v4 parser:

* refactored SymbolTable class
* added a uniform interface for emitting warnings

git-svn-id: https://www.dynare.org/svn/dynare/dynare_v4@1494 ac1d8469-bf42-47a9-8791-bf33cf982152
sebastien 2007-12-19 15:16:43 +00:00
parent a3184c32de
commit 059bb76e7c
9 changed files with 233 additions and 287 deletions

View File

@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ DataTree::AddNumConstant(const string &value)
DataTree::AddVariable(const string &name, int lag)
if (!symbol_table.Exist(name))
cerr << "Unknown symbol: " << name << endl;
int symb_id = symbol_table.getID(name);
Type type = symbol_table.getType(name);
@ -382,12 +376,6 @@ DataTree::AddEqual(NodeID iArg1, NodeID iArg2)
DataTree::AddLocalParameter(const string &name, NodeID value) throw (LocalParameterException)
if (!symbol_table.Exist(name))
cerr << "Unknown symbol: " << name << endl;
int id = symbol_table.getID(name);
// Throw an exception if symbol already declared
@ -401,12 +389,6 @@ DataTree::AddLocalParameter(const string &name, NodeID value) throw (LocalParame
DataTree::AddUnknownFunction(const string &function_name, const vector<NodeID> &arguments)
if (!symbol_table.Exist(function_name))
cerr << "Unknown symbol: " << function_name << endl;
if (symbol_table.getType(function_name) != eUnknownFunction)
cerr << "Symbol " << function_name << " is not a function name!";

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ ParsingDriver::~ParsingDriver()
ParsingDriver::symbol_exists_and_is_not_modfile_local_variable(const char *s)
if (!mod_file->symbol_table.Exist(s))
if (!mod_file->symbol_table.exists(s))
return false;
return(mod_file->symbol_table.getType(s) != eModFileLocalVariable);
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ ParsingDriver::symbol_exists_and_is_not_modfile_local_variable(const char *s)
ParsingDriver::check_symbol_existence(const string &name)
if (!mod_file->symbol_table.Exist(name))
if (!mod_file->symbol_table.exists(name))
error("Unknown symbol: " + name);
@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ ParsingDriver::parse(const string &f)
mod_file = new ModFile();
mod_file->symbol_table.error = error;
tmp_symbol_table = new TmpSymbolTable(mod_file->symbol_table);
@ -64,7 +62,7 @@ ParsingDriver::parse(const string &f)
ParsingDriver::error(const yy::parser::location_type &l, const string &m)
cerr << l << ": " << m << endl;
cerr << "ERROR: " << l << ": " << m << endl;
@ -72,40 +70,58 @@ void
ParsingDriver::error(const string &m)
extern int yylineno;
cerr << file << ":" << yylineno << ": " << m << endl;
cerr << "ERROR: " << file << ":" << yylineno << ": " << m << endl;
ParsingDriver::warning(const string &m)
extern int yylineno;
cerr << "WARNING: " << file << ":" << yylineno << ": " << m << endl;
ParsingDriver::declare_symbol(string *name, Type type, string *tex_name)
mod_file->symbol_table.addSymbol(*name, type, *tex_name);
catch(SymbolTable::AlreadyDeclaredException &e)
if (e.same_type)
warning("Symbol " + *name + " declared twice.");
error("Symbol " + *name + " declared twice with different types!");
delete name;
delete tex_name;
ParsingDriver::declare_endogenous(string *name, string *tex_name)
mod_file->symbol_table.AddSymbolDeclar(*name, eEndogenous, *tex_name);
delete name;
delete tex_name;
declare_symbol(name, eEndogenous, tex_name);
ParsingDriver::declare_exogenous(string *name, string *tex_name)
mod_file->symbol_table.AddSymbolDeclar(*name, eExogenous, *tex_name);
delete name;
delete tex_name;
declare_symbol(name, eExogenous, tex_name);
ParsingDriver::declare_exogenous_det(string *name, string *tex_name)
mod_file->symbol_table.AddSymbolDeclar(*name, eExogenousDet, *tex_name);
delete name;
delete tex_name;
declare_symbol(name, eExogenousDet, tex_name);
ParsingDriver::declare_parameter(string *name, string *tex_name)
mod_file->symbol_table.AddSymbolDeclar(*name, eParameter, *tex_name);
delete name;
delete tex_name;
declare_symbol(name, eParameter, tex_name);
@ -149,10 +165,11 @@ ParsingDriver::add_model_variable(string *name, string *olag)
if ((type == eExogenous) && lag != 0)
cout << "Warning: exogenous variable "
<< *name
<< " has lag " << lag << endl;
ostringstream ost;
ost << "Exogenous variable " << *name << " has lag " << lag;
NodeID id = model_tree->AddVariable(*name, lag);
if ((type == eEndogenous) && (model_tree->mode == eSparseDLLMode || model_tree->mode == eSparseMode))
@ -167,8 +184,8 @@ NodeID
ParsingDriver::add_expression_variable(string *name)
// If symbol doesn't exist, then declare it as a mod file local variable
if (!mod_file->symbol_table.Exist(*name))
mod_file->symbol_table.AddSymbolDeclar(*name, eModFileLocalVariable, *name);
if (!mod_file->symbol_table.exists(*name))
mod_file->symbol_table.addSymbol(*name, eModFileLocalVariable);
NodeID id = data_tree->AddVariable(*name);
@ -1047,15 +1064,16 @@ ParsingDriver::add_model_equal_with_zero_rhs(NodeID arg)
ParsingDriver::declare_and_init_model_local_variable(string *name, NodeID rhs)
mod_file->symbol_table.AddSymbolDeclar(*name, eModelLocalVariable, *name);
model_tree->AddLocalParameter(*name, rhs);
mod_file->symbol_table.addSymbol(*name, eModelLocalVariable);
catch(DataTree::LocalParameterException &e)
catch(SymbolTable::AlreadyDeclaredException &e)
error("Local parameter " + e.name + " declared twice");
error("Local model variable " + *name + " declared twice.");
model_tree->AddLocalParameter(*name, rhs);
delete name;
@ -1254,13 +1272,13 @@ ParsingDriver::add_unknown_function_arg(NodeID arg)
ParsingDriver::add_unknown_function(string *function_name)
if (mod_file->symbol_table.Exist(*function_name))
if (mod_file->symbol_table.exists(*function_name))
if (mod_file->symbol_table.getType(*function_name) != eUnknownFunction)
error("Symbol " + *function_name + " is not a function name.");
mod_file->symbol_table.AddSymbolDeclar(*function_name, eUnknownFunction, *function_name);
mod_file->symbol_table.addSymbol(*function_name, eUnknownFunction);
NodeID id = data_tree->AddUnknownFunction(*function_name, unknown_function_args);

View File

@ -1,95 +1,58 @@
/*! \file
\version 1.0
\date 04/09/2004
\par This file implements the SymbolTable class methodes.
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include "SymbolTable.hh"
#include "Interface.hh"
using namespace std;
SymbolTable::SymbolTable() : endo_nbr(0), exo_nbr(0), exo_det_nbr(0), parameter_nbr(0),
model_local_variable_nbr(0), modfile_local_variable_nbr(0),
recur_nbr(0), unknown_function_nbr(0)
int SymbolTable::AddSymbol(string name,Type type, string tex_name)
SymbolTable::addSymbol(const string &name, Type type, const string &tex_name) throw (AlreadyDeclaredException)
symboltable[name].type = type;
name_table[(int) type].push_back(name);
tex_name_table[(int) type].push_back(tex_name);
if (exists(name))
if (symbol_table[name].first == type)
throw AlreadyDeclaredException(name, true);
throw AlreadyDeclaredException(name, false);
int id;
switch (type)
case eExogenous:
symboltable[name].id = exo_nbr;
return exo_nbr++;
id = exo_nbr++;
case eExogenousDet:
symboltable[name].id = exo_det_nbr;
return exo_det_nbr++;
id = exo_det_nbr++;
case eEndogenous:
symboltable[name].id = endo_nbr;
return endo_nbr++;
id = endo_nbr++;
case eParameter:
symboltable[name].id = parameter_nbr;
return parameter_nbr++;
id = parameter_nbr++;
case eRecursiveVariable:
symboltable[name].id = recur_nbr;
return recur_nbr++;
id = recur_nbr++;
case eModelLocalVariable:
symboltable[name].id = model_local_variable_nbr;
return model_local_variable_nbr++;
id = model_local_variable_nbr++;
case eModFileLocalVariable:
symboltable[name].id = modfile_local_variable_nbr;
return modfile_local_variable_nbr++;
id = modfile_local_variable_nbr++;
case eUnknownFunction:
symboltable[name].id = unknown_function_nbr;
return unknown_function_nbr++;
// should never happen
return -1;
id = unknown_function_nbr++;
int SymbolTable::AddSymbolDeclar(string name,Type type, string tex_name)
//Testing if the symbol exist in the map
if ( !Exist(name) )
//The symbol dosn't exist, adding it
return AddSymbol(name,type, tex_name);
//The symbol exists, testing its type
if (symboltable[name].type == type)
cout << "Warning : symbol " << name << " declared more than once.\n";
return getID(name);
string msg = "symbol " + name + " declared more than once with different types.";
(* error) (msg.c_str());
return -1;
void SymbolTable::AddSymbolRange(string name,int nbr,Type type, string tex_name)
void SymbolTable::ResetType(string name,Type new_type)
symboltable[name].type = new_type;
symbol_type symbol(type, id);
symbol_table[name] = symbol;
name_table[symbol] = name;
tex_name_table[symbol] = tex_name;
@ -97,60 +60,60 @@ SymbolTable::writeOutput(ostream &output) const
if (exo_nbr > 0)
output << "M_.exo_names = '" << getNameByID(eExogenous, 0) << "';\n";
output << "M_.exo_names_tex = '" << getTexNameByID(eExogenous, 0) << "';\n";
output << "M_.exo_names = '" << getNameByID(eExogenous, 0) << "';" << endl;
output << "M_.exo_names_tex = '" << getTeXNameByID(eExogenous, 0) << "';" << endl;
for (int id = 1; id < exo_nbr; id++)
output << "M_.exo_names = " + interfaces::strvcat("M_.exo_names","'"+getNameByID(eExogenous, id)+"'") + ";\n";
output << "M_.exo_names_tex = " + interfaces::strvcat("M_.exo_names_tex","'"+getTexNameByID(eExogenous, id)+"'") + ";\n";
output << "M_.exo_names = " << interfaces::strvcat("M_.exo_names","'"+getNameByID(eExogenous, id)+"'") << ";" << endl;
output << "M_.exo_names_tex = " << interfaces::strvcat("M_.exo_names_tex","'"+getTeXNameByID(eExogenous, id)+"'") << ";" << endl;
if (exo_det_nbr > 0)
output << "lgxdet_ = '" << getNameByID(eExogenousDet, 0) << "';\n";
output << "lgxdet_tex_ = '" << getTexNameByID(eExogenousDet, 0) << "';\n";
output << "lgxdet_ = '" << getNameByID(eExogenousDet, 0) << "';" << endl;
output << "lgxdet_tex_ = '" << getTeXNameByID(eExogenousDet, 0) << "';" << endl;
for (int id = 1; id < exo_det_nbr; id++)
output << "lgxdet_ = " + interfaces::strvcat("lgxdet_","'"+getNameByID(eExogenousDet, id)+"'") + ";\n";
output << "lgxdet_tex_ = " + interfaces::strvcat("lgxdet_tex_","'"+getTexNameByID(eExogenousDet, id)+"'") + ";\n";
output << "lgxdet_ = " << interfaces::strvcat("lgxdet_","'"+getNameByID(eExogenousDet, id)+"'") << ";" << endl;
output << "lgxdet_tex_ = " << interfaces::strvcat("lgxdet_tex_","'"+getTeXNameByID(eExogenousDet, id)+"'") << ";" << endl;
if (endo_nbr > 0)
output << "M_.endo_names = '" << getNameByID(eEndogenous, 0) << "';\n";
output << "M_.endo_names_tex = '" << getTexNameByID(eEndogenous, 0) << "';\n";
output << "M_.endo_names = '" << getNameByID(eEndogenous, 0) << "';" << endl;
output << "M_.endo_names_tex = '" << getTeXNameByID(eEndogenous, 0) << "';" << endl;
for (int id = 1; id < endo_nbr; id++)
output << "M_.endo_names = " + interfaces::strvcat("M_.endo_names","'"+getNameByID(eEndogenous, id)+"'") + ";\n";
output << "M_.endo_names_tex = " + interfaces::strvcat("M_.endo_names_tex","'"+getTexNameByID(eEndogenous, id)+"'") + ";\n";
output << "M_.endo_names = " << interfaces::strvcat("M_.endo_names","'"+getNameByID(eEndogenous, id)+"'") << ";" << endl;
output << "M_.endo_names_tex = " << interfaces::strvcat("M_.endo_names_tex","'"+getTeXNameByID(eEndogenous, id)+"'") << ";" << endl;
if (recur_nbr > 0)
output << "M_.recur_names = '" << getNameByID(eRecursiveVariable, 0) << "';\n";
output << "M_.recur_names_tex = '" << getTexNameByID(eRecursiveVariable, 0) << "';\n";
output << "M_.recur_names = '" << getNameByID(eRecursiveVariable, 0) << "';" << endl;
output << "M_.recur_names_tex = '" << getTeXNameByID(eRecursiveVariable, 0) << "';" << endl;
for (int id = 1; id < recur_nbr; id++)
output << "M_.recur_names = " + interfaces::strvcat("M_.recur_names","'"+getNameByID(eRecursiveVariable, id)+"'") + ";\n";
output << "M_.recur_names_tex = " + interfaces::strvcat("M_.recur_names_tex","'"+getTexNameByID(eRecursiveVariable, id)+"'") + ";\n";
output << "M_.recur_names = " << interfaces::strvcat("M_.recur_names","'"+getNameByID(eRecursiveVariable, id)+"'") << ";" << endl;
output << "M_.recur_names_tex = " << interfaces::strvcat("M_.recur_names_tex","'"+getTeXNameByID(eRecursiveVariable, id)+"'") << ";" << endl;
if (parameter_nbr > 0)
output << "M_.param_names = '" << getNameByID(eParameter, 0) << "';\n";
output << "M_.param_names_tex = '" << getTexNameByID(eParameter, 0) << "';\n";
output << "M_.param_names = '" << getNameByID(eParameter, 0) << "';" << endl;
output << "M_.param_names_tex = '" << getTeXNameByID(eParameter, 0) << "';" << endl;
for (int id = 1; id < parameter_nbr; id++)
output << "M_.param_names = " + interfaces::strvcat("M_.param_names","'"+getNameByID(eParameter, id)+"'") + ";\n";
output << "M_.param_names_tex = " + interfaces::strvcat("M_.param_names_tex","'"+getTexNameByID(eParameter, id)+"'") + ";\n";
output << "M_.param_names = " << interfaces::strvcat("M_.param_names","'"+getNameByID(eParameter, id)+"'") << ";" << endl;
output << "M_.param_names_tex = " << interfaces::strvcat("M_.param_names_tex","'"+getTeXNameByID(eParameter, id)+"'") << ";" << endl;
output << "M_.exo_det_nbr = " << exo_det_nbr << ";\n";
output << "M_.exo_nbr = " << exo_nbr << ";\n";
output << "M_.Sigma_e = zeros(" << exo_nbr
<< ", " << exo_nbr << ");\n";
output << "M_.endo_nbr = " << endo_nbr << ";\n";
output << "M_.recur_nbr = " << recur_nbr << ";\n";
output << "M_.param_nbr = " << parameter_nbr << ";\n";
output << "M_.exo_det_nbr = " << exo_det_nbr << ";" << endl
<< "M_.exo_nbr = " << exo_nbr << ";" << endl
<< "M_.endo_nbr = " << endo_nbr << ";" << endl
<< "M_.recur_nbr = " << recur_nbr << ";" << endl
<< "M_.param_nbr = " << parameter_nbr << ";" << endl;
output << "M_.Sigma_e = zeros(" << exo_nbr << ", " << exo_nbr << ");" << endl;

View File

@ -17,12 +17,6 @@ VariableTable::VariableTable(const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) :
VariableTable::AddVariable(const string &iName, int iLag)
// Testing if symbol exists
if (!symbol_table.Exist(iName))
cerr << "Unknown symbol: " << iName << endl;
// Testing if variable exists in VariableTable
int lVariableID = getID(iName,iLag);
if (lVariableID != -1)

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ using namespace std;
#include <fstream>
#include "SymbolTableTypes.hh"
#include "SymbolTable.hh"
#include "CodeInterpreter.hh"
class DataTree;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
#include "SymbolTableTypes.hh"
#include "SymbolTable.hh"
#include "CodeInterpreter.hh"

View File

@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ private:
//! Checks that a given symbol exists, and stops with an error message if it doesn't
void check_symbol_existence(const string &name);
//! Helper to add a symbol declaration
void declare_symbol(string *name, Type type, string *tex_name);
//! Creates option "optim_opt" in OptionsList if it doesn't exist, else add a comma, and adds the option name
void optim_options_helper(const string &name);
@ -139,15 +142,8 @@ public:
void error(const yy::parser::location_type &l, const string &m);
//! Error handler without location
void error(const string &m);
//! Static error handler
/*! To be removed in the future. */
static void error(const char *m)
extern int yylineno;
cerr << "Error at line " << yylineno << ": " << m << endl;
//! Warning handler
void warning(const string &m);
//! Check if a given symbol exists in the parsing context, and is not a mod file local variable
bool symbol_exists_and_is_not_modfile_local_variable(const char *s);
@ -161,13 +157,13 @@ public:
void init_compiler(int compiler_type);
//! Sets the FILENAME for the initial value in initval
void init_val_filename(string *filename);
//! Declares an endogenous variable by adding it to SymbolTable
//! Declares an endogenous variable
void declare_endogenous(string *name, string *tex_name = new string);
//! Declares an exogenous variable by adding it to SymbolTable
//! Declares an exogenous variable
void declare_exogenous(string *name, string *tex_name = new string);
//! Declares an exogenous deterministic variable by adding it to SymbolTable
//! Declares an exogenous deterministic variable
void declare_exogenous_det(string *name, string *tex_name = new string);
//! Declares a parameter by adding it to SymbolTable
//! Declares a parameter
void declare_parameter(string *name, string *tex_name = new string);
//! Declares and initializes a local parameter
void declare_and_init_model_local_variable(string *name, NodeID rhs);

View File

@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
/*! \file
\version 1.0
\date 12/01/2003
\par This file defines the SymbolTable class .
using namespace std;
#include <map>
@ -15,125 +9,154 @@ using namespace std;
#include <ostream>
#include <iostream>
#include "SymbolTableTypes.hh"
//! Enumeration of possible symbol types
/*! Be careful not to change the order of the enumeration, it matters for VariableTable (at least up to eParameter) */
enum Type
eEndogenous = 0, //!< Endogenous
eExogenous = 1, //!< Exogenous
eExogenousDet = 2, //!< Exogenous deterministic
eRecursiveVariable = 3, //!< Recursive variable (reserved for future use)
eParameter = 4, //!< Parameter
eModelLocalVariable = 10, //!< Local variable whose scope is model (pound expression)
eModFileLocalVariable = 11, //!< Local variable whose scope is mod file (model excluded)
eUnknownFunction = 12 //!< Function unknown to the preprocessor
//! Stores the symbol table
\class SymbolTable
\brief This class keeps track of symbols
A symbol is given by its name, and is internally represented by a pair (type, id).
There is a distinct sequence of ids for each type, so two symbol of different types can have the same id.
Also manages a TeX name for each symbol, which by default is an empty string.
class SymbolTable
/*! Adds symbol into symbol table
\param name a string.
\param type a Type struct.
\param tex_name a string for the TeX name.
\par Description
- warning if symbol is already set with same type
- error if symbol is already set with different type
- set Name and Type
- increase corresponding counter in ModelParameters class
int AddSymbol(std::string name, Type type, std::string tex_name);
/*! Symbol table map */
std::map<std::string, Symbol, std::less<std::string> > symboltable;
//! Typedef for const iterator on symboltable map
typedef std::map<std::string, Symbol, std::less<std::string> >::const_iterator symboltable_const_iterator;
/*! Symbol name table indexed by type and ID */
std::vector< std::vector<std::string> > name_table;
std::vector< std::vector<std::string> > tex_name_table;
/*! Changes type of a symbol */
void ResetType(std::string name, Type new_type);
//! A symbol is represented by a pair (type, id)
typedef pair<Type, int> symbol_type;
//! Type for map: symbol_name -> (type, id)
typedef map<string, symbol_type> symbol_table_type;
//! Maps strings to pairs (type,id)
symbol_table_type symbol_table;
//! Type for map: (type, id) -> symbol_name
typedef map<symbol_type, string> inv_symbol_table_type;
//! Maps pairs (type, id) to names
inv_symbol_table_type name_table;
//! Maps pairs (type, id) to TeX names
inv_symbol_table_type tex_name_table;
/*! Constructor */
//! Thrown when trying to access an unknown symbol (by name)
class UnknownSymbolNameException
//! Symbol name
string name;
UnknownSymbolNameException(const string &name_arg) : name(name_arg) {}
//! Thrown when trying to access an unknown symbol (by type+id pair)
class UnknownSymbolIDException
//! Symbol type
Type type;
//! Symbol ID
int id;
UnknownSymbolIDException(Type type_arg, int id_arg) : type(type_arg), id(id_arg) {}
//! Thrown when trying to declare a symbol twice
class AlreadyDeclaredException
//! Symbol name
string name;
//! Was the previous declaration done with the same symbol type ?
bool same_type;
AlreadyDeclaredException(const string &name_arg, bool same_type_arg) : name(name_arg), same_type(same_type_arg) {}
//! Number of declared endogenous variables
int endo_nbr;
//! Number of declared exogenous variables
int exo_nbr;
//! Number of declared deterministic exogenous variables
int exo_det_nbr;
//! Number of declared parameters
int parameter_nbr;
//! Number of declared model local variables
int model_local_variable_nbr;
//! Number of declared modfile local variables
int modfile_local_variable_nbr;
//! Number of declared recursive variables
int recur_nbr;
//! Number of declared parameters
int parameter_nbr;
//! Number of model local variables
int model_local_variable_nbr;
//! Number of modfile local variables
int modfile_local_variable_nbr;
//! Number of unknown functions
int unknown_function_nbr;
/*! Pointer to error function of parser class */
void (* error) (const char* m);
/*! Adds a symbol apearing in declaration
- warning if symbol is already set with same type
- error if symbol is already set with different type
- set name, type
- increase corresponding counter in ModelParameters
int AddSymbolDeclar(std::string name, Type type, std::string tex_name);
/*! Adds symbol range */
void AddSymbolRange(std::string name, int nbr, Type type, std::string tex_name);
/*! Tests if symbol exists in symbol table
\return true if exists, false outherwise
inline bool Exist(const std::string &name) const;
/*! Gets name by type and ID */
inline std::string getNameByID(Type type, int id) const;
/*! Gets tex name by type and ID */
inline std::string getTexNameByID(Type type, int id) const;
/*! Gets type by name */
inline Type getType(const std::string &name) const;
/*! Gets ID by name */
inline int getID(const std::string &name) const;
//! Add a symbol
void addSymbol(const string &name, Type type, const string &tex_name = "") throw (AlreadyDeclaredException);
//! Tests if symbol already exists
inline bool exists(const string &name) const;
//! Get symbol name by type and ID
inline string getNameByID(Type type, int id) const throw (UnknownSymbolIDException);
//! Get TeX name by type and ID
inline string getTeXNameByID(Type type, int id) const throw (UnknownSymbolIDException);
//! Get type by name
inline Type getType(const string &name) const throw (UnknownSymbolNameException);
//! Get ID by name
inline int getID(const string &name) const throw (UnknownSymbolNameException);
//! Write output of this class
void writeOutput(std::ostream &output) const;
void writeOutput(ostream &output) const;
inline bool SymbolTable::Exist(const std::string &name) const
inline bool
SymbolTable::exists(const string &name) const
symboltable_const_iterator iter = symboltable.find(name);
return (iter != symboltable.end());
symbol_table_type::const_iterator iter = symbol_table.find(name);
return (iter != symbol_table.end());
inline std::string SymbolTable::getNameByID(Type type,int id) const
inline string
SymbolTable::getNameByID(Type type, int id) const throw (UnknownSymbolIDException)
if (id >= 0 && (int)name_table[type].size() > id)
else return "";
inline std::string SymbolTable::getTexNameByID(Type type,int id) const
if (id >= 0 && (int)tex_name_table[type].size() > id)
else return "";
inline Type SymbolTable::getType(const std::string &name) const
symboltable_const_iterator iter = symboltable.find(name);
if (iter == symboltable.end())
cerr << "SymbolTable::getType: unknwon symbol: " << name << endl;
inv_symbol_table_type::const_iterator iter = name_table.find(make_pair(type, id));
if (iter != name_table.end())
return iter->second;
return iter->second.type;
throw UnknownSymbolIDException(type, id);
inline int SymbolTable::getID(const std::string &name) const
inline string
SymbolTable::getTeXNameByID(Type type, int id) const throw (UnknownSymbolIDException)
symboltable_const_iterator iter = symboltable.find(name);
if (iter == symboltable.end())
return -1;
inv_symbol_table_type::const_iterator iter = tex_name_table.find(make_pair(type, id));
if (iter != tex_name_table.end())
return iter->second;
throw UnknownSymbolIDException(type, id);
inline Type
SymbolTable::getType(const string &name) const throw (UnknownSymbolNameException)
symbol_table_type::const_iterator iter = symbol_table.find(name);
if (iter != symbol_table.end())
return iter->second.first;
throw UnknownSymbolNameException(name);
inline int
SymbolTable::getID(const string &name) const throw (UnknownSymbolNameException)
symbol_table_type::const_iterator iter = symbol_table.find(name);
if (iter != symbol_table.end())
return iter->second.second;
throw UnknownSymbolNameException(name);

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
//! Symbol type enum
enum Type
eEndogenous = 0, //!< Endogenous
eExogenous = 1, //!< Exogenous
eExogenousDet = 2, //!< Exogenous deterministic (new)
eRecursiveVariable = 3, //!< Recursive variable (reserved for future use)
eParameter = 4, //!< Parameter
eModelLocalVariable = 10, //!< Local variable whose scope is model (pound expression)
eModFileLocalVariable = 11, //!< Local variable whose scope is mod file (model excluded)
eUnknownFunction = 12 //!< Function unknown to the preprocessor
struct Symbol
//! Symbol type
Type type;
//! Symbol ID : for each type
int id;
Symbol() : id(-1)