create a problem
of stochastic singularity if there are then more observables than shocks. To
avoid this issue, the data points for the zero interest rate should be set
to NaN and the standard deviation of the associated shock set to 0 for the
corresponding periods using the ``heteroskedastic_shocks``-block.
The above piece of code sets up an estimation employing the inversion filter for both the likelihood
evaluation and the smoother, while also accounting for ``heteroskedastic_shocks`` using the
Be aware that Occbin has largely command-specific options, i.e. there are separate
options to control the behavior of Occbin when called by the smoother or when
computing the likelihood. These latter commands will not inherit the options
potentially previously set for simulations.
.. option:: simul_periods = INTEGER
Number of periods of the simulation. Default: 100.
.. option:: simul_maxit = INTEGER
Maximum number of iterations when trying to find the regimes of the piecewise solution.
Default: 30.
.. option:: simul_check_ahead_periods = INTEGER
Number of periods for which to check ahead for return to the baseline regime.
This number should be chosen large enough, because Occbin requires the simulation
to return to the baseline regime at the end of time. Default: 200.
.. option:: simul_curb_retrench
Instead of basing the initial regime guess for the current iteration on the last iteration, update
the guess only one period at a time. This will slow down the iterations, but may lead to
more robust convergence behavior. Default: not enabled.
.. option:: simul_periodic_solution
Accept a periodic solution where the solution alternates between two sets of results
across iterations, i.e. is not found to be unique. Default: not enabled.
.. option:: simul_debug
Provide additional debugging information during solving. Default: not enabled.
.. option:: smoother_periods = INTEGER
Number of periods employed during the simulation when called by the smoother
(equivalent of ``simul_periods``). Default: 100.
.. option:: smoother_maxit = INTEGER
Maximum number of iterations employed during the simulation when called by the smoother
(equivalent of ``simul_maxit``). Default: 30.
.. option:: smoother_check_ahead_periods = INTEGER
Number of periods for which to check ahead for return to the baseline regime during the
simulation when called by the smoother (equivalent of ``simul_check_ahead_periods``). Default: 200.
.. option:: smoother_curb_retrench
Have the smoother invoke the ``simul_curb_retrench``-option during simulations.
Default: not enabled.
.. option:: smoother_periodic_solution
Accept periodic solution where solution alternates between two sets of results (equivalent of ``simul_periodic_solution``).
Default: not enabled.
.. option:: likelihood_periods = INTEGER
Number of periods employed during the simulation when computing the likelihood
(equivalent of ``simul_periods``). Default: 100.
.. option:: likelihood_maxit = INTEGER
Maximum number of iterations employed during the simulation when computing the likelihood
(equivalent of ``simul_maxit``). Default: 30.
.. option:: likelihood_check_ahead_periods = INTEGER
Number of periods for which to check ahead for return to the baseline regime during the
simulation when computing the likelihood (equivalent of ``simul_check_ahead_periods``). Default: 200.
.. option:: likelihood_curb_retrench
Have the likelihood computation invoke the ``simul_curb_retrench``-option during simulations.
Default: not enabled.
.. option:: likelihood_periodic_solution
Accept periodic solution where solution alternates between two sets of results (equivalent of ``simul_periodic_solution``).
Default: not enabled.
.. option:: likelihood_inversion_filter
Employ the inversion filter of *Cuba-Borda, Guerrieri, and Iacoviello (2019)* when estimating
the model. Default: not enabled.
.. option:: likelihood_piecewise_kalman_filter
Employ the piecewise Kalman filter of *Giovannini, Pfeiffer, and Ratto (2021)* when estimating
the model. Default: enabled.
.. option:: likelihood_max_kalman_iterations
Maximum number of iterations of the outer loop for the piecewise Kalman filter. Default: 10.
.. option:: smoother_inversion_filter
Employ the inversion filter of *Cuba-Borda, Guerrieri, and Iacoviello (2019)* when running the
smoother. Default: not enabled.
.. option:: smoother_piecewise_kalman_filter
Employ the piecewise Kalman filter of *Giovannini, Pfeiffer, and Ratto (2021)* when running the
smoother. Default: enabled.
.. option:: filter_use_relaxation
The paths for the exogenous variables are stored into
.. command:: occbin_solver ;
occbin_solver (OPTIONS...);
|br| Computes a simulation with occasionally-binding constraints based on
a piecewise-linear solution.
Note that ``occbin_setup`` must be called before this command in order for
the simulation to take into account previous ``shocks(surprise)``-commands.
.. option:: simul_periods = INTEGER
See :opt:`simul_periods <simul_periods = INTEGER>`.
.. option:: simul_maxit = INTEGER
See :opt:`simul_maxit <simul_maxit = INTEGER>`.
.. option:: simul_check_ahead_periods = INTEGER
See :opt:`simul_check_ahead_periods <simul_check_ahead_periods = INTEGER>`.
.. option:: simul_curb_retrench
See :opt:`simul_curb_retrench`.
.. option:: simul_debug
See :opt:`simul_debug`.
The command outputs various objects into ``oo_.occbin``.
.. matvar:: oo_.occbin.piecewise
|br| Matrix storing the simulations based on the piecewise-linear solution.
The variables are arranged column by column, in order of declaration (as in
``M_.endo_names``), while the the rows correspond to the ``simul_periods``.
.. matvar:: oo_.occbin.linear
|br| Matrix storing the simulations based on the linear solution, i.e. ignoring
the occasionally binding constraint(s). The variables are arranged column by column,
in order of declaration (as in ``M_.endo_names``), while the the rows correspond to
the ``simul_periods``.
.. matvar:: oo_.occbin.shocks_sequence
|br| Matrix storing the shock sequence employed during the simulation. The shocks are arranged
column by column, with their order in ``M_.exo_names`` stored in ``oo_.occbin.exo_pos``. The
the rows correspond to the number of shock periods specified in a `surprise(shocks)`-block, which
may be smaller than ``simul_periods``.
.. matvar:: oo_.occbin.regime_history
|br| Structure storing information on the regime history, conditional on the shock that
happened in the respective period (stored along the rows). The subfield ``regime`` contains
a vector storing the regime state, while the the subfield ``regimestart`` indicates the
expected start of the respective regime state. For example, if row 40 contains ``[1,0]`` for
``regime2`` and ``[1,6]`` for ``regimestart2``, it indicates that - after the shock in period 40
has occurred - the second constraint became binding (1) and is expected to revert to non-binding (0) six periods
.. matvar:: oo_.occbin.ys
|br| Vector of steady state values
.. command:: occbin_graph [VARIABLE_NAME...];
occbin_graph (OPTIONS...) [VARIABLE_NAME...];
|br| Plots a graph comparing the simulation results of the piecewise-linear solution
with the occasionally binding contraints to the linear solution ignoring the constraint.
.. option:: noconstant
Omit the steady state in the graphs.
.. command:: occbin_write_regimes ;
occbin_write_regimes (OPTIONS...);
|br| Write the information on the regime history stored in ``oo_.occbin.regime_history``
into an Excel file stored in the ``FILENAME/Output``-folder.
.. option:: periods = INTEGER
Number of periods for which to write the expected regime durations. Default: write all
available periods.
.. option:: filename = FILENAME
Name of the Excel-file to write. Default: ``FILENAME_occbin_regimes``.
.. _estim: .. _estim:
@ -7351,7 +7727,7 @@ block decomposition of the model (see :opt:`block`).
``VarianceDecompositionME`` ``VarianceDecompositionME``
Same as `VarianceDecomposition`_, but contains Same as `VarianceDecomposition`_, but contains
theh decomposition of the measured as opposed to the the decomposition of the measured as opposed to the
actual variable. The joint contribution of the actual variable. The joint contribution of the
measurement error will be saved in a field named measurement error will be saved in a field named
``ME``. ``ME``.