Updates M_params only if estim_params_ has a field param_vals (not the case for a kalman_smoother)

Ferhat 2012-02-17 10:36:21 +01:00
parent e184c1f368
commit 09a3f3a084
1 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -327,8 +327,9 @@ nvx = estim_params_.nvx;
ncx = estim_params_.ncx;
nvn = estim_params_.nvn;
ncn = estim_params_.ncn;
M.params(estim_params_.param_vals(:,1)) = xparam1(nvx+ncx+nvn+ncn+1:end);
if isfield(estim_params_,'param_vals')
M.params(estim_params_.param_vals(:,1)) = xparam1(nvx+ncx+nvn+ncn+1:end);
oo_.steady_state = evaluate_steady_state(oo_.steady_state,M,options_,oo_,steadystate_check_flag);
if all(abs(oo_.steady_state(bayestopt_.mfys))<1e-9)
options_.noconstant = 1;