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function [A,B] = kalman_transition_matrix(dr,iv,ic,aux)
% function [A,B] = kalman_transition_matrix(dr,iv,ic,aux)
% makes transition matrices out of ghx and ghu for Kalman filter
% dr: structure of decisions rules for stochastic simulations
% iv: selected variables
% ic: state variables position in the transition matrix columns
% aux: indices for auxiliary equations
% A: matrix of predetermined variables effects in linear solution (ghx)
% B: matrix of shocks effects in linear solution (ghu)
% none
% part of DYNARE, copyright Dynare Team (2003-2008)
% Gnu Public License.
global M_
n_iv = length(iv);
n_ir1 = size(aux,1);
nr = n_iv + n_ir1;
A = zeros(nr,nr);
B = zeros(nr,M_.exo_nbr);
i_n_iv = 1:n_iv;
A(i_n_iv,ic) = dr.ghx(iv,:);
if n_ir1 > 0
A(n_iv+1:end,:) = sparse(aux(:,1),aux(:,2),ones(n_ir1,1),n_ir1,nr);
B(i_n_iv,:) = dr.ghu(iv,:);
% $$$ function [A,B] = kalman_transition_matrix(dr)
% $$$ global M_
% $$$ nx = size(dr.ghx,2)+dr.nfwrd+dr.nstatic;
% $$$ kstate = dr.kstate;
% $$$ ikx = [dr.nstatic+1:dr.nstatic+dr.npred];
% $$$
% $$$ A = zeros(nx,nx);
% $$$ k0 = kstate(find(kstate(:,2) <= M_.maximum_lag+1),:);
% $$$ i0 = find(k0(:,2) == M_.maximum_lag+1);
% $$$ n0 = size(dr.ghx,1);
% $$$ A(1:n0,dr.nstatic+1:dr.nstatic+dr.npred) = dr.ghx(:,1:dr.npred);
% $$$ A(1:n0,dr.nstatic+dr.npred+dr.nfwrd+1:end) = dr.ghx(:,dr.npred+1:end);
% $$$ B = zeros(nx,M_.exo_nbr);
% $$$ B(1:n0,:) = dr.ghu;
% $$$ offset_col = dr.nstatic;
% $$$ for i=M_.maximum_lag:-1:2
% $$$ i1 = find(k0(:,2) == i);
% $$$ n1 = size(i1,1);
% $$$ j = zeros(n1,1);
% $$$ for j1 = 1:n1
% $$$ j(j1) = find(k0(i0,1)==k0(i1(j1),1));
% $$$ end
% $$$ if i == M_.maximum_lag-1
% $$$ offset_col = dr.nstatic+dr.nfwrd;
% $$$ end
% $$$ A(n0+i1-dr.npred,offset_col+i0(j))=eye(n1);
% $$$ i0 = i1;
% $$$ end