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git-svn-id: https://www.dynare.org/svn/dynare/dynare_v4@1569 ac1d8469-bf42-47a9-8791-bf33cf982152
assia 2008-01-11 14:31:51 +00:00
parent 59e3f79c62
commit 08423e9717
1 changed files with 33 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,34 @@
function [LIK, lik] = DiffuseLikelihood3(T,R,Q,Pinf,Pstar,Y,trend,start)%//Z,T,R,Q,Pinf,Pstar,Y) function [LIK, lik] = DiffuseLikelihood3(T,R,Q,Pinf,Pstar,Y,trend,start)%//Z,T,R,Q,Pinf,Pstar,Y)
% function [LIK, lik] = DiffuseLikelihood3(T,R,Q,Pinf,Pstar,Y,trend,start)
% Computes the diffuse likelihood without measurement error, in the case of
% a singular var-cov matrix.
% Univariate treatment of multivariate time series.
% T: mm*mm matrix
% R: mm*rr matrix
% Q: rr*rr matrix
% Pinf: mm*mm diagonal matrix with with q ones and m-q zeros
% Pstar: mm*mm variance-covariance matrix with stationary variables
% Y: pp*1 vector
% trend
% start: likelihood evaluation at 'start'
% LIK: likelihood
% lik: density vector in each period
% See "Filtering and Smoothing of State Vector for Diffuse State Space
% Models", S.J. Koopman and J. Durbin (2003, in Journal of Time Series
% Analysis, vol. 24(1), pp. 85-98).
% part of DYNARE, copyright Dynare Team (2004-2008)
% Gnu Public License.
% M. Ratto added lik in output [October 2005] % M. Ratto added lik in output [October 2005]
% changes by M. Ratto [April 2005] % changes by M. Ratto [April 2005]
% introduced new options options_.diffuse_d for termination of DKF % introduced new options options_.diffuse_d for termination of DKF
@ -6,80 +36,10 @@ function [LIK, lik] = DiffuseLikelihood3(T,R,Q,Pinf,Pstar,Y,trend,start)%//Z,T,R
% new termination for DKF % new termination for DKF
% likelihood terms for Fstar must be cumulated in DKF also when Pinf is non % likelihood terms for Fstar must be cumulated in DKF also when Pinf is non
% zero. % zero.
% [4/5/2005] correctyed bug in the modified verson of Ratto for rank of Pinf % [4/5/2005] correctyed bug in the modified verson of Ratto for rank of Pinf
% introduced a specific crit1 for the DKF termination % introduced a specific crit1 for the DKF termination
% stepane.adjemian@cepremap.cnrs.fr [07-19-2004]
% See "Filtering and Smoothing of State Vector for Diffuse State Space
% Models", S.J. Koopman and J. Durbin (2003, in Journal of Time Series
% Analysis, vol. 24(1), pp. 85-98).
% Case where F_{\infty,t} is singular ==> Univariate treatment of multivariate
% time series.
% y_t = Z_t * \alpha_t + \varepsilon_t
% \alpha_{t+1} = T_t * \alpha_t + R_t * \eta_t
% with:
% \alpha_1 = a + A*\delta + R_0*\eta_0
% m*q matrix A and m*(m-q) matrix R_0 are selection matrices (their
% columns constitue all the columns of the m*m identity matrix) so that
% A'*R_0 = 0 and A'*\alpha_1 = \delta
% We assume that the vector \delta is distributed as a N(0,\kappa*I_q)
% for a given \kappa > 0. So that the expectation of \alpha_1 is a and
% its variance is P, with
% P = \kappa*P_{\infty} + P_{\star}
% P_{\infty} = A*A'
% P_{\star} = R_0*Q_0*R_0'
% P_{\infty} is a m*m diagonal matrix with q ones and m-q zeros.
% and where:
% y_t is a pp*1 vector
% \alpha_t is a mm*1 vector
% \varepsilon_t is a pp*1 multivariate random variable (iid N(0,H_t))
% \eta_t is a rr*1 multivariate random variable (iid N(0,Q_t))
% a_1 is a mm*1 vector
% Z_t is a pp*mm matrix
% T_t is a mm*mm matrix
% H_t is a pp*pp matrix
% R_t is a mm*rr matrix
% Q_t is a rr*rr matrix
% P_1 is a mm*mm matrix
% v_t = y_t - Z_t* a_t
% F_t = Z_t * P_t * Z_t' + H_t
% K_t = T_t * P_t * Z_t' * F_t^{-1}
% L_t = T_t - K_t * Z_t
% a_{t+1} = T_t * a_t + K_t * v_t
% P_{t+1} = T_t * P_t * L_t' + R_t*Q_t*R_t'
% a_{t+1} = T_t*a_t + K_{\ast,t}v_t
% P_{\infty,t+1} = T_t*P_{\infty,t}*T_t'
% P_{\ast,t+1} = T_t*P_{\ast,t}*L_{\ast,t}' + R_t*Q_t*R_t'
% K_{\ast,t} = T_t*P_{\ast,t}*Z_t'*F_{\ast,t}^{-1}
% v_t = y_t - Z_t*a_t
% L_{\ast,t} = T_t - K_{\ast,t}*Z_t
% F_{\ast,t} = Z_t*P_{\ast,t}*Z_t' + H_t
global bayestopt_ options_ global bayestopt_ options_
mf = bayestopt_.mf; mf = bayestopt_.mf;