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@q $Id: smolyak.hweb 431 2005-08-16 15:41:01Z kamenik $ @>
@q Copyright 2005, Ondra Kamenik @>
@*2 Smolyak quadrature. This is {\tt smolyak.h} file
This file defines Smolyak (sparse grid) multidimensional quadrature
for non-nested underlying one dimensional quadrature. Let $Q^1_l$ denote
the one dimensional quadrature of $l$ level. Let $n_l$ denote a
number of points in the $l$ level. Than the Smolyak quadrature can be
defined as
$$Q^df=\sum_{l\leq\vert k\vert\leq l+d-1}(-1)^{l+d-\vert k\vert-1}\left(\matrix{d-1\cr
\vert k\vert-l}\right)(Q_{k_1}^1\otimes\ldots\otimes Q_{k_d}^1)f,$$
where $d$ is the dimension, $k$ is $d$-dimensional sequence of
integers, and $\vert k\vert$ denotes a sum of the sequence.
Here we define |smolpit| as Smolyak iterator and |SmolyakQuadrature|.
@s smolpit int
@s SmolyakQuadrature int
@s PascalTriangle int
@s SymmetrySet int
@s symiterator int
#ifndef SMOLYAK_H
#define SMOLYAK_H
#include "int_sequence.h"
#include "tl_static.h"
#include "vector_function.h"
#include "quadrature.h"
@<|smolpit| class declaration@>;
@<|SmolyakQuadrature| class declaration@>;
@ Here we define the Smolyak point iterator. The Smolyak formula can
be broken to a sum of product quadratures with various combinations of
levels. The iterator follows this pattern. It maintains an index to a
summand and then a point coordinates within the summand (product
quadrature). The array of summands to which the |isummand| points is
maintained by the |SmolyakQuadrature| class to which the object knows
the pointer |smolq|.
We provide a constructor which points to the beginning of the given
summand. This constructor is used in |SmolyakQuadrature::begin| method
which approximately divideds all the iterators to subsets of equal
@<|smolpit| class declaration@>=
class SmolyakQuadrature;
class smolpit {
const SmolyakQuadrature* smolq;
unsigned int isummand;
IntSequence* jseq;
ParameterSignal* sig;
Vector* p;
double w;
smolpit(const SmolyakQuadrature& q, unsigned int isum);
smolpit(const smolpit& spit);
bool operator==(const smolpit& spit) const;
bool operator!=(const smolpit& spit) const
{@+ return ! operator==(spit);@+}
const smolpit& operator=(const smolpit& spit);
smolpit& operator++();
const ParameterSignal& signal() const
{@+ return *sig;@+}
const Vector& point() const
{@+ return *p;@+}
double weight() const
{@+ return w;@+}
void print() const;
void setPointAndWeight();
@ Here we define the class |SmolyakQuadrature|. It maintains an array
of summands of the Smolyak quadrature formula:
$$\sum_{l\leq\vert k\vert\leq l+d-1}(-1)^{l+d-\vert
\vert k\vert-l}\right)(Q_{k_1}^1\otimes\ldots\otimes Q_{k_d}^1)f$$
Each summand is fully specified by sequence $k$. The summands are here
represented (besides $k$) also by sequence of number of points in each
level selected by $k$, and also by a cummulative number of
evaluations. The latter two are added only for conveniency.
The summands in the code are given by |levels|, which is a vector of
$k$ sequences, further by |levpoints| which is a vector of sequences
of nuber of points in each level, and by |cumevals| which is the
cumulative number of points, this is $\sum_k\prod_{i=1}^dn_{k_i}$,
where the sum is done through all $k$ before the current.
The |levels| and |levpoints| vectors are used by |smolpit|.
@<|SmolyakQuadrature| class declaration@>=
class SmolyakQuadrature : public QuadratureImpl<smolpit> {
friend class smolpit;
int level;
const OneDQuadrature& uquad;
vector<IntSequence> levels;
vector<IntSequence> levpoints;
vector<int> cumevals;
PascalTriangle psc;
SmolyakQuadrature(int d, int l, const OneDQuadrature& uq);
virtual ~SmolyakQuadrature()@+ {}
virtual int numEvals(int level) const;
void designLevelForEvals(int max_eval, int& lev, int& evals) const;
smolpit begin(int ti, int tn, int level) const;
unsigned int numSummands() const
{@+ return levels.size();@+}
int calcNumEvaluations(int level) const;
@ End of {\tt smolyak.h} file